/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file stylehelper.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * Parts by Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) Copyright (C) 2009. * @brief * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * @defgroup * @{ * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "stylehelper.h" #include "hostosinfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include // Clamps float color values within (0, 255) static int clamp(float x) { const int val = x > 255 ? 255 : static_cast(x); return val < 0 ? 0 : val; } // Clamps float color values within (0, 255) /* static int range(float x, int min, int max) { int val = x > max ? max : x; return val < min ? min : val; } */ namespace Utils { QColor StyleHelper::mergedColors(const QColor &colorA, const QColor &colorB, int factor) { const int maxFactor = 100; QColor tmp = colorA; tmp.setRed((tmp.red() * factor) / maxFactor + (colorB.red() * (maxFactor - factor)) / maxFactor); tmp.setGreen((tmp.green() * factor) / maxFactor + (colorB.green() * (maxFactor - factor)) / maxFactor); tmp.setBlue((tmp.blue() * factor) / maxFactor + (colorB.blue() * (maxFactor - factor)) / maxFactor); return tmp; } qreal StyleHelper::sidebarFontSize() { return HostOsInfo::isMacHost() ? 10 : 7.5; } QPalette StyleHelper::sidebarFontPalette(const QPalette &original) { QPalette palette = original; palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text, panelTextColor()); palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText, panelTextColor()); palette.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Text, panelTextColor().darker()); palette.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::WindowText, panelTextColor().darker()); return palette; } QColor StyleHelper::panelTextColor(bool lightColored) { // qApp->palette().highlightedText().color(); if (!lightColored) { return Qt::white; } else { return Qt::black; } } // Invalid by default, setBaseColor needs to be called at least once QColor StyleHelper::m_baseColor; QColor StyleHelper::m_requestedBaseColor; QColor StyleHelper::baseColor(bool lightColored) { if (!lightColored) { return m_baseColor; } else { return m_baseColor.lighter(230); } } QColor StyleHelper::highlightColor(bool lightColored) { QColor result = baseColor(lightColored); if (!lightColored) { result.setHsv(result.hue(), clamp(result.saturation()), clamp(result.value() * 1.16)); } else { result.setHsv(result.hue(), clamp(result.saturation()), clamp(result.value() * 1.06)); } return result; } QColor StyleHelper::shadowColor(bool lightColored) { QColor result = baseColor(lightColored); result.setHsv(result.hue(), clamp(result.saturation() * 1.1), clamp(result.value() * 0.70)); return result; } QColor StyleHelper::borderColor(bool lightColored) { QColor result = baseColor(lightColored); result.setHsv(result.hue(), result.saturation(), result.value() / 2); return result; } // We try to ensure that the actual color used are within // reasonalbe bounds while generating the actual baseColor // from the users request. void StyleHelper::setBaseColor(const QColor &newcolor) { m_requestedBaseColor = newcolor; QColor color; color.setHsv(newcolor.hue(), newcolor.saturation() * 0.7, 64 + newcolor.value() / 3); if (color.isValid() && color != m_baseColor) { m_baseColor = color; foreach(QWidget * w, QApplication::topLevelWidgets()) w->update(); } } static void verticalGradientHelper(QPainter *p, const QRect &spanRect, const QRect &rect, bool lightColored) { QColor highlight = StyleHelper::highlightColor(lightColored); QColor shadow = StyleHelper::shadowColor(lightColored); QLinearGradient grad(spanRect.topRight(), spanRect.topLeft()); grad.setColorAt(0, highlight.lighter(117)); grad.setColorAt(1, shadow.darker(109)); p->fillRect(rect, grad); QColor light(255, 255, 255, 80); p->setPen(light); p->drawLine(rect.topRight() - QPoint(1, 0), rect.bottomRight() - QPoint(1, 0)); QColor dark(0, 0, 0, 90); p->setPen(dark); p->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); } void StyleHelper::verticalGradient(QPainter *painter, const QRect &spanRect, const QRect &clipRect, bool lightColored) { if (StyleHelper::usePixmapCache()) { QString key; QColor keyColor = baseColor(lightColored); key.sprintf("mh_vertical %d %d %d %d %d", spanRect.width(), spanRect.height(), clipRect.width(), clipRect.height(), keyColor.rgb());; QPixmap pixmap; if (!QPixmapCache::find(key, pixmap)) { pixmap = QPixmap(clipRect.size()); QPainter p(&pixmap); QRect rect(0, 0, clipRect.width(), clipRect.height()); verticalGradientHelper(&p, spanRect, rect, lightColored); p.end(); QPixmapCache::insert(key, pixmap); } painter->drawPixmap(clipRect.topLeft(), pixmap); } else { verticalGradientHelper(painter, spanRect, clipRect, lightColored); } } static void horizontalGradientHelper(QPainter *p, const QRect &spanRect, const QRect &rect, bool lightColored) { if (lightColored) { QLinearGradient shadowGradient(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); shadowGradient.setColorAt(0, 0xf0f0f0); shadowGradient.setColorAt(1, 0xcfcfcf); p->fillRect(rect, shadowGradient); return; } QColor base = StyleHelper::baseColor(lightColored); QColor highlight = StyleHelper::highlightColor(lightColored); QColor shadow = StyleHelper::shadowColor(lightColored); QLinearGradient grad(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); grad.setColorAt(0, highlight.lighter(120)); if (rect.height() == StyleHelper::navigationWidgetHeight()) { grad.setColorAt(0.4, highlight); grad.setColorAt(0.401, base); } grad.setColorAt(1, shadow); p->fillRect(rect, grad); QLinearGradient shadowGradient(spanRect.topLeft(), spanRect.topRight()); shadowGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(0, 0, 0, 30)); QColor lighterHighlight; lighterHighlight = highlight.lighter(130); lighterHighlight.setAlpha(100); shadowGradient.setColorAt(0.7, lighterHighlight); shadowGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 0, 0, 40)); p->fillRect(rect, shadowGradient); } void StyleHelper::horizontalGradient(QPainter *painter, const QRect &spanRect, const QRect &clipRect, bool lightColored) { if (StyleHelper::usePixmapCache()) { QString key; QColor keyColor = baseColor(lightColored); key.sprintf("mh_horizontal %d %d %d %d %d %d", spanRect.width(), spanRect.height(), clipRect.width(), clipRect.height(), keyColor.rgb(), spanRect.x()); QPixmap pixmap; if (!QPixmapCache::find(key, pixmap)) { pixmap = QPixmap(clipRect.size()); QPainter p(&pixmap); QRect rect = QRect(0, 0, clipRect.width(), clipRect.height()); horizontalGradientHelper(&p, spanRect, rect, lightColored); p.end(); QPixmapCache::insert(key, pixmap); } painter->drawPixmap(clipRect.topLeft(), pixmap); } else { horizontalGradientHelper(painter, spanRect, clipRect, lightColored); } } static void menuGradientHelper(QPainter *p, const QRect &spanRect, const QRect &rect) { QLinearGradient grad(spanRect.topLeft(), spanRect.bottomLeft()); QColor menuColor = StyleHelper::mergedColors(StyleHelper::baseColor(), QColor(244, 244, 244), 25); grad.setColorAt(0, menuColor.lighter(112)); grad.setColorAt(1, menuColor); p->fillRect(rect, grad); } void StyleHelper::drawArrow(QStyle::PrimitiveElement element, QPainter *painter, const QStyleOption *option) { // From windowsstyle but modified to enable AA if (option->rect.width() <= 1 || option->rect.height() <= 1) { return; } QRect r = option->rect; int size = qMin(r.height(), r.width()); QPixmap pixmap; QString pixmapName; pixmapName.sprintf("arrow-%s-%d-%d-%d-%lld", "$qt_ia", uint(option->state), element, size, option->palette.cacheKey()); if (!QPixmapCache::find(pixmapName, pixmap)) { int border = size / 5; int sqsize = 2 * (size / 2); QImage image(sqsize, sqsize, QImage::Format_ARGB32); image.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter imagePainter(&image); imagePainter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); imagePainter.translate(0.5, 0.5); QPolygon a; switch (element) { case QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowUp: a.setPoints(3, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize / 2, border, sqsize - border, sqsize / 2); break; case QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowDown: a.setPoints(3, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize / 2, sqsize - border, sqsize - border, sqsize / 2); break; case QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowRight: a.setPoints(3, sqsize - border, sqsize / 2, sqsize / 2, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize - border); break; case QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowLeft: a.setPoints(3, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize / 2, border, sqsize / 2, sqsize - border); break; default: break; } int bsx = 0; int bsy = 0; if (option->state & QStyle::State_Sunken) { bsx = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal); bsy = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftVertical); } QRect bounds = a.boundingRect(); int sx = sqsize / 2 - bounds.center().x() - 1; int sy = sqsize / 2 - bounds.center().y() - 1; imagePainter.translate(sx + bsx, sy + bsy); if (!(option->state & QStyle::State_Enabled)) { QColor foreGround(150, 150, 150, 150); imagePainter.setBrush(option->palette.mid().color()); imagePainter.setPen(option->palette.mid().color()); } else { QColor shadow(0, 0, 0, 100); imagePainter.translate(0, 1); imagePainter.setPen(shadow); imagePainter.setBrush(shadow); QColor foreGround(255, 255, 255, 210); imagePainter.drawPolygon(a); imagePainter.translate(0, -1); imagePainter.setPen(foreGround); imagePainter.setBrush(foreGround); } imagePainter.drawPolygon(a); imagePainter.end(); pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image); QPixmapCache::insert(pixmapName, pixmap); } int xOffset = r.x() + (r.width() - size) / 2; int yOffset = r.y() + (r.height() - size) / 2; painter->drawPixmap(xOffset, yOffset, pixmap); } void StyleHelper::menuGradient(QPainter *painter, const QRect &spanRect, const QRect &clipRect) { if (StyleHelper::usePixmapCache()) { QString key; key.sprintf("mh_menu %d %d %d %d %d", spanRect.width(), spanRect.height(), clipRect.width(), clipRect.height(), StyleHelper::baseColor().rgb()); QPixmap pixmap; if (!QPixmapCache::find(key, pixmap)) { pixmap = QPixmap(clipRect.size()); QPainter p(&pixmap); QRect rect = QRect(0, 0, clipRect.width(), clipRect.height()); menuGradientHelper(&p, spanRect, rect); p.end(); QPixmapCache::insert(key, pixmap); } painter->drawPixmap(clipRect.topLeft(), pixmap); } else { menuGradientHelper(painter, spanRect, clipRect); } } static qreal pixmapDevicePixelRatio(const QPixmap &pixmap) { #if QT_VERSION > 0x050000 return pixmap.devicePixelRatio(); #else Q_UNUSED(pixmap); return 1.0; #endif } // Draws a cached pixmap with shadow void StyleHelper::drawIconWithShadow(const QIcon &icon, const QRect &rect, QPainter *p, QIcon::Mode iconMode, int dipRadius, const QColor &color, const QPoint &dipOffset) { QPixmap cache; QString pixmapName = QString::fromLatin1("icon %0 %1 %2").arg(icon.cacheKey()).arg(iconMode).arg(rect.height()); if (!QPixmapCache::find(pixmapName, cache)) { // High-dpi support: The in parameters (rect, radius, offset) are in // device-independent pixels. The call to QIcon::pixmap() below might // return a high-dpi pixmap, which will in that case have a devicePixelRatio // different than 1. The shadow drawing caluculations are done in device // pixels. QPixmap px = icon.pixmap(rect.size()); int devicePixelRatio = qCeil(pixmapDevicePixelRatio(px)); int radius = dipRadius * devicePixelRatio; QPoint offset = dipOffset * devicePixelRatio; cache = QPixmap(px.size() + QSize(radius * 2, radius * 2)); cache.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter cachePainter(&cache); if (iconMode == QIcon::Disabled) { QImage im = px.toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); ++y) { QRgb *scanLine = (QRgb *)im.scanLine(y); for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); ++x) { QRgb pixel = *scanLine; char intensity = qGray(pixel); *scanLine = qRgba(intensity, intensity, intensity, qAlpha(pixel)); ++scanLine; } } px = QPixmap::fromImage(im); } // Draw shadow QImage tmp(px.size() + QSize(radius * 2, radius * 2 + 1), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); tmp.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter tmpPainter(&tmp); tmpPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); tmpPainter.drawPixmap(QRect(radius, radius, px.width(), px.height()), px); tmpPainter.end(); // blur the alpha channel QImage blurred(tmp.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); blurred.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter blurPainter(&blurred); qt_blurImage(&blurPainter, tmp, radius, false, true); blurPainter.end(); tmp = blurred; // blacken the image... tmpPainter.begin(&tmp); tmpPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceIn); tmpPainter.fillRect(tmp.rect(), color); tmpPainter.end(); tmpPainter.begin(&tmp); tmpPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceIn); tmpPainter.fillRect(tmp.rect(), color); tmpPainter.end(); // draw the blurred drop shadow... cachePainter.drawImage(QRect(0, 0, cache.rect().width(), cache.rect().height()), tmp); // Draw the actual pixmap... cachePainter.drawPixmap(QRect(QPoint(radius, radius) + offset, QSize(px.width(), px.height())), px); #if QT_VERSION > 0x050000 cache.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio); #endif QPixmapCache::insert(pixmapName, cache); } QRect targetRect = cache.rect(); targetRect.setSize(targetRect.size() / pixmapDevicePixelRatio(cache)); targetRect.moveCenter(rect.center() - dipOffset); p->drawPixmap(targetRect, cache); } // Draws a CSS-like border image where the defined borders are not stretched void StyleHelper::drawCornerImage(const QImage &img, QPainter *painter, QRect rect, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { QSize size = img.size(); if (top > 0) { // top painter->drawImage(QRect(rect.left() + left, rect.top(), rect.width() - right - left, top), img, QRect(left, 0, size.width() - right - left, top)); if (left > 0) { // top-left painter->drawImage(QRect(rect.left(), rect.top(), left, top), img, QRect(0, 0, left, top)); } if (right > 0) { // top-right painter->drawImage(QRect(rect.left() + rect.width() - right, rect.top(), right, top), img, QRect(size.width() - right, 0, right, top)); } } // left if (left > 0) { painter->drawImage(QRect(rect.left(), rect.top() + top, left, rect.height() - top - bottom), img, QRect(0, top, left, size.height() - bottom - top)); } // center painter->drawImage(QRect(rect.left() + left, rect.top() + top, rect.width() - right - left, rect.height() - bottom - top), img, QRect(left, top, size.width() - right - left, size.height() - bottom - top)); if (right > 0) { // right painter->drawImage(QRect(rect.left() + rect.width() - right, rect.top() + top, right, rect.height() - top - bottom), img, QRect(size.width() - right, top, right, size.height() - bottom - top)); } if (bottom > 0) { // bottom painter->drawImage(QRect(rect.left() + left, rect.top() + rect.height() - bottom, rect.width() - right - left, bottom), img, QRect(left, size.height() - bottom, size.width() - right - left, bottom)); if (left > 0) { // bottom-left painter->drawImage(QRect(rect.left(), rect.top() + rect.height() - bottom, left, bottom), img, QRect(0, size.height() - bottom, left, bottom)); } if (right > 0) { // bottom-right painter->drawImage(QRect(rect.left() + rect.width() - right, rect.top() + rect.height() - bottom, right, bottom), img, QRect(size.width() - right, size.height() - bottom, right, bottom)); } } } // Tints an image with tintColor, while preserving alpha and lightness void StyleHelper::tintImage(QImage &img, const QColor &tintColor) { QPainter p(&img); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Screen); for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); ++y) { QRgb rgbColor = img.pixel(x, y); int alpha = qAlpha(rgbColor); QColor c = QColor(rgbColor); if (alpha > 0) { c.toHsl(); qreal l = c.lightnessF(); QColor newColor = QColor::fromHslF(tintColor.hslHueF(), tintColor.hslSaturationF(), l); newColor.setAlpha(alpha); img.setPixel(x, y, newColor.rgba()); } } } } QLinearGradient StyleHelper::statusBarGradient(const QRect &statusBarRect) { QLinearGradient grad(statusBarRect.topLeft(), QPoint(statusBarRect.center().x(), statusBarRect.bottom())); QColor startColor = shadowColor().darker(164); QColor endColor = baseColor().darker(130); grad.setColorAt(0, startColor); grad.setColorAt(1, endColor); return grad; } } // namespace Utils