/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file flightdatamodel.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2012. * @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins * @{ * @addtogroup OPMapPlugin OpenPilot Map Plugin * @{ * @brief The OpenPilot Map plugin *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "flightdatamodel.h" #include #include flightDataModel::flightDataModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractTableModel(parent) {} int flightDataModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex & /*parent*/) const { return dataStorage.length(); } int flightDataModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) { return 0; } return 23; } QVariant flightDataModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole) { int rowNumber = index.row(); int columnNumber = index.column(); if (rowNumber > dataStorage.length() - 1 || rowNumber < 0) { return QVariant::Invalid; } pathPlanData *myRow = dataStorage.at(rowNumber); QVariant ret = getColumnByIndex(myRow, columnNumber); return ret; } /* else if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole) { // WaypointActive::DataFields waypointActive = waypointActiveObj->getData(); if(index.row() == waypointActive.Index) { return QBrush(Qt::lightGray); } else return QVariant::Invalid; }*/ else { return QVariant::Invalid; } } bool flightDataModel::setColumnByIndex(pathPlanData *row, const int index, const QVariant value) { switch (index) { case WPDESCRITPTION: row->wpDescritption = value.toString(); return true; break; case LATPOSITION: row->latPosition = value.toDouble(); return true; break; case LNGPOSITION: row->lngPosition = value.toDouble(); return true; break; case DISRELATIVE: row->disRelative = value.toDouble(); return true; break; case BEARELATIVE: row->beaRelative = value.toDouble(); return true; break; case ALTITUDERELATIVE: row->altitudeRelative = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case ISRELATIVE: row->isRelative = value.toBool(); return true; break; case ALTITUDE: row->altitude = value.toDouble(); return true; break; case VELOCITY: row->velocity = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case MODE: row->mode = value.toInt(); return true; break; case MODE_PARAMS0: row->mode_params[0] = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case MODE_PARAMS1: row->mode_params[1] = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case MODE_PARAMS2: row->mode_params[2] = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case MODE_PARAMS3: row->mode_params[3] = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case CONDITION: row->condition = value.toInt(); return true; break; case CONDITION_PARAMS0: row->condition_params[0] = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case CONDITION_PARAMS1: row->condition_params[1] = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case CONDITION_PARAMS2: row->condition_params[2] = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case CONDITION_PARAMS3: row->condition_params[3] = value.toFloat(); return true; break; case COMMAND: row->command = value.toInt(); break; case JUMPDESTINATION: row->jumpdestination = value.toInt(); return true; break; case ERRORDESTINATION: row->errordestination = value.toInt(); return true; break; case LOCKED: row->locked = value.toBool(); return true; break; default: return false; } return false; } QVariant flightDataModel::getColumnByIndex(const pathPlanData *row, const int index) const { switch (index) { case WPDESCRITPTION: return row->wpDescritption; break; case LATPOSITION: return row->latPosition; break; case LNGPOSITION: return row->lngPosition; break; case DISRELATIVE: return row->disRelative; break; case BEARELATIVE: return row->beaRelative; break; case ALTITUDERELATIVE: return row->altitudeRelative; break; case ISRELATIVE: return row->isRelative; break; case ALTITUDE: return row->altitude; break; case VELOCITY: return row->velocity; break; case MODE: return row->mode; break; case MODE_PARAMS0: return row->mode_params[0]; break; case MODE_PARAMS1: return row->mode_params[1]; break; case MODE_PARAMS2: return row->mode_params[2]; break; case MODE_PARAMS3: return row->mode_params[3]; break; case CONDITION: return row->condition; break; case CONDITION_PARAMS0: return row->condition_params[0]; break; case CONDITION_PARAMS1: return row->condition_params[1]; break; case CONDITION_PARAMS2: return row->condition_params[2]; break; case CONDITION_PARAMS3: return row->condition_params[3]; break; case COMMAND: return row->command; break; case JUMPDESTINATION: return row->jumpdestination; break; case ERRORDESTINATION: return row->errordestination; break; case LOCKED: return row->locked; } return NULL; } QVariant flightDataModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) { return QString::number(section + 1); } else if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) { switch (section) { case WPDESCRITPTION: return QString("Description"); break; case LATPOSITION: return QString("Latitude"); break; case LNGPOSITION: return QString("Longitude"); break; case DISRELATIVE: return QString("Distance to home"); break; case BEARELATIVE: return QString("Bearing from home"); break; case ALTITUDERELATIVE: return QString("Altitude above home"); break; case ISRELATIVE: return QString("Relative to home"); break; case ALTITUDE: return QString("Altitude"); break; case VELOCITY: return QString("Velocity"); break; case MODE: return QString("Mode"); break; case MODE_PARAMS0: return QString("Mode parameter 0"); break; case MODE_PARAMS1: return QString("Mode parameter 1"); break; case MODE_PARAMS2: return QString("Mode parameter 2"); break; case MODE_PARAMS3: return QString("Mode parameter 3"); break; case CONDITION: return QString("Condition"); break; case CONDITION_PARAMS0: return QString("Condition parameter 0"); break; case CONDITION_PARAMS1: return QString("Condition parameter 1"); break; case CONDITION_PARAMS2: return QString("Condition parameter 2"); break; case CONDITION_PARAMS3: return QString("Condition parameter 3"); break; case COMMAND: return QString("Command"); break; case JUMPDESTINATION: return QString("Jump Destination"); break; case ERRORDESTINATION: return QString("Error Destination"); break; case LOCKED: return QString("Locked"); break; default: return QString(); break; } } } else { return QAbstractTableModel::headerData(section, orientation, role); } return NULL; } bool flightDataModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (role == Qt::EditRole) { int columnIndex = index.column(); int rowIndex = index.row(); if (rowIndex > dataStorage.length() - 1) { return false; } pathPlanData *myRow = dataStorage.at(rowIndex); setColumnByIndex(myRow, columnIndex, value); emit dataChanged(index, index); } return true; } Qt::ItemFlags flightDataModel::flags(const QModelIndex & /*index*/) const { return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; } bool flightDataModel::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex & /*parent*/) { pathPlanData *data; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row + count - 1); for (int x = 0; x < count; ++x) { data = new pathPlanData; data->latPosition = 0; data->lngPosition = 0; data->disRelative = 0; data->beaRelative = 0; data->altitudeRelative = 0; data->isRelative = true; data->altitude = 0; data->velocity = 0; data->mode = 1; data->mode_params[0] = 0; data->mode_params[1] = 0; data->mode_params[2] = 0; data->mode_params[3] = 0; data->condition = 3; data->condition_params[0] = 0; data->condition_params[1] = 0; data->condition_params[2] = 0; data->condition_params[3] = 0; data->command = 0; data->jumpdestination = 0; data->errordestination = 0; data->locked = false; if (rowCount() > 0) { data->altitude = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, ALTITUDE)).toDouble(); data->altitudeRelative = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, ALTITUDERELATIVE)).toDouble(); data->isRelative = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, ISRELATIVE)).toBool(); data->velocity = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, VELOCITY)).toFloat(); data->mode = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, MODE)).toInt(); data->mode_params[0] = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, MODE_PARAMS0)).toFloat(); data->mode_params[1] = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, MODE_PARAMS1)).toFloat(); data->mode_params[2] = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, MODE_PARAMS2)).toFloat(); data->mode_params[3] = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, MODE_PARAMS3)).toFloat(); data->condition = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, CONDITION)).toInt(); data->condition_params[0] = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, CONDITION_PARAMS0)).toFloat(); data->condition_params[1] = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, CONDITION_PARAMS1)).toFloat(); data->condition_params[2] = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, CONDITION_PARAMS2)).toFloat(); data->condition_params[3] = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, CONDITION_PARAMS3)).toFloat(); data->command = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, COMMAND)).toInt(); data->errordestination = this->data(this->index(rowCount() - 1, ERRORDESTINATION)).toInt(); } dataStorage.insert(row, data); } endInsertRows(); return true; } bool flightDataModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex & /*parent*/) { if (row < 0 || count <= 0) { return false; } beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row + count - 1); for (int x = 0; x < count; ++x) { delete dataStorage.at(row); dataStorage.removeAt(row); } endRemoveRows(); return true; } bool flightDataModel::writeToFile(QString fileName) { QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::information(NULL, tr("Unable to open file"), file.errorString()); return false; } QDataStream out(&file); QDomDocument doc("PathPlan"); QDomElement root = doc.createElement("waypoints"); doc.appendChild(root); foreach(pathPlanData * obj, dataStorage) { QDomElement waypoint = doc.createElement("waypoint"); waypoint.setAttribute("number", dataStorage.indexOf(obj)); root.appendChild(waypoint); QDomElement field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->wpDescritption); field.setAttribute("name", "description"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->latPosition); field.setAttribute("name", "latitude"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->lngPosition); field.setAttribute("name", "longitude"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->disRelative); field.setAttribute("name", "distance_to_home"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->beaRelative); field.setAttribute("name", "bearing_from_home"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->altitudeRelative); field.setAttribute("name", "altitude_above_home"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->isRelative); field.setAttribute("name", "is_relative_to_home"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->altitude); field.setAttribute("name", "altitude"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->velocity); field.setAttribute("name", "velocity"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->mode); field.setAttribute("name", "mode"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->mode_params[0]); field.setAttribute("name", "mode_param0"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->mode_params[1]); field.setAttribute("name", "mode_param1"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->mode_params[2]); field.setAttribute("name", "mode_param2"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->mode_params[3]); field.setAttribute("name", "mode_param3"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->condition); field.setAttribute("name", "condition"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->condition_params[0]); field.setAttribute("name", "condition_param0"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->condition_params[1]); field.setAttribute("name", "condition_param1"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->condition_params[2]); field.setAttribute("name", "condition_param2"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->condition_params[3]); field.setAttribute("name", "condition_param3"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->command); field.setAttribute("name", "command"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->jumpdestination); field.setAttribute("name", "jumpdestination"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->errordestination); field.setAttribute("name", "errordestination"); waypoint.appendChild(field); field = doc.createElement("field"); field.setAttribute("value", obj->locked); field.setAttribute("name", "is_locked"); waypoint.appendChild(field); } file.write(doc.toString().toLatin1()); file.close(); return true; } void flightDataModel::readFromFile(QString fileName) { // TODO warning message removeRows(0, rowCount()); QFile file(fileName); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QDomDocument doc("PathPlan"); QByteArray array = file.readAll(); QString error; if (!doc.setContent(array, &error)) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("File Parsing Failed.")); msgBox.setInformativeText(QString(tr("This file is not a correct XML file:%0")).arg(error)); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); return; } file.close(); QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); if (root.isNull() || (root.tagName() != "waypoints")) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("Wrong file contents")); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("This file does not contain correct UAVSettings")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); return; } pathPlanData *data = NULL; QDomNode node = root.firstChild(); while (!node.isNull()) { QDomElement e = node.toElement(); if (e.tagName() == "waypoint") { QDomNode fieldNode = e.firstChild(); data = new pathPlanData; while (!fieldNode.isNull()) { QDomElement field = fieldNode.toElement(); if (field.tagName() == "field") { if (field.attribute("name") == "altitude") { data->altitude = field.attribute("value").toDouble(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "description") { data->wpDescritption = field.attribute("value"); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "latitude") { data->latPosition = field.attribute("value").toDouble(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "longitude") { data->lngPosition = field.attribute("value").toDouble(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "distance_to_home") { data->disRelative = field.attribute("value").toDouble(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "bearing_from_home") { data->beaRelative = field.attribute("value").toDouble(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "altitude_above_home") { data->altitudeRelative = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "is_relative_to_home") { data->isRelative = field.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "altitude") { data->altitude = field.attribute("value").toDouble(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "velocity") { data->velocity = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "mode") { data->mode = field.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "mode_param0") { data->mode_params[0] = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "mode_param1") { data->mode_params[1] = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "mode_param2") { data->mode_params[2] = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "mode_param3") { data->mode_params[3] = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "condition") { data->condition = field.attribute("value").toDouble(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "condition_param0") { data->condition_params[0] = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "condition_param1") { data->condition_params[1] = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "condition_param2") { data->condition_params[2] = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "condition_param3") { data->condition_params[3] = field.attribute("value").toFloat(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "command") { data->command = field.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "jumpdestination") { data->jumpdestination = field.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "errordestination") { data->errordestination = field.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if (field.attribute("name") == "is_locked") { data->locked = field.attribute("value").toInt(); } } fieldNode = fieldNode.nextSibling(); } beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), dataStorage.length(), dataStorage.length()); dataStorage.append(data); endInsertRows(); } node = node.nextSibling(); } }