/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : usb_conf.h * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V3.2.1 * Date : 07/05/2010 * Description : Custom HID demo configuration file ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __USB_CONF_H #define __USB_CONF_H /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */ /* External variables --------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef STM32F10X_CL /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* -------------- Buffer Description Table -----------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* buffer table base address */ #define BTABLE_ADDRESS (0x00) /* EP0 (Control) */ /* rx/tx buffer base address */ #define ENDP0_RXADDR (0x20) #define ENDP0_TXADDR (0x40) /* EP1 (HID) */ /* rx/tx buffer base address */ #define ENDP1_TXADDR (0x60) #define ENDP1_RXADDR (0x80) /* EP2 (CDC Call Control) */ /* rx/tx buffer base address */ #define ENDP2_TXADDR (0x100) #define ENDP2_RXADDR (0x140) /* EP3 (CDC Data) */ /* rx/tx buffer base address */ #define ENDP3_TXADDR (0x180) #define ENDP3_RXADDR (0x1C0) /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ------------------- ISTR events -------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* IMR_MSK */ /* mask defining which events has to be handled */ /* by the device application software */ #define IMR_MSK \ (CNTR_CTRM | CNTR_WKUPM | CNTR_SUSPM | CNTR_ERRM | CNTR_SOFM \ | CNTR_ESOFM | CNTR_RESETM) #endif /* STM32F10X_CL */ #ifdef STM32F10X_CL /******************************************************************************* * FIFO Size Configuration * * (i) Dedicated data FIFO SPRAM of 1.25 Kbytes = 1280 bytes = 320 32-bits words * available for the endpoints IN and OUT. * Device mode features: * -1 bidirectional CTRL EP 0 * -3 IN EPs to support any kind of Bulk, Interrupt or Isochronous transfer * -3 OUT EPs to support any kind of Bulk, Interrupt or Isochronous transfer * * ii) Receive data FIFO size = RAM for setup packets + * OUT endpoint control information + * data OUT packets + miscellaneous * Space = ONE 32-bits words * --> RAM for setup packets = 4 * n + 6 space * (n is the nbr of CTRL EPs the device core supports) * --> OUT EP CTRL info = 1 space * (one space for status information written to the FIFO along with each * received packet) * --> data OUT packets = (Largest Packet Size / 4) + 1 spaces * (MINIMUM to receive packets) * --> OR data OUT packets = at least 2*(Largest Packet Size / 4) + 1 spaces * (if high-bandwidth EP is enabled or multiple isochronous EPs) * --> miscellaneous = 1 space per OUT EP * (one space for transfer complete status information also pushed to the * FIFO with each endpoint's last packet) * * (iii)MINIMUM RAM space required for each IN EP Tx FIFO = MAX packet size for * that particular IN EP. More space allocated in the IN EP Tx FIFO results * in a better performance on the USB and can hide latencies on the AHB. * * (iv) TXn min size = 16 words. (n : Transmit FIFO index) * (v) When a TxFIFO is not used, the Configuration should be as follows: * case 1 : n > m and Txn is not used (n,m : Transmit FIFO indexes) * --> Txm can use the space allocated for Txn. * case2 : n < m and Txn is not used (n,m : Transmit FIFO indexes) * --> Txn should be configured with the minimum space of 16 words * (vi) The FIFO is used optimally when used TxFIFOs are allocated in the top * of the FIFO.Ex: use EP1 and EP2 as IN instead of EP1 and EP3 as IN ones. *******************************************************************************/ #define RX_FIFO_SIZE 128 #define TX0_FIFO_SIZE 64 #define TX1_FIFO_SIZE 64 #define TX2_FIFO_SIZE 16 #define TX3_FIFO_SIZE 16 /* OTGD-FS-DEVICE IP interrupts Enable definitions */ /* Uncomment the define to enable the selected interrupt */ // #define INTR_MODEMISMATCH #define INTR_SOFINTR #define INTR_RXSTSQLVL /* Mandatory */ // #define INTR_NPTXFEMPTY // #define INTR_GINNAKEFF // #define INTR_GOUTNAKEFF // #define INTR_ERLYSUSPEND #define INTR_USBSUSPEND /* Mandatory */ #define INTR_USBRESET /* Mandatory */ #define INTR_ENUMDONE /* Mandatory */ // #define INTR_ISOOUTDROP // #define INTR_EOPFRAME // #define INTR_EPMISMATCH #define INTR_INEPINTR /* Mandatory */ #define INTR_OUTEPINTR /* Mandatory */ // #define INTR_INCOMPLISOIN // #define INTR_INCOMPLISOOUT #define INTR_WKUPINTR /* Mandatory */ /* OTGD-FS-DEVICE IP interrupts subroutines */ /* Comment the define to enable the selected interrupt subroutine and replace it by user code */ #define INTR_MODEMISMATCH_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_SOFINTR_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_RXSTSQLVL_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_NPTXFEMPTY_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_NPTXFEMPTY_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_GINNAKEFF_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_GOUTNAKEFF_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_ERLYSUSPEND_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_USBSUSPEND_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_USBRESET_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_ENUMDONE_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_ISOOUTDROP_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_EOPFRAME_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_EPMISMATCH_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_INEPINTR_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_OUTEPINTR_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_INCOMPLISOIN_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_INCOMPLISOOUT_Callback NOP_Process #define INTR_WKUPINTR_Callback NOP_Process /* Isochronous data update */ #define INTR_RXSTSQLVL_ISODU_Callback NOP_Process /* Isochronous transfer parameters */ /* Size of a single Isochronous buffer (size of a single transfer) */ #define ISOC_BUFFER_SZE 1 /* Number of sub-buffers (number of single buffers/transfers), should be even */ #define NUM_SUB_BUFFERS 2 #endif /* STM32F10X_CL */ /* CTR service routines */ /* associated to defined endpoints */ #define EP1_IN_Callback NOP_Process #define EP2_IN_Callback NOP_Process #define EP3_IN_Callback NOP_Process #define EP4_IN_Callback NOP_Process #define EP5_IN_Callback NOP_Process #define EP6_IN_Callback NOP_Process #define EP7_IN_Callback NOP_Process #define EP1_OUT_Callback NOP_Process #define EP2_OUT_Callback NOP_Process #define EP3_OUT_Callback NOP_Process #define EP4_OUT_Callback NOP_Process #define EP5_OUT_Callback NOP_Process #define EP6_OUT_Callback NOP_Process #define EP7_OUT_Callback NOP_Process #endif /*__USB_CONF_H*/ /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/