 * @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer
 * @{
 * @addtogroup PIOS_FLASH Flash device handler
 * @{
 * @file       pios_flash_w25x.c
 * @author     The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
 * @author     PhoenixPilot, http://github.com/PhoenixPilot, Copyright (C) 2012
 * @brief      Driver for talking to W25X flash chip (and most JEDEC chips)
 * @see        The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

#include "pios.h"


#include "pios_flash_jedec_priv.h"
#include "pios_flash_jedec_catalog.h"

#define JEDEC_WRITE_ENABLE           0x06
#define JEDEC_WRITE_DISABLE          0x04
#define JEDEC_READ_STATUS            0x05
#define JEDEC_WRITE_STATUS           0x01
#define JEDEC_READ_DATA              0x03
#define JEDEC_FAST_READ              0x0b
#define JEDEC_DEVICE_ID              0x9F
#define JEDEC_PAGE_WRITE             0x02

#define JEDEC_STATUS_BUSY            0x01
#define JEDEC_STATUS_BP0             0x04
#define JEDEC_STATUS_BP1             0x08
#define JEDEC_STATUS_BP2             0x10
#define JEDEC_STATUS_TP              0x20
#define JEDEC_STATUS_SEC             0x40
#define JEDEC_STATUS_SRP0            0x80

enum pios_jedec_dev_magic {
	PIOS_JEDEC_DEV_MAGIC = 0xcb55aa55,

//! Device handle structure
struct jedec_flash_dev {
	uint32_t spi_id;
	uint32_t slave_num;
	bool claimed;

	uint8_t manufacturer;
	uint8_t memorytype;
	uint8_t capacity;

	const struct pios_flash_jedec_cfg * cfg;
#if defined(FLASH_FREERTOS)
	xSemaphoreHandle transaction_lock;
	enum pios_jedec_dev_magic magic;

//! Private functions
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Validate(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev);
static struct jedec_flash_dev * PIOS_Flash_Jedec_alloc(void);

static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReadID(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev);
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReadStatus(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev);
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev);
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReleaseBus(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev);
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteEnable(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev);
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Busy(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev);

 * @brief Allocate a new device
static struct jedec_flash_dev * PIOS_Flash_Jedec_alloc(void)
	struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev;

	flash_dev = (struct jedec_flash_dev *)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(*flash_dev));
	if (!flash_dev) return (NULL);

	flash_dev->claimed = false;
	flash_dev->magic = PIOS_JEDEC_DEV_MAGIC;
#if defined(FLASH_FREERTOS)
	flash_dev->transaction_lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();

 * @brief Validate the handle to the spi device
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Validate(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev) {
	if (flash_dev == NULL)
		return -1;
	if (flash_dev->magic != PIOS_JEDEC_DEV_MAGIC)
		return -2;
	if (flash_dev->spi_id == 0)
		return -3;
	return 0;

 * @brief Initialize the flash device and enable write access
int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Init(uintptr_t * flash_id, uint32_t spi_id, uint32_t slave_num)
	struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_alloc();
	if (!flash_dev) {
		return -1;

	flash_dev->spi_id = spi_id;
	flash_dev->slave_num = slave_num;
	flash_dev->cfg = NULL;

	(void) PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReadID(flash_dev);

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pios_flash_jedec_catalog_size; ++i) {
		const struct pios_flash_jedec_cfg flash_jedec_entry = pios_flash_jedec_catalog[i];

		if ((flash_dev->manufacturer == flash_jedec_entry.expect_manufacturer)
				&& (flash_dev->memorytype == flash_jedec_entry.expect_memorytype)
				&& (flash_dev->capacity == flash_jedec_entry.expect_capacity)) {
			flash_dev->cfg = &pios_flash_jedec_catalog[i];

	if (!flash_dev->cfg) {
		return -1;

	/* Give back a handle to this flash device */
	*flash_id = (uintptr_t) flash_dev;

	return 0;

 * @brief Claim the SPI bus for flash use and assert CS pin
 * @return 0 for sucess, -1 for failure to get semaphore
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev)
	if (PIOS_SPI_ClaimBus(flash_dev->spi_id) < 0)
		return -1;

	PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(flash_dev->spi_id, flash_dev->slave_num, 0);
	flash_dev->claimed = true;

	return 0;

 * @brief Release the SPI bus sempahore and ensure flash chip not using bus
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReleaseBus(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev)
	PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(flash_dev->spi_id, flash_dev->slave_num, 1);
	flash_dev->claimed = false;
	return 0;

 * @brief Returns if the flash chip is busy
 * @returns -1 for failure, 0 for not busy, 1 for busy
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Busy(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev)
	int32_t status = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReadStatus(flash_dev);
	if (status < 0)
		return -1;
	return status & JEDEC_STATUS_BUSY;

 * @brief Execute the write enable instruction and returns the status
 * @returns 0 if successful, -1 if unable to claim bus
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteEnable(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev)
	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	uint8_t out[] = {JEDEC_WRITE_ENABLE};

	return 0;

 * @brief Read the status register from flash chip and return it
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReadStatus(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev)
	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(flash_dev) < 0)
		return -1;

	uint8_t out[2] = {JEDEC_READ_STATUS, 0};
	uint8_t in[2] = {0,0};
	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,out,in,sizeof(out),NULL) < 0) {
		return -2;


	return in[1];

 * @brief Read the status register from flash chip and return it
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReadID(struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev)
	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(flash_dev) < 0)
		return -2;

	uint8_t out[] = {JEDEC_DEVICE_ID, 0, 0, 0};
	uint8_t in[4];
	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,out,in,sizeof(out),NULL) < 0) {
		return -3;


	flash_dev->manufacturer = in[1];
	flash_dev->memorytype   = in[2];
	flash_dev->capacity     = in[3];

	return flash_dev->manufacturer;

 * Provide a PIOS flash driver API
#include "pios_flash.h"


 * @brief Grab the semaphore to perform a transaction
 * @return 0 for success, -1 for timeout
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_StartTransaction(uintptr_t flash_id)
	struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev = (struct jedec_flash_dev *)flash_id;

	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Validate(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	if (xSemaphoreTake(flash_dev->transaction_lock, portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE)
		return -2;

	return 0;

 * @brief Release the semaphore to perform a transaction
 * @return 0 for success, -1 for timeout
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_EndTransaction(uintptr_t flash_id)
	struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev = (struct jedec_flash_dev *)flash_id;

	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Validate(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	if (xSemaphoreGive(flash_dev->transaction_lock) != pdTRUE)
		return -2;

	return 0;


static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_StartTransaction(uintptr_t flash_id)
	return 0;

static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_EndTransaction(uintptr_t flash_id)
	return 0;


 * @brief Erase a sector on the flash chip
 * @param[in] add Address of flash to erase
 * @returns 0 if successful
 * @retval -1 if unable to claim bus
 * @retval
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_EraseSector(uintptr_t flash_id, uint32_t addr)
	struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev = (struct jedec_flash_dev *)flash_id;

	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Validate(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	uint8_t ret;
	uint8_t out[] = {flash_dev->cfg->sector_erase, (addr >> 16) & 0xff, (addr >> 8) & 0xff , addr & 0xff};

	if ((ret = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteEnable(flash_dev)) != 0)
		return ret;

	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,out,NULL,sizeof(out),NULL) < 0) {
		return -2;


	// Keep polling when bus is busy too
	while (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Busy(flash_dev) != 0) {
#if defined(FLASH_FREERTOS)

	return 0;

 * @brief Execute the whole chip
 * @returns 0 if successful, -1 if unable to claim bus
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_EraseChip(uintptr_t flash_id)
	struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev = (struct jedec_flash_dev *)flash_id;

	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Validate(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	uint8_t ret;
	uint8_t out[] = {flash_dev->cfg->chip_erase};

	if ((ret = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteEnable(flash_dev)) != 0)
		return ret;

	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,out,NULL,sizeof(out),NULL) < 0) {
		return -2;


	// Keep polling when bus is busy too
	int i = 0;
	while (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Busy(flash_dev) != 0) {
#if defined(FLASH_FREERTOS)
		if ((i++) % 100 == 0)
		if ((i++) % 10000 == 0)



	return 0;

 * @brief Write one page of data (up to 256 bytes) aligned to a page start
 * @param[in] addr Address in flash to write to
 * @param[in] data Pointer to data to write to flash
 * @param[in] len Length of data to write (max 256 bytes)
 * @return Zero if success or error code
 * @retval -1 Unable to claim SPI bus
 * @retval -2 Size exceeds 256 bytes
 * @retval -3 Length to write would wrap around page boundary
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteData(uintptr_t flash_id, uint32_t addr, uint8_t * data, uint16_t len)
	struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev = (struct jedec_flash_dev *)flash_id;

	if(PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Validate(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	uint8_t ret;
	uint8_t out[4] = {JEDEC_PAGE_WRITE, (addr >> 16) & 0xff, (addr >> 8) & 0xff , addr & 0xff};

	/* Can only write one page at a time */
	if (len > 0x100)
		return -2;

	/* Ensure number of bytes fits after starting address before end of page */
	if (((addr & 0xff) + len) > 0x100)
		return -3;

	if ((ret = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteEnable(flash_dev)) != 0)
		return ret;

	/* Execute write page command and clock in address.  Keep CS asserted */
	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,out,NULL,sizeof(out),NULL) < 0) {
		return -1;

	/* Clock out data to flash */
	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,data,NULL,len,NULL) < 0) {
		return -1;


	// Keep polling when bus is busy too
#if defined(FLASH_FREERTOS)
	while (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Busy(flash_dev) != 0) {

	// Query status this way to prevent accel chip locking us out
	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(flash_dev) < 0)
		return -1;

	PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(flash_dev->spi_id, JEDEC_READ_STATUS);
	while (PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(flash_dev->spi_id, JEDEC_READ_STATUS) & JEDEC_STATUS_BUSY);


	return 0;

 * @brief Write multiple chunks of data in one transaction
 * @param[in] addr Address in flash to write to
 * @param[in] data Pointer to data to write to flash
 * @param[in] len Length of data to write (max 256 bytes)
 * @return Zero if success or error code
 * @retval -1 Unable to claim SPI bus
 * @retval -2 Size exceeds 256 bytes
 * @retval -3 Length to write would wrap around page boundary
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteChunks(uintptr_t flash_id, uint32_t addr, struct pios_flash_chunk chunks[], uint32_t num)
	struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev = (struct jedec_flash_dev *)flash_id;

	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Validate(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	uint8_t ret;
	uint8_t out[4] = {JEDEC_PAGE_WRITE, (addr >> 16) & 0xff, (addr >> 8) & 0xff , addr & 0xff};

	/* Can only write one page at a time */
	uint32_t len = 0;
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
		len += chunks[i].len;

	if (len > 0x100)
		return -2;

	/* Ensure number of bytes fits after starting address before end of page */
	if (((addr & 0xff) + len) > 0x100)
		return -3;

	if ((ret = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteEnable(flash_dev)) != 0)
		return ret;

	/* Execute write page command and clock in address.  Keep CS asserted */
	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,out,NULL,sizeof(out),NULL) < 0) {
		return -1;

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
		struct pios_flash_chunk * chunk = &chunks[i];

		/* Clock out data to flash */
		if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,chunk->addr,NULL,chunk->len,NULL) < 0) {
			return -1;


	// Skip checking for busy with this to get OS running again fast

	return 0;

 * @brief Read data from a location in flash memory
 * @param[in] addr Address in flash to write to
 * @param[in] data Pointer to data to write from flash
 * @param[in] len Length of data to write (max 256 bytes)
 * @return Zero if success or error code
 * @retval -1 Unable to claim SPI bus
static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReadData(uintptr_t flash_id, uint32_t addr, uint8_t * data, uint16_t len)
	struct jedec_flash_dev * flash_dev = (struct jedec_flash_dev *)flash_id;

	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_Validate(flash_dev) != 0)
		return -1;

	if (PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ClaimBus(flash_dev) == -1)
		return -1;

	/* Execute read command and clock in address.  Keep CS asserted */
	uint8_t out[] = {JEDEC_READ_DATA, (addr >> 16) & 0xff, (addr >> 8) & 0xff , addr & 0xff};

	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,out,NULL,sizeof(out),NULL) < 0) {
		return -2;

	/* Copy the transfer data to the buffer */
	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(flash_dev->spi_id,NULL,data,len,NULL) < 0) {
		return -3;


	return 0;

/* Provide a flash driver to external drivers */
const struct pios_flash_driver pios_jedec_flash_driver = {
	.start_transaction = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_StartTransaction,
	.end_transaction   = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_EndTransaction,
	.erase_chip        = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_EraseChip,
	.erase_sector      = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_EraseSector,
	.write_chunks      = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteChunks,
	.write_data        = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_WriteData,
	.read_data         = PIOS_Flash_Jedec_ReadData,