/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules * @{ * @addtogroup ManualControl * @brief Interpretes the control input in ManualControlCommand * @{ * * @file armhandler.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2014. * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * ******************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "inc/manualcontrol.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef PIOS_EXCLUDE_ADVANCED_FEATURES #include #endif // Private constants #define ARMED_THRESHOLD 0.50f #define GROUND_LOW_THROTTLE 0.01f // Private types typedef enum { ARM_STATE_DISARMED, ARM_STATE_ARMING_MANUAL, ARM_STATE_ARMED, ARM_STATE_DISARMING_MANUAL, ARM_STATE_DISARMING_TIMEOUT } ArmState_t; // Private variables // Private functions static void setArmedIfChanged(uint8_t val); static uint32_t timeDifferenceMs(portTickType start_time, portTickType end_time); static bool okToArm(void); static bool forcedDisArm(void); /** * @brief Handler to interprete Command inputs in regards to arming/disarming * @input: ManualControlCommand, AccessoryDesired * @output: FlightStatus.Arming */ void armHandler(bool newinit, FrameType_t frameType) { static ArmState_t armState; if (newinit) { AccessoryDesiredInitialize(); setArmedIfChanged(FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_DISARMED); armState = ARM_STATE_DISARMED; } portTickType sysTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); FlightModeSettingsData settings; FlightModeSettingsGet(&settings); ManualControlCommandData cmd; ManualControlCommandGet(&cmd); AccessoryDesiredData acc; bool lowThrottle = cmd.Throttle < 0; if (frameType == FRAME_TYPE_GROUND) { // Deadbanding applied in receiver.c typically at 2% but we don't assume its enabled. lowThrottle = fabsf(cmd.Throttle) < GROUND_LOW_THROTTLE; } bool armSwitch = false; switch (settings.Arming) { case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ACCESSORY0: AccessoryDesiredInstGet(0, &acc); armSwitch = true; break; case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ACCESSORY1: AccessoryDesiredInstGet(1, &acc); armSwitch = true; break; case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ACCESSORY2: AccessoryDesiredInstGet(2, &acc); armSwitch = true; break; default: break; } // immediate disarm on switch if (armSwitch && acc.AccessoryVal <= -ARMED_THRESHOLD) { lowThrottle = true; } if (forcedDisArm()) { // PathPlanner forces explicit disarming due to error condition (crash, impact, fire, ...) setArmedIfChanged(FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_DISARMED); return; } if (settings.Arming == FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ALWAYSDISARMED) { // In this configuration we always disarm setArmedIfChanged(FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_DISARMED); return; } // The throttle is not low, in case we where arming or disarming, abort if (!lowThrottle) { switch (armState) { case ARM_STATE_DISARMING_MANUAL: case ARM_STATE_DISARMING_TIMEOUT: armState = ARM_STATE_ARMED; break; case ARM_STATE_ARMING_MANUAL: armState = ARM_STATE_DISARMED; break; default: // Nothing needs to be done in the other states break; } return; } // The rest of these cases throttle is low if (settings.Arming == FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ALWAYSARMED) { // In this configuration, we go into armed state as soon as the throttle is low, never disarm setArmedIfChanged(FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED); return; } // When the configuration is not "Always armed" and no "Always disarmed", // the state will not be changed when the throttle is not low static portTickType armedDisarmStart; float armingInputLevel = 0; // Calc channel see assumptions7 switch (settings.Arming) { case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ROLLLEFT: armingInputLevel = 1.0f * cmd.Roll; break; case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ROLLRIGHT: armingInputLevel = -1.0f * cmd.Roll; break; case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_PITCHFORWARD: armingInputLevel = 1.0f * cmd.Pitch; break; case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_PITCHAFT: armingInputLevel = -1.0f * cmd.Pitch; break; case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_YAWLEFT: armingInputLevel = 1.0f * cmd.Yaw; break; case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_YAWRIGHT: armingInputLevel = -1.0f * cmd.Yaw; break; case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ACCESSORY0: case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ACCESSORY1: case FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_ARMING_ACCESSORY2: armingInputLevel = -1.0f * acc.AccessoryVal; break; default: break; } bool manualArm = false; bool manualDisarm = false; if (armingInputLevel <= -ARMED_THRESHOLD) { manualArm = true; } else if (armingInputLevel >= +ARMED_THRESHOLD) { manualDisarm = true; } switch (armState) { case ARM_STATE_DISARMED: setArmedIfChanged(FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_DISARMED); // only allow arming if it's OK too if (manualArm && okToArm()) { armedDisarmStart = sysTime; armState = ARM_STATE_ARMING_MANUAL; } break; case ARM_STATE_ARMING_MANUAL: setArmedIfChanged(FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMING); if (manualArm && (timeDifferenceMs(armedDisarmStart, sysTime) > settings.ArmingSequenceTime)) { armState = ARM_STATE_ARMED; } else if (!manualArm) { armState = ARM_STATE_DISARMED; } break; case ARM_STATE_ARMED: // When we get here, the throttle is low, // we go immediately to disarming due to timeout, also when the disarming mechanism is not enabled armedDisarmStart = sysTime; armState = ARM_STATE_DISARMING_TIMEOUT; setArmedIfChanged(FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED); break; case ARM_STATE_DISARMING_TIMEOUT: { // we should never reach the disarming timeout if the pathfollower is engaged - reset timeout FlightStatusControlChainData cc; FlightStatusControlChainGet(&cc); if (cc.PathFollower == FLIGHTSTATUS_CONTROLCHAIN_TRUE) { armedDisarmStart = sysTime; } } // We get here when armed while throttle low, even when the arming timeout is not enabled if ((settings.ArmedTimeout != 0) && (timeDifferenceMs(armedDisarmStart, sysTime) > settings.ArmedTimeout)) { armState = ARM_STATE_DISARMED; } // Switch to disarming due to manual control when needed if (manualDisarm) { armedDisarmStart = sysTime; armState = ARM_STATE_DISARMING_MANUAL; } break; case ARM_STATE_DISARMING_MANUAL: // arming switch disarms immediately, if (manualDisarm && (timeDifferenceMs(armedDisarmStart, sysTime) > settings.DisarmingSequenceTime)) { armState = ARM_STATE_DISARMED; } else if (!manualDisarm) { armState = ARM_STATE_ARMED; } break; } // End Switch } static uint32_t timeDifferenceMs(portTickType start_time, portTickType end_time) { return (end_time - start_time) * portTICK_RATE_MS; } /** * @brief Determine if the aircraft is safe to arm * @returns True if safe to arm, false otherwise */ static bool okToArm(void) { // update checks configuration_check(); // read alarms SystemAlarmsData alarms; SystemAlarmsGet(&alarms); // Check each alarm for (int i = 0; i < SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_NUMELEM; i++) { if (SystemAlarmsAlarmToArray(alarms.Alarm)[i] >= SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL) { // found an alarm thats set if (i == SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS || i == SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_TELEMETRY) { continue; } return false; } } StabilizationDesiredStabilizationModeData stabDesired; FlightStatusData flightStatus; FlightStatusGet(&flightStatus); switch (flightStatus.FlightMode) { case FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_MANUAL: case FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_STABILIZED1: case FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_STABILIZED2: case FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_STABILIZED3: case FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_STABILIZED4: case FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_STABILIZED5: case FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_STABILIZED6: // Prevent arming if unsafe due to the current Thrust Mode StabilizationDesiredStabilizationModeGet(&stabDesired); if (stabDesired.Thrust == STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ALTITUDEHOLD || stabDesired.Thrust == STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ALTITUDEVARIO) { return false; } // avoid assisted control with auto throttle. As it sits waiting to launch, // it will move to hold, and auto thrust will auto launch otherwise! if (flightStatus.FlightModeAssist == FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODEASSIST_GPSASSIST) { return false; } return true; break; case FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_LAND: return false; case FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_AUTOTAKEOFF: return true; default: return false; break; } } /** * @brief Determine if the aircraft is forced to disarm by an explicit alarm * @returns True if safe to arm, false otherwise */ static bool forcedDisArm(void) { // read alarms SystemAlarmsAlarmData alarms; SystemAlarmsAlarmGet(&alarms); if (alarms.Guidance == SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL) { return true; } if (alarms.Receiver == SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL) { return true; } #ifndef PIOS_EXCLUDE_ADVANCED_FEATURES // check landing state if active FlightStatusData flightStatus; FlightStatusGet(&flightStatus); if (flightStatus.FlightMode == FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_LAND) { StatusVtolLandData statusland; StatusVtolLandGet(&statusland); if (statusland.State == STATUSVTOLLAND_STATE_DISARMED) { return true; } } #endif return false; } /** * @brief Update the flightStatus object only if value changed. Reduces callbacks * @param[in] val The new value */ static void setArmedIfChanged(uint8_t val) { FlightStatusData flightStatus; FlightStatusGet(&flightStatus); if (flightStatus.Armed != val) { flightStatus.Armed = val; FlightStatusSet(&flightStatus); } } /** * @} * @} */