# # Rules to (help) build the F10x device support. # # Directory containing this makefile PIOS_DEVLIB := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) # Linker scripts path (contains board-specific scripts) LINKER_SCRIPTS_PATH = $(PIOS_DEVLIB) # Compiler options implied by the F10x CDEFS += -DSTM32F10X -DSTM32F10X_$(MODEL) CDEFS += -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER CDEFS += -DARM_MATH_CM3 CDEFS += -DHSE_VALUE=$(OSCILLATOR_FREQ) ARCHFLAGS += -mcpu=cortex-m3 --specs=nano.specs # Board-specific startup files ASRC += $(PIOS_DEVLIB)startup_stm32f10x_$(MODEL)$(MODEL_SUFFIX).S # PIOS device library source and includes SRC += $(sort $(wildcard $(PIOS_DEVLIB)*.c)) # CMSIS for the F1 include $(PIOS)/common/libraries/CMSIS2/library.mk CMSIS_DIR = $(PIOS_DEVLIB)libraries/CMSIS/Core/CM3 SRC += $(CMSIS_DIR)/core_cm3.c EXTRAINCDIRS += $(CMSIS_DIR) # ST Peripheral library PERIPHLIB = $(PIOS_DEVLIB)libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver SRC += $(sort $(wildcard $(PERIPHLIB)/src/*.c)) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(PERIPHLIB)/inc # ST USB Device library USBDEVLIB = $(PIOS_DEVLIB)libraries/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver SRC += $(sort $(wildcard $(USBDEVLIB)/src/*.c)) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(USBDEVLIB)/inc # # FreeRTOS # # If the application has included the generic FreeRTOS support, then add in # the device-specific pieces of the code. # ifneq ($(FREERTOS_DIR),) FREERTOS_PORTDIR := $(PIOS_DEVLIB)libraries/FreeRTOS/Source SRC += $(sort $(wildcard $(FREERTOS_PORTDIR)/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/*.c)) SRC += $(sort $(wildcard $(FREERTOS_DIR)/portable/MemMang/heap_1.c)) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(FREERTOS_PORTDIR)/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3 endif