/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer * @{ * @addtogroup PIOS_MPU9250 MPU9250 Functions * @brief Deals with the hardware interface to the 9 DOF sensor. * @{ * * @file pios_mp9250.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2014. * @brief MPU9250 9-axis gyro, accel and mag chip * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * ****************************************************************************** */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "pios.h" #include "pios_mpu9250.h" #ifdef PIOS_INCLUDE_MPU9250 #include /* Global Variables */ enum pios_mpu9250_dev_magic { PIOS_MPU9250_DEV_MAGIC = 0x9da9b3ed, }; struct mpu9250_dev { uint32_t spi_id; uint32_t slave_num; xQueueHandle queue; const struct pios_mpu9250_cfg *cfg; enum pios_mpu9250_range gyro_range; enum pios_mpu9250_accel_range accel_range; enum pios_mpu9250_filter filter; enum pios_mpu9250_dev_magic magic; float mag_sens_adj[PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_ASA_NB_BYTE]; }; #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL #define PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL_SAMPLES_BYTES (6) #else #define PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL_SAMPLES_BYTES (0) #endif #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_MAG #define PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_SAMPLES_BYTES (8) #else #define PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_SAMPLES_BYTES (0) #endif #define PIOS_MPU9250_GYRO_SAMPLES_BYTES (6) #define PIOS_MPU9250_TEMP_SAMPLES_BYTES (2) #define PIOS_MPU9250_SAMPLES_BYTES \ (PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL_SAMPLES_BYTES + \ PIOS_MPU9250_GYRO_SAMPLES_BYTES + \ PIOS_MPU9250_TEMP_SAMPLES_BYTES + \ PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_SAMPLES_BYTES) #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL #define PIOS_MPU9250_SENSOR_FIRST_REG PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL_X_OUT_MSB #else #define PIOS_MPU9250_SENSOR_FIRST_REG PIOS_MPU9250_TEMP_OUT_MSB #endif #if defined(PIOS_MPU9250_MAG) && !defined(PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL) #error ERROR: PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL not defined! THIS CONFIGURATION IS NOT SUPPORTED #endif typedef union { uint8_t buffer[2 + PIOS_MPU9250_SAMPLES_BYTES]; struct { uint8_t dummy; #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL uint8_t Accel_X_h; uint8_t Accel_X_l; uint8_t Accel_Y_h; uint8_t Accel_Y_l; uint8_t Accel_Z_h; uint8_t Accel_Z_l; #endif uint8_t Temperature_h; uint8_t Temperature_l; uint8_t Gyro_X_h; uint8_t Gyro_X_l; uint8_t Gyro_Y_h; uint8_t Gyro_Y_l; uint8_t Gyro_Z_h; uint8_t Gyro_Z_l; #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_MAG uint8_t st1; uint8_t Mag_X_l; uint8_t Mag_X_h; uint8_t Mag_Y_l; uint8_t Mag_Y_h; uint8_t Mag_Z_l; uint8_t Mag_Z_h; uint8_t st2; #endif } data; } mpu9250_data_t; #define GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpudataptr, sensor) (mpudataptr.data.sensor##_h << 8 | mpudataptr.data.sensor##_l) // ! Global structure for this device device static struct mpu9250_dev *dev; volatile bool mpu9250_configured = false; static mpu9250_data_t mpu9250_data; // ! Private functions static struct mpu9250_dev *PIOS_MPU9250_alloc(const struct pios_mpu9250_cfg *cfg); static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Validate(struct mpu9250_dev *dev); static void PIOS_MPU9250_Config(struct pios_mpu9250_cfg const *cfg); static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(uint8_t address, uint8_t buffer); static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_GetReg(uint8_t address); static void PIOS_MPU9250_SetSpeed(const bool fast); static bool PIOS_MPU9250_HandleData(); static bool PIOS_MPU9250_ReadFifo(bool *woken); static bool PIOS_MPU9250_ReadSensor(bool *woken); #if defined(PIOS_MPU9250_MAG) static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_Test(void); static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_Init(void); #endif /** * @brief Allocate a new device */ static struct mpu9250_dev *PIOS_MPU9250_alloc(const struct pios_mpu9250_cfg *cfg) { struct mpu9250_dev *mpu9250_dev; mpu9250_dev = (struct mpu9250_dev *)pios_malloc(sizeof(*mpu9250_dev)); if (!mpu9250_dev) { return NULL; } mpu9250_dev->magic = PIOS_MPU9250_DEV_MAGIC; mpu9250_dev->queue = xQueueCreate(cfg->max_downsample + 1, sizeof(struct pios_mpu9250_data)); if (mpu9250_dev->queue == NULL) { vPortFree(mpu9250_dev); return NULL; } return mpu9250_dev; } /** * @brief Validate the handle to the spi device * @returns 0 for valid device or -1 otherwise */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Validate(struct mpu9250_dev *vdev) { if (vdev == NULL) { return -1; } if (vdev->magic != PIOS_MPU9250_DEV_MAGIC) { return -2; } if (vdev->spi_id == 0) { return -3; } return 0; } /** * @brief Initialize the MPU9250 3-axis gyro sensor. * @return 0 for success, -1 for failure */ int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Init(uint32_t spi_id, uint32_t slave_num, const struct pios_mpu9250_cfg *cfg) { dev = PIOS_MPU9250_alloc(cfg); if (dev == NULL) { return -1; } dev->spi_id = spi_id; dev->slave_num = slave_num; dev->cfg = cfg; /* Configure the MPU9250 Sensor */ PIOS_MPU9250_Config(cfg); /* Set up EXTI line */ PIOS_EXTI_Init(cfg->exti_cfg); return 0; } /** * @brief Initialize the MPU9250 3-axis gyro sensor * \return none * \param[in] PIOS_MPU9250_ConfigTypeDef struct to be used to configure sensor. * */ static void PIOS_MPU9250_Config(struct pios_mpu9250_cfg const *cfg) { uint8_t power; while (PIOS_MPU9250_Test() != 0) { ; } // Reset chip while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_PWR_MGMT_REG, PIOS_MPU9250_PWRMGMT_IMU_RST) != 0) { ; } PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(100); // Wake up the chip while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_PWR_MGMT_REG, 0) != 0) { ; } // Reset sensors and fifo while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_USER_CTRL_REG, PIOS_MPU9250_USERCTL_DIS_I2C | PIOS_MPU9250_USERCTL_SIG_COND | PIOS_MPU9250_USERCTL_FIFO_RST) != 0) { ; } PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(100); // Power management configuration while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_PWR_MGMT_REG, cfg->Pwr_mgmt_clk) != 0) { ; } while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_USER_CTRL_REG, cfg->User_ctl) != 0) { ; } // FIFO storage by default, do not include accelerometer and external sense data. power = PIOS_MPU9250_PWRMGMT2_DISABLE_ACCEL; #if defined(PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL) power &= ~PIOS_MPU9250_PWRMGMT2_DISABLE_ACCEL; #endif while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_FIFO_EN_REG, cfg->Fifo_store) != 0) { ; } PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_PWR_MGMT2_REG, power); #if defined(PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL) PIOS_MPU9250_ConfigureRanges(cfg->gyro_range, cfg->accel_range, cfg->filter); #endif // Interrupt configuration while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_INT_CFG_REG, cfg->interrupt_cfg) != 0) { ; } #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_MAG PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_Init(); #endif // Interrupt enable while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_INT_EN_REG, cfg->interrupt_en) != 0) { ; } if ((PIOS_MPU9250_GetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_INT_EN_REG)) != cfg->interrupt_en) { return; } mpu9250_configured = true; } /** * @brief Configures Gyro, accel and Filter ranges/setings * @return 0 if successful, -1 if device has not been initialized */ int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_ConfigureRanges( enum pios_mpu9250_range gyroRange, enum pios_mpu9250_accel_range accelRange, enum pios_mpu9250_filter filterSetting) { if (dev == NULL) { return -1; } // update filter settings while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_DLPF_CFG_REG, filterSetting) != 0) { ; } // Sample rate divider, chosen upon digital filtering settings while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_SMPLRT_DIV_REG, filterSetting == PIOS_MPU9250_LOWPASS_256_HZ ? dev->cfg->Smpl_rate_div_no_dlp : dev->cfg->Smpl_rate_div_dlp) != 0) { ; } dev->filter = filterSetting; // Gyro range while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_GYRO_CFG_REG, gyroRange) != 0) { ; } dev->gyro_range = gyroRange; #if defined(PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL) // Set the accel range while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL_CFG_REG, accelRange) != 0) { ; } dev->accel_range = accelRange; #endif return 0; } /** * @brief Claim the SPI bus for the accel communications and select this chip * @return 0 if successful, -1 for invalid device, -2 if unable to claim bus */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBus(bool fast_spi) { if (PIOS_MPU9250_Validate(dev) != 0) { return -1; } if (PIOS_SPI_ClaimBus(dev->spi_id) != 0) { return -2; } PIOS_MPU9250_SetSpeed(fast_spi); PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(dev->spi_id, dev->slave_num, 0); return 0; } static void PIOS_MPU9250_SetSpeed(const bool fast) { if (fast) { PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, dev->cfg->fast_prescaler); } else { PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, dev->cfg->std_prescaler); } } /** * @brief Claim the SPI bus for the accel communications and select this chip * @return 0 if successful, -1 for invalid device, -2 if unable to claim bus * @param woken[in,out] If non-NULL, will be set to true if woken was false and a higher priority * task has is now eligible to run, else unchanged */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBusISR(bool *woken, bool fast_spi) { if (PIOS_MPU9250_Validate(dev) != 0) { return -1; } if (PIOS_SPI_ClaimBusISR(dev->spi_id, woken) != 0) { return -2; } PIOS_MPU9250_SetSpeed(fast_spi); PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(dev->spi_id, dev->slave_num, 0); return 0; } /** * @brief Release the SPI bus for the accel communications and end the transaction * @return 0 if successful */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBus() { if (PIOS_MPU9250_Validate(dev) != 0) { return -1; } PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(dev->spi_id, dev->slave_num, 1); return PIOS_SPI_ReleaseBus(dev->spi_id); } /** * @brief Release the SPI bus for the accel communications and end the transaction * @return 0 if successful * @param woken[in,out] If non-NULL, will be set to true if woken was false and a higher priority * task has is now eligible to run, else unchanged */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(bool *woken) { if (PIOS_MPU9250_Validate(dev) != 0) { return -1; } PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(dev->spi_id, dev->slave_num, 1); return PIOS_SPI_ReleaseBusISR(dev->spi_id, woken); } /** * @brief Read a register from MPU9250 * @returns The register value or -1 if failure to get bus * @param reg[in] Register address to be read */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_GetReg(uint8_t reg) { uint8_t data; if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBus(false) != 0) { return -1; } PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, (0x80 | reg)); // request byte data = PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, 0); // receive response PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBus(); return data; } /** * @brief Writes one byte to the MPU9250 * \param[in] reg Register address * \param[in] data Byte to write * \return 0 if operation was successful * \return -1 if unable to claim SPI bus * \return -2 if unable to send the command * \return -3 if unable to receive the response */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data) { int ret = 0; if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBus(false) != 0) { return -1; } PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, 0x7f & reg); // if (PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, 0x7f & reg) != 0) { // PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBus(); // return -2; // } PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, data); // if (PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, data) != 0) { // PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBus(); // return -3; // } PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBus(); return ret; } /* * @brief Read the identification bytes from the MPU9250 sensor * \return ID read from MPU9250 or -1 if failure */ int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_ReadID() { int32_t mpu9250_id = PIOS_MPU9250_GetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_WHOAMI); if (mpu9250_id < 0) { return -1; } return mpu9250_id; } /** * \brief Reads the queue handle * \return Handle to the queue or null if invalid device */ xQueueHandle PIOS_MPU9250_GetQueue() { if (PIOS_MPU9250_Validate(dev) != 0) { return (xQueueHandle)NULL; } return dev->queue; } float PIOS_MPU9250_GetScale() { switch (dev->gyro_range) { case PIOS_MPU9250_SCALE_250_DEG: return 1.0f / 131.0f; case PIOS_MPU9250_SCALE_500_DEG: return 1.0f / 65.5f; case PIOS_MPU9250_SCALE_1000_DEG: return 1.0f / 32.8f; case PIOS_MPU9250_SCALE_2000_DEG: return 1.0f / 16.4f; } return 0; } float PIOS_MPU9250_GetAccelScale() { switch (dev->accel_range) { case PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL_2G: return PIOS_CONST_MKS_GRAV_ACCEL_F / 16384.0f; case PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL_4G: return PIOS_CONST_MKS_GRAV_ACCEL_F / 8192.0f; case PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL_8G: return PIOS_CONST_MKS_GRAV_ACCEL_F / 4096.0f; case PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL_16G: return PIOS_CONST_MKS_GRAV_ACCEL_F / 2048.0f; } return 0; } /** * @brief Run self-test operation. * \return 0 if test succeeded * \return non-zero value if test failed */ int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Test(void) { /* Verify that ID matches */ int32_t mpu9250_id = PIOS_MPU9250_ReadID(); if (mpu9250_id < 0) { return -1; } if (mpu9250_id != PIOS_MPU9250_GYRO_ACC_ID) { return -2; } return 0; } #if defined(PIOS_MPU9250_MAG) /** * @brief Read a mag register from MPU9250 * @returns The register value or -1 if failure to get bus * @param reg[in] Register address to be read */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_GetReg(uint8_t reg) { int32_t data; // Set the I2C slave address and read command. while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV4_ADDR, PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_I2C_ADDR | PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_I2C_READ_FLAG) != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { ; } // Set the address of the register to read. while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV4_REG, reg) != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { ; } // Trigger the byte transfer. while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV4_CTRL, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV_ENABLE) != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { ; } PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); // Read result. data = PIOS_MPU9250_GetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV4_DI); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); return data; } /** * @brief Writes one byte to the MPU9250 * \param[in] reg Register address * \param[in] data Byte to write */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_SetReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data) { // Set the I2C slave address. while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV4_ADDR, PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_I2C_ADDR) != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { ; } // Set the address of the register to write. while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV4_REG, reg) != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { ; } // Set the byte to write. while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV4_DO, data) != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { ; } // Trigger the byte transfer. while (PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV4_CTRL, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV_ENABLE) != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { ; } PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); return PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK; } /** * @rief Get ASAx registers from fuse ROM * Hadj = H*((ASA-128)*0.5/128+1) * \return 0 if test succeeded * \return non-zero value if test failed */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_Sensitivity(void) { int i; /* Put mag in power down state before changing mode */ PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_CNTL1, PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_POWER_DOWN_MODE); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); /* Enable fuse ROM for access */ PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_CNTL1, PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_FUSE_ROM_MODE); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBus(false) != 0) { return -1; } /* Set addres and read flag */ PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV0_ADDR); PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_I2C_ADDR | PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_I2C_READ_FLAG); /* Set the address of the register to read. */ PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV0_REG); PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, PIOS_MPU9250_ASAX); /* Trigger the byte transfer. */ PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV0_CTRL); PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV_ENABLE | 0x3); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); /* Read the mag data from SPI block */ for (i = 0; i < 0x3; i++) { PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, (PIOS_MPU9250_EXT_SENS_DATA_00 | 0x80) + i); dev->mag_sens_adj[i] = (float)(PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, 0x0) - 128) / 256 + 1; } PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBus(); /* Put mag in power down state before changing mode */ PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_CNTL1, PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_POWER_DOWN_MODE); return PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK; } /** * @brief Read a mag register from MPU9250 * @returns The register value or -1 if failure to get bus * @param reg[in] Register address to be read */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_Init(void) { // I2C multi-master init. PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_MST_CTRL, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_MST_P_NSR | PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_MST_CLOCK_400); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); // Reset Mag. PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_CNTL2, PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_RESET); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); // read fuse ROM to get the sensitivity adjustment values. if (PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_Sensitivity() != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { ; } // Confirm Mag ID. while (false && (PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_Test() != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK)) { ; } // Make sure no other registers will be triggered before entering continuous mode. PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV4_CTRL, 0x0); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV0_DO, 0x0); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); // Making sure register are accessible. PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_CNTL1, PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OUTPUT_16BITS | PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_CONTINUOUS_MODE2); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); // Get ST1, the 6 mag data and ST2. // This is to save 2 SPI access. // Set the I2C slave address and read command. PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV0_ADDR, PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_I2C_ADDR | PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_I2C_READ_FLAG); // Set the address of the register to read. PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV0_REG, PIOS_MPU9250_ST1); // Trigger the byte transfer. PIOS_MPU9250_SetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV0_CTRL, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV_ENABLE | 0x8); PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); return PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK; } /* * @brief Read the mag identification bytes from the MPU9250 sensor */ int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_ReadID() { int32_t mpu9250_mag_id = PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_GetReg(PIOS_MPU9250_WIA); if (mpu9250_mag_id < PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { return PIOS_MPU9250_ERR_MAG_READ_ID; } return mpu9250_mag_id; } /** * @brief Run self-test operation. * \return 0 if test succeeded * \return non-zero value if test failed */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_Test(void) { /* Verify that ID matches */ int32_t mpu9250_mag_id = PIOS_MPU9250_Mag_ReadID(); if (mpu9250_mag_id < PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK) { return PIOS_MPU9250_ERR_MAG_READ_ID; } if (mpu9250_mag_id != PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_ID) { return PIOS_MPU9250_ERR_MAG_BAD_ID; } /* TODO: run self-test */ return PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_OK; } /** * @brief Read the mag data. * \return true if data has been read from mpu * \return false on error */ static bool PIOS_MPU9250_ReadMag(bool *woken) { if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBusISR(woken, true) != 0) { return false; } // Trigger the byte transfer. PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV0_CTRL); PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, PIOS_MPU9250_I2C_SLV_ENABLE | 0x8); PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); return true; } #endif /* if defined(PIOS_MPU9250_MAG) */ /** * @brief Reads the contents of the MPU9250 Interrupt Status register from an ISR * @return The register value or -1 on failure to claim the bus */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_GetInterruptStatusRegISR(bool *woken) { /* Interrupt Status register can be read at high SPI clock speed */ uint8_t data; if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBusISR(woken, false) != 0) { return -1; } PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, (0x80 | PIOS_MPU9250_INT_STATUS_REG)); data = PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, 0); PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); return data; } /** * @brief Resets the MPU9250 FIFO from an ISR * @param woken[in,out] If non-NULL, will be set to true if woken was false and a higher priority * task has is now eligible to run, else unchanged * @return 0 if operation was successful * @return -1 if unable to claim SPI bus * @return -2 if write to the device failed */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_ResetFifoISR(bool *woken) { int32_t result = 0; if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBusISR(woken, false) != 0) { return -1; } /* Reset FIFO. */ if (PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, 0x7f & PIOS_MPU9250_USER_CTRL_REG) != 0) { result = -2; } else if (PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, (dev->cfg->User_ctl | PIOS_MPU9250_USERCTL_FIFO_RST)) != 0) { result = -2; } PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); return result; } /** * @brief Obtains the number of bytes in the FIFO. Call from ISR only. * @return the number of bytes in the FIFO * @param woken[in,out] If non-NULL, will be set to true if woken was false and a higher priority * task has is now eligible to run, else unchanged */ static int32_t PIOS_MPU9250_FifoDepthISR(bool *woken) { uint8_t mpu9250_send_buf[3] = { PIOS_MPU9250_FIFO_CNT_MSB | 0x80, 0, 0 }; uint8_t mpu9250_rec_buf[3]; if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBusISR(woken, false) != 0) { return -1; } if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &mpu9250_send_buf[0], &mpu9250_rec_buf[0], sizeof(mpu9250_send_buf), NULL) < 0) { PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); return -1; } PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); return (mpu9250_rec_buf[1] << 8) | mpu9250_rec_buf[2]; } /** * @brief EXTI IRQ Handler. Read all the data from onboard buffer * @return a boolean to the EXTI IRQ Handler wrapper indicating if a * higher priority task is now eligible to run */ uint32_t mpu9250_irq = 0; int32_t mpu9250_count; uint32_t mpu9250_fifo_backup = 0; uint8_t mpu9250_last_read_count = 0; uint32_t mpu9250_fails = 0; uint32_t mpu9250_interval_us; uint32_t mpu9250_time_us; uint32_t mpu9250_transfer_size; bool PIOS_MPU9250_IRQHandler(void) { bool woken = false; static uint32_t timeval; mpu9250_interval_us = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(timeval); timeval = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw(); if (!mpu9250_configured) { return false; } #if defined(PIOS_MPU9250_MAG) PIOS_MPU9250_ReadMag(&woken); #endif bool read_ok = false; if (dev->cfg->User_ctl & PIOS_MPU9250_USERCTL_FIFO_EN) { read_ok = PIOS_MPU9250_ReadFifo(&woken); } else { read_ok = PIOS_MPU9250_ReadSensor(&woken); } if (read_ok) { bool woken2 = PIOS_MPU9250_HandleData(); woken |= woken2; } mpu9250_irq++; mpu9250_time_us = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(timeval); return woken; } static bool PIOS_MPU9250_HandleData() { // Rotate the sensor to OP convention. The datasheet defines X as towards the right // and Y as forward. OP convention transposes this. Also the Z is defined negatively // to our convention static struct pios_mpu9250_data data; // Currently we only support rotations on top so switch X/Y accordingly switch (dev->cfg->orientation) { case PIOS_MPU9250_TOP_0DEG: #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL data.accel_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Accel_X); // chip X data.accel_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Accel_Y); // chip Y #endif data.gyro_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Gyro_X); // chip X data.gyro_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Gyro_Y); // chip Y #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_MAG data.mag_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Mag_X); // chip X data.mag_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Mag_Y); // chip Y #endif break; case PIOS_MPU9250_TOP_90DEG: // -1 to bring it back to -32768 +32767 range #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL data.accel_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Accel_Y)); // chip Y data.accel_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Accel_X); // chip X #endif data.gyro_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Gyro_Y)); // chip Y data.gyro_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Gyro_X); // chip X #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_MAG data.mag_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Mag_Y)); // chip Y data.mag_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Mag_X); // chip X #endif break; case PIOS_MPU9250_TOP_180DEG: #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL data.accel_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Accel_X)); // chip X data.accel_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Accel_Y)); // chip Y #endif data.gyro_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Gyro_X)); // chip X data.gyro_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Gyro_Y)); // chip Y #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_MAG data.mag_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Mag_X)); // chip X data.mag_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Mag_Y)); // chip Y #endif break; case PIOS_MPU9250_TOP_270DEG: #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL data.accel_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Accel_Y); // chip Y data.accel_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Accel_X)); // chip X #endif data.gyro_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Gyro_Y); // chip Y data.gyro_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Gyro_X)); // chip X #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_MAG data.mag_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Mag_Y); // chip Y data.mag_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Mag_X)); // chip X #endif break; } #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_ACCEL data.accel_z = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Accel_Z)); #endif data.gyro_z = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Gyro_Z)); data.temperature = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Temperature); #ifdef PIOS_MPU9250_MAG data.mag_z = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu9250_data, Mag_Z); // chip Z data.mag_valid = mpu9250_data.data.st1 & PIOS_MPU9250_MAG_DATA_RDY; #endif BaseType_t higherPriorityTaskWoken; xQueueSendToBackFromISR(dev->queue, (void *)&data, &higherPriorityTaskWoken); return higherPriorityTaskWoken == pdTRUE; } static bool PIOS_MPU9250_ReadSensor(bool *woken) { const uint8_t mpu9250_send_buf[1 + PIOS_MPU9250_SAMPLES_BYTES] = { PIOS_MPU9250_SENSOR_FIRST_REG | 0x80 }; if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBusISR(woken, true) != 0) { return false; } if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &mpu9250_send_buf[0], &mpu9250_data.buffer[0], sizeof(mpu9250_data_t), NULL) < 0) { PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); mpu9250_fails++; return false; } PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); return true; } static bool PIOS_MPU9250_ReadFifo(bool *woken) { /* Temporary fix for OP-1049. Expected to be superceded for next major release * by code changes for OP-1039. * Read interrupt status register to check for FIFO overflow. Must be the * first read after interrupt, in case the device is configured so that * any read clears in the status register (PIOS_MPU9250_INT_CLR_ANYRD set in * interrupt config register) */ int32_t result; if ((result = PIOS_MPU9250_GetInterruptStatusRegISR(woken)) < 0) { return false; } if (result & PIOS_MPU9250_INT_STATUS_FIFO_OVERFLOW) { /* The FIFO has overflowed, so reset it, * to enable sample sync to be recovered. * If the reset fails, we are in trouble, but * we keep trying on subsequent interrupts. */ PIOS_MPU9250_ResetFifoISR(woken); /* Return and wait for the next new sample. */ return false; } /* Usual case - FIFO has not overflowed. */ mpu9250_count = PIOS_MPU9250_FifoDepthISR(woken); if (mpu9250_count < PIOS_MPU9250_SAMPLES_BYTES) { return false; } if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBusISR(woken, true) != 0) { return false; } const uint8_t mpu9250_send_buf[1 + PIOS_MPU9250_SAMPLES_BYTES] = { PIOS_MPU9250_FIFO_REG | 0x80 }; if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &mpu9250_send_buf[0], &mpu9250_data.buffer[0], sizeof(mpu9250_data_t), NULL) < 0) { PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); mpu9250_fails++; return false; } PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); // In the case where extras samples backed up grabbed an extra if (mpu9250_count >= PIOS_MPU9250_SAMPLES_BYTES * 2) { mpu9250_fifo_backup++; if (PIOS_MPU9250_ClaimBusISR(woken, true) != 0) { return false; } if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &mpu9250_send_buf[0], &mpu9250_data.buffer[0], sizeof(mpu9250_data_t), NULL) < 0) { PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); mpu9250_fails++; return false; } PIOS_MPU9250_ReleaseBusISR(woken); } return true; } #endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_MPU9250 */ /** * @} * @} */