@echo off rem rem This file is to be put into C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\ subdirectory rem (or similar, depeding on where the msysGit package was installed) rem to provide a shell prompt in the unix-like build environment on Windows. rem rem Currently supported on NT-class systems only (Windows XP and above). rem rem See also: rem README.txt rem http://wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/GCS+Development+on+Windows rem http://wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/Firmware+Development+on+Windows rem rem Based on the msys.bat file from the MSYS package rem http://www.mingw.org/wiki/msys rem rem this should let run MSYS shell on x64 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "AMD64" ( SET COMSPEC=%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe ) rem some MSYS environment variables if "x%MSYSTEM%" == "x" set MSYSTEM=MINGW32 if not "x%DISPLAY%" == "x" set DISPLAY= rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem To build the OpenPilot software we need few tools in the PATH. rem Here we attempt to guess tools location using PATH or set them rem directly using hard-coded locations, if not found in PATH. rem You may want to update paths according to your installation. rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- set NOT_FOUND= call :which PYTHON "C:\Python27" python.exe call :which CODESOURCERY "C:\CodeSourcery\bin" cs-make.exe call :which QTSDK "C:\Qt\2010.05\qt\bin" qmake.exe call :which QTMINGW "C:\Qt\2010.05\mingw\bin" mingw32-make.exe call :which MSYSGIT "%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin" git.exe call :which UNSIS "%ProgramFiles%\NSIS\Unicode" makensis.exe if "%NOT_FOUND%" == "" goto set_path echo: echo Some tools were not found in the PATH or expected location: for %%f in (%NOT_FOUND%) do echo %%f echo You may want to install them and/or update paths in the %0 file. echo: rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Provide a clean environment for command line build. We remove the rem msysGit cmd subdirectory as well, so no recursive sh call can occur. rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :set_path set PATH=%SYSTEMROOT%\system32;%SYSTEMROOT% set PATH=%MSYSGIT%;%QTMINGW%;%QTSDK%;%CODESOURCERY%;%PYTHON%;%UNSIS%;%PATH% rem echo PATH: %PATH% rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Start a shell. rem Any shell script can be passed to it via command line of this batch file. rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not exist "%MSYSGIT%\bash.exe" goto no_bash call "%MSYSGIT%\bash.exe" --login -i %* goto :eof :no_bash echo Cannot find bash, exiting with error exit 1 rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Attempt to find executable in the PATH or at expected location. rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :which rem search in the PATH first for %%F in (%3) do set FP=%%~$PATH:F if exist "%FP%" goto found_in_path rem search at expected location last for %%F in (%2) do set FP=%%~F\%3 if exist "%FP%" goto found_directly :not_found for %%F in (%2) do set FP=%%~F rem echo %3: not found, expected in %FP% set FP= set NOT_FOUND=%NOT_FOUND% %3 goto set :found_in_path for %%F in ("%FP%") do set FP=%%~dpsF rem echo %3: found in the PATH: %FP% goto set :found_directly for %%F in ("%FP%") do set FP=%%~dpsF rem echo %3: found at: %FP% :set rem set results regardless of was it found or not set %1=%FP% rem echo %1=%FP% goto :eof