/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer * @{ * @addtogroup PIOS_USART USART Functions * @brief PIOS interface for USART port * @{ * * @file pios_usart.c * @author The LibrePilot Project, http://www.librepilot.org, Copyright (c) 2016-2017. * The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief USART commands. Inits USARTs, controls USARTs & Interupt handlers. (STM32 dependent) * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "pios.h" #ifdef PIOS_INCLUDE_USART #include #include /* Provide a COM driver */ static void PIOS_USART_ChangeConfig(uint32_t usart_id, enum PIOS_COM_Word_Length word_len, enum PIOS_COM_Parity parity, enum PIOS_COM_StopBits stop_bits, uint32_t baud_rate); static void PIOS_USART_ChangeBaud(uint32_t usart_id, uint32_t baud); static void PIOS_USART_RegisterRxCallback(uint32_t usart_id, pios_com_callback rx_in_cb, uint32_t context); static void PIOS_USART_RegisterTxCallback(uint32_t usart_id, pios_com_callback tx_out_cb, uint32_t context); static void PIOS_USART_TxStart(uint32_t usart_id, uint16_t tx_bytes_avail); static void PIOS_USART_RxStart(uint32_t usart_id, uint16_t rx_bytes_avail); static int32_t PIOS_USART_Ioctl(uint32_t usart_id, uint32_t ctl, void *param); const struct pios_com_driver pios_usart_com_driver = { .set_baud = PIOS_USART_ChangeBaud, .set_config = PIOS_USART_ChangeConfig, .tx_start = PIOS_USART_TxStart, .rx_start = PIOS_USART_RxStart, .bind_tx_cb = PIOS_USART_RegisterTxCallback, .bind_rx_cb = PIOS_USART_RegisterRxCallback, .ioctl = PIOS_USART_Ioctl, }; enum pios_usart_dev_magic { PIOS_USART_DEV_MAGIC = 0x11223344, }; struct pios_usart_dev { enum pios_usart_dev_magic magic; const struct pios_usart_cfg *cfg; USART_InitTypeDef init; pios_com_callback rx_in_cb; uint32_t rx_in_context; pios_com_callback tx_out_cb; uint32_t tx_out_context; bool config_locked; uint32_t rx_dropped; uint8_t irq_channel; }; static bool PIOS_USART_validate(struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev) { return usart_dev->magic == PIOS_USART_DEV_MAGIC; } const struct pios_usart_cfg *PIOS_USART_GetConfig(uint32_t usart_id) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id; bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); return usart_dev->cfg; } static int32_t PIOS_USART_SetIrqPrio(struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev, uint8_t irq_prio) { NVIC_InitTypeDef init = { .NVIC_IRQChannel = usart_dev->irq_channel, .NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = irq_prio, .NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE, }; NVIC_Init(&init); return 0; } #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) static struct pios_usart_dev *PIOS_USART_alloc(void) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev; usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)pios_malloc(sizeof(struct pios_usart_dev)); if (!usart_dev) { return NULL; } memset(usart_dev, 0, sizeof(struct pios_usart_dev)); usart_dev->magic = PIOS_USART_DEV_MAGIC; return usart_dev; } #else static struct pios_usart_dev pios_usart_devs[PIOS_USART_MAX_DEVS]; static uint8_t pios_usart_num_devs; static struct pios_usart_dev *PIOS_USART_alloc(void) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev; if (pios_usart_num_devs >= PIOS_USART_MAX_DEVS) { return NULL; } usart_dev = &pios_usart_devs[pios_usart_num_devs++]; memset(usart_dev, 0, sizeof(struct pios_usart_dev)); usart_dev->magic = PIOS_USART_DEV_MAGIC; return usart_dev; } #endif /* if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) */ /* Bind Interrupt Handlers * * Map all valid USART IRQs to the common interrupt handler * and provide storage for a 32-bit device id IRQ to map * each physical IRQ to a specific registered device instance. */ static void PIOS_USART_generic_irq_handler(uint32_t usart_id); static uint32_t PIOS_USART_1_id; void USART1_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__((alias("PIOS_USART_1_irq_handler"))); static void PIOS_USART_1_irq_handler(void) { PIOS_USART_generic_irq_handler(PIOS_USART_1_id); } static uint32_t PIOS_USART_2_id; void USART2_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__((alias("PIOS_USART_2_irq_handler"))); static void PIOS_USART_2_irq_handler(void) { PIOS_USART_generic_irq_handler(PIOS_USART_2_id); } static uint32_t PIOS_USART_3_id; void USART3_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__((alias("PIOS_USART_3_irq_handler"))); static void PIOS_USART_3_irq_handler(void) { PIOS_USART_generic_irq_handler(PIOS_USART_3_id); } /** * Initialise a single USART device */ int32_t PIOS_USART_Init(uint32_t *usart_id, const struct pios_usart_cfg *cfg) { PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(usart_id); PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(cfg); uint32_t *local_id; uint8_t irq_channel; switch ((uint32_t)cfg->regs) { case (uint32_t)USART1: local_id = &PIOS_USART_1_id; irq_channel = USART1_IRQn; RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_USART1, ENABLE); break; case (uint32_t)USART2: local_id = &PIOS_USART_2_id; irq_channel = USART2_IRQn; RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USART2, ENABLE); break; case (uint32_t)USART3: local_id = &PIOS_USART_3_id; irq_channel = USART3_IRQn; RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USART3, ENABLE); break; default: goto out_fail; } if (*local_id) { /* this port is already open */ *usart_id = *local_id; return 0; } struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev; usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)PIOS_USART_alloc(); if (!usart_dev) { goto out_fail; } /* Bind the configuration to the device instance */ usart_dev->cfg = cfg; usart_dev->irq_channel = irq_channel; /* Initialize the comm parameter structure */ USART_StructInit(&usart_dev->init); // 9600 8n1 /* We will set modes later, depending on installed callbacks */ usart_dev->init.USART_Mode = 0; /* DTR handling? */ #ifdef PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PORT /* Initialize inverter gpio and set it to off */ if (usart_dev->cfg->regs == PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PORT) { GPIO_InitTypeDef inverterGPIOInit = { .GPIO_Pin = PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PIN, .GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP, .GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_2MHz, }; GPIO_Init(PIOS_USART_INVERTER_GPIO, &inverterGPIOInit); GPIO_WriteBit(PIOS_USART_INVERTER_GPIO, PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PIN, PIOS_USART_INVERTER_DISABLE); } #endif *usart_id = (uint32_t)usart_dev; *local_id = (uint32_t)usart_dev; PIOS_USART_SetIrqPrio(usart_dev, PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_MID); return 0; out_fail: return -1; } static void PIOS_USART_Setup(struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev) { /* Configure RX GPIO */ if ((usart_dev->init.USART_Mode & USART_Mode_Rx) && (usart_dev->cfg->rx.gpio)) { if (usart_dev->cfg->remap) { GPIO_PinRemapConfig(usart_dev->cfg->remap, ENABLE); } GPIO_Init(usart_dev->cfg->rx.gpio, (GPIO_InitTypeDef *)&usart_dev->cfg->rx.init); USART_ITConfig(usart_dev->cfg->regs, USART_IT_RXNE, ENABLE); } /* Configure TX GPIO */ if ((usart_dev->init.USART_Mode & USART_Mode_Tx) && usart_dev->cfg->tx.gpio) { if (usart_dev->cfg->remap) { GPIO_PinRemapConfig(usart_dev->cfg->remap, ENABLE); } GPIO_Init(usart_dev->cfg->tx.gpio, (GPIO_InitTypeDef *)&usart_dev->cfg->tx.init); } /* Write new configuration */ { // fix parity stuff USART_InitTypeDef init = usart_dev->init; if ((init.USART_Parity != USART_Parity_No) && (init.USART_WordLength == USART_WordLength_8b)) { init.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_9b; } USART_Init(usart_dev->cfg->regs, &init); } /* * Re enable USART. */ USART_Cmd(usart_dev->cfg->regs, ENABLE); } static void PIOS_USART_RxStart(uint32_t usart_id, __attribute__((unused)) uint16_t rx_bytes_avail) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id; bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); USART_ITConfig(usart_dev->cfg->regs, USART_IT_RXNE, ENABLE); } static void PIOS_USART_TxStart(uint32_t usart_id, __attribute__((unused)) uint16_t tx_bytes_avail) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id; bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); USART_ITConfig(usart_dev->cfg->regs, USART_IT_TXE, ENABLE); } /** * Changes the baud rate of the USART peripheral without re-initialising. * \param[in] usart_id USART name (GPS, TELEM, AUX) * \param[in] baud Requested baud rate */ static void PIOS_USART_ChangeBaud(uint32_t usart_id, uint32_t baud) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id; bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); if (usart_dev->config_locked) { return; } /* Use our working copy of the usart init structure */ usart_dev->init.USART_BaudRate = baud; PIOS_USART_Setup(usart_dev); } /** * Changes configuration of the USART peripheral without re-initialising. * \param[in] usart_id USART name (GPS, TELEM, AUX) * \param[in] word_len Requested word length * \param[in] stop_bits Requested stop bits * \param[in] parity Requested parity * \param[in] baud_rate Requested baud rate * \param[in] mode Requested mode * */ static void PIOS_USART_ChangeConfig(uint32_t usart_id, enum PIOS_COM_Word_Length word_len, enum PIOS_COM_Parity parity, enum PIOS_COM_StopBits stop_bits, uint32_t baud_rate) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id; bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); if (usart_dev->config_locked) { return; } switch (word_len) { case PIOS_COM_Word_length_8b: usart_dev->init.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_8b; break; case PIOS_COM_Word_length_9b: usart_dev->init.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_9b; break; default: break; } switch (stop_bits) { case PIOS_COM_StopBits_0_5: usart_dev->init.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_0_5; break; case PIOS_COM_StopBits_1: usart_dev->init.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1; break; case PIOS_COM_StopBits_1_5: usart_dev->init.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1_5; break; case PIOS_COM_StopBits_2: usart_dev->init.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_2; break; default: break; } switch (parity) { case PIOS_COM_Parity_No: usart_dev->init.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_No; break; case PIOS_COM_Parity_Even: usart_dev->init.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_Even; break; case PIOS_COM_Parity_Odd: usart_dev->init.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_Odd; break; default: break; } if (baud_rate) { usart_dev->init.USART_BaudRate = baud_rate; } PIOS_USART_Setup(usart_dev); } static void PIOS_USART_RegisterRxCallback(uint32_t usart_id, pios_com_callback rx_in_cb, uint32_t context) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id; bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); /* * Order is important in these assignments since ISR uses _cb * field to determine if it's ok to dereference _cb and _context */ usart_dev->rx_in_context = context; usart_dev->rx_in_cb = rx_in_cb; usart_dev->init.USART_Mode |= USART_Mode_Rx; PIOS_USART_Setup(usart_dev); } static void PIOS_USART_RegisterTxCallback(uint32_t usart_id, pios_com_callback tx_out_cb, uint32_t context) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id; bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); /* * Order is important in these assignments since ISR uses _cb * field to determine if it's ok to dereference _cb and _context */ usart_dev->tx_out_context = context; usart_dev->tx_out_cb = tx_out_cb; usart_dev->init.USART_Mode |= USART_Mode_Tx; PIOS_USART_Setup(usart_dev); } static void PIOS_USART_generic_irq_handler(uint32_t usart_id) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id; bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); /* Force read of dr after sr to make sure to clear error flags */ volatile uint16_t sr = usart_dev->cfg->regs->SR; volatile uint8_t dr = usart_dev->cfg->regs->DR; /* Check if RXNE flag is set */ bool rx_need_yield = false; if (sr & USART_SR_RXNE) { uint8_t byte = dr; if (usart_dev->rx_in_cb) { uint16_t rc; rc = (usart_dev->rx_in_cb)(usart_dev->rx_in_context, &byte, 1, NULL, &rx_need_yield); if (rc < 1) { /* Lost bytes on rx */ usart_dev->rx_dropped += 1; } } } /* Check if TXE flag is set */ bool tx_need_yield = false; if (sr & USART_SR_TXE) { if (usart_dev->tx_out_cb) { uint8_t b; uint16_t bytes_to_send; bytes_to_send = (usart_dev->tx_out_cb)(usart_dev->tx_out_context, &b, 1, NULL, &tx_need_yield); if (bytes_to_send > 0) { /* Send the byte we've been given */ usart_dev->cfg->regs->DR = b; } else { /* No bytes to send, disable TXE interrupt */ USART_ITConfig(usart_dev->cfg->regs, USART_IT_TXE, DISABLE); } } else { /* No bytes to send, disable TXE interrupt */ USART_ITConfig(usart_dev->cfg->regs, USART_IT_TXE, DISABLE); } } #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) if (rx_need_yield || tx_need_yield) { vPortYield(); } #endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS */ } static int32_t PIOS_USART_Ioctl(uint32_t usart_id, uint32_t ctl, void *param) { struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id; bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); /* First try board specific IOCTL to allow overriding default functions */ if (usart_dev->cfg->ioctl) { int32_t ret = usart_dev->cfg->ioctl(usart_id, ctl, param); if (ret != COM_IOCTL_ENOSYS) { return ret; } } switch (ctl) { case PIOS_IOCTL_USART_SET_IRQ_PRIO: return PIOS_USART_SetIrqPrio(usart_dev, *(uint8_t *)param); #ifdef PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PORT case PIOS_IOCTL_USART_SET_INVERTED: if (usart_dev->cfg->regs != PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PORT) { return COM_IOCTL_ENOSYS; /* don't know how */ } GPIO_WriteBit(PIOS_USART_INVERTER_GPIO, PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PIN, (*(enum PIOS_USART_Inverted *)param & PIOS_USART_Inverted_Rx) ? PIOS_USART_INVERTER_ENABLE : PIOS_USART_INVERTER_DISABLE); break; #endif /* PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PORT */ case PIOS_IOCTL_USART_GET_DSMBIND: #ifdef PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PORT if (usart_dev->cfg->regs == PIOS_USART_INVERTER_PORT) { return -2; /* do not allow dsm bind on port with inverter */ } #endif /* otherwise, return RXGPIO */ // fall through case PIOS_IOCTL_USART_GET_RXGPIO: *(struct stm32_gpio *)param = usart_dev->cfg->rx; break; case PIOS_IOCTL_USART_GET_TXGPIO: *(struct stm32_gpio *)param = usart_dev->cfg->tx; break; case PIOS_IOCTL_USART_SET_HALFDUPLEX: USART_HalfDuplexCmd(usart_dev->cfg->regs, *(bool *)param ? ENABLE : DISABLE); break; case PIOS_IOCTL_USART_LOCK_CONFIG: usart_dev->config_locked = *(bool *)param; break; default: return COM_IOCTL_ENOSYS; /* unknown ioctl */ } return 0; } #endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_USART */ /** * @} * @} */