/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules * @{ * @addtogroup Sensors * @brief Acquires sensor data * Specifically updates the the @ref GyroSensor, @ref AccelSensor, and @ref MagSensor objects * @{ * * @file sensors.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief Module to handle all comms to the AHRS on a periodic basis. * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * ******************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Input objects: None, takes sensor data via pios * Output objects: @ref GyroSensor @ref AccelSensor @ref MagSensor * * The module executes in its own thread. * * UAVObjects are automatically generated by the UAVObjectGenerator from * the object definition XML file. * * Modules have no API, all communication to other modules is done through UAVObjects. * However modules may use the API exposed by shared libraries. * See the OpenPilot wiki for more details. * http://www.openpilot.org/OpenPilot_Application_Architecture * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Private constants #define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 1000 #define TASK_PRIORITY (tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3) #define MAX_SENSORS_PER_INSTANCE 2 #ifdef PIOS_INCLUDE_WDG #define RELOAD_WDG() PIOS_WDG_UpdateFlag(PIOS_WDG_SENSORS) #define REGISTER_WDG() PIOS_WDG_RegisterFlag(PIOS_WDG_SENSORS) #else #define RELOAD_WDG() #define REGISTER_WDG() #endif static const uint32_t sensor_period_ms = ((uint32_t)1000.0f / PIOS_SENSOR_RATE); static const uint32_t sensor_period_ticks = ((uint32_t)1000.0f / PIOS_SENSOR_RATE) / portTICK_RATE_MS; // Interval in number of sample to recalculate temp bias #define TEMP_CALIB_INTERVAL 30 // LPF #define TEMP_DT (1.0f / PIOS_SENSOR_RATE) #define TEMP_LPF_FC 5.0f static const float temp_alpha = LPF_ALPHA(TEMP_DT, TEMP_LPF_FC); #define ZERO_ROT_ANGLE 0.00001f // Private types typedef struct { // used to accumulate all samples in a task iteration Vector3i32 accum[2]; int32_t temperature; uint32_t count; } sensor_fetch_context; #define MAX_SENSOR_DATA_SIZE (sizeof(PIOS_SENSORS_3Axis_SensorsWithTemp) + MAX_SENSORS_PER_INSTANCE * sizeof(Vector3i16)) typedef union { PIOS_SENSORS_3Axis_SensorsWithTemp sensorSample3Axis; PIOS_SENSORS_1Axis_SensorsWithTemp sensorSample1Axis; } sensor_data; #define PIOS_INSTRUMENT_MODULE #include // Private functions static void SensorsTask(void *parameters); static void settingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *objEv); static void accumulateSamples(sensor_fetch_context *sensor_context, sensor_data *sample); static void processSamples(sensor_fetch_context *sensor_context, const PIOS_SENSORS_Instance *sensor); static void clearContext(sensor_fetch_context *sensor_context); static void handleAccel(float *samples, float temperature); static void handleGyro(float *samples, float temperature); static void handleMag(float *samples, float temperature); static void updateAccelTempBias(float temperature); static void updateGyroTempBias(float temperature); // Private variables static sensor_data *source_data; static xTaskHandle sensorsTaskHandle; RevoCalibrationData cal; AccelGyroSettingsData agcal; // These values are initialized by settings but can be updated by the attitude algorithm static float mag_bias[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; static float mag_transform[3][3] = { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }; // Variables used to handle temperature bias static volatile bool gyro_temp_calibrated = false; static volatile bool accel_temp_calibrated = false; static float accel_temperature = NAN; static float gyro_temperature = NAN; static float accel_temp_bias[3] = { 0 }; static float gyro_temp_bias[3] = { 0 }; static uint8_t accel_temp_calibration_count = 0; static uint8_t gyro_temp_calibration_count = 0; static float R[3][3] = { { 0 } }; static int8_t rotate = 0; /** * Initialise the module. Called before the start function * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t SensorsInitialize(void) { source_data = (sensor_data *)pios_malloc(MAX_SENSOR_DATA_SIZE); GyroSensorInitialize(); AccelSensorInitialize(); MagSensorInitialize(); RevoCalibrationInitialize(); AttitudeSettingsInitialize(); AccelGyroSettingsInitialize(); rotate = 0; RevoCalibrationConnectCallback(&settingsUpdatedCb); AttitudeSettingsConnectCallback(&settingsUpdatedCb); AccelGyroSettingsConnectCallback(&settingsUpdatedCb); return 0; } /** * Start the task. Expects all objects to be initialized by this point. * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t SensorsStart(void) { // Start main task xTaskCreate(SensorsTask, "Sensors", STACK_SIZE_BYTES / 4, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &sensorsTaskHandle); PIOS_TASK_MONITOR_RegisterTask(TASKINFO_RUNNING_SENSORS, sensorsTaskHandle); REGISTER_WDG(); return 0; } MODULE_INITCALL(SensorsInitialize, SensorsStart); int32_t accel_test; int32_t gyro_test; int32_t mag_test; // int32_t pressure_test; /** * The sensor task. This polls the gyros at 500 Hz and pumps that data to * stabilization and to the attitude loop * */ uint32_t sensor_dt_us; static void SensorsTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters) { portTickType lastSysTime; sensor_fetch_context sensor_context; bool error = false; const PIOS_SENSORS_Instance *sensors_list = PIOS_SENSORS_GetList(); PIOS_SENSORS_Instance *sensor; AlarmsClear(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_SENSORS); settingsUpdatedCb(NULL); // Test sensors bool sensors_test = true; uint8_t count = 0; LL_FOREACH((PIOS_SENSORS_Instance *)sensors_list, sensor) { sensors_test &= PIOS_SENSORS_Test(sensor); count++; } PIOS_Assert(count); RELOAD_WDG(); if (!sensors_test) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_SENSORS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL); while (1) { vTaskDelay(10); } } // Main task loop lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); while (1) { // TODO: add timeouts to the sensor reads and set an error if the fail if (error) { RELOAD_WDG(); lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, sensor_period_ticks); AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_SENSORS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL); error = false; } else { AlarmsClear(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_SENSORS); } // reset the fetch context clearContext(&sensor_context); LL_FOREACH((PIOS_SENSORS_Instance *)sensors_list, sensor) { // we will wait on the sensor that's marked as primary( that means the sensor with higher sample rate) bool is_primary = (sensor->type && PIOS_SENSORS_TYPE_3AXIS_ACCEL); if (!sensor->driver->is_polled) { const QueueHandle_t queue = PIOS_SENSORS_GetQueue(sensor); while (xQueueReceive(queue, (void *)source_data, (is_primary && !sensor_context.count) ? sensor_period_ticks : 0) == pdTRUE) { accumulateSamples(&sensor_context, source_data); } if (sensor_context.count) { processSamples(&sensor_context, sensor); clearContext(&sensor_context); } else if (is_primary) { error = true; } } else { if (PIOS_SENSORS_Poll(sensor)) { PIOS_SENSOR_Fetch(sensor, (void *)source_data, MAX_SENSORS_PER_INSTANCE); accumulateSamples(&sensor_context, source_data); processSamples(&sensor_context, sensor); clearContext(&sensor_context); } } } RELOAD_WDG(); vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, sensor_period_ticks); } } static void clearContext(sensor_fetch_context *sensor_context) { // clear the context once it has finished for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SENSORS_PER_INSTANCE; i++) { sensor_context->accum[i].x = 0; sensor_context->accum[i].y = 0; sensor_context->accum[i].z = 0; } sensor_context->temperature = 0; sensor_context->count = 0; } static void accumulateSamples(sensor_fetch_context *sensor_context, sensor_data *sample) { for (uint32_t i = 0; (i < MAX_SENSORS_PER_INSTANCE) && (i < sample->sensorSample3Axis.count); i++) { sensor_context->accum[i].x += sample->sensorSample3Axis.sample[i].x; sensor_context->accum[i].y += sample->sensorSample3Axis.sample[i].y; sensor_context->accum[i].z += sample->sensorSample3Axis.sample[i].z; } sensor_context->temperature += sample->sensorSample3Axis.temperature; sensor_context->count++; } static void processSamples(sensor_fetch_context *sensor_context, const PIOS_SENSORS_Instance *sensor) { float samples[3]; float temperature; float scales[MAX_SENSORS_PER_INSTANCE]; PIOS_SENSORS_GetScales(sensor, scales, MAX_SENSORS_PER_INSTANCE); float inv_count = 1.0f / (float)sensor_context->count; if ((sensor->type && PIOS_SENSORS_TYPE_3AXIS_ACCEL) || (sensor->type == PIOS_SENSORS_TYPE_3AXIS_MAG)) { float t = inv_count * scales[0]; samples[0] = ((float)sensor_context->accum[0].x * t); samples[1] = ((float)sensor_context->accum[0].y * t); samples[2] = ((float)sensor_context->accum[0].z * t); temperature = (float)sensor_context->temperature * inv_count * 0.01f; if (sensor->type == PIOS_SENSORS_TYPE_3AXIS_MAG) { handleMag(samples, temperature); return; } else { handleAccel(samples, temperature); } } if (sensor->type && PIOS_SENSORS_TYPE_3AXIS_GYRO) { uint8_t index = 0; if (sensor->type == PIOS_SENSORS_TYPE_3AXIS_GYRO_ACCEL) { index = 1; } float t = inv_count * scales[index]; samples[0] = ((float)sensor_context->accum[index].x * t); samples[1] = ((float)sensor_context->accum[index].y * t); samples[2] = ((float)sensor_context->accum[index].z * t); temperature = (float)sensor_context->temperature * inv_count * 0.01f; handleGyro(samples, temperature); return; } if (sensor->type == PIOS_SENSORS_TYPE_1AXIS_BARO) { PIOS_Assert(0); // not yet implemented } } void handleAccel(float *samples, float temperature) { AccelSensorData accelSensorData; updateAccelTempBias(temperature); float accels_out[3] = { samples[0] * agcal.accel_scale.X - agcal.accel_bias.X - accel_temp_bias[0], samples[1] * agcal.accel_scale.Y - agcal.accel_bias.Y - accel_temp_bias[1], samples[2] * agcal.accel_scale.Z - agcal.accel_bias.Z - accel_temp_bias[2] }; rot_mult(R, accels_out, samples); accelSensorData.x = samples[0]; accelSensorData.y = samples[1]; accelSensorData.z = samples[2]; AccelSensorSet(&accelSensorData); } void handleGyro(float *samples, float temperature) { GyroSensorData gyroSensorData; updateGyroTempBias(temperature); float gyros_out[3] = { samples[0] * agcal.gyro_scale.X - agcal.gyro_bias.X - gyro_temp_bias[0], samples[1] * agcal.gyro_scale.Y - agcal.gyro_bias.Y - gyro_temp_bias[1], samples[2] * agcal.gyro_scale.Z - agcal.gyro_bias.Z - gyro_temp_bias[2] }; rot_mult(R, gyros_out, samples); gyroSensorData.temperature = temperature; gyroSensorData.x = samples[0]; gyroSensorData.y = samples[1]; gyroSensorData.z = samples[2]; GyroSensorSet(&gyroSensorData); } void handleMag(float *samples, float temperature) { MagSensorData mag; float mags[3] = { (float)samples[1] - mag_bias[0], (float)samples[0] - mag_bias[1], (float)samples[2] - mag_bias[2] }; rot_mult(mag_transform, mags, samples); mag.x = samples[0]; mag.y = samples[1]; mag.z = samples[2]; mag.temperature = temperature; MagSensorSet(&mag); } static void updateAccelTempBias(float temperature) { if (isnan(accel_temperature)) { accel_temperature = temperature; } accel_temperature = temp_alpha * (temperature - accel_temperature) + accel_temperature; if ((accel_temp_calibrated) && !accel_temp_calibration_count) { accel_temp_calibration_count = TEMP_CALIB_INTERVAL; if (accel_temp_calibrated) { float ctemp = boundf(accel_temperature, agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max, agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min); accel_temp_bias[0] = agcal.accel_temp_coeff.X * ctemp; accel_temp_bias[1] = agcal.accel_temp_coeff.Y * ctemp; accel_temp_bias[2] = agcal.accel_temp_coeff.Z * ctemp; } } accel_temp_calibration_count--; } static void updateGyroTempBias(float temperature) { if (isnan(gyro_temperature)) { gyro_temperature = temperature; } gyro_temperature = temp_alpha * (temperature - gyro_temperature) + gyro_temperature; if (gyro_temp_calibrated && !gyro_temp_calibration_count) { gyro_temp_calibration_count = TEMP_CALIB_INTERVAL; if (gyro_temp_calibrated) { float ctemp = boundf(gyro_temperature, agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max, agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min); gyro_temp_bias[0] = (agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.X + agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.X2 * ctemp) * ctemp; gyro_temp_bias[1] = (agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Y + agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Y2 * ctemp) * ctemp; gyro_temp_bias[2] = (agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Z + agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Z2 * ctemp) * ctemp; } } gyro_temp_calibration_count--; } /** * Locally cache some variables from the AtttitudeSettings object */ static void settingsUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *objEv) { RevoCalibrationGet(&cal); AccelGyroSettingsGet(&agcal); mag_bias[0] = cal.mag_bias.X; mag_bias[1] = cal.mag_bias.Y; mag_bias[2] = cal.mag_bias.Z; accel_temp_calibrated = (agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max - agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min > .1f) && (fabsf(agcal.accel_temp_coeff.X) > 1e-9f || fabsf(agcal.accel_temp_coeff.Y) > 1e-9f || fabsf(agcal.accel_temp_coeff.Z) > 1e-9f); gyro_temp_calibrated = (agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max - agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min > .1f) && (fabsf(agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.X) > 1e-9f || fabsf(agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Y) > 1e-9f || fabsf(agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Z) > 1e-9f || fabsf(agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Z2) > 1e-9f); AttitudeSettingsData attitudeSettings; AttitudeSettingsGet(&attitudeSettings); // Indicates not to expend cycles on rotation if (fabsf(attitudeSettings.BoardRotation.Roll) < ZERO_ROT_ANGLE && fabsf(attitudeSettings.BoardRotation.Pitch) < ZERO_ROT_ANGLE && fabsf(attitudeSettings.BoardRotation.Yaw) < ZERO_ROT_ANGLE) { rotate = 0; } else { rotate = 1; } const float rpy[3] = { attitudeSettings.BoardRotation.Roll, attitudeSettings.BoardRotation.Pitch, attitudeSettings.BoardRotation.Yaw }; float rotationQuat[4]; RPY2Quaternion(rpy, rotationQuat); if (fabsf(attitudeSettings.BoardLevelTrim.Roll) > ZERO_ROT_ANGLE || fabsf(attitudeSettings.BoardLevelTrim.Pitch) > ZERO_ROT_ANGLE) { float trimQuat[4]; float sumQuat[4]; rotate = 1; const float trimRpy[3] = { attitudeSettings.BoardLevelTrim.Roll, attitudeSettings.BoardLevelTrim.Pitch, 0.0f }; RPY2Quaternion(trimRpy, trimQuat); quat_mult(rotationQuat, trimQuat, sumQuat); Quaternion2R(sumQuat, R); } else { Quaternion2R(rotationQuat, R); } matrix_mult_3x3f((float(*)[3])RevoCalibrationmag_transformToArray(cal.mag_transform), R, mag_transform); } /** * @} * @} */