/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules * @{ * @addtogroup RadioComBridgeModule Com Port to Radio Bridge Module * @brief Bridge Com and Radio ports * @{ * * @file RadioComBridge.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2012. * @brief Bridges selected Com Port to the COM VCP emulated serial port * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // **************** #include #include #include #include #include #include "ecc.h" extern char *debug_msg; // **************** // Private functions static void radio2ComBridgeTask(void *parameters); static void com2RadioBridgeTask(void *parameters); static int32_t transmitData(uint8_t * data, int32_t length); static int32_t transmitPacket(PHPacketHandle packet); static void receiveData(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len); static void updateSettings(); // **************** // Private constants #define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 300 #define TASK_PRIORITY (tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1) #define BRIDGE_BUF_LEN 128 // **************** // Private types typedef struct { // The task handles. xTaskHandle radio2ComBridgeTaskHandle; xTaskHandle com2RadioBridgeTaskHandle; // The com buffers. uint8_t *radio2com_buf; uint8_t *com2radio_buf; // The com ports uint32_t com_port; uint32_t radio_port; // The UAVTalk connection on the com side. UAVTalkConnection uavTalkCon; // Error statistics. uint32_t com_tx_errors; uint32_t radio_tx_errors; // The packet handler. PHInstHandle packet_handler; portTickType send_timeout; uint16_t min_packet_size; PHPacket packet; } RadioComBridgeData; // **************** // Private variables static RadioComBridgeData *data; /** * Start the module * \return -1 if initialisation failed * \return 0 on success */ static int32_t RadioComBridgeStart(void) { if(data) { // Start the tasks xTaskCreate(radio2ComBridgeTask, (signed char *)"Radio2ComBridge", STACK_SIZE_BYTES/2, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &(data->radio2ComBridgeTaskHandle)); xTaskCreate(com2RadioBridgeTask, (signed char *)"Com2RadioBridge", STACK_SIZE_BYTES/2, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &(data->com2RadioBridgeTaskHandle)); return 0; } return -1; } /** * Initialise the module * \return -1 if initialisation failed * \return 0 on success */ static int32_t RadioComBridgeInitialize(void) { // allocate and initialize the static data storage only if module is enabled data = (RadioComBridgeData *)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(RadioComBridgeData)); if (!data) return -1; // TODO: Get from settings object data->com_port = PIOS_COM_BRIDGE_COM; data->radio_port = PIOS_COM_BRIDGE_RADIO; // Allocate the com buffers. data->radio2com_buf = pvPortMalloc(BRIDGE_BUF_LEN); PIOS_Assert(data->radio2com_buf); data->com2radio_buf = pvPortMalloc(BRIDGE_BUF_LEN); PIOS_Assert(data->com2radio_buf); // Initialise UAVTalk data->uavTalkCon = UAVTalkInitialize(&transmitData); // Initialize the statistics. data->com_tx_errors = 0; data->radio_tx_errors = 0; // Initialize the packet handler PacketHandlerConfig phcfg = { .txWinSize = PIOS_PH_TX_WIN_SIZE, .maxConnections = PIOS_PH_MAX_CONNECTIONS, .id = 0x36249acb, }; data->packet_handler = PHInitialize(&phcfg); // Register the callbacks with the packet handler PHRegisterOutputStream(data->packet_handler, transmitPacket); PHRegisterDataHandler(data->packet_handler, receiveData); // Initialize the packet send timeout data->send_timeout = 25; // ms data->min_packet_size = 50; updateSettings(); return 0; } MODULE_INITCALL(RadioComBridgeInitialize, RadioComBridgeStart) /** * The radio to com bridge task. */ static void radio2ComBridgeTask(void *parameters) { /* Handle radio -> usart/usb direction */ while (1) { uint32_t rx_bytes; // Receive data from the radio port rx_bytes = PIOS_COM_ReceiveBuffer(data->radio_port, data->radio2com_buf, BRIDGE_BUF_LEN, 500); if (rx_bytes > 0) { PHReceivePacket(data->packet_handler, (PHPacketHandle)data->radio2com_buf); } } } /** * The com to radio bridge task. */ static void com2RadioBridgeTask(void * parameters) { uint32_t rx_bytes = 0; portTickType packet_start_time = 0; uint32_t timeout = 500; /* Handle usart/usb -> radio direction */ while (1) { // Receive data from the com port //debug_msg = "COM receive"; uint32_t cur_rx_bytes = PIOS_COM_ReceiveBuffer(data->com_port, data->com2radio_buf + rx_bytes, BRIDGE_BUF_LEN - rx_bytes, timeout); //debug_msg = "COM receive done"; rx_bytes += cur_rx_bytes; // Do we have an data to send? if (rx_bytes > 0) { // Check how long since last update portTickType cur_sys_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); // Is this the start of a packet? if(packet_start_time == 0) packet_start_time = cur_sys_time; // Just send the packet on wraparound bool send_packet = (cur_sys_time < packet_start_time); if (!send_packet) { portTickType dT = (cur_sys_time - packet_start_time) / portTICK_RATE_MS; if (dT > data->send_timeout) send_packet = true; else timeout = data->send_timeout - dT; } // Also send the packet if the size is over the minimum. send_packet |= (rx_bytes > data->min_packet_size); // Should we send this packet? if (send_packet) { // Get a TX packet from the packet handler PHPacketHandle p = PHGetTXPacket(data->packet_handler); // Initialize the packet. //p->header.type = PACKET_TYPE_ACKED_DATA; p->header.type = PACKET_TYPE_DATA; p->header.data_size = rx_bytes; // Copy the data into the packet. memcpy(p->data, data->com2radio_buf, rx_bytes); // Transmit the packet PHTransmitPacket(data->packet_handler, p); // Reset the timeout timeout = 500; rx_bytes = 0; packet_start_time = 0; } // Pass the data through UAVTalk //for (uint8_t i = 0; i < cur_rx_bytes; i++) //UAVTalkProcessInputStream(data->uavTalkCon, data->com2radio_buf[i]); } } } /** * Transmit data buffer to the com port. * \param[in] buf Data buffer to send * \param[in] length Length of buffer * \return -1 on failure * \return number of bytes transmitted on success */ static int32_t transmitData(uint8_t *buf, int32_t length) { return PIOS_COM_SendBuffer(data->com_port, buf, length); } /** * Transmit a packet to the radio port. * \param[in] buf Data buffer to send * \param[in] length Length of buffer * \return -1 on failure * \return number of bytes transmitted on success */ static int32_t transmitPacket(PHPacketHandle p) { static uint32_t cntr = 0; DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "Sending: %d %d\n\r", p->header.data_size, cntr++); int32_t ret = PIOS_COM_SendBuffer(data->radio_port, (uint8_t*)p, PH_PACKET_SIZE(p)); return ret; } /** * Receive a packet * \param[in] buf The received data buffer * \param[in] length Length of buffer */ static void receiveData(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) { DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "Received: %d\n\r", len); /* Send the received data to the com port */ if (PIOS_COM_SendBuffer(data->com_port, buf, len) != len) /* Error on transmit */ data->com_tx_errors++; } static void updateSettings() { if (data->com_port) { #ifdef NEVER // Retrieve settings uint8_t speed; HwSettingsRadioComBridgeSpeedGet(&speed); // Set port speed switch (speed) { case HWSETTINGS_RADIOCOMBRIDGESPEED_2400: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(data->com_port, 2400); break; case HWSETTINGS_RADIOCOMBRIDGESPEED_4800: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(data->com_port, 4800); break; case HWSETTINGS_RADIOCOMBRIDGESPEED_9600: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(data->com_port, 9600); break; case HWSETTINGS_RADIOCOMBRIDGESPEED_19200: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(data->com_port, 19200); break; case HWSETTINGS_RADIOCOMBRIDGESPEED_38400: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(data->com_port, 38400); break; case HWSETTINGS_RADIOCOMBRIDGESPEED_57600: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(data->com_port, 57600); break; case HWSETTINGS_RADIOCOMBRIDGESPEED_115200: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(data->com_port, 115200); break; } #endif } }