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* @file uavobjectgeneratorgcs.cpp
* @author The LibrePilot Project, http://www.librepilot.org Copyright (C) 2016.
* The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* @brief produce gcs code for uavobjects
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "uavobjectgeneratorgcs.h"
#define VERBOSE false
#define DEPRECATED true
using namespace std;
void error(QString msg)
cerr << "error: " << msg.toStdString() << endl;
void warning(ObjectInfo *object, QString msg)
cerr << "warning: " << object->filename.toStdString() << ": " << msg.toStdString() << endl;
void info(ObjectInfo *object, QString msg)
if (VERBOSE) {
cout << "info: " << object->filename.toStdString() << ": " << msg.toStdString() << endl;
struct Context {
ObjectInfo *object;
// enums
QString enums;
QString enumsCount;
QString registerImpl;
// interface
QString fields;
QString fieldsInfo;
QString properties;
QString deprecatedProperties;
QString getters;
QString setters;
QString notifications;
// implementation
QString fieldsInit;
QString fieldsDefault;
QString propertiesImpl;
QString notificationsImpl;
struct FieldContext {
FieldInfo *field;
// field
QString fieldName;
QString fieldType;
// property
QString propName;
QString ucPropName;
QString propType;
QString propRefType;
// deprecation
bool hasDeprecatedProperty;
bool hasDeprecatedGetter;
bool hasDeprecatedSetter;
bool hasDeprecatedNotification;
QString fieldTypeStrCPP(int type)
QStringList fieldTypeStrCPP;
fieldTypeStrCPP << "qint8" << "qint16" << "qint32" << "quint8" << "quint16" << "quint32" << "float" << "quint8";
return fieldTypeStrCPP[type];
QString fieldTypeStrCPPClass(int type)
QStringList fieldTypeStrCPPClass;
fieldTypeStrCPPClass << "INT8" << "INT16" << "INT32" << "UINT8" << "UINT16" << "UINT32" << "FLOAT32" << "ENUM";
return fieldTypeStrCPPClass[type];
QString toPropertyName(const QString & name)
QString str = name;
// make sure 1st letter is upper case
str[0] = str[0].toUpper();
// handle underscore
int p = str.indexOf('_');
while (p != -1) {
str.remove(p, 1);
str[p] = str[p].toUpper();
p = str.indexOf('_', p);
return str;
* Convert a string to lower camel case.
* Handles following cases :
* - Property -> property
* - MyProperty -> myProperty
* - MYProperty -> myProperty
* - MY_Property -> my_Property
* - MY -> my
QString toLowerCamelCase(const QString & name)
QString str = name;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
if (str[i].isLower() || !str[i].isLetter()) {
if (i > 0 && i < str.length() - 1) {
// after first, look ahead one
if (str[i + 1].isLower()) {
str[i] = str[i].toLower();
return str;
QString toEnumName(ObjectInfo *object, FieldInfo *field, int index)
QString option = field->options[index];
if (option.contains(QRegExp(ENUM_SPECIAL_CHARS))) {
info(object, "Enumeration value \"" + option + "\" contains special chars, cleaning.");
option.replace(QRegExp(ENUM_SPECIAL_CHARS), "");
if (option[0].isDigit()) {
info(object, "Enumeration value \"" + option + "\" starts with a digit, prefixing with \"" + DEFAULT_ENUM_PREFIX "\".");
option = DEFAULT_ENUM_PREFIX + option;
if (option == option.toLower()) {
warning(object, "Enumeration value \"" + option + "\" is all lower case, consider capitalizing.");
if (option[0].isLower()) {
warning(object, "Enumeration value \"" + option + "\" does not start with an upper case letter.");
option[0] = option[0].toUpper();
if (option == "FALSE") {
warning(object, "Invalid enumeration name FALSE, converting to False.");
option = "False";
if (option == "TRUE") {
warning(object, "Invalid enumeration name TRUE, converting to True.");
option = "True";
return option;
QString toEnumStringList(ObjectInfo *object, FieldInfo *field)
QString enumListString;
for (int m = 0; m < field->options.length(); ++m) {
if (m > 0) {
enumListString.append(", ");
QString option = toEnumName(object, field, m);
return enumListString;
QString generate(Context &ctxt, const QString &fragment)
QString str = fragment;
str.replace(":ClassName", ctxt.object->name);
str.replace(":className", ctxt.object->namelc);
return str;
QString generate(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt, const QString &fragment)
QString str = generate(ctxt, fragment);
str.replace(":PropName", fieldCtxt.ucPropName);
str.replace(":propName", fieldCtxt.propName);
str.replace(":propType", fieldCtxt.propType);
str.replace(":propRefType", fieldCtxt.propRefType);
str.replace(":fieldName", fieldCtxt.fieldName);
str.replace(":fieldType", fieldCtxt.fieldType);
str.replace(":fieldDesc", fieldCtxt.field->description);
str.replace(":fieldUnits", fieldCtxt.field->units);
str.replace(":fieldLimitValues", fieldCtxt.field->limitValues);
str.replace(":elementCount", QString::number(fieldCtxt.field->numElements));
str.replace(":enumCount", QString::number(fieldCtxt.field->numOptions));
return str;
void generateFieldInfo(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt)
ctxt.fieldsInfo += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " // :fieldName\n");
if (fieldCtxt.field->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
QStringList options = fieldCtxt.field->options;
ctxt.fieldsInfo += " typedef enum { ";
for (int m = 0; m < options.length(); ++m) {
if (m > 0) {
ctxt.fieldsInfo.append(", ");
ctxt.fieldsInfo += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, "%1_%2=%3")
.arg(options[m].toUpper().replace(QRegExp(ENUM_SPECIAL_CHARS), ""))
ctxt.fieldsInfo += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " } :fieldNameOptions;\n");
// Generate element names (only if field has more than one element)
if (fieldCtxt.field->numElements > 1 && !fieldCtxt.field->defaultElementNames) {
QStringList elemNames = fieldCtxt.field->elementNames;
ctxt.fieldsInfo += " typedef enum { ";
for (int m = 0; m < elemNames.length(); ++m) {
if (m > 0) {
ctxt.fieldsInfo.append(", ");
ctxt.fieldsInfo += QString("%1_%2=%3")
ctxt.fieldsInfo += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " } :fieldNameElem;\n");
// Generate array information
if (fieldCtxt.field->numElements > 1) {
ctxt.fieldsInfo += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " static const quint32 %1_NUMELEM = :elementCount;\n")
void generateFieldInit(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt)
ctxt.fieldsInit += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " // :fieldName\n");
// Setup element names
ctxt.fieldsInit += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " QStringList :fieldNameElemNames;\n");
QStringList elemNames = fieldCtxt.field->elementNames;
ctxt.fieldsInit += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " :fieldNameElemNames");
for (int m = 0; m < elemNames.length(); ++m) {
ctxt.fieldsInit += QString(" << \"%1\"").arg(elemNames[m]);
ctxt.fieldsInit += ";\n";
if (fieldCtxt.field->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
ctxt.fieldsInit += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " QStringList :fieldNameEnumOptions;\n");
QStringList options = fieldCtxt.field->options;
ctxt.fieldsInit += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " :fieldNameEnumOptions");
for (int m = 0; m < options.length(); ++m) {
ctxt.fieldsInit += QString(" << \"%1\"").arg(options[m]);
ctxt.fieldsInit += ";\n";
ctxt.fieldsInit += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" fields.append(new UAVObjectField(\":fieldName\", tr(\":fieldDesc\"), \":fieldUnits\", UAVObjectField::ENUM, :fieldNameElemNames, :fieldNameEnumOptions, \":fieldLimitValues\"));\n");
} else {
ctxt.fieldsInit += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" fields.append(new UAVObjectField(\":fieldName\", tr(\":fieldDesc\"), \":fieldUnits\", UAVObjectField::%1, :fieldNameElemNames, QStringList(), \":fieldLimitValues\"));\n")
void generateFieldDefault(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt)
if (!fieldCtxt.field->defaultValues.isEmpty()) {
// For non-array fields
if (fieldCtxt.field->numElements == 1) {
ctxt.fieldsDefault += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " // :fieldName\n");
if (fieldCtxt.field->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
ctxt.fieldsDefault += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " data_.:fieldName = %1;\n")
} else if (fieldCtxt.field->type == FIELDTYPE_FLOAT32) {
ctxt.fieldsDefault += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " data_.:fieldName = %1;\n")
} else {
ctxt.fieldsDefault += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " data_.:fieldName = %1;\n")
} else {
// Initialize all fields in the array
ctxt.fieldsDefault += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " // :fieldName\n");
for (int idx = 0; idx < fieldCtxt.field->numElements; ++idx) {
if (fieldCtxt.field->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
ctxt.fieldsDefault += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " data_.:fieldName[%1] = %2;\n")
} else if (fieldCtxt.field->type == FIELDTYPE_FLOAT32) {
ctxt.fieldsDefault += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " data_.:fieldName[%1] = %2;\n")
} else {
ctxt.fieldsDefault += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " data_.:fieldName[%1] = %2;\n")
void generateField(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt)
if (fieldCtxt.field->numElements > 1) {
ctxt.fields += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " :fieldType :fieldName[:elementCount];\n");
} else {
ctxt.fields += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " :fieldType :fieldName;\n");
generateFieldInfo(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
generateFieldInit(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
generateFieldDefault(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
void generateEnum(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt)
Q_ASSERT(fieldCtxt.field->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM);
QString enumStringList = toEnumStringList(ctxt.object, fieldCtxt.field);
ctxt.enums += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
"class :ClassName_:PropName : public QObject {\n"
" enum Enum { %1 };\n"
" Q_ENUMS(Enum) // TODO switch to Q_ENUM once on Qt 5.5\n"
ctxt.enumsCount += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, ":PropNameCount = :enumCount, ");
ctxt.registerImpl += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" qmlRegisterType<:ClassName_:PropName>(\"%1.:ClassName\", 1, 0, \":PropName\");\n").arg("UAVTalk");
void generateBaseProperty(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt)
ctxt.properties += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" Q_PROPERTY(:propType :propName READ :propName WRITE set:PropName NOTIFY :propNameChanged)\n");
ctxt.getters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " :propType :propName() const;\n");
ctxt.setters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " void set:PropName(const :propRefType value);\n");
ctxt.notifications += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " void :propNameChanged(const :propRefType value);\n");
ctxt.notificationsImpl += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " emit :propNameChanged(:propName());\n");
// generate deprecated property for retro compatibility
if (fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedProperty) {
ctxt.deprecatedProperties += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" /*DEPRECATED*/ Q_PROPERTY(:fieldType :fieldName READ get:fieldName WRITE set:fieldName NOTIFY :fieldNameChanged);\n");
if (fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedGetter) {
ctxt.getters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" /*DEPRECATED*/ Q_INVOKABLE :fieldType get:fieldName() const { return static_cast<:fieldType>(:propName()); }\n");
if (fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedSetter) {
ctxt.setters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" /*DEPRECATED*/ void set:fieldName(:fieldType value) { set:PropName(static_cast<:propType>(value)); }\n");
if (fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedNotification) {
ctxt.notifications += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" /*DEPRECATED*/ void :fieldNameChanged(:fieldType value);\n");
ctxt.notificationsImpl += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" /*DEPRECATED*/ emit :fieldNameChanged(get:fieldName());\n");
void generateSimpleProperty(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt)
if (fieldCtxt.field->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
generateEnum(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
generateBaseProperty(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
// getter implementation
ctxt.propertiesImpl += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
":propType :ClassName:::propName() const\n"
" QMutexLocker locker(mutex);\n"
" return static_cast<:propType>(data_.:fieldName);\n"
// emitters
QString emitters = generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, "emit :propNameChanged(value);");
if (fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedNotification) {
emitters += " ";
emitters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, "emit :fieldNameChanged(static_cast<:fieldType>(value));");
// setter implementation
ctxt.propertiesImpl += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
"void :ClassName::set:PropName(const :propRefType value)\n"
" mutex->lock();\n"
" bool changed = (data_.:fieldName != static_cast<:fieldType>(value));\n"
" data_.:fieldName = static_cast<:fieldType>(value);\n"
" mutex->unlock();\n"
" if (changed) { %1 }\n"
void generateIndexedProperty(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt)
if (fieldCtxt.field->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
generateEnum(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
// indexed getter/setter
ctxt.getters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " Q_INVOKABLE :propType :propName(quint32 index) const;\n");
ctxt.setters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " Q_INVOKABLE void set:PropName(quint32 index, const :propRefType value);\n");
// getter implementation
ctxt.propertiesImpl += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
":propType :ClassName:::propName(quint32 index) const\n"
" QMutexLocker locker(mutex);\n"
" return static_cast<:propType>(data_.:fieldName[index]);\n"
// emitters
QString emitters = generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, "emit :propNameChanged(index, value);");
if (fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedNotification) {
emitters += " ";
emitters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, "emit :fieldNameChanged(index, static_cast<:fieldType>(value));");
// setter implementation
ctxt.propertiesImpl += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
"void :ClassName::set:PropName(quint32 index, const :propRefType value)\n"
" mutex->lock();\n"
" bool changed = (data_.:fieldName[index] != static_cast<:fieldType>(value));\n"
" data_.:fieldName[index] = static_cast<:fieldType>(value);\n"
" mutex->unlock();\n"
" if (changed) { %1 }\n"
ctxt.notifications += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt, " void :propNameChanged(quint32 index, const :propRefType value);\n");
// backward compatibility
if (fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedGetter) {
ctxt.getters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" /*DEPRECATED*/ Q_INVOKABLE :fieldType get:fieldName(quint32 index) const { return static_cast<:fieldType>(:propName(index)); }\n");
if (fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedSetter) {
ctxt.setters += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" /*DEPRECATED*/ void set:fieldName(quint32 index, :fieldType value) { set:PropName(index, static_cast<:propType>(value)); }\n");
if (fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedNotification) {
ctxt.notifications += generate(ctxt, fieldCtxt,
" /*DEPRECATED*/ void :fieldNameChanged(quint32 index, :fieldType value);\n");
for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < fieldCtxt.field->numElements; elementIndex++) {
QString elementName = fieldCtxt.field->elementNames[elementIndex];
QString sep;
if (fieldCtxt.propName.right(1)[0].isDigit() && elementName[0].isDigit()) {
info(ctxt.object, "Property \"" + fieldCtxt.propName + "\" and element \"" + elementName + "\" have digit conflict, consider fixing it.");
sep = "_";
FieldContext elementCtxt;
elementCtxt.field = fieldCtxt.field;
elementCtxt.fieldName = fieldCtxt.fieldName + "_" + elementName;
elementCtxt.fieldType = fieldCtxt.fieldType;
elementCtxt.propName = fieldCtxt.propName + sep + elementName;
elementCtxt.ucPropName = fieldCtxt.ucPropName + sep + elementName;
elementCtxt.propType = fieldCtxt.propType;
elementCtxt.propRefType = fieldCtxt.propRefType;
// deprecation
elementCtxt.hasDeprecatedProperty = (elementCtxt.fieldName != elementCtxt.propName) && DEPRECATED;
elementCtxt.hasDeprecatedGetter = DEPRECATED;
elementCtxt.hasDeprecatedSetter = ((elementCtxt.fieldName != elementCtxt.ucPropName) || (elementCtxt.fieldType != elementCtxt.propType)) && DEPRECATED;
elementCtxt.hasDeprecatedNotification = ((elementCtxt.fieldName != elementCtxt.propName) || (elementCtxt.fieldType != elementCtxt.propType)) && DEPRECATED;
generateBaseProperty(ctxt, elementCtxt);
ctxt.propertiesImpl += generate(ctxt, elementCtxt,
":propType :ClassName:::propName() const { return %1(%2); }\n").arg(fieldCtxt.propName).arg(elementIndex);
ctxt.propertiesImpl += generate(ctxt, elementCtxt,
"void :ClassName::set:PropName(const :propRefType value) { set%1(%2, value); }\n").arg(fieldCtxt.ucPropName).arg(elementIndex);
void generateProperty(Context &ctxt, FieldContext &fieldCtxt)
// do some checks
QString fieldName = fieldCtxt.fieldName;
if (fieldName[0].isLower()) {
info(ctxt.object, "Field \"" + fieldName + "\" does not start with an upper case letter.");
// generate all properties
if (fieldCtxt.field->numElements > 1) {
generateIndexedProperty(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
} else {
generateSimpleProperty(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
bool UAVObjectGeneratorGCS::generate(UAVObjectParser *parser, QString templatepath, QString outputpath)
gcsCodePath = QDir(templatepath + QString(GCS_CODE_DIR));
gcsOutputPath = QDir(outputpath);
gcsCodeTemplate = readFile(gcsCodePath.absoluteFilePath("uavobject.cpp.template"));
gcsIncludeTemplate = readFile(gcsCodePath.absoluteFilePath("uavobject.h.template"));
QString gcsInitTemplate = readFile(gcsCodePath.absoluteFilePath("uavobjectsinit.cpp.template"));
if (gcsCodeTemplate.isEmpty() || gcsIncludeTemplate.isEmpty() || gcsInitTemplate.isEmpty()) {
error("Error: Failed to read gcs code templates.");
return false;
QString objInc;
QString gcsObjInit;
for (int objidx = 0; objidx < parser->getNumObjects(); ++objidx) {
ObjectInfo *object = parser->getObjectByIndex(objidx);
Context ctxt;
ctxt.object = object;
objInc.append(QString("#include \"%1.h\"\n").arg(object->namelc));
gcsObjInit += ::generate(ctxt, " objMngr->registerObject( new :ClassName() );\n");
gcsObjInit += ::generate(ctxt, " :ClassName::registerQMLTypes();\n");
// Write the gcs object initialization files
gcsInitTemplate.replace("$(OBJINC)", objInc);
gcsInitTemplate.replace("$(OBJINIT)", gcsObjInit);
bool res = writeFileIfDifferent(gcsOutputPath.absolutePath() + "/uavobjectsinit.cpp", gcsInitTemplate);
if (!res) {
error("Error: Could not write output files");
return false;
return true;
* Generate the GCS object files
* TODO add getter to get enum names
* TODO handle "char" unit
* TODO handle "bool" unit
* TODO handle "hex" unit
* TODO handle Vector
bool UAVObjectGeneratorGCS::process_object(ObjectInfo *object)
if (object == NULL) {
return false;
// Prepare output strings
QString outInclude = gcsIncludeTemplate;
QString outCode = gcsCodeTemplate;
// Replace common tags
replaceCommonTags(outInclude, object);
replaceCommonTags(outCode, object);
// to avoid name conflicts
QStringList reservedProperties;
reservedProperties << "Description" << "Metadata";
Context ctxt;
ctxt.object = object;
ctxt.registerImpl += ::generate(ctxt,
" qmlRegisterType<:ClassName>(\"%1.:ClassName\", 1, 0, \":ClassName\");\n").arg("UAVTalk");
ctxt.registerImpl += ::generate(ctxt,
" qmlRegisterType<:ClassNameConstants>(\"%1.:ClassName\", 1, 0, \":ClassNameConstants\");\n").arg("UAVTalk");
for (int n = 0; n < object->fields.length(); ++n) {
FieldInfo *field = object->fields[n];
// field context
FieldContext fieldCtxt;
fieldCtxt.field = field;
// field properties
fieldCtxt.fieldName = field->name;
fieldCtxt.fieldType = fieldTypeStrCPP(field->type);
fieldCtxt.ucPropName = toPropertyName(field->name);
fieldCtxt.propName = toLowerCamelCase(fieldCtxt.ucPropName);
fieldCtxt.propType = fieldCtxt.fieldType;
if (field->type == FIELDTYPE_INT8) {
fieldCtxt.propType = fieldTypeStrCPP(FIELDTYPE_INT16);
} else if (field->type == FIELDTYPE_UINT8) {
fieldCtxt.propType = fieldTypeStrCPP(FIELDTYPE_UINT16);
} else if (field->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
QString enumClassName = object->name + "_" + fieldCtxt.ucPropName;
fieldCtxt.propType = enumClassName + "::Enum";
// reference type
fieldCtxt.propRefType = fieldCtxt.propType;
// deprecation
fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedProperty = (fieldCtxt.fieldName != fieldCtxt.propName) && DEPRECATED;
fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedGetter = DEPRECATED;
fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedSetter = ((fieldCtxt.fieldName != fieldCtxt.ucPropName) || (fieldCtxt.fieldType != fieldCtxt.propType)) && DEPRECATED;
fieldCtxt.hasDeprecatedNotification = ((fieldCtxt.fieldName != fieldCtxt.propName) || (fieldCtxt.fieldType != fieldCtxt.propType)) && DEPRECATED;
generateField(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
if (reservedProperties.contains(field->name)) {
warning(object, "Ignoring reserved property " + field->name + ".");
generateProperty(ctxt, fieldCtxt);
outInclude.replace("$(ENUMS)", ctxt.enums);
outInclude.replace("$(ENUMS_COUNT)", ctxt.enumsCount);
outInclude.replace("$(DATAFIELDS)", ctxt.fields);
outInclude.replace("$(DATAFIELDINFO)", ctxt.fieldsInfo);
outInclude.replace("$(PROPERTIES)", ctxt.properties);
outInclude.replace("$(DEPRECATED_PROPERTIES)", ctxt.deprecatedProperties);
outInclude.replace("$(PROPERTY_GETTERS)", ctxt.getters);
outInclude.replace("$(PROPERTY_SETTERS)", ctxt.setters);
outInclude.replace("$(PROPERTY_NOTIFICATIONS)", ctxt.notifications);
outCode.replace("$(FIELDSINIT)", ctxt.fieldsInit);
outCode.replace("$(FIELDSDEFAULT)", ctxt.fieldsDefault);
outCode.replace("$(PROPERTIES_IMPL)", ctxt.propertiesImpl);
outCode.replace("$(NOTIFY_PROPERTIES_CHANGED)", ctxt.notificationsImpl);
outCode.replace("$(REGISTER_QML_TYPES)", ctxt.registerImpl);
// Write the GCS code
bool res = writeFileIfDifferent(gcsOutputPath.absolutePath() + "/" + object->namelc + ".cpp", outCode);
if (!res) {
error("Error: Could not write gcs output files");
return false;
res = writeFileIfDifferent(gcsOutputPath.absolutePath() + "/" + object->namelc + ".h", outInclude);
if (!res) {
error("Error: Could not write gcs output files");
return false;
return true;