mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2025-02-18 08:54:15 +01:00
Fredrik Larrson 1edfd56d48 For controls and Dialogs, use Copydir directive as all qml files are
needed and this is the "easy way", the other solution is to list every
single qml file by hand, these will likely be added to in upcomming
releases of Qt and cause maintaince.

The downside is three debug DLLs get copied also, if required I can expand
copydata.pro to delete them after the copy if required.

As we are making some changes to the build system, this at least enables
working builds of QtQuick2, if before packaging we do not have a better
solution, I will make sure the extra debug DLLs are removed.
2013-11-16 19:18:36 +11:00

133 lines
5.3 KiB

TEMPLATE = subdirs
# Copy Qt runtime libraries into the build directory (to run or package)
equals(copydata, 1) {
# Windows release only, no debug target DLLs ending with 'd'
# It is assumed that SDL.dll can be found in the same directory as mingw32-make.exe
win32 {
# set debug suffix if needed
CONFIG(debug, debug|release):DS = "d"
# copy Qt DLLs
QT_DLLS = Qt5Core$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Gui$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Widgets$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Network$${DS}.dll \
Qt5OpenGL$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Sql$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Svg$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Test$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Xml$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Declarative$${DS}.dll \
Qt5XmlPatterns$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Script$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Concurrent$${DS}.dll \
Qt5PrintSupport$${DS}.dll \
Qt5OpenGL$${DS}.dll \
Qt5SerialPort$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Multimedia$${DS}.dll \
Qt5MultimediaWidgets$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Quick$${DS}.dll \
Qt5Qml$${DS}.dll \
Qt5V8$${DS}.dll \
icuin51.dll \
icudt51.dll \
# it is more robust to take the following DLLs from Qt rather than from MinGW
QT_DLLS += libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll \
libstdc++-6.dll \
for(dll, QT_DLLS) {
data_copy.commands += $(COPY_FILE) $$targetPath(\"$$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/$$dll\") $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dll\") $$addNewline()
# create Qt plugin directories
QT_PLUGIN_DIRS = iconengines \
imageformats \
platforms \
mediaservice \
for(dir, QT_PLUGIN_DIRS) {
data_copy.commands += -@$(MKDIR) $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dir\") $$addNewline()
# copy Qt plugin DLLs
QT_PLUGIN_DLLS = iconengines/qsvgicon$${DS}.dll \
imageformats/qgif$${DS}.dll \
imageformats/qico$${DS}.dll \
imageformats/qjpeg$${DS}.dll \
imageformats/qmng$${DS}.dll \
imageformats/qsvg$${DS}.dll \
imageformats/qtiff$${DS}.dll \
platforms/qwindows$${DS}.dll \
mediaservice/dsengine$${DS}.dll \
for(dll, QT_PLUGIN_DLLS) {
data_copy.commands += $(COPY_FILE) $$targetPath(\"$$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/$$dll\") $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dll\") $$addNewline()
# create QtQuick2 plugin directories
QT_QUICK2_DIRS = qtquick \
qtquick.2 \
qtquick/layouts \
qtquick/localstorage \
qtquick/particles.2 \
qtquick/privatewidgets \
qtquick/window.2 \
for(dir, QT_QUICK2_DIRS) {
data_copy.commands += -@$(MKDIR) $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dir\") $$addNewline()
# Copy QtQuick2 complete directories
# These directories have a lot of files
# Easier to copy everything
QTQ_WHOLE_DIRS = qtquick/controls \
for(dir, QTQ_WHOLE_DIRS) {
data_copy.commands += $(COPY_DIR) $$targetPath(\"$$[QT_INSTALL_QML]/$$dir\") $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dir\") $$addNewline()
# copy QtQuick plugin DLLs
QT_QUICK2_DLLS = QtQuick.2/qtquick2plugin$${DS}.dll \
QtQuick.2/plugins.qmltypes \
QtQuick.2/qmldir \
qtquick/layouts/qquicklayoutsplugin$${DS}.dll \
qtquick/layouts/plugins.qmltypes \
qtquick/layouts/qmldir \
qtquick/localstorage/qmllocalstorageplugin$${DS}.dll \
qtquick/localstorage/plugins.qmltypes \
qtquick/localstorage/qmldir \
qtquick/particles.2/particlesplugin$${DS}.dll \
qtquick/particles.2/plugins.qmltypes \
qtquick/particles.2/qmldir \
qtquick/privatewidgets/widgetsplugin$${DS}.dll \
qtquick/privatewidgets/plugins.qmltypes \
qtquick/privatewidgets/qmldir \
qtquick/window.2/windowplugin$${DS}.dll \
qtquick/window.2/plugins.qmltypes \
qtquick/window.2/qmldir \
qtquick/XmlListModel/qmlxmllistmodelplugin$${DS}.dll \
qtquick/XmlListModel/plugins.qmltypes \
for(dll, QT_QUICK2_DLLS) {
data_copy.commands += $(COPY_FILE) $$targetPath(\"$$[QT_INSTALL_QML]/$$dll\") $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dll\") $$addNewline()
# copy MinGW DLLs
for(dll, MINGW_DLLS) {
data_copy.commands += $(COPY_FILE) $$targetPath(\"$$(QTMINGW)/$$dll\") $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dll\") $$addNewline()
data_copy.target = FORCE