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* @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer
* @{
* @addtogroup PIOS_RFM22B Radio Functions
* @brief PIOS interface for for the RFM22B radio
* @{
* @file pios_rfm22b.c
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2012.
* @brief Implements a driver the the RFM22B driver
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// *****************************************************************
// RFM22B hardware layer
// This module uses the RFM22B's internal packet handling hardware to
// encapsulate our own packet data.
// The RFM22B internal hardware packet handler configuration is as follows ..
// 4-byte (32-bit) preamble .. alternating 0's & 1's
// 4-byte (32-bit) sync
// 1-byte packet length (number of data bytes to follow)
// 0 to 255 user data bytes
// Our own packet data will also contain it's own header and 32-bit CRC
// as a single 16-bit CRC is not sufficient for wireless comms.
// *****************************************************************
/* Project Includes */
#include "pios.h"
#if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_RFM22B)
#include <string.h> // memmove
#include <stm32f10x.h>
#include <stopwatch.h>
#include <packet_handler.h>
#include <pios_rfm22b_priv.h>
/* Local Defines */
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 200
// RTC timer is running at 625Hz (1.6ms or 5 ticks == 8ms).
// A 256 byte message at 56kbps should take less than 40ms
// Note: This timeout should be rate dependent.
#define PIOS_RFM22B_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT 65 // ~100ms
// this is too adjust the RF module so that it is on frequency
#define OSC_LOAD_CAP 0x7F // cap = 12.5pf .. default
#define OSC_LOAD_CAP_1 0x7D // board 1
#define OSC_LOAD_CAP_2 0x7B // board 2
#define OSC_LOAD_CAP_3 0x7E // board 3
#define OSC_LOAD_CAP_4 0x7F // board 4
// ************************************
#define TX_TEST_MODE_TIMELIMIT_MS 30000 // TX test modes time limit (in ms)
//#define TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES 8 // 7 to 511 (number of nibbles)
//#define RX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES 5 // 5 to 31 (number of nibbles)
#define TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES 12 // 7 to 511 (number of nibbles)
#define RX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES 6 // 5 to 31 (number of nibbles)
// the size of the rf modules internal transmit buffers.
#define TX_BUFFER_SIZE 256
// the size of the rf modules internal FIFO buffers
#define FIFO_SIZE 64
#define TX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK 62 // 0-63
#define TX_FIFO_LO_WATERMARK 32 // 0-63
#define RX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK 32 // 0-63
#define PREAMBLE_BYTE 0x55 // preamble byte (preceeds SYNC_BYTE's)
#define SYNC_BYTE_1 0x2D // RF sync bytes (32-bit in all)
#define SYNC_BYTE_2 0xD4 //
#define SYNC_BYTE_3 0x4B //
#define SYNC_BYTE_4 0x59 //
// ************************************
// the default TX power level
#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_POWER RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_0 // +1dBm ... 1.25mW
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_POWER RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_1 // +2dBm ... 1.6mW
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_POWER RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_2 // +5dBm ... 3.16mW
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_POWER RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_3 // +8dBm ... 6.3mW
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_POWER RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_4 // +11dBm .. 12.6mW
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_POWER RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_5 // +14dBm .. 25mW
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_POWER RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_6 // +17dBm .. 50mW
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_POWER RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_7 // +20dBm .. 100mW
// ************************************
// the default RF datarate
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 500 // 500 bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 1000 // 1k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 2000 // 2k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 4000 // 4k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 8000 // 8k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 9600 // 9.6k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 16000 // 16k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 19200 // 19k2 bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 24000 // 24k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 32000 // 32k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 64000 // 64k bits per sec
#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 128000 // 128k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 192000 // 192k bits per sec
//#define RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE 256000 // 256k bits per sec .. NOT YET WORKING
// ************************************
#define RFM22_DEFAULT_SS_RF_DATARATE 125 // 128bps
// ************************************
// Normal data streaming
// GFSK modulation
// no manchester encoding
// data whitening
// FIFO mode
// 5-nibble rx preamble length detection
// 10-nibble tx preamble length
// AFC enabled
/* Local type definitions */
enum pios_rfm22b_dev_magic {
PIOS_RFM22B_DEV_MAGIC = 0x68e971b6,
struct pios_rfm22b_dev {
enum pios_rfm22b_dev_magic magic;
struct pios_rfm22b_cfg cfg;
uint32_t deviceID;
// The COM callback functions.
pios_com_callback rx_in_cb;
uint32_t rx_in_context;
pios_com_callback tx_out_cb;
uint32_t tx_out_context;
// The supervisor countdown timer.
uint16_t supv_timer;
uint16_t resets;
uint32_t random32 = 0x459ab8d8;
/* Local function forwared declarations */
static void PIOS_RFM22B_Supervisor(uint32_t ppm_id);
static void rfm22_processInt(void);
static bool PIOS_RFM22_EXT_Int(void);
static void rfm22_setTxMode(uint8_t mode);
// SPI read/write functions
void rfm22_startBurstWrite(uint8_t addr);
inline void rfm22_burstWrite(uint8_t data)
PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(RFM22_PIOS_SPI, data);
void rfm22_endBurstWrite(void);
void rfm22_write(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data);
void rfm22_startBurstRead(uint8_t addr);
inline uint8_t rfm22_burstRead(void)
return PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(RFM22_PIOS_SPI, 0xff);
void rfm22_endBurstRead(void);
uint8_t rfm22_read(uint8_t addr);
uint8_t rfm22_txStart();
/* Provide a COM driver */
static void PIOS_RFM22B_ChangeBaud(uint32_t rfm22b_id, uint32_t baud);
static void PIOS_RFM22B_RegisterRxCallback(uint32_t rfm22b_id, pios_com_callback rx_in_cb, uint32_t context);
static void PIOS_RFM22B_RegisterTxCallback(uint32_t rfm22b_id, pios_com_callback tx_out_cb, uint32_t context);
static void PIOS_RFM22B_TxStart(uint32_t rfm22b_id, uint16_t tx_bytes_avail);
static void PIOS_RFM22B_RxStart(uint32_t rfm22b_id, uint16_t rx_bytes_avail);
/* Local variables */
const struct pios_com_driver pios_rfm22b_com_driver = {
.set_baud = PIOS_RFM22B_ChangeBaud,
.tx_start = PIOS_RFM22B_TxStart,
.rx_start = PIOS_RFM22B_RxStart,
.bind_tx_cb = PIOS_RFM22B_RegisterTxCallback,
.bind_rx_cb = PIOS_RFM22B_RegisterRxCallback,
// External interrupt configuration
static const struct pios_exti_cfg pios_exti_rfm22b_cfg __exti_config = {
.vector = PIOS_RFM22_EXT_Int,
.pin = {
.init = {
.irq = {
.init = {
.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = PIOS_RFM22_EXTI_PRIO,
.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0,
.exti = {
.init = {
.EXTI_Mode = EXTI_Mode_Interrupt,
.EXTI_Trigger = EXTI_Trigger_Falling,
// xtal 10 ppm, 434MHz
#define LOOKUP_SIZE 14
const uint32_t data_rate[] = { 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 9600, 16000, 19200, 24000, 32000, 64000, 128000, 192000, 256000};
const uint8_t modulation_index[] = { 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
const uint32_t freq_deviation[] = { 4000, 4000, 4000, 4000, 4000, 4800, 8000, 9600, 12000, 16000, 32000, 64000, 96000, 128000};
const uint32_t rx_bandwidth[] = { 17500, 17500, 17500, 17500, 17500, 19400, 32200, 38600, 51200, 64100, 137900, 269300, 420200, 518800};
const int8_t est_rx_sens_dBm[] = { -118, -118, -117, -116, -115, -115, -112, -112, -110, -109, -106, -103, -101, -100}; // estimated receiver sensitivity for BER = 1E-3
const uint8_t reg_1C[] = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37, 0x37, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0x26, 0x28, 0x2E, 0x16, 0x07, 0x83, 0x8A, 0x8C}; // rfm22_if_filter_bandwidth
const uint8_t reg_1D[] = { 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44}; // rfm22_afc_loop_gearshift_override
const uint8_t reg_1E[] = { 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x02}; // rfm22_afc_timing_control
const uint8_t reg_1F[] = { 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_gearshift_override
const uint8_t reg_20[] = { 0xE8, 0xF4, 0xFA, 0x70, 0x3F, 0x34, 0x3F, 0x34, 0x2A, 0x3F, 0x3F, 0x5E, 0x3F, 0x2F}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_oversampling_ratio
const uint8_t reg_21[] = { 0x60, 0x20, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_offset2
const uint8_t reg_22[] = { 0x20, 0x41, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x75, 0x0C, 0x75, 0x12, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x5D, 0x0C, 0xBB}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_offset1
const uint8_t reg_23[] = { 0xC5, 0x89, 0x12, 0x25, 0x4A, 0x25, 0x4A, 0x25, 0x6F, 0x4A, 0x4A, 0x86, 0x4A, 0x0D}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_offset0
const uint8_t reg_24[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x05, 0x07, 0x07}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain1
const uint8_t reg_25[] = { 0x0A, 0x23, 0x85, 0x0E, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x74, 0xFF, 0xFF}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain0
const uint8_t reg_2A[] = { 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x12, 0x17, 0x31, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50}; // rfm22_afc_limiter .. AFC_pull_in_range = <20>AFCLimiter[7:0] x (hbsel+1) x 625 Hz
const uint8_t reg_6E[] = { 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x41, 0x4E, 0x83, 0x9D, 0xC4, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x31, 0x41}; // rfm22_tx_data_rate1
const uint8_t reg_6F[] = { 0x19, 0x31, 0x62, 0xC5, 0x89, 0xA5, 0x12, 0x49, 0x9C, 0x31, 0x62, 0xC5, 0x27, 0x89}; // rfm22_tx_data_rate0
const uint8_t reg_70[] = { 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D}; // rfm22_modulation_mode_control1
const uint8_t reg_71[] = { 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23, 0x23}; // rfm22_modulation_mode_control2
const uint8_t reg_72[] = { 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0D, 0x0F, 0x13, 0x1A, 0x33, 0x66, 0x9A, 0xCD}; // rfm22_frequency_deviation
// ************************************
// Scan Spectrum settings
// GFSK modulation
// no manchester encoding
// data whitening
// FIFO mode
// 5-nibble rx preamble length detection
// 10-nibble tx preamble length
#define SS_LOOKUP_SIZE 2
// xtal 1 ppm, 434MHz
const uint32_t ss_rx_bandwidth[] = { 2600, 10600};
const uint8_t ss_reg_1C[] = { 0x51, 0x32}; // rfm22_if_filter_bandwidth
const uint8_t ss_reg_1D[] = { 0x00, 0x00}; // rfm22_afc_loop_gearshift_override
const uint8_t ss_reg_20[] = { 0xE8, 0x38}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_oversampling_ratio
const uint8_t ss_reg_21[] = { 0x60, 0x02}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_offset2
const uint8_t ss_reg_22[] = { 0x20, 0x4D}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_offset1
const uint8_t ss_reg_23[] = { 0xC5, 0xD3}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_offset0
const uint8_t ss_reg_24[] = { 0x00, 0x07}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain1
const uint8_t ss_reg_25[] = { 0x0F, 0xFF}; // rfm22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain0
const uint8_t ss_reg_2A[] = { 0xFF, 0xFF}; // rfm22_afc_limiter .. AFC_pull_in_range = <20>AFCLimiter[7:0] x (hbsel+1) x 625 Hz
const uint8_t ss_reg_70[] = { 0x24, 0x2D}; // rfm22_modulation_mode_control1
const uint8_t ss_reg_71[] = { 0x2B, 0x23}; // rfm22_modulation_mode_control2
// ************************************
volatile bool initialized = false;
#if defined(RFM22_EXT_INT_USE)
volatile bool exec_using_spi; // set this if you want to access the SPI bus outside of the interrupt
uint8_t device_type; // the RF chips device ID number
uint8_t device_version; // the RF chips revision number
volatile uint8_t rf_mode; // holds our current RF mode
uint32_t lower_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz; // the minimum RF frequency we can use
uint32_t upper_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz; // the maximum RF frequency we can use
uint32_t carrier_frequency_hz; // the current RF frequency we are on
uint32_t carrier_datarate_bps; // the RF data rate we are using
uint32_t rf_bandwidth_used; // the RF bandwidth currently used
uint32_t ss_rf_bandwidth_used; // the RF bandwidth currently used
uint8_t hbsel; // holds the hbsel (1 or 2)
float frequency_step_size; // holds the minimum frequency step size
uint8_t frequency_hop_channel; // current frequency hop channel
uint8_t frequency_hop_step_size_reg; //
uint8_t adc_config; // holds the adc config reg value
volatile uint8_t device_status; // device status register
volatile uint8_t int_status1; // interrupt status register 1
volatile uint8_t int_status2; // interrupt status register 2
volatile uint8_t ezmac_status; // ezmac status register
volatile int16_t afc_correction; // afc correction reading
volatile int32_t afc_correction_Hz; // afc correction reading (in Hz)
volatile int16_t temperature_reg; // the temperature sensor reading
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
volatile uint8_t prev_device_status; // just for debugging
volatile uint8_t prev_int_status1; // " "
volatile uint8_t prev_int_status2; // " "
volatile uint8_t prev_ezmac_status; // " "
const char *debug_msg = "";
const char *error_msg = "";
static uint32_t debug_val = 0;
volatile uint8_t osc_load_cap; // xtal frequency calibration value
volatile uint8_t rssi; // the current RSSI (register value)
volatile int8_t rssi_dBm; // dBm value
// the transmit power to use for data transmissions
uint8_t tx_power;
// the tx power register read back
volatile uint8_t tx_pwr;
// The transmit buffer. Holds data that is being transmitted.
uint8_t tx_buffer[TX_BUFFER_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
// The transmit buffer. Hosts data that is wating to be transmitted.
uint8_t tx_pre_buffer[TX_BUFFER_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
// The tx pre-buffer write index.
uint16_t tx_pre_buffer_size;
// the tx data read index
volatile uint16_t tx_data_rd;
// the tx data write index
volatile uint16_t tx_data_wr;
// the current receive buffer in use (double buffer)
volatile uint8_t rx_buffer_current;
// the receive buffer .. received packet data is saved here
volatile uint8_t rx_buffer[258] __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
// the receive buffer write index
volatile uint16_t rx_buffer_wr;
// the received packet
volatile int8_t rx_packet_start_rssi_dBm; //
volatile int8_t rx_packet_start_afc_Hz; //
volatile int8_t rx_packet_rssi_dBm; // the received packet signal strength
volatile int8_t rx_packet_afc_Hz; // the receive packet frequency offset
int lookup_index;
int ss_lookup_index;
volatile bool power_on_reset; // set if the RF module has reset itself
volatile uint16_t rfm22_int_timer; // used to detect if the RF module stops responding. thus act accordingly if it does stop responding.
volatile uint16_t rfm22_int_time_outs; // counter
volatile uint16_t prev_rfm22_int_time_outs; //
uint16_t timeout_ms = 20000; //
uint16_t timeout_sync_ms = 3; //
uint16_t timeout_data_ms = 20; //
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev_g;
static bool PIOS_RFM22B_validate(struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev)
return (rfm22b_dev->magic == PIOS_RFM22B_DEV_MAGIC);
static struct pios_rfm22b_dev * PIOS_RFM22B_alloc(void)
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev;
rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(*rfm22b_dev));
if (!rfm22b_dev) return(NULL);
rfm22b_dev_g = rfm22b_dev;
rfm22b_dev->magic = PIOS_RFM22B_DEV_MAGIC;
static struct pios_rfm22b_dev pios_rfm22b_devs[PIOS_RFM22B_MAX_DEVS];
static uint8_t pios_rfm22b_num_devs;
static struct pios_rfm22b_dev * PIOS_RFM22B_alloc(void)
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev;
if (pios_rfm22b_num_devs >= PIOS_RFM22B_MAX_DEVS)
return NULL;
rfm22b_dev = &pios_rfm22b_devs[pios_rfm22b_num_devs++];
rfm22b_dev->magic = PIOS_RFM22B_DEV_MAGIC;
return (rfm22b_dev);
* Initialise an RFM22B device
int32_t PIOS_RFM22B_Init(uint32_t *rfm22b_id, const struct pios_rfm22b_cfg *cfg)
// Allocate the device structure.
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *) PIOS_RFM22B_alloc();
if (!rfm22b_dev)
// Bind the configuration to the device instance
rfm22b_dev->cfg = *cfg;
*rfm22b_id = (uint32_t)rfm22b_dev;
// Initialize the TX pre-buffer pointer.
tx_pre_buffer_size = 0;
// Create our (hopefully) unique 32 bit id from the processor serial number.
uint8_t crcs[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
char serial_no_str[33];
// Create a 32 bit value using 4 8 bit CRC values.
for (uint8_t i = 0; serial_no_str[i] != 0; ++i)
crcs[i % 4] = PIOS_CRC_updateByte(crcs[i % 4], serial_no_str[i]);
rfm22b_dev->deviceID = crcs[0] | crcs[1] << 8 | crcs[2] << 16 | crcs[3] << 24;
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "RF device ID: %x\n\r", rfm22b_dev->deviceID);
// Initialize the supervisor timer.
rfm22b_dev->supv_timer = PIOS_RFM22B_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT;
rfm22b_dev->resets = 0;
// Initialize the radio device.
int initval = rfm22_init_normal(rfm22b_dev->deviceID, cfg->minFrequencyHz, cfg->maxFrequencyHz, 50000);
if (initval < 0)
// RF module error .. flash the LED's
#if defined(PIOS_COM_DEBUG)
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "RF ERROR res: %d\n\r\n\r", initval);
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
return initval;
rfm22_setDatarate(cfg->maxRFBandwidth, TRUE);
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "\n\r");
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "RF device ID: %x\n\r", rfm22b_dev->deviceID);
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "RF datarate: %dbps\n\r", rfm22_getDatarate());
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "RF frequency: %dHz\n\r", rfm22_getNominalCarrierFrequency());
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "RF TX power: %d\n\r", rfm22_getTxPower());
// Setup a real-time clock callback to kickstart the radio if a transfer lock sup.
if (!PIOS_RTC_RegisterTickCallback(PIOS_RFM22B_Supervisor, *rfm22b_id)) {
uint32_t PIOS_RFM22B_DeviceID(uint32_t rfm22b_id)
struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *)rfm22b_id;
return rfm22b_dev->deviceID;
int8_t PIOS_RFM22B_RSSI(uint32_t rfm22b_id)
return rfm22_receivedRSSI();
int16_t PIOS_RFM22B_Resets(uint32_t rfm22b_id)
struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *)rfm22b_id;
return rfm22b_dev->resets;
static void PIOS_RFM22B_RxStart(uint32_t rfm22b_id, uint16_t rx_bytes_avail)
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *)rfm22b_id;
bool valid = PIOS_RFM22B_validate(rfm22b_dev);
static void PIOS_RFM22B_TxStart(uint32_t rfm22b_id, uint16_t tx_bytes_avail)
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *)rfm22b_id;
bool valid = PIOS_RFM22B_validate(rfm22b_dev);
// Get some data to send
bool need_yield = false;
if(tx_pre_buffer_size == 0)
tx_pre_buffer_size = (rfm22b_dev->tx_out_cb)(rfm22b_dev->tx_out_context, tx_pre_buffer,
TX_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, &need_yield);
if(tx_pre_buffer_size > 0)
// already have data to be sent
if (tx_data_wr > 0)
// we are currently transmitting or scanning the spectrum
if (rf_mode == TX_DATA_MODE || rf_mode == TX_STREAM_MODE || rf_mode == TX_CARRIER_MODE ||
rf_mode == TX_PN_MODE || rf_mode == RX_SCAN_SPECTRUM)
// is the channel clear to transmit on?
if (!rfm22_channelIsClear())
// Start the transmit
* Changes the baud rate of the RFM22B peripheral without re-initialising.
* \param[in] rfm22b_id RFM22B name (GPS, TELEM, AUX)
* \param[in] baud Requested baud rate
static void PIOS_RFM22B_ChangeBaud(uint32_t rfm22b_id, uint32_t baud)
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *)rfm22b_id;
bool valid = PIOS_RFM22B_validate(rfm22b_dev);
static void PIOS_RFM22B_RegisterRxCallback(uint32_t rfm22b_id, pios_com_callback rx_in_cb, uint32_t context)
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *)rfm22b_id;
bool valid = PIOS_RFM22B_validate(rfm22b_dev);
* Order is important in these assignments since ISR uses _cb
* field to determine if it's ok to dereference _cb and _context
rfm22b_dev->rx_in_context = context;
rfm22b_dev->rx_in_cb = rx_in_cb;
static void PIOS_RFM22B_RegisterTxCallback(uint32_t rfm22b_id, pios_com_callback tx_out_cb, uint32_t context)
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *)rfm22b_id;
bool valid = PIOS_RFM22B_validate(rfm22b_dev);
* Order is important in these assignments since ISR uses _cb
* field to determine if it's ok to dereference _cb and _context
rfm22b_dev->tx_out_context = context;
rfm22b_dev->tx_out_cb = tx_out_cb;
static void PIOS_RFM22B_Supervisor(uint32_t rfm22b_id)
/* Recover our device context */
struct pios_rfm22b_dev * rfm22b_dev = (struct pios_rfm22b_dev *)rfm22b_id;
if (!PIOS_RFM22B_validate(rfm22b_dev)) {
/* Invalid device specified */
/* If we're waiting for a receive, we just need to make sure that there are no packets waiting to be transmitted. */
if(rf_mode == RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE)
/* Start a packet transfer if one is available. */
PIOS_RFM22B_TxStart(rfm22b_id, 0);
/* The radio must be locked up if the timer reaches 0 */
if(--(rfm22b_dev->supv_timer) != 0)
/* Clear the TX buffer in case we locked up in a transmit */
tx_data_wr = 0;
rfm22_init_normal(rfm22b_dev->deviceID, rfm22b_dev->cfg.minFrequencyHz, rfm22b_dev->cfg.maxFrequencyHz, 50000);
/* Start a packet transfer if one is available. */
PIOS_RFM22B_TxStart(rfm22b_id, 0);
if(rf_mode == RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE)
/* Switch to RX mode */
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
static void rfm22_setDebug(const char* msg)
debug_msg = msg;
static void rfm22_setError(const char* msg)
error_msg = msg;
// ************************************
// SPI read/write
void rfm22_startBurstWrite(uint8_t addr)
// wait 1us .. so we don't toggle the CS line to quickly
// chip select line LOW
PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(RFM22_PIOS_SPI, 0x80 | addr);
void rfm22_endBurstWrite(void)
// chip select line HIGH
void rfm22_write(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data)
// wait 1us .. so we don't toggle the CS line to quickly
// chip select line LOW
PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(RFM22_PIOS_SPI, 0x80 | addr);
PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(RFM22_PIOS_SPI, data);
// chip select line HIGH
void rfm22_startBurstRead(uint8_t addr)
// wait 1us .. so we don't toggle the CS line to quickly
// chip select line LOW
PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(RFM22_PIOS_SPI, addr & 0x7f);
void rfm22_endBurstRead(void)
// chip select line HIGH
uint8_t rfm22_read(uint8_t addr)
uint8_t rdata;
// wait 1us .. so we don't toggle the CS line to quickly
// chip select line LOW
PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(RFM22_PIOS_SPI, addr & 0x7f);
rdata = PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(RFM22_PIOS_SPI, 0xff);
// chip select line HIGH
return rdata;
// ************************************
// external interrupt
static bool PIOS_RFM22_EXT_Int(void)
rfm22_setDebug("Ext Int");
if (!exec_using_spi)
rfm22_setDebug("Ext Done");
return false;
void rfm22_disableExtInt(void)
#if defined(RFM22_EXT_INT_USE)
rfm22_setDebug("Disable Int");
// Configure the external interrupt
EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_InitStructure = pios_exti_rfm22b_cfg.exti.init;
EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_LineCmd = DISABLE;
rfm22_setDebug("Disable Int done");
void rfm22_enableExtInt(void)
#if defined(RFM22_EXT_INT_USE)
rfm22_setDebug("Ensable Int");
if (PIOS_EXTI_Init(&pios_exti_rfm22b_cfg))
rfm22_setDebug("Ensable Int done");
// ************************************
// set/get the current tx power setting
void rfm22_setTxPower(uint8_t tx_pwr)
switch (tx_pwr)
case 0: tx_power = RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_0; break; // +1dBm ... 1.25mW
case 1: tx_power = RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_1; break; // +2dBm ... 1.6mW
case 2: tx_power = RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_2; break; // +5dBm ... 3.16mW
case 3: tx_power = RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_3; break; // +8dBm ... 6.3mW
case 4: tx_power = RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_4; break; // +11dBm .. 12.6mW
case 5: tx_power = RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_5; break; // +14dBm .. 25mW
case 6: tx_power = RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_6; break; // +17dBm .. 50mW
case 7: tx_power = RFM22_tx_pwr_txpow_7; break; // +20dBm .. 100mW
default: break;
uint8_t rfm22_getTxPower(void)
return tx_power;
// ************************************
uint32_t rfm22_minFrequency(void)
return lower_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz;
uint32_t rfm22_maxFrequency(void)
return upper_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz;
void rfm22_setNominalCarrierFrequency(uint32_t frequency_hz)
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
// *******
if (frequency_hz < lower_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz)
frequency_hz = lower_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz;
else if (frequency_hz > upper_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz)
frequency_hz = upper_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz;
if (frequency_hz < 480000000)
hbsel = 1;
hbsel = 2;
uint8_t fb = (uint8_t)(frequency_hz / (10000000 * hbsel));
uint32_t fc = (uint32_t)(frequency_hz - (10000000 * hbsel * fb));
fc = (fc * 64u) / (10000ul * hbsel);
fb -= 24;
// carrier_frequency_hz = frequency_hz;
carrier_frequency_hz = ((uint32_t)fb + 24 + ((float)fc / 64000)) * 10000000 * hbsel;
if (hbsel > 1)
fb |= RFM22_fbs_hbsel;
fb |= RFM22_fbs_sbse; // is this the RX LO polarity?
frequency_step_size = 156.25f * hbsel;
rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_hopping_channel_select, frequency_hop_channel); // frequency hopping channel (0-255)
rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_offset1, 0); // no frequency offset
rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_offset2, 0); // no frequency offset
rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_band_select, fb); // set the carrier frequency
rfm22_write(RFM22_nominal_carrier_frequency1, fc >> 8); // " "
rfm22_write(RFM22_nominal_carrier_frequency0, fc & 0xff); // " "
// *******
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
//DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf setFreq: %u\n\r", carrier_frequency_hz);
// DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf setFreq frequency_step_size: %0.2f\n\r", frequency_step_size);
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
uint32_t rfm22_getNominalCarrierFrequency(void)
return carrier_frequency_hz;
float rfm22_getFrequencyStepSize(void)
return frequency_step_size;
void rfm22_setFreqHopChannel(uint8_t channel)
{ // set the frequency hopping channel
frequency_hop_channel = channel;
rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_hopping_channel_select, frequency_hop_channel);
uint8_t rfm22_freqHopChannel(void)
{ // return the current frequency hopping channel
return frequency_hop_channel;
uint32_t rfm22_freqHopSize(void)
{ // return the frequency hopping step size
return ((uint32_t)frequency_hop_step_size_reg * 10000);
// ************************************
// radio datarate about 19200 Baud
// radio frequency deviation 45kHz
// radio receiver bandwidth 67kHz.
// Carson's rule:
// The signal bandwidth is about 2(Delta-f + fm) ..
// Delta-f = frequency deviation
// fm = maximum frequency of the signal
// This gives 2(45 + 9.6) = 109.2kHz.
void rfm22_setDatarate(uint32_t datarate_bps, bool data_whitening)
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
lookup_index = 0;
while (lookup_index < (LOOKUP_SIZE - 1) && data_rate[lookup_index] < datarate_bps)
carrier_datarate_bps = datarate_bps = data_rate[lookup_index];
rf_bandwidth_used = rx_bandwidth[lookup_index];
// rfm22_if_filter_bandwidth
rfm22_write(0x1C, reg_1C[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_afc_loop_gearshift_override
rfm22_write(0x1D, reg_1D[lookup_index]);
// RFM22_afc_timing_control
rfm22_write(0x1E, reg_1E[lookup_index]);
// RFM22_clk_recovery_gearshift_override
rfm22_write(0x1F, reg_1F[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_clk_recovery_oversampling_ratio
rfm22_write(0x20, reg_20[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_clk_recovery_offset2
rfm22_write(0x21, reg_21[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_clk_recovery_offset1
rfm22_write(0x22, reg_22[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_clk_recovery_offset0
rfm22_write(0x23, reg_23[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain1
rfm22_write(0x24, reg_24[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain0
rfm22_write(0x25, reg_25[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_afc_limiter
rfm22_write(0x2A, reg_2A[lookup_index]);
if (carrier_datarate_bps < 100000)
// rfm22_chargepump_current_trimming_override
rfm22_write(0x58, 0x80);
// rfm22_chargepump_current_trimming_override
rfm22_write(0x58, 0xC0);
// rfm22_tx_data_rate1
rfm22_write(0x6E, reg_6E[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_tx_data_rate0
rfm22_write(0x6F, reg_6F[lookup_index]);
// Enable data whitening
// uint8_t txdtrtscale_bit = rfm22_read(RFM22_modulation_mode_control1) & RFM22_mmc1_txdtrtscale;
// rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control1, txdtrtscale_bit | RFM22_mmc1_enwhite);
if (!data_whitening)
// rfm22_modulation_mode_control1
rfm22_write(0x70, reg_70[lookup_index] & ~RFM22_mmc1_enwhite);
// rfm22_modulation_mode_control1
rfm22_write(0x70, reg_70[lookup_index] | RFM22_mmc1_enwhite);
// rfm22_modulation_mode_control2
rfm22_write(0x71, reg_71[lookup_index]);
// rfm22_frequency_deviation
rfm22_write(0x72, reg_72[lookup_index]);
rfm22_write(RFM22_ook_counter_value1, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_ook_counter_value2, 0x00);
// ********************************
// calculate the TX register values
uint16_t fd = frequency_deviation / 625;
uint8_t mmc1 = RFM22_mmc1_enphpwdn | RFM22_mmc1_manppol;
uint16_t txdr;
if (datarate_bps < 30000)
txdr = (datarate_bps * 20972) / 10000;
mmc1 |= RFM22_mmc1_txdtrtscale;
txdr = (datarate_bps * 6553) / 100000;
uint8_t mmc2 = RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_fifo | RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_gfsk; // FIFO mode, GFSK
// uint8_t mmc2 = RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_pn9 | RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_gfsk; // PN9 mode, GFSK .. TX TEST MODE
if (fd & 0x100) mmc2 |= RFM22_mmc2_fd;
rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_deviation, fd); // set the TX peak frequency deviation
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control1, mmc1);
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, mmc2);
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_data_rate1, txdr >> 8); // set the TX data rate
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_data_rate0, txdr); // " "
// ********************************
// determine a clear channel time
// initialise the stopwatch with a suitable resolution for the datarate
//STOPWATCH_init(4000000ul / carrier_datarate_bps); // set resolution to the time for 1 nibble (4-bits) at rf datarate
// ********************************
// determine suitable time-out periods
// milliseconds
timeout_sync_ms = (8000ul * 16) / carrier_datarate_bps;
if (timeout_sync_ms < 3)
// because out timer resolution is only 1ms
timeout_sync_ms = 3;
// milliseconds
timeout_data_ms = (8000ul * 100) / carrier_datarate_bps;
if (timeout_data_ms < 3)
// because out timer resolution is only 1ms
timeout_data_ms = 3;
// ********************************
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf datarate_bps: %d\n\r", datarate_bps);
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf frequency_deviation: %d\n\r", frequency_deviation);
uint32_t frequency_deviation = freq_deviation[lookup_index]; // Hz
uint32_t modulation_bandwidth = datarate_bps + (2 * frequency_deviation);
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf modulation_bandwidth: %u\n\r", modulation_bandwidth);
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf_rx_bandwidth[%u]: %u\n\r", lookup_index, rx_bandwidth[lookup_index]);
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf est rx sensitivity[%u]: %ddBm\n\r", lookup_index, est_rx_sens_dBm[lookup_index]);
// *******
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
uint32_t rfm22_getDatarate(void)
return carrier_datarate_bps;
// ************************************
void rfm22_setSSBandwidth(uint32_t bandwidth_index)
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
ss_lookup_index = bandwidth_index;
ss_rf_bandwidth_used = ss_rx_bandwidth[lookup_index];
// ********************************
rfm22_write(0x1C, ss_reg_1C[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_if_filter_bandwidth
rfm22_write(0x1D, ss_reg_1D[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_afc_loop_gearshift_override
rfm22_write(0x20, ss_reg_20[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_clk_recovery_oversampling_ratio
rfm22_write(0x21, ss_reg_21[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_clk_recovery_offset2
rfm22_write(0x22, ss_reg_22[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_clk_recovery_offset1
rfm22_write(0x23, ss_reg_23[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_clk_recovery_offset0
rfm22_write(0x24, ss_reg_24[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain1
rfm22_write(0x25, ss_reg_25[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain0
rfm22_write(0x2A, ss_reg_2A[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_afc_limiter
rfm22_write(0x58, 0x80); // rfm22_chargepump_current_trimming_override
rfm22_write(0x70, ss_reg_70[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_modulation_mode_control1
rfm22_write(0x71, ss_reg_71[ss_lookup_index]); // rfm22_modulation_mode_control2
rfm22_write(RFM22_ook_counter_value1, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_ook_counter_value2, 0x00);
// ********************************
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "ss_rf_rx_bandwidth[%u]: %u\n\r", ss_lookup_index, ss_rx_bandwidth[ss_lookup_index]);
// *******
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
// ************************************
void rfm22_setRxMode(uint8_t mode, bool multi_packet_mode)
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
// disable interrupts
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable1, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable2, 0x00);
// Switch to TUNE mode
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_pllon);
if (rf_mode == TX_CARRIER_MODE || rf_mode == TX_PN_MODE)
// FIFO mode, GFSK modulation
uint8_t fd_bit = rfm22_read(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2) & RFM22_mmc2_fd;
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, fd_bit | RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_fifo |
// empty the rx buffer
rx_buffer_wr = 0;
// reset the timer
rfm22_int_timer = 0;
rf_mode = mode;
// Clear the TX buffer.
tx_data_rd = tx_data_wr = 0;
// clear FIFOs
if (!multi_packet_mode)
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2, RFM22_opfc2_ffclrrx | RFM22_opfc2_ffclrtx);
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2, 0x00);
} else {
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2, RFM22_opfc2_rxmpk | RFM22_opfc2_ffclrrx |
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2, RFM22_opfc2_rxmpk);
// enable RX interrupts
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable1, RFM22_ie1_encrcerror | RFM22_ie1_enpkvalid |
RFM22_ie1_enrxffafull | RFM22_ie1_enfferr);
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable2, RFM22_ie2_enpreainval | RFM22_ie2_enpreaval |
// enable the receiver
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_pllon | RFM22_opfc1_rxon);
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
// ************************************
uint16_t rfm22_addHeader()
uint16_t i = 0;
for (uint16_t j = (TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES + 1) / 2; j > 0; j--)
rfm22_burstWrite(SYNC_BYTE_1); i++;
rfm22_burstWrite(SYNC_BYTE_2); i++;
return i;
// ************************************
uint8_t rfm22_txStart()
if((tx_pre_buffer_size == 0) || (exec_using_spi == TRUE))
// Clear the TX buffer.
tx_data_rd = tx_data_wr = 0;
return 0;
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
// Disable interrrupts.
// Initialize the supervisor timer.
rfm22b_dev_g->supv_timer = PIOS_RFM22B_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT;
// disable interrupts
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable1, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable2, 0x00);
// TUNE mode
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_pllon);
// Queue the data up for sending
memcpy(tx_buffer, tx_pre_buffer, tx_pre_buffer_size);
tx_data_rd = 0;
tx_data_wr = tx_pre_buffer_size;
tx_pre_buffer_size = 0;
// Set the destination address in the transmit header.
// The destination address is the first 4 bytes of the message.
rfm22_write(RFM22_transmit_header0, tx_buffer[0]);
rfm22_write(RFM22_transmit_header1, tx_buffer[1]);
rfm22_write(RFM22_transmit_header2, tx_buffer[2]);
rfm22_write(RFM22_transmit_header3, tx_buffer[3]);
// FIFO mode, GFSK modulation
uint8_t fd_bit = rfm22_read(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2) & RFM22_mmc2_fd;
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, fd_bit | RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_fifo |
// set the tx power
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_power, RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaken | RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaklvl_1 |
RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaklvl_0 | RFM22_tx_pwr_lna_sw | tx_power);
// clear FIFOs
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2, RFM22_opfc2_ffclrrx | RFM22_opfc2_ffclrtx);
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2, 0x00);
// *******************
// add some data to the chips TX FIFO before enabling the transmitter
// set the total number of data bytes we are going to transmit
rfm22_write(RFM22_transmit_packet_length, tx_data_wr);
// add some data
for (uint16_t i = 0; (tx_data_rd < tx_data_wr) && (i < FIFO_SIZE); ++tx_data_rd, ++i)
// *******************
// reset the timer
rfm22_int_timer = 0;
rf_mode = TX_DATA_MODE;
// enable TX interrupts
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable1, RFM22_ie1_enpksent | RFM22_ie1_entxffaem);
// enable the transmitter
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_pllon | RFM22_opfc1_txon);
// Re-ensable interrrupts.
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
return 1;
static void rfm22_setTxMode(uint8_t mode)
if (mode != TX_DATA_MODE && mode != TX_STREAM_MODE && mode != TX_CARRIER_MODE && mode != TX_PN_MODE)
return; // invalid mode
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
// disable interrupts
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable1, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable2, 0x00);
// TUNE mode
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_pllon);
// set the tx power
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_power, RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaken | RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaklvl_1 |
RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaklvl_0 | RFM22_tx_pwr_lna_sw | tx_power);
uint8_t fd_bit = rfm22_read(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2) & RFM22_mmc2_fd;
if (mode == TX_CARRIER_MODE)
// blank carrier mode - for testing
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, fd_bit | RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_pn9 |
RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_none); // FIFO mode, Blank carrier
else if (mode == TX_PN_MODE)
// psuedo random data carrier mode - for testing
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, fd_bit | RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_pn9 |
RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_gfsk); // FIFO mode, PN9 carrier
// data transmission
// FIFO mode, GFSK modulation
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, fd_bit | RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_fifo |
// clear FIFOs
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2, RFM22_opfc2_ffclrrx | RFM22_opfc2_ffclrtx);
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2, 0x00);
// add some data to the chips TX FIFO before enabling the transmitter
uint16_t rd = 0;
uint16_t wr = tx_data_wr;
if (mode == TX_DATA_MODE)
// set the total number of data bytes we are going to transmit
rfm22_write(RFM22_transmit_packet_length, wr);
uint16_t max_bytes = FIFO_SIZE - 1;
uint16_t i = 0;
if (mode == TX_STREAM_MODE) {
if (rd >= wr) {
// no data to send - yet .. just send preamble pattern
while (true) {
if (++i >= max_bytes) break;
} else // add the RF heaader
i += rfm22_addHeader();
// add some data
for (uint16_t j = wr - rd; j > 0; j--) {
if (++i >= max_bytes)
tx_data_rd = rd;
// reset the timer
rfm22_int_timer = 0;
rf_mode = mode;
// enable TX interrupts
// rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable1, RFM22_ie1_enpksent | RFM22_ie1_entxffaem | RFM22_ie1_enfferr);
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable1, RFM22_ie1_enpksent | RFM22_ie1_entxffaem);
// read interrupt status - clear interrupts
// enable the transmitter
// rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_xton | RFM22_opfc1_txon);
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_pllon | RFM22_opfc1_txon);
// *******************
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
rfm22_setDebug("setTxMode end");
// ************************************
// external interrupt line triggered (or polled) from the rf chip
void rfm22_processRxInt(void)
register uint8_t int_stat1 = int_status1;
register uint8_t int_stat2 = int_status2;
// FIFO under/over flow error. Restart RX mode.
if (device_status & (RFM22_ds_ffunfl | RFM22_ds_ffovfl))
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
// Valid preamble detected
if (int_stat2 & RFM22_is2_ipreaval && (rf_mode == RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE))
rf_mode = RX_WAIT_SYNC_MODE;
// Sync word detected
if (int_stat2 & RFM22_is2_iswdet && ((rf_mode == RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE || rf_mode == RX_WAIT_SYNC_MODE)))
rf_mode = RX_DATA_MODE;
// read the 10-bit signed afc correction value
// bits 9 to 2
afc_correction = (uint16_t)rfm22_read(RFM22_afc_correction_read) << 8;
// bits 1 & 0
afc_correction |= (uint16_t)rfm22_read(RFM22_ook_counter_value1) & 0x00c0;
afc_correction >>= 6;
// convert the afc value to Hz
afc_correction_Hz = (int32_t)(frequency_step_size * afc_correction + 0.5f);
// remember the rssi for this packet
rx_packet_start_rssi_dBm = rssi_dBm;
// remember the afc value for this packet
rx_packet_start_afc_Hz = afc_correction_Hz;
// RX FIFO almost full, it needs emptying
if (int_stat1 & RFM22_is1_irxffafull)
if (rf_mode == RX_DATA_MODE)
// read data from the rf chips FIFO buffer
// read the total length of the packet data
uint16_t len = rfm22_read(RFM22_received_packet_length);
// The received packet is going to be larger than the specified length
if ((rx_buffer_wr + RX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK) > len)
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
// Another packet length error.
if (((rx_buffer_wr + RX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK) >= len) && !(int_stat1 & RFM22_is1_ipkvalid))
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
// Fetch the data from the RX FIFO
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK; ++i)
rx_buffer[rx_buffer_wr++] = rfm22_burstRead();
{ // just clear the RX FIFO
for (register uint16_t i = RX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK; i > 0; i--)
rfm22_burstRead(); // read a byte from the rf modules RX FIFO buffer
// CRC error .. discard the received data
if (int_stat1 & RFM22_is1_icrerror)
rfm22_int_timer = 0; // reset the timer
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
// Valid packet received
if (int_stat1 & RFM22_is1_ipkvalid)
// read the total length of the packet data
register uint16_t len = rfm22_read(RFM22_received_packet_length);
// their must still be data in the RX FIFO we need to get
if (rx_buffer_wr < len)
// Fetch the data from the RX FIFO
while (rx_buffer_wr < len)
rx_buffer[rx_buffer_wr++] = rfm22_burstRead();
if (rx_buffer_wr != len)
// we have a packet length error .. discard the packet
debug_val = len;
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
// we have a valid received packet
if (rx_buffer_wr > 0)
// remember the rssi for this packet
rx_packet_rssi_dBm = rx_packet_start_rssi_dBm;
// remember the afc offset for this packet
rx_packet_afc_Hz = rx_packet_start_afc_Hz;
// Add the rssi and afc to the end of the packet.
rx_buffer[rx_buffer_wr++] = rx_packet_start_rssi_dBm;
rx_buffer[rx_buffer_wr++] = rx_packet_start_afc_Hz;
// Pass this packet on
bool need_yield = false;
if (rfm22b_dev_g->rx_in_cb)
(rfm22b_dev_g->rx_in_cb)(rfm22b_dev_g->rx_in_context, (uint8_t*)rx_buffer,
rx_buffer_wr, NULL, &need_yield);
rx_buffer_wr = 0;
// Send a packet if it's available.
// Switch to RX mode
rfm22_setDebug(" Set RX");
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
rfm22_setDebug("processRxInt end");
void rfm22_processTxInt(void)
register uint8_t int_stat1 = int_status1;
// reset the timer
rfm22_int_timer = 0;
// FIFO under/over flow error. Back to RX mode.
if (device_status & (RFM22_ds_ffunfl | RFM22_ds_ffovfl))
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
// Transmit timeout. Abort the transmit.
if (rfm22_int_timer >= timeout_data_ms)
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
// the rf module is not in tx mode
if ((device_status & RFM22_ds_cps_mask) != RFM22_ds_cps_tx)
if (rfm22_int_timer >= 100)
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false); // back to rx mode
// TX FIFO almost empty, it needs filling up
if (int_stat1 & RFM22_is1_ixtffaem)
// top-up the rf chips TX FIFO buffer
uint16_t max_bytes = FIFO_SIZE - TX_FIFO_LO_WATERMARK - 1;
for (uint16_t i = 0; (tx_data_rd < tx_data_wr) && (i < max_bytes); ++i, ++tx_data_rd)
// Packet has been sent
if (int_stat1 & RFM22_is1_ipksent)
rfm22_setDebug(" T_Sent");
// Send another packet if it's available.
// Switch to RX mode
rfm22_setDebug(" Set RX");
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
rfm22_setDebug("ProcessTxInt done");
static void rfm22_processInt(void)
// this is called from the external interrupt handler
if (!initialized || power_on_reset)
// we haven't yet been initialized
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
// Reset the supervisor timer.
rfm22b_dev_g->supv_timer = PIOS_RFM22B_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT;
// read interrupt status registers - clears the interrupt line
int_status1 = rfm22_read(RFM22_interrupt_status1);
int_status2 = rfm22_read(RFM22_interrupt_status2);
// read device status register
device_status = rfm22_read(RFM22_device_status);
// read ezmac status register
ezmac_status = rfm22_read(RFM22_ezmac_status);
// Read the RSSI if we're in RX mode
if (rf_mode != TX_DATA_MODE && rf_mode != TX_STREAM_MODE &&
rf_mode != TX_CARRIER_MODE && rf_mode != TX_PN_MODE)
// read rx signal strength .. 45 = -100dBm, 205 = -20dBm
rssi = rfm22_read(RFM22_rssi);
// convert to dBm
rssi_dBm = (int8_t)(rssi >> 1) - 122;
// read the tx power register
tx_pwr = rfm22_read(RFM22_tx_power);
// the RF module has gone and done a reset - we need to re-initialize the rf module
if (int_status2 & RFM22_is2_ipor)
initialized = FALSE;
power_on_reset = TRUE;
// Need to do something here!
switch (rf_mode)
case TX_PN_MODE:
// if (rfm22_int_timer >= TX_TEST_MODE_TIMELIMIT_MS) // 'nn'ms limit
// {
// rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false); // back to rx mode
// tx_data_rd = tx_data_wr = 0; // wipe TX buffer
// break;
// }
default: // unknown mode - this should NEVER happen, maybe we should do a complete CPU reset here
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false); // to rx mode
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
rfm22_setDebug("ProcessInt done");
// ************************************
int8_t rfm22_getRSSI(void)
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
rssi = rfm22_read(RFM22_rssi); // read rx signal strength .. 45 = -100dBm, 205 = -20dBm
rssi_dBm = (int8_t)(rssi >> 1) - 122; // convert to dBm
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
return rssi_dBm;
int8_t rfm22_receivedRSSI(void)
{ // return the packets signal strength
if (!initialized)
return -127;
return rx_packet_rssi_dBm;
int32_t rfm22_receivedAFCHz(void)
{ // return the packets offset frequency
if (!initialized)
return 0;
return rx_packet_afc_Hz;
// ************************************
// ************************************
void rfm22_setTxStream(void) // TEST ONLY
if (!initialized)
tx_data_rd = tx_data_wr = 0;
// ************************************
void rfm22_setTxNormal(void)
if (!initialized)
// if (rf_mode == TX_CARRIER_MODE || rf_mode == TX_PN_MODE)
if (rf_mode != RX_SCAN_SPECTRUM)
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
tx_data_rd = tx_data_wr = 0;
rx_packet_start_rssi_dBm = 0;
rx_packet_start_afc_Hz = 0;
rx_packet_rssi_dBm = 0;
rx_packet_afc_Hz = 0;
// enable a blank tx carrier (for frequency alignment)
void rfm22_setTxCarrierMode(void)
if (!initialized)
if (rf_mode != TX_CARRIER_MODE && rf_mode != RX_SCAN_SPECTRUM)
// enable a psuedo random data tx carrier (for spectrum inspection)
void rfm22_setTxPNMode(void)
if (!initialized)
if (rf_mode != TX_PN_MODE && rf_mode != RX_SCAN_SPECTRUM)
// ************************************
// return the current mode
int8_t rfm22_currentMode(void)
return rf_mode;
// return TRUE if we are transmitting
bool rfm22_transmitting(void)
return (rf_mode == TX_DATA_MODE || rf_mode == TX_STREAM_MODE || rf_mode == TX_CARRIER_MODE || rf_mode == TX_PN_MODE);
// return TRUE if the channel is clear to transmit on
bool rfm22_channelIsClear(void)
if (!initialized)
// we haven't yet been initialized
return FALSE;
if (rf_mode != RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE && rf_mode != RX_WAIT_SYNC_MODE)
// we are receiving something or we are transmitting or we are scanning the spectrum
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// return TRUE if the transmiter is ready for use
bool rfm22_txReady(void)
if (!initialized)
// we haven't yet been initialized
return FALSE;
return (tx_data_rd == 0 && tx_data_wr == 0 && rf_mode != TX_DATA_MODE &&
rf_mode != TX_STREAM_MODE && rf_mode != TX_CARRIER_MODE && rf_mode != TX_PN_MODE &&
rf_mode != RX_SCAN_SPECTRUM);
// ************************************
// set/get the frequency calibration value
void rfm22_setFreqCalibration(uint8_t value)
osc_load_cap = value;
if (!initialized || power_on_reset)
return; // we haven't yet been initialized
uint8_t prev_rf_mode = rf_mode;
if (rf_mode == TX_CARRIER_MODE || rf_mode == TX_PN_MODE)
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
tx_data_rd = tx_data_wr = 0;
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
rfm22_write(RFM22_xtal_osc_load_cap, osc_load_cap);
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
if (prev_rf_mode == TX_CARRIER_MODE || prev_rf_mode == TX_PN_MODE)
uint8_t rfm22_getFreqCalibration(void)
return osc_load_cap;
// ************************************
// can be called from an interrupt if you wish
void rfm22_1ms_tick(void)
{ // call this once every ms
if (!initialized) return; // we haven't yet been initialized
if (rf_mode != RX_SCAN_SPECTRUM)
if (rfm22_int_timer < 0xffff) rfm22_int_timer++;
// ************************************
// reset the RF module
int rfm22_resetModule(uint8_t mode, uint32_t min_frequency_hz, uint32_t max_frequency_hz)
initialized = false;
#if defined(RFM22_EXT_INT_USE)
power_on_reset = false;
// ****************
exec_using_spi = TRUE;
// ****************
// setup the SPI port
// chip select line HIGH
// set SPI port SCLK frequency .. 4.5MHz
// set SPI port SCLK frequency .. 2.25MHz
// set SPI port SCLK frequency .. 285kHz .. purely for hardware fault finding
// ****************
// software reset the RF chip .. following procedure according to Si4x3x Errata (rev. B)
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_swres); // software reset the radio
PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(26); // wait 26ms
for (int i = 50; i > 0; i--)
PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(1); // wait 1ms
// read the status registers
int_status1 = rfm22_read(RFM22_interrupt_status1);
int_status2 = rfm22_read(RFM22_interrupt_status2);
if (int_status2 & RFM22_is2_ichiprdy) break;
// ****************
// read status - clears interrupt
device_status = rfm22_read(RFM22_device_status);
int_status1 = rfm22_read(RFM22_interrupt_status1);
int_status2 = rfm22_read(RFM22_interrupt_status2);
ezmac_status = rfm22_read(RFM22_ezmac_status);
// disable all interrupts
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable1, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_interrupt_enable2, 0x00);
// ****************
exec_using_spi = FALSE;
// ****************
rf_mode = mode;
device_status = int_status1 = int_status2 = ezmac_status = 0;
rssi = 0;
rssi_dBm = -127;
rx_buffer_current = 0;
rx_buffer_wr = 0;
rx_packet_rssi_dBm = -127;
rx_packet_afc_Hz = 0;
tx_data_rd = tx_data_wr = 0;
lookup_index = 0;
ss_lookup_index = 0;
rf_bandwidth_used = 0;
ss_rf_bandwidth_used = 0;
rfm22_int_timer = 0;
rfm22_int_time_outs = 0;
prev_rfm22_int_time_outs = 0;
hbsel = 0;
frequency_step_size = 0.0f;
frequency_hop_channel = 0;
afc_correction = 0;
afc_correction_Hz = 0;
temperature_reg = 0;
// set the TX power
tx_power = RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_POWER;
tx_pwr = 0;
// ****************
// read the RF chip ID bytes
device_type = rfm22_read(RFM22_DEVICE_TYPE) & RFM22_DT_MASK; // read the device type
device_version = rfm22_read(RFM22_DEVICE_VERSION) & RFM22_DV_MASK; // read the device version
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf device type: %d\n\r", device_type);
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf device version: %d\n\r", device_version);
if (device_type != 0x08)
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf device type: INCORRECT - should be 0x08\n\r");
return -1; // incorrect RF module type
// if (device_version != RFM22_DEVICE_VERSION_V2) // V2
// return -2; // incorrect RF module version
// if (device_version != RFM22_DEVICE_VERSION_A0) // A0
// return -2; // incorrect RF module version
if (device_version != RFM22_DEVICE_VERSION_B1) // B1
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "rf device version: INCORRECT\n\r");
return -2; // incorrect RF module version
// ****************
// set the minimum and maximum carrier frequency allowed
if (min_frequency_hz < RFM22_MIN_CARRIER_FREQUENCY_HZ) min_frequency_hz = RFM22_MIN_CARRIER_FREQUENCY_HZ;
if (min_frequency_hz > RFM22_MAX_CARRIER_FREQUENCY_HZ) min_frequency_hz = RFM22_MAX_CARRIER_FREQUENCY_HZ;
if (max_frequency_hz < RFM22_MIN_CARRIER_FREQUENCY_HZ) max_frequency_hz = RFM22_MIN_CARRIER_FREQUENCY_HZ;
if (max_frequency_hz > RFM22_MAX_CARRIER_FREQUENCY_HZ) max_frequency_hz = RFM22_MAX_CARRIER_FREQUENCY_HZ;
if (min_frequency_hz > max_frequency_hz)
{ // swap them over
uint32_t tmp = min_frequency_hz;
min_frequency_hz = max_frequency_hz;
max_frequency_hz = tmp;
lower_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz = min_frequency_hz;
upper_carrier_frequency_limit_Hz = max_frequency_hz;
// ****************
// calibrate our RF module to be exactly on frequency .. different for every module
osc_load_cap = OSC_LOAD_CAP; // default
rfm22_write(RFM22_xtal_osc_load_cap, osc_load_cap);
// ****************
// disable Low Duty Cycle Mode
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_cpu_output_clk, RFM22_coc_1MHz); // 1MHz clock output
rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_xton); // READY mode
// rfm22_write(RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_pllon); // TUNE mode
// choose the 3 GPIO pin functions
rfm22_write(RFM22_io_port_config, RFM22_io_port_default); // GPIO port use default value
rfm22_write(RFM22_gpio0_config, RFM22_gpio0_config_drv3 | RFM22_gpio0_config_txstate); // GPIO0 = TX State (to control RF Switch)
rfm22_write(RFM22_gpio1_config, RFM22_gpio1_config_drv3 | RFM22_gpio1_config_rxstate); // GPIO1 = RX State (to control RF Switch)
rfm22_write(RFM22_gpio2_config, RFM22_gpio2_config_drv3 | RFM22_gpio2_config_cca); // GPIO2 = Clear Channel Assessment
// ****************
return 0; // OK
// ************************************
int rfm22_init_scan_spectrum(uint32_t min_frequency_hz, uint32_t max_frequency_hz)
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "\n\rRF init scan spectrum\n\r");
int res = rfm22_resetModule(RX_SCAN_SPECTRUM, min_frequency_hz, max_frequency_hz);
if (res < 0)
return res;
// rfm22_setSSBandwidth(0);
// FIFO mode, GFSK modulation
uint8_t fd_bit = rfm22_read(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2) & RFM22_mmc2_fd;
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, RFM22_mmc2_trclk_clk_none | RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_fifo | fd_bit | RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_gfsk);
rfm22_write(RFM22_cpu_output_clk, RFM22_coc_1MHz); // 1MHz clock output
rfm22_write(RFM22_rssi_threshold_clear_chan_indicator, 0);
rfm22_write(RFM22_preamble_detection_ctrl1, 31 << 3); // 31-nibbles rx preamble detection
// avoid packet detection
rfm22_write(RFM22_data_access_control, RFM22_dac_enpacrx | RFM22_dac_encrc);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_control1, 0x0f);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_control2, 0x77);
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word3, SYNC_BYTE_1);
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word2, SYNC_BYTE_2);
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word1, SYNC_BYTE_3 ^ 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word0, SYNC_BYTE_4 ^ 0xff);
// all the bits to be checked
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable3, 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable2, 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable1, 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable0, 0xff);
// set frequency hopping channel step size (multiples of 10kHz)
// rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_hopping_step_size, 0);
// set our nominal carrier frequency
// set minimum tx power
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_power, RFM22_tx_pwr_lna_sw | 0);
rfm22_write(RFM22_agc_override1, RFM22_agc_ovr1_sgi | RFM22_agc_ovr1_agcen);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_vco_current_trimming, 0x7f);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_vco_calibration_override, 0x40);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_chargepump_current_trimming_override, 0x80);
// Enable RF module external interrupt
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_SCAN_SPECTRUM, true);
initialized = true;
return 0; // OK
// ************************************
int rfm22_init_tx_stream(uint32_t min_frequency_hz, uint32_t max_frequency_hz)
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "\n\rRF init TX stream\n\r");
int res = rfm22_resetModule(TX_STREAM_MODE, min_frequency_hz, max_frequency_hz);
if (res < 0)
return res;
frequency_hop_step_size_reg = 0;
// set the RF datarate
rfm22_setDatarate(RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE, FALSE);
// FIFO mode, GFSK modulation
uint8_t fd_bit = rfm22_read(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2) & RFM22_mmc2_fd;
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, RFM22_mmc2_trclk_clk_none | RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_fifo | fd_bit | RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_gfsk);
// disable the internal Tx & Rx packet handlers (without CRC)
rfm22_write(RFM22_data_access_control, 0);
rfm22_write(RFM22_preamble_length, TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES); // x-nibbles tx preamble
rfm22_write(RFM22_preamble_detection_ctrl1, RX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES << 3); // x-nibbles rx preamble detection
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_control1, RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_none | RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_none); // header control - we are not using the header
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_control2, RFM22_header_cntl2_fixpklen | RFM22_header_cntl2_hdlen_none | RFM22_header_cntl2_synclen_32 | ((TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES >> 8) & 0x01)); // no header bytes, synchronization word length 3, 2 used, packet length not included in header (fixed packet length).
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word3, SYNC_BYTE_1); // sync word
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word2, SYNC_BYTE_2); //
// rfm22_write(RFM22_modem_test, 0x01);
rfm22_write(RFM22_agc_override1, RFM22_agc_ovr1_agcen);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_agc_override1, RFM22_agc_ovr1_sgi | RFM22_agc_ovr1_agcen);
rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_hopping_step_size, frequency_hop_step_size_reg); // set frequency hopping channel step size (multiples of 10kHz)
rfm22_setNominalCarrierFrequency((min_frequency_hz + max_frequency_hz) / 2); // set our nominal carrier frequency
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_power, RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaken | RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaklvl_0 | RFM22_tx_pwr_lna_sw | tx_power); // set the tx power
// rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_power, RFM22_tx_pwr_lna_sw | tx_power); // set the tx power
// rfm22_write(RFM22_vco_current_trimming, 0x7f);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_vco_calibration_override, 0x40);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_chargepump_current_trimming_override, 0x80);
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_fifo_control1, TX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK); // TX FIFO Almost Full Threshold (0 - 63)
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_fifo_control2, TX_FIFO_LO_WATERMARK); // TX FIFO Almost Empty Threshold (0 - 63)
// Enable RF module external interrupt
initialized = true;
return 0; // OK
// ************************************
int rfm22_init_rx_stream(uint32_t min_frequency_hz, uint32_t max_frequency_hz)
#if defined(RFM22_DEBUG)
DEBUG_PRINTF(2, "\n\rRF init RX stream\n\r");
int res = rfm22_resetModule(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, min_frequency_hz, max_frequency_hz);
if (res < 0)
return res;
frequency_hop_step_size_reg = 0;
// set the RF datarate
rfm22_setDatarate(RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE, FALSE);
// FIFO mode, GFSK modulation
uint8_t fd_bit = rfm22_read(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2) & RFM22_mmc2_fd;
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, RFM22_mmc2_trclk_clk_none | RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_fifo | fd_bit | RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_gfsk);
// disable the internal Tx & Rx packet handlers (without CRC)
rfm22_write(RFM22_data_access_control, 0);
rfm22_write(RFM22_preamble_length, TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES); // x-nibbles tx preamble
rfm22_write(RFM22_preamble_detection_ctrl1, RX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES << 3); // x-nibbles rx preamble detection
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_control1, RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_none | RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_none); // header control - we are not using the header
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_control2, RFM22_header_cntl2_fixpklen | RFM22_header_cntl2_hdlen_none | RFM22_header_cntl2_synclen_32 | ((TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES >> 8) & 0x01)); // no header bytes, synchronization word length 3, 2 used, packet length not included in header (fixed packet length).
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word3, SYNC_BYTE_1); // sync word
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word2, SYNC_BYTE_2); //
// no header bits to be checked
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable3, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable2, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable1, 0x00);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable0, 0x00);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_modem_test, 0x01);
rfm22_write(RFM22_agc_override1, RFM22_agc_ovr1_agcen);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_agc_override1, RFM22_agc_ovr1_sgi | RFM22_agc_ovr1_agcen);
rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_hopping_step_size, frequency_hop_step_size_reg); // set frequency hopping channel step size (multiples of 10kHz)
rfm22_setNominalCarrierFrequency((min_frequency_hz + max_frequency_hz) / 2); // set our nominal carrier frequency
// rfm22_write(RFM22_vco_current_trimming, 0x7f);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_vco_calibration_override, 0x40);
// rfm22_write(RFM22_chargepump_current_trimming_override, 0x80);
// RX FIFO Almost Full Threshold (0 - 63)
rfm22_write(RFM22_rx_fifo_control, RX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK);
// Enable RF module external interrupt
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
initialized = true;
return 0; // OK
// ************************************
// Initialise this hardware layer module and the rf module
int rfm22_init_normal(uint32_t id, uint32_t min_frequency_hz, uint32_t max_frequency_hz, uint32_t freq_hop_step_size)
int res = rfm22_resetModule(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, min_frequency_hz, max_frequency_hz);
if (res < 0)
return res;
// initialize the frequency hopping step size
freq_hop_step_size /= 10000; // in 10kHz increments
if (freq_hop_step_size > 255) freq_hop_step_size = 255;
frequency_hop_step_size_reg = freq_hop_step_size;
// set the RF datarate
rfm22_setDatarate(RFM22_DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE, TRUE);
// FIFO mode, GFSK modulation
uint8_t fd_bit = rfm22_read(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2) & RFM22_mmc2_fd;
rfm22_write(RFM22_modulation_mode_control2, RFM22_mmc2_trclk_clk_none | RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_fifo | fd_bit | RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_gfsk);
// setup to read the internal temperature sensor
// ADC used to sample the temperature sensor
adc_config = RFM22_ac_adcsel_temp_sensor | RFM22_ac_adcref_bg;
rfm22_write(RFM22_adc_config, adc_config);
// adc offset
rfm22_write(RFM22_adc_sensor_amp_offset, 0);
// temp sensor calibration .. <20>40C to +64C 0.5C resolution
rfm22_write(RFM22_temp_sensor_calib, RFM22_tsc_tsrange0 | RFM22_tsc_entsoffs);
// temp sensor offset
rfm22_write(RFM22_temp_value_offset, 0);
// start an ADC conversion
rfm22_write(RFM22_adc_config, adc_config | RFM22_ac_adcstartbusy);
// set the RSSI threshold interrupt to about -90dBm
rfm22_write(RFM22_rssi_threshold_clear_chan_indicator, (-90 + 122) * 2);
// enable the internal Tx & Rx packet handlers (without CRC)
rfm22_write(RFM22_data_access_control, RFM22_dac_enpacrx | RFM22_dac_enpactx);
// x-nibbles tx preamble
rfm22_write(RFM22_preamble_length, TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES);
// x-nibbles rx preamble detection
rfm22_write(RFM22_preamble_detection_ctrl1, RX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES << 3);
// header control - we are not using the header
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_control1, RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_none | RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_none);
// no header bytes, synchronization word length 3, 2, 1 & 0 used, packet length included in header.
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_control2, RFM22_header_cntl2_hdlen_none |
RFM22_header_cntl2_synclen_3210 | ((TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES >> 8) & 0x01));
// header control - using a 4 by header with broadcast of 0xffffffff
RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_0 |
RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_1 |
RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_2 |
RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_3 |
RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_0 |
RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_1 |
RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_2 |
// Check all bit of all bytes of the header
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable0, 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable1, 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable2, 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_header_enable3, 0xff);
// Set the ID to be checked
rfm22_write(RFM22_check_header0, id & 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_check_header1, (id >> 8) & 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_check_header2, (id >> 16) & 0xff);
rfm22_write(RFM22_check_header3, (id >> 24) & 0xff);
// 4 header bytes, synchronization word length 3, 2, 1 & 0 used, packet length included in header.
RFM22_header_cntl2_hdlen_3210 |
RFM22_header_cntl2_synclen_3210 |
((TX_PREAMBLE_NIBBLES >> 8) & 0x01));
// sync word
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word3, SYNC_BYTE_1);
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word2, SYNC_BYTE_2);
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word1, SYNC_BYTE_3);
rfm22_write(RFM22_sync_word0, SYNC_BYTE_4);
rfm22_write(RFM22_agc_override1, RFM22_agc_ovr1_agcen);
// set frequency hopping channel step size (multiples of 10kHz)
rfm22_write(RFM22_frequency_hopping_step_size, frequency_hop_step_size_reg);
// set our nominal carrier frequency
rfm22_setNominalCarrierFrequency((min_frequency_hz + max_frequency_hz) / 2);
// set the tx power
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_power, RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaken | RFM22_tx_pwr_papeaklvl_0 |
RFM22_tx_pwr_lna_sw | tx_power);
// TX FIFO Almost Full Threshold (0 - 63)
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_fifo_control1, TX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK);
// TX FIFO Almost Empty Threshold (0 - 63)
rfm22_write(RFM22_tx_fifo_control2, TX_FIFO_LO_WATERMARK);
// RX FIFO Almost Full Threshold (0 - 63)
rfm22_write(RFM22_rx_fifo_control, RX_FIFO_HI_WATERMARK);
// Enable RF module external interrupt
rfm22_setRxMode(RX_WAIT_PREAMBLE_MODE, false);
initialized = true;
return 0; // ok
// ************************************
* @}
* @}