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Stacey Sheldon 63c167c183 taskinfo: also track Event thread's stack usage and CPU utilization
The event dispatcher thread is started differently than most other
threads so it was missed in the taskinfo tracking information.  Now
it's also included.
2012-08-11 18:47:03 -04:00

393 lines
12 KiB

* @file eventdispatcher.c
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* @brief Event dispatcher, distributes object events as callbacks. Alternative
* to using tasks and queues. All callbacks are invoked from the event task.
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "openpilot.h"
// Private constants
#define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 20
// Private types
* Event callback information
typedef struct {
UAVObjEvent ev; /** The actual event */
UAVObjEventCallback cb; /** The callback function, or zero if none */
xQueueHandle queue; /** The queue or zero if none */
} EventCallbackInfo;
* List of object properties that are needed for the periodic updates.
struct PeriodicObjectListStruct {
EventCallbackInfo evInfo; /** Event callback information */
uint16_t updatePeriodMs; /** Update period in ms or 0 if no periodic updates are needed */
int32_t timeToNextUpdateMs; /** Time delay to the next update */
struct PeriodicObjectListStruct* next; /** Needed by linked list library (utlist.h) */
typedef struct PeriodicObjectListStruct PeriodicObjectList;
// Private variables
static PeriodicObjectList* objList;
static xQueueHandle queue;
static xTaskHandle eventTaskHandle;
static xSemaphoreHandle mutex;
static EventStats stats;
// Private functions
static int32_t processPeriodicUpdates();
static void eventTask();
static int32_t eventPeriodicCreate(UAVObjEvent* ev, UAVObjEventCallback cb, xQueueHandle queue, uint16_t periodMs);
static int32_t eventPeriodicUpdate(UAVObjEvent* ev, UAVObjEventCallback cb, xQueueHandle queue, uint16_t periodMs);
static uint16_t randomizePeriod(uint16_t periodMs);
* Initialize the dispatcher
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
int32_t EventDispatcherInitialize()
// Initialize variables
objList = NULL;
memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(EventStats));
// Create mutex
mutex = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex();
if (mutex == NULL)
return -1;
// Create event queue
queue = xQueueCreate(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(EventCallbackInfo));
// Create task
xTaskCreate( eventTask, (signed char*)"Event", STACK_SIZE, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &eventTaskHandle );
// Done
return 0;
* Get the statistics counters
* @param[out] statsOut The statistics counters will be copied there
void EventGetStats(EventStats* statsOut)
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
memcpy(statsOut, &stats, sizeof(EventStats));
* Clear the statistics counters
void EventClearStats()
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(EventStats));
* Dispatch an event by invoking the supplied callback. The function
* returns imidiatelly, the callback is invoked from the event task.
* \param[in] ev The event to be dispatched
* \param[in] cb The callback function
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
int32_t EventCallbackDispatch(UAVObjEvent* ev, UAVObjEventCallback cb)
EventCallbackInfo evInfo;
// Initialize event callback information
memcpy(&evInfo.ev, ev, sizeof(UAVObjEvent));
evInfo.cb = cb;
evInfo.queue = 0;
// Push to queue
return xQueueSend(queue, &evInfo, 0); // will not block if queue is full
* Dispatch an event at periodic intervals.
* \param[in] ev The event to be dispatched
* \param[in] cb The callback to be invoked
* \param[in] periodMs The period the event is generated
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
int32_t EventPeriodicCallbackCreate(UAVObjEvent* ev, UAVObjEventCallback cb, uint16_t periodMs)
return eventPeriodicCreate(ev, cb, 0, periodMs);
* Update the period of a periodic event.
* \param[in] ev The event to be dispatched
* \param[in] cb The callback to be invoked
* \param[in] periodMs The period the event is generated
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
int32_t EventPeriodicCallbackUpdate(UAVObjEvent* ev, UAVObjEventCallback cb, uint16_t periodMs)
return eventPeriodicUpdate(ev, cb, 0, periodMs);
* Dispatch an event at periodic intervals.
* \param[in] ev The event to be dispatched
* \param[in] queue The queue that the event will be pushed in
* \param[in] periodMs The period the event is generated
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
int32_t EventPeriodicQueueCreate(UAVObjEvent* ev, xQueueHandle queue, uint16_t periodMs)
return eventPeriodicCreate(ev, 0, queue, periodMs);
* Update the period of a periodic event.
* \param[in] ev The event to be dispatched
* \param[in] queue The queue
* \param[in] periodMs The period the event is generated
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
int32_t EventPeriodicQueueUpdate(UAVObjEvent* ev, xQueueHandle queue, uint16_t periodMs)
return eventPeriodicUpdate(ev, 0, queue, periodMs);
* Dispatch an event through a callback at periodic intervals.
* \param[in] ev The event to be dispatched
* \param[in] cb The callback to be invoked or zero if none
* \param[in] queue The queue or zero if none
* \param[in] periodMs The period the event is generated
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
static int32_t eventPeriodicCreate(UAVObjEvent* ev, UAVObjEventCallback cb, xQueueHandle queue, uint16_t periodMs)
PeriodicObjectList* objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Check that the object is not already connected
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry)
if (objEntry->evInfo.cb == cb &&
objEntry->evInfo.queue == queue &&
objEntry->evInfo.ev.obj == ev->obj &&
objEntry->evInfo.ev.instId == ev->instId &&
objEntry->evInfo.ev.event == ev->event)
// Already registered, do nothing
return -1;
// Create handle
objEntry = (PeriodicObjectList*)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(PeriodicObjectList));
if (objEntry == NULL) return -1;
objEntry->evInfo.ev.obj = ev->obj;
objEntry->evInfo.ev.instId = ev->instId;
objEntry->evInfo.ev.event = ev->event;
objEntry->evInfo.cb = cb;
objEntry->evInfo.queue = queue;
objEntry->updatePeriodMs = periodMs;
objEntry->timeToNextUpdateMs = randomizePeriod(periodMs); // avoid bunching of updates
// Add to list
LL_APPEND(objList, objEntry);
// Release lock
return 0;
* Update the period of a periodic event.
* \param[in] ev The event to be dispatched
* \param[in] cb The callback to be invoked or zero if none
* \param[in] queue The queue or zero if none
* \param[in] periodMs The period the event is generated
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
static int32_t eventPeriodicUpdate(UAVObjEvent* ev, UAVObjEventCallback cb, xQueueHandle queue, uint16_t periodMs)
PeriodicObjectList* objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Find object
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry)
if (objEntry->evInfo.cb == cb &&
objEntry->evInfo.queue == queue &&
objEntry->evInfo.ev.obj == ev->obj &&
objEntry->evInfo.ev.instId == ev->instId &&
objEntry->evInfo.ev.event == ev->event)
// Object found, update period
objEntry->updatePeriodMs = periodMs;
objEntry->timeToNextUpdateMs = randomizePeriod(periodMs); // avoid bunching of updates
// Release lock
return 0;
// If this point is reached the object was not found
return -1;
* Event task, responsible of invoking callbacks.
static void eventTask()
int32_t timeToNextUpdateMs;
int32_t delayMs;
EventCallbackInfo evInfo;
/* Must do this in task context to ensure that TaskMonitor has already finished its init */
// Initialize time
timeToNextUpdateMs = xTaskGetTickCount()*portTICK_RATE_MS;
// Loop forever
while (1)
// Calculate delay time
delayMs = timeToNextUpdateMs-(xTaskGetTickCount()*portTICK_RATE_MS);
if (delayMs < 0)
delayMs = 0;
// Wait for queue message
if ( xQueueReceive(queue, &evInfo, delayMs/portTICK_RATE_MS) == pdTRUE )
// Invoke callback, if one
if ( evInfo.cb != 0)
evInfo.cb(&evInfo.ev); // the function is expected to copy the event information
// Process periodic updates
if ((xTaskGetTickCount()*portTICK_RATE_MS) >= timeToNextUpdateMs )
timeToNextUpdateMs = processPeriodicUpdates();
* Handle periodic updates for all objects.
* \return The system time until the next update (in ms) or -1 if failed
static int32_t processPeriodicUpdates()
PeriodicObjectList* objEntry;
int32_t timeNow;
int32_t timeToNextUpdate;
int32_t offset;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Iterate through each object and update its timer, if zero then transmit object.
// Also calculate smallest delay to next update.
timeToNextUpdate = xTaskGetTickCount()*portTICK_RATE_MS + MAX_UPDATE_PERIOD_MS;
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry)
// If object is configured for periodic updates
if (objEntry->updatePeriodMs > 0)
// Check if time for the next update
timeNow = xTaskGetTickCount()*portTICK_RATE_MS;
if (objEntry->timeToNextUpdateMs <= timeNow)
// Reset timer
offset = ( timeNow - objEntry->timeToNextUpdateMs ) % objEntry->updatePeriodMs;
objEntry->timeToNextUpdateMs = timeNow + objEntry->updatePeriodMs - offset;
// Invoke callback, if one
if ( objEntry->evInfo.cb != 0)
objEntry->evInfo.cb(&objEntry->evInfo.ev); // the function is expected to copy the event information
// Push event to queue, if one
if ( objEntry->evInfo.queue != 0)
if ( xQueueSend(objEntry->evInfo.queue, &objEntry->evInfo.ev, 0) != pdTRUE ) // do not block if queue is full
if (objEntry->evInfo.ev.obj != NULL)
stats.lastErrorID = UAVObjGetID(objEntry->evInfo.ev.obj);
// Update minimum delay
if (objEntry->timeToNextUpdateMs < timeToNextUpdate)
timeToNextUpdate = objEntry->timeToNextUpdateMs;
// Done
return timeToNextUpdate;
* Return a psedorandom integer from 0 to periodMs
* Based on the Park-Miller-Carta Pseudo-Random Number Generator
* http://www.firstpr.com.au/dsp/rand31/
static uint16_t randomizePeriod(uint16_t periodMs)
static uint32_t seed = 1;
uint32_t hi, lo;
lo = 16807 * (seed & 0xFFFF);
hi = 16807 * (seed >> 16);
lo += (hi & 0x7FFF) << 16;
lo += hi >> 15;
if (lo > 0x7FFFFFFF) lo -= 0x7FFFFFFF;
seed = lo;
return (uint16_t)( ((float)periodMs * (float)lo) / (float)0x7FFFFFFF );