mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2025-02-28 17:54:15 +01:00
James Cotton 599483d5ac OP-152: Save CRC for object and header into flash and only load object if CRC
matches.  Read the flash first bytewise to compute CRC instead of buffering
which is more RAM efficient but very inefficient as it sets up many one byte
SPI transfers.

Also incremented the filesystem magic flag to trigger an automatic flash wipe
on this upgrade.
2011-06-04 18:36:38 -05:00

1499 lines
39 KiB

* @addtogroup UAVObjects OpenPilot UAVObjects
* @{
* @addtogroup UAV Object Manager
* @brief The core UAV Objects functions, most of which are wrappered by
* autogenerated defines
* @{
* @file uavobjectmanager.h
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* @brief Object manager library. This library holds a collection of all objects.
* It can be used by all modules/libraries to find an object reference.
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "openpilot.h"
// Constants
// Private types
* List of event queues and the eventmask associated with the queue.
struct ObjectEventListStruct {
xQueueHandle queue;
UAVObjEventCallback cb;
int32_t eventMask;
struct ObjectEventListStruct *next;
typedef struct ObjectEventListStruct ObjectEventList;
* List of object instances, holds the actual data structure and instance ID
struct ObjectInstListStruct {
void *data;
uint16_t instId;
struct ObjectInstListStruct *next;
typedef struct ObjectInstListStruct ObjectInstList;
* List of objects registered in the object manager
struct ObjectListStruct {
uint32_t id;
/** The object ID */
const char *name;
/** The object name */
int8_t isMetaobject;
/** Set to 1 if this is a metaobject */
int8_t isSingleInstance;
/** Set to 1 if this object has a single instance */
int8_t isSettings;
/** Set to 1 if this object is a settings object */
uint16_t numBytes;
/** Number of data bytes contained in the object (for a single instance) */
uint16_t numInstances;
/** Number of instances */
struct ObjectListStruct *linkedObj;
/** Linked object, for regular objects this is the metaobject and for metaobjects it is the parent object */
ObjectInstList instances;
/** List of object instances, instance 0 always exists */
ObjectEventList *events;
/** Event queues registered on the object */
struct ObjectListStruct *next;
/** Needed by linked list library (utlist.h) */
typedef struct ObjectListStruct ObjectList;
// Private functions
static int32_t sendEvent(ObjectList * obj, uint16_t instId,
UAVObjEventType event);
static ObjectInstList *createInstance(ObjectList * obj, uint16_t instId);
static ObjectInstList *getInstance(ObjectList * obj, uint16_t instId);
static int32_t connectObj(UAVObjHandle obj, xQueueHandle queue,
UAVObjEventCallback cb, int32_t eventMask);
static int32_t disconnectObj(UAVObjHandle obj, xQueueHandle queue,
UAVObjEventCallback cb);
static void objectFilename(ObjectList * obj, uint8_t * filename);
static void customSPrintf(uint8_t * buffer, uint8_t * format, ...);
// Private variables
static ObjectList *objList;
static xSemaphoreHandle mutex;
static UAVObjMetadata defMetadata;
static UAVObjStats stats;
* Initialize the object manager
* \return 0 Success
* \return -1 Failure
int32_t UAVObjInitialize()
// Initialize variables
objList = NULL;
memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(UAVObjStats));
// Create mutex
mutex = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex();
if (mutex == NULL)
return -1;
// Initialize default metadata structure (metadata of metaobjects)
defMetadata.access = ACCESS_READWRITE;
defMetadata.gcsAccess = ACCESS_READWRITE;
defMetadata.telemetryAcked = 1;
defMetadata.telemetryUpdateMode = UPDATEMODE_ONCHANGE;
defMetadata.telemetryUpdatePeriod = 0;
defMetadata.gcsTelemetryAcked = 1;
defMetadata.gcsTelemetryUpdateMode = UPDATEMODE_ONCHANGE;
defMetadata.gcsTelemetryUpdatePeriod = 0;
defMetadata.loggingUpdateMode = UPDATEMODE_ONCHANGE;
defMetadata.loggingUpdatePeriod = 0;
// Done
return 0;
* Get the statistics counters
* @param[out] statsOut The statistics counters will be copied there
void UAVObjGetStats(UAVObjStats * statsOut)
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
memcpy(statsOut, &stats, sizeof(UAVObjStats));
* Clear the statistics counters
void UAVObjClearStats()
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(UAVObjStats));
* Register and new object in the object manager.
* \param[in] id Unique object ID
* \param[in] name Object name
* \param[in] nameName Metaobject name
* \param[in] isMetaobject Is this a metaobject (1:true, 0:false)
* \param[in] isSingleInstance Is this a single instance or multi-instance object
* \param[in] isSettings Is this a settings object
* \param[in] numBytes Number of bytes of object data (for one instance)
* \param[in] initCb Default field and metadata initialization function
* \return Object handle, or NULL if failure.
* \return
UAVObjHandle UAVObjRegister(uint32_t id, const char *name,
const char *metaName, int32_t isMetaobject,
int32_t isSingleInstance, int32_t isSettings,
uint32_t numBytes,
UAVObjInitializeCallback initCb)
ObjectList *objEntry;
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
ObjectList *metaObj;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Check that the object is not already registered
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
if (objEntry->id == id) {
// Already registered, ignore
return NULL;
// Create and append entry
objEntry = (ObjectList *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(ObjectList));
if (objEntry == NULL) {
return NULL;
objEntry->id = id;
objEntry->name = name;
objEntry->isMetaobject = (int8_t) isMetaobject;
objEntry->isSingleInstance = (int8_t) isSingleInstance;
objEntry->isSettings = (int8_t) isSettings;
objEntry->numBytes = numBytes;
objEntry->events = NULL;
objEntry->numInstances = 0;
objEntry->instances.data = NULL;
objEntry->instances.instId = 0xFFFF;
objEntry->instances.next = NULL;
objEntry->linkedObj = NULL; // will be set later
LL_APPEND(objList, objEntry);
// Create instance zero
instEntry = createInstance(objEntry, 0);
if (instEntry == NULL) {
return NULL;
// Create metaobject and update linkedObj
if (isMetaobject) {
objEntry->linkedObj = NULL; // will be set later
} else {
// Create metaobject
metaObj =
(ObjectList *) UAVObjRegister(id + 1, metaName,
NULL, 1, 1, 0,
// Link two objects
objEntry->linkedObj = metaObj;
metaObj->linkedObj = objEntry;
// Initialize object fields and metadata to default values
if (initCb != NULL) {
initCb((UAVObjHandle) objEntry, 0);
// Attempt to load object's metadata from the SD card (not done directly on the metaobject, but through the object)
if (!objEntry->isMetaobject) {
UAVObjLoad((UAVObjHandle) objEntry->linkedObj, 0);
// If this is a settings object, attempt to load from SD card
if (objEntry->isSettings) {
UAVObjLoad((UAVObjHandle) objEntry, 0);
// Release lock
return (UAVObjHandle) objEntry;
* Retrieve an object from the list given its id
* \param[in] The object ID
* \return The object or NULL if not found.
UAVObjHandle UAVObjGetByID(uint32_t id)
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Look for object
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
if (objEntry->id == id) {
// Release lock
// Done, object found
return (UAVObjHandle) objEntry;
// Object not found, release lock and return error
return NULL;
* Retrieve an object from the list given its name
* \param[in] name The name of the object
* \return The object or NULL if not found.
UAVObjHandle UAVObjGetByName(char *name)
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Look for object
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
if (objEntry->name != NULL
&& strcmp(objEntry->name, name) == 0) {
// Release lock
// Done, object found
return (UAVObjHandle) objEntry;
// Object not found, release lock and return error
return NULL;
* Get the object's ID
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return The object ID
uint32_t UAVObjGetID(UAVObjHandle obj)
return ((ObjectList *) obj)->id;
* Get the object's name
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return The object's name
const char *UAVObjGetName(UAVObjHandle obj)
return ((ObjectList *) obj)->name;
* Get the number of bytes of the object's data (for one instance)
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return The number of bytes
uint32_t UAVObjGetNumBytes(UAVObjHandle obj)
return ((ObjectList *) obj)->numBytes;
* Get the object this object is linked to. For regular objects, the linked object
* is the metaobject. For metaobjects the linked object is the parent object.
* This function is normally only needed by the telemetry module.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return The object linked object handle
UAVObjHandle UAVObjGetLinkedObj(UAVObjHandle obj)
return (UAVObjHandle) (((ObjectList *) obj)->linkedObj);
* Get the number of instances contained in the object.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return The number of instances
uint16_t UAVObjGetNumInstances(UAVObjHandle obj)
uint32_t numInstances;
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
numInstances = ((ObjectList *) obj)->numInstances;
return numInstances;
* Create a new instance in the object.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return The instance ID or 0 if an error
uint16_t UAVObjCreateInstance(UAVObjHandle obj,
UAVObjInitializeCallback initCb)
ObjectList *objEntry;
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Create new instance
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
instEntry = createInstance(objEntry, objEntry->numInstances);
if (instEntry == NULL) {
return -1;
// Initialize instance data
if (initCb != NULL) {
initCb(obj, instEntry->instId);
// Unlock
return instEntry->instId;
* Does this object contains a single instance or multiple instances?
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return True (1) if this is a single instance object
int32_t UAVObjIsSingleInstance(UAVObjHandle obj)
return ((ObjectList *) obj)->isSingleInstance;
* Is this a metaobject?
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return True (1) if this is metaobject
int32_t UAVObjIsMetaobject(UAVObjHandle obj)
return ((ObjectList *) obj)->isMetaobject;
* Is this a settings object?
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return True (1) if this is a settings object
int32_t UAVObjIsSettings(UAVObjHandle obj)
return ((ObjectList *) obj)->isSettings;
* Unpack an object from a byte array
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] instId The instance ID
* \param[in] dataIn The byte array
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjUnpack(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId,
const uint8_t * dataIn)
ObjectList *objEntry;
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Cast handle to object
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Get the instance
instEntry = getInstance(objEntry, instId);
// If the instance does not exist create it and any other instances before it
if (instEntry == NULL) {
instEntry = createInstance(objEntry, instId);
if (instEntry == NULL) {
// Error, unlock and return
return -1;
// Set the data
memcpy(instEntry->data, dataIn, objEntry->numBytes);
// Fire event
sendEvent(objEntry, instId, EV_UNPACKED);
// Unlock
return 0;
* Pack an object to a byte array
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] instId The instance ID
* \param[out] dataOut The byte array
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjPack(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId, uint8_t * dataOut)
ObjectList *objEntry;
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Cast handle to object
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Get the instance
instEntry = getInstance(objEntry, instId);
if (instEntry == NULL) {
// Error, unlock and return
return -1;
// Pack data
memcpy(dataOut, instEntry->data, objEntry->numBytes);
// Unlock
return 0;
* Save the data of the specified object instance to the file system (SD card).
* The object will be appended and the file will not be closed.
* The object data can be restored using the UAVObjLoad function.
* @param[in] obj The object handle.
* @param[in] instId The instance ID
* @param[in] file File to append to
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjSaveToFile(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId,
FILEINFO * file)
uint32_t bytesWritten;
ObjectList *objEntry;
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
// Check for file system availability
if (PIOS_SDCARD_IsMounted() == 0) {
return -1;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Cast to object
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Get the instance information
instEntry = getInstance(objEntry, instId);
if (instEntry == NULL) {
return -1;
// Write the object ID
PIOS_FWRITE(file, &objEntry->id, sizeof(objEntry->id),
// Write the instance ID
if (!objEntry->isSingleInstance) {
PIOS_FWRITE(file, &instEntry->instId,
sizeof(instEntry->instId), &bytesWritten);
// Write the data and check that the write was successful
PIOS_FWRITE(file, instEntry->data, objEntry->numBytes,
if (bytesWritten != objEntry->numBytes) {
return -1;
// Done
return 0;
* Save the data of the specified object to the file system (SD card).
* If the object contains multiple instances, all of them will be saved.
* A new file with the name of the object will be created.
* The object data can be restored using the UAVObjLoad function.
* @param[in] obj The object handle.
* @param[in] instId The instance ID
* @param[in] file File to append to
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjSave(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId)
ObjectList *objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
if (objEntry == NULL)
return -1;
ObjectInstList *instEntry = getInstance(objEntry, instId);
if (instEntry == NULL)
return -1;
if (instEntry->data == NULL)
return -1;
if (PIOS_FLASHFS_ObjSave(obj, instId, instEntry->data) != 0)
return -1;
ObjectList *objEntry;
uint8_t filename[14];
// Check for file system availability
if (PIOS_SDCARD_IsMounted() == 0) {
return -1;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Cast to object
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Get filename
objectFilename(objEntry, filename);
// Open file
if (PIOS_FOPEN_WRITE(filename, file)) {
return -1;
// Append object
if (UAVObjSaveToFile(obj, instId, &file) == -1) {
return -1;
// Done, close file and unlock
return 0;
* Load an object from the file system (SD card).
* @param[in] file File to read from
* @return The handle of the object loaded or NULL if a failure
UAVObjHandle UAVObjLoadFromFile(FILEINFO * file)
uint32_t bytesRead;
ObjectList *objEntry;
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
uint32_t objId;
uint16_t instId;
UAVObjHandle obj;
// Check for file system availability
if (PIOS_SDCARD_IsMounted() == 0) {
return NULL;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Read the object ID
if (PIOS_FREAD(file, &objId, sizeof(objId), &bytesRead)) {
return NULL;
// Get the object
obj = UAVObjGetByID(objId);
if (obj == 0) {
return NULL;
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Get the instance ID
instId = 0;
if (!objEntry->isSingleInstance) {
(file, &instId, sizeof(instId), &bytesRead)) {
return NULL;
// Get the instance information
instEntry = getInstance(objEntry, instId);
// If the instance does not exist create it and any other instances before it
if (instEntry == NULL) {
instEntry = createInstance(objEntry, instId);
if (instEntry == NULL) {
// Error, unlock and return
return NULL;
// Read the instance data
(file, instEntry->data, objEntry->numBytes, &bytesRead)) {
return NULL;
// Fire event
sendEvent(objEntry, instId, EV_UNPACKED);
// Unlock
return obj;
return NULL;
* Load an object from the file system (SD card).
* A file with the name of the object will be opened.
* The object data can be saved using the UAVObjSave function.
* @param[in] obj The object handle.
* @param[in] instId The object instance
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjLoad(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId)
ObjectList *objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
if (objEntry == NULL)
return -1;
ObjectInstList *instEntry = getInstance(objEntry, instId);
if (instEntry == NULL)
return -1;
if (instEntry->data == NULL)
return -1;
// Fire event on success
if (PIOS_FLASHFS_ObjLoad(obj, instId, instEntry->data) == 0)
sendEvent(objEntry, instId, EV_UNPACKED);
return -1;
ObjectList *objEntry;
UAVObjHandle loadedObj;
ObjectList *loadedObjEntry;
uint8_t filename[14];
// Check for file system availability
if (PIOS_SDCARD_IsMounted() == 0) {
return -1;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Cast to object
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Get filename
objectFilename(objEntry, filename);
// Open file
if (PIOS_FOPEN_READ(filename, file)) {
return -1;
// Load object
loadedObj = UAVObjLoadFromFile(&file);
if (loadedObj == 0) {
return -1;
// Check that the IDs match
loadedObjEntry = (ObjectList *) loadedObj;
if (loadedObjEntry->id != objEntry->id) {
return -1;
// Done, close file and unlock
return 0;
* Delete an object from the file system (SD card).
* @param[in] obj The object handle.
* @param[in] instId The object instance
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjDelete(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId)
PIOS_FLASHFS_ObjDelete(obj, instId);
ObjectList *objEntry;
uint8_t filename[14];
// Check for file system availability
if (PIOS_SDCARD_IsMounted() == 0) {
return -1;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Cast to object
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Get filename
objectFilename(objEntry, filename);
// Delete file
// Done
return 0;
* Save all settings objects to the SD card.
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjSaveSettings()
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Save all settings objects
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
// Check if this is a settings object
if (objEntry->isSettings) {
// Save object
if (UAVObjSave((UAVObjHandle) objEntry, 0) ==
-1) {
return -1;
// Done
return 0;
* Load all settings objects from the SD card.
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjLoadSettings()
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Load all settings objects
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
// Check if this is a settings object
if (objEntry->isSettings) {
// Load object
if (UAVObjLoad((UAVObjHandle) objEntry, 0) ==
-1) {
return -1;
// Done
return 0;
* Delete all settings objects from the SD card.
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjDeleteSettings()
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Save all settings objects
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
// Check if this is a settings object
if (objEntry->isSettings) {
// Save object
if (UAVObjDelete((UAVObjHandle) objEntry, 0)
== -1) {
return -1;
// Done
return 0;
* Save all metaobjects to the SD card.
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjSaveMetaobjects()
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Save all settings objects
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
// Check if this is a settings object
if (objEntry->isMetaobject) {
// Save object
if (UAVObjSave((UAVObjHandle) objEntry, 0) ==
-1) {
return -1;
// Done
return 0;
* Load all metaobjects from the SD card.
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjLoadMetaobjects()
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Load all settings objects
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
// Check if this is a settings object
if (objEntry->isMetaobject) {
// Load object
if (UAVObjLoad((UAVObjHandle) objEntry, 0) ==
-1) {
return -1;
// Done
return 0;
* Delete all metaobjects from the SD card.
* @return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjDeleteMetaobjects()
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Load all settings objects
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
// Check if this is a settings object
if (objEntry->isMetaobject) {
// Load object
if (UAVObjDelete((UAVObjHandle) objEntry, 0)
== -1) {
return -1;
// Done
return 0;
* Set the object data
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] dataIn The object's data structure
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjSetData(UAVObjHandle obj, const void *dataIn)
return UAVObjSetInstanceData(obj, 0, dataIn);
* Get the object data
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[out] dataOut The object's data structure
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjGetData(UAVObjHandle obj, void *dataOut)
return UAVObjGetInstanceData(obj, 0, dataOut);
* Set the data of a specific object instance
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] instId The object instance ID
* \param[in] dataIn The object's data structure
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjSetInstanceData(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId,
const void *dataIn)
ObjectList *objEntry;
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
UAVObjMetadata *mdata;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Cast to object info
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Check access level
if (!objEntry->isMetaobject) {
mdata =
(UAVObjMetadata *) (objEntry->linkedObj->instances.
if (mdata->access == ACCESS_READONLY) {
return -1;
// Get instance information
instEntry = getInstance(objEntry, instId);
if (instEntry == NULL) {
// Error, unlock and return
return -1;
// Set data
memcpy(instEntry->data, dataIn, objEntry->numBytes);
// Fire event
sendEvent(objEntry, instId, EV_UPDATED);
// Unlock
return 0;
* Get the data of a specific object instance
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] instId The object instance ID
* \param[out] dataOut The object's data structure
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjGetInstanceData(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId,
void *dataOut)
ObjectList *objEntry;
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Cast to object info
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Get instance information
instEntry = getInstance(objEntry, instId);
if (instEntry == NULL) {
// Error, unlock and return
return -1;
// Set data
memcpy(dataOut, instEntry->data, objEntry->numBytes);
// Unlock
return 0;
* Set the object metadata
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] dataIn The object's metadata structure
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjSetMetadata(UAVObjHandle obj, const UAVObjMetadata * dataIn)
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Set metadata (metadata of metaobjects can not be modified)
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
if (!objEntry->isMetaobject) {
UAVObjSetData((UAVObjHandle) objEntry->linkedObj,
} else {
return -1;
// Unlock
return 0;
* Get the object metadata
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[out] dataOut The object's metadata structure
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjGetMetadata(UAVObjHandle obj, UAVObjMetadata * dataOut)
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Get metadata
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
if (objEntry->isMetaobject) {
memcpy(dataOut, &defMetadata, sizeof(UAVObjMetadata));
} else {
UAVObjGetData((UAVObjHandle) objEntry->linkedObj,
// Unlock
return 0;
* Check if an object is read only
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return
* \arg 0 if not read only
* \arg 1 if read only
* \arg -1 if unable to get meta data
int8_t UAVObjReadOnly(UAVObjHandle obj)
ObjectList *objEntry;
UAVObjMetadata *mdata;
// Cast to object info
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
// Check access level
if (!objEntry->isMetaobject) {
mdata =
(UAVObjMetadata *) (objEntry->linkedObj->instances.
return mdata->access == ACCESS_READONLY;
return -1;
* Connect an event queue to the object, if the queue is already connected then the event mask is only updated.
* All events matching the event mask will be pushed to the event queue.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] queue The event queue
* \param[in] eventMask The event mask, if EV_MASK_ALL then all events are enabled (e.g. EV_UPDATED | EV_UPDATED_MANUAL)
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjConnectQueue(UAVObjHandle obj, xQueueHandle queue,
int32_t eventMask)
int32_t res;
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
res = connectObj(obj, queue, 0, eventMask);
return res;
* Disconnect an event queue from the object.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] queue The event queue
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjDisconnectQueue(UAVObjHandle obj, xQueueHandle queue)
int32_t res;
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
res = disconnectObj(obj, queue, 0);
return res;
* Connect an event callback to the object, if the callback is already connected then the event mask is only updated.
* The supplied callback will be invoked on all events matching the event mask.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] cb The event callback
* \param[in] eventMask The event mask, if EV_MASK_ALL then all events are enabled (e.g. EV_UPDATED | EV_UPDATED_MANUAL)
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjConnectCallback(UAVObjHandle obj, UAVObjEventCallback cb,
int32_t eventMask)
int32_t res;
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
res = connectObj(obj, 0, cb, eventMask);
return res;
* Disconnect an event callback from the object.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] cb The event callback
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
int32_t UAVObjDisconnectCallback(UAVObjHandle obj, UAVObjEventCallback cb)
int32_t res;
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
res = disconnectObj(obj, 0, cb);
return res;
* Request an update of the object's data from the GCS. The call will not wait for the response, a EV_UPDATED event
* will be generated as soon as the object is updated.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
void UAVObjRequestUpdate(UAVObjHandle obj)
UAVObjRequestInstanceUpdate(obj, UAVOBJ_ALL_INSTANCES);
* Request an update of the object's data from the GCS. The call will not wait for the response, a EV_UPDATED event
* will be generated as soon as the object is updated.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] instId Object instance ID to update
void UAVObjRequestInstanceUpdate(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId)
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
sendEvent((ObjectList *) obj, instId, EV_UPDATE_REQ);
* Send the object's data to the GCS (triggers a EV_UPDATED_MANUAL event on this object).
* \param[in] obj The object handle
void UAVObjUpdated(UAVObjHandle obj)
UAVObjInstanceUpdated(obj, UAVOBJ_ALL_INSTANCES);
* Send the object's data to the GCS (triggers a EV_UPDATED_MANUAL event on this object).
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] instId The object instance ID
void UAVObjInstanceUpdated(UAVObjHandle obj, uint16_t instId)
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
sendEvent((ObjectList *) obj, instId, EV_UPDATED_MANUAL);
* Iterate through all objects in the list.
* \param iterator This function will be called once for each object,
* the object will be passed as a parameter
void UAVObjIterate(void (*iterator) (UAVObjHandle obj))
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Get lock
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Iterate through the list and invoke iterator for each object
LL_FOREACH(objList, objEntry) {
(*iterator) ((UAVObjHandle) objEntry);
// Release lock
* Send an event to all event queues registered on the object.
static int32_t sendEvent(ObjectList * obj, uint16_t instId,
UAVObjEventType event)
ObjectEventList *eventEntry;
UAVObjEvent msg;
// Setup event
msg.obj = (UAVObjHandle) obj;
msg.event = event;
msg.instId = instId;
// Go through each object and push the event message in the queue (if event is activated for the queue)
LL_FOREACH(obj->events, eventEntry) {
if (eventEntry->eventMask == 0
|| (eventEntry->eventMask & event) != 0) {
// Send to queue if a valid queue is registered
if (eventEntry->queue != 0) {
if (xQueueSend(eventEntry->queue, &msg, 0) != pdTRUE) // will not block
// Invoke callback (from event task) if a valid one is registered
if (eventEntry->cb != 0) {
if (EventCallbackDispatch(&msg, eventEntry->cb) != pdTRUE) // invoke callback from the event task, will not block
// Done
return 0;
* Create a new object instance, return the instance info or NULL if failure.
static ObjectInstList *createInstance(ObjectList * obj, uint16_t instId)
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
int32_t n;
// For single instance objects, only instance zero is allowed
if (obj->isSingleInstance && instId != 0) {
return NULL;
// Make sure that the instance ID is within limits
return NULL;
// Check if the instance already exists
if (getInstance(obj, instId) != NULL) {
return NULL;
// Create any missing instances (all instance IDs must be sequential)
for (n = obj->numInstances; n < instId; ++n) {
if (createInstance(obj, n) == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (instId == 0) { /* Instance 0 ObjectInstList allocated with ObjectList element */
instEntry = &obj->instances;
instEntry->data = pvPortMalloc(obj->numBytes);
if (instEntry->data == NULL)
return NULL;
memset(instEntry->data, 0, obj->numBytes);
instEntry->instId = instId;
} else {
// Create the actual instance
instEntry =
(ObjectInstList *)
if (instEntry == NULL)
return NULL;
instEntry->data = pvPortMalloc(obj->numBytes);
if (instEntry->data == NULL)
return NULL;
memset(instEntry->data, 0, obj->numBytes);
instEntry->instId = instId;
LL_APPEND(obj->instances.next, instEntry);
// Fire event
UAVObjInstanceUpdated((UAVObjHandle) obj, instId);
// Done
return instEntry;
* Get the instance information or NULL if the instance does not exist
static ObjectInstList *getInstance(ObjectList * obj, uint16_t instId)
ObjectInstList *instEntry;
// Look for specified instance ID
LL_FOREACH(&(obj->instances), instEntry) {
if (instEntry->instId == instId) {
return instEntry;
// If this point is reached then instance id was not found
return NULL;
* Connect an event queue to the object, if the queue is already connected then the event mask is only updated.
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] queue The event queue
* \param[in] cb The event callback
* \param[in] eventMask The event mask, if EV_MASK_ALL then all events are enabled (e.g. EV_UPDATED | EV_UPDATED_MANUAL)
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
static int32_t connectObj(UAVObjHandle obj, xQueueHandle queue,
UAVObjEventCallback cb, int32_t eventMask)
ObjectEventList *eventEntry;
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Check that the queue is not already connected, if it is simply update event mask
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
LL_FOREACH(objEntry->events, eventEntry) {
if (eventEntry->queue == queue && eventEntry->cb == cb) {
// Already connected, update event mask and return
eventEntry->eventMask = eventMask;
return 0;
// Add queue to list
eventEntry =
(ObjectEventList *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(ObjectEventList));
if (eventEntry == NULL) {
return -1;
eventEntry->queue = queue;
eventEntry->cb = cb;
eventEntry->eventMask = eventMask;
LL_APPEND(objEntry->events, eventEntry);
// Done
return 0;
* Disconnect an event queue from the object
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \param[in] queue The event queue
* \param[in] cb The event callback
* \return 0 if success or -1 if failure
static int32_t disconnectObj(UAVObjHandle obj, xQueueHandle queue,
UAVObjEventCallback cb)
ObjectEventList *eventEntry;
ObjectList *objEntry;
// Find queue and remove it
objEntry = (ObjectList *) obj;
LL_FOREACH(objEntry->events, eventEntry) {
if ((eventEntry->queue == queue
&& eventEntry->cb == cb)) {
LL_DELETE(objEntry->events, eventEntry);
return 0;
// If this point is reached the queue was not found
return -1;
* Wrapper for the sprintf function
static void customSPrintf(uint8_t * buffer, uint8_t * format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vsprintf((char *)buffer, (char *)format, args);
* Get an 8 character (plus extension) filename for the object.
static void objectFilename(ObjectList * obj, uint8_t * filename)
customSPrintf(filename, (uint8_t *) "%X.obj", obj->id);