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synced 2025-01-23 08:52:10 +01:00
It improves the rendering quality, sub pixels accuracy gives no benefits in placing PFD elements
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82 lines
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import Qt 4.7
Item {
id: sceneItem
property variant sceneSize
SvgElementImage {
id: altitude_bg
elementName: "altitude-bg"
sceneSize: sceneItem.sceneSize
clip: true
property variant scaledBounds: svgRenderer.scaledElementBounds("pfd.svg", "altitude-bg")
x: Math.floor(scaledBounds.x * sceneItem.width)
y: Math.floor(scaledBounds.y * sceneItem.height)
SvgElementImage {
id: altitude_scale
elementName: "altitude-scale"
sceneSize: sceneItem.sceneSize
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// The altitude scale represents 30 meters,
// move it in 0..5m range
anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -height/30 * (PositionActual.Down-Math.floor(PositionActual.Down/5)*5)
anchors.left: parent.left
property int topNumber: 15-Math.floor(PositionActual.Down/5)*5
// Altitude numbers
Column {
Repeater {
model: 7
Item {
height: altitude_scale.height / 6
width: altitude_bg.width
Text {
text: altitude_scale.topNumber - index*5
color: "white"
font.pixelSize: parent.height / 4
font.family: "Arial"
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.top
SvgElementImage {
id: altitude_window
clip: true
elementName: "altitude-window"
sceneSize: sceneItem.sceneSize
property variant scaledBounds: svgRenderer.scaledElementBounds("pfd.svg", "altitude-window")
x: scaledBounds.x * sceneItem.width
y: scaledBounds.y * sceneItem.height
width: scaledBounds.width * sceneItem.width
height: scaledBounds.height * sceneItem.height
Text {
id: altitude_text
text: Math.floor(-PositionActual.Down).toFixed()
color: "white"
font {
family: "Arial"
pixelSize: parent.height * 0.6
anchors.centerIn: parent