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* @file mimedatabase.cpp
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* Parts by Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) Copyright (C) 2009.
* @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins
* @{
* @addtogroup CorePlugin Core Plugin
* @{
* @brief The Core GCS plugin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "mimedatabase.h"
#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QLocale>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QMultiHash>
#include <QtCore/QRegExp>
#include <QtCore/QSharedData>
#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
#include <QtXml/QXmlStreamReader>
enum { debugMimeDB = 0 };
// XML tags in mime files
static const char *mimeInfoTagC = "mime-info";
static const char *mimeTypeTagC = "mime-type";
static const char *mimeTypeAttributeC = "type";
static const char *subClassTagC = "sub-class-of";
static const char *commentTagC = "comment";
static const char *globTagC = "glob";
static const char *aliasTagC = "alias";
static const char *patternAttributeC = "pattern";
static const char *localeAttributeC = "xml:lang";
static const char *magicTagC = "magic";
static const char *priorityAttributeC = "priority";
static const char *matchTagC = "match";
static const char *matchValueAttributeC = "value";
static const char *matchTypeAttributeC = "type";
static const char *matchStringTypeValueC = "string";
static const char *matchOffsetAttributeC = "offset";
// Types
static const char *textTypeC = "text/plain";
static const char *binaryTypeC = "application/octet-stream";
// UTF16 byte order marks
static const char bigEndianByteOrderMarkC[] = "\xFE\xFF";
static const char littleEndianByteOrderMarkC[] = "\xFF\xFE";
// Fallback priorities, must be low.
enum { BinaryMatchPriority = 1, TextMatchPriority = 2};
/* Parse sth like (<mime-info> being optional):
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info">
<!-- Mime types must match the desktop file associations -->
<mime-type type="application/vnd.nokia.qt.qmakeprofile">
<comment xml:lang="en">Qt QMake Profile</comment>
<glob pattern="*.pro"/>
namespace Core {
namespace Internal {
// FileMatchContext: Passed on to the mimetypes from the database
// when looking for a file match. It exists to enable reading the file
// contents "on demand" (as opposed to each mime type trying to open
// and read while checking).
class FileMatchContext {
// Max data to be read from a file
enum { MaxData = 2048 };
explicit FileMatchContext(const QFileInfo &fi);
inline QString fileName() const { return m_fileName; }
// Return (cached) first MaxData bytes of file
QByteArray data();
enum State {
// File cannot be read/does not exist
// Not read yet
// Available
DataRead };
const QFileInfo m_fileInfo;
const QString m_fileName;
State m_state;
QByteArray m_data;
FileMatchContext::FileMatchContext(const QFileInfo &fi) :
m_state(fi.isFile() && fi.isReadable() && fi.size() > 0 ? DataNotRead : NoDataAvailable)
QByteArray FileMatchContext::data()
// Do we need to read?
if (m_state == DataNotRead) {
const QString fullName = m_fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
QFile file(fullName);
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
m_data = file.read(MaxData);
m_state = DataRead;
} else {
qWarning("%s failed to open %s: %s\n", Q_FUNC_INFO, fullName.toUtf8().constData(), file.errorString().toUtf8().constData());
m_state = NoDataAvailable;
return m_data;
// The binary fallback matcher for "application/octet-stream".
class BinaryMatcher : public IMagicMatcher {
BinaryMatcher() {}
virtual bool matches(const QByteArray & /*data*/) const { return true; }
virtual int priority() const { return BinaryMatchPriority; }
// A heuristic text file matcher: If the data do not contain any character
// below tab (9), detect as text.
class HeuristicTextMagicMatcher : public IMagicMatcher {
HeuristicTextMagicMatcher() {}
virtual bool matches(const QByteArray &data) const;
virtual int priority() const { return TextMatchPriority; }
static bool isTextFile(const QByteArray &data);
bool HeuristicTextMagicMatcher::isTextFile(const QByteArray &data)
const int size = data.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const char c = data.at(i);
if (c >= 0x01 && c < 0x09) // Sure-fire binary
return false;
if (c == 0) // Check for UTF16
return data.startsWith(bigEndianByteOrderMarkC) || data.startsWith(littleEndianByteOrderMarkC);
return true;
bool HeuristicTextMagicMatcher::matches(const QByteArray &data) const
const bool rc = isTextFile(data);
if (debugMimeDB)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " on " << data.size() << " returns " << rc;
return rc;
} // namespace Internal
// MagicRule
MagicRule::MagicRule(const QByteArray &pattern, int startPos, int endPos) :
bool MagicRule::matches(const QByteArray &data) const
// Quick check
const int dataSize = data.size();
if ((m_startPos + m_pattern.size()) >= dataSize)
return false;
// Most common: some string at position 0:
if (m_startPos == 0 && m_startPos == m_endPos)
return data.startsWith(m_pattern);
// Range
const int index = data.indexOf(m_pattern, m_startPos);
return index != -1 && index < m_endPos;
MagicRule *MagicRule::createStringRule(const QString &c, int startPos, int endPos)
return new MagicRule(c.toUtf8(), startPos, endPos);
// List matcher
MagicRuleMatcher::MagicRuleMatcher() :
void MagicRuleMatcher::add(const MagicRuleSharedPointer &rule)
bool MagicRuleMatcher::matches(const QByteArray &data) const
const MagicRuleList::const_iterator cend = m_list.constEnd();
for (MagicRuleList::const_iterator it = m_list.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it)
if ( (*it)->matches(data))
return true;
return false;
int MagicRuleMatcher::priority() const
return m_priority;
void MagicRuleMatcher::setPriority(int p)
m_priority = p;
// ---------- MimeTypeData
class MimeTypeData : public QSharedData {
typedef QHash<QString,QString> LocaleHash;
void clear();
void debug(QTextStream &str, int indent = 0) const;
QString type;
QString comment;
LocaleHash localeComments;
QStringList aliases;
QList<QRegExp> globPatterns;
QStringList subClassesOf;
QString preferredSuffix;
QStringList suffixes;
typedef QSharedPointer<IMagicMatcher> IMagicMatcherSharedPointer;
typedef QList<IMagicMatcherSharedPointer> IMagicMatcherList;
IMagicMatcherList magicMatchers;
void MimeTypeData::clear()
void MimeTypeData::debug(QTextStream &str, int indent) const
const QString indentS = QString(indent, QLatin1Char(' '));
const QString comma = QString(1, QLatin1Char(','));
str << indentS << "Type: " << type;
if (!aliases.empty())
str << " Aliases: " << aliases.join(comma);
str << ", magic: " << magicMatchers.size() << '\n';
str << indentS << "Comment: " << comment << '\n';
if (!subClassesOf.empty())
str << indentS << "SubClassesOf: " << subClassesOf.join(comma) << '\n';
if (!globPatterns.empty()) {
str << indentS << "Glob: ";
foreach (const QRegExp &r, globPatterns)
str << r.pattern() << ' ';
str << '\n';
if (!suffixes.empty()) {
str << indentS << "Suffixes: " << suffixes.join(comma)
<< " preferred: " << preferredSuffix << '\n';
str << '\n';
// ---------------- MimeType
MimeType::MimeType() :
m_d(new MimeTypeData)
MimeType::MimeType(const MimeType &rhs) :
MimeType &MimeType::operator=(const MimeType &rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
m_d = rhs.m_d;
return *this;
MimeType::MimeType(const MimeTypeData &d) :
m_d(new MimeTypeData(d))
void MimeType::clear()
bool MimeType::isNull() const
return m_d->type.isEmpty();
MimeType::operator bool() const
return !isNull();
bool MimeType::isTopLevel() const
return m_d->subClassesOf.empty();
QString MimeType::type() const
return m_d->type;
void MimeType::setType(const QString &type)
m_d->type = type;
QString MimeType::comment() const
return m_d->comment;
void MimeType::setComment(const QString &comment)
m_d->comment = comment;
// Return "en", "de", etc. derived from "en_US", de_DE".
static inline QString systemLanguage()
QString name = QLocale::system().name();
const int underScorePos = name.indexOf(QLatin1Char('_'));
if (underScorePos != -1)
return name;
QString MimeType::localeComment(const QString &localeArg) const
const QString locale = localeArg.isEmpty() ? systemLanguage() : localeArg;
const MimeTypeData::LocaleHash::const_iterator it = m_d->localeComments.constFind(locale);
if (it == m_d->localeComments.constEnd())
return m_d->comment;
return it.value();
void MimeType::setLocaleComment(const QString &locale, const QString &comment)
m_d->localeComments[locale] = comment;
QStringList MimeType::aliases() const
return m_d->aliases;
void MimeType::setAliases(const QStringList &a)
m_d->aliases = a;
QList<QRegExp> MimeType::globPatterns() const
return m_d->globPatterns;
void MimeType::setGlobPatterns(const QList<QRegExp> &g)
m_d->globPatterns = g;
QStringList MimeType::subClassesOf() const
return m_d->subClassesOf;
void MimeType::setSubClassesOf(const QStringList &s)
m_d->subClassesOf = s;
QString MimeType::preferredSuffix() const
return m_d->preferredSuffix;
bool MimeType::setPreferredSuffix(const QString &s)
if (!m_d->suffixes.contains(s)) {
qWarning("%s: Attempt to set preferred suffix to '%s', which is not in the list of suffixes: %s.",
return false;
m_d->preferredSuffix = s;
return true;
static QString formatFilterString(const QString &description, const QList<QRegExp> &globs)
QString rc;
if (globs.empty()) // Binary files
return rc;
QTextStream str(&rc);
str << description;
if (!globs.empty()) {
str << " (";
const int size = globs.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (i)
str << ' ';
str << globs.at(i).pattern();
str << ')';
return rc;
QString MimeType::filterString() const
// @todo: Use localeComment() once the GCS is shipped with translations
return formatFilterString(comment(), m_d->globPatterns);
bool MimeType::matchesType(const QString &type) const
return m_d->type == type || m_d->aliases.contains(type);
unsigned MimeType::matchesFile(const QFileInfo &file) const
Internal::FileMatchContext context(file);
return matchesFile(context);
unsigned MimeType::matchesFile(Internal::FileMatchContext &c) const
// check globs
foreach (QRegExp pattern, m_d->globPatterns) {
if (pattern.exactMatch(c.fileName()))
return GlobMatchPriority;
// Nope, try magic matchers on context data
if (m_d->magicMatchers.isEmpty())
return 0;
const QByteArray data = c.data();
if (!data.isEmpty()) {
foreach (MimeTypeData::IMagicMatcherSharedPointer matcher, m_d->magicMatchers) {
if (matcher->matches(data))
return matcher->priority();
return 0;
QStringList MimeType::suffixes() const
return m_d->suffixes;
void MimeType::setSuffixes(const QStringList &s)
m_d->suffixes = s;
void MimeType::addMagicMatcher(const QSharedPointer<IMagicMatcher> &matcher)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const MimeType &mt)
QString s;
QTextStream str(&s);
d << s;
return d;
namespace Internal {
// MimeDatabase helpers: Generic parser for a sequence of <mime-type>.
// Calls abstract handler function process for MimeType it finds.
class BaseMimeTypeParser {
virtual ~BaseMimeTypeParser() {}
bool parse(QIODevice *dev, const QString &fileName, QString *errorMessage);
// Overwrite to process the sequence of parsed data
virtual bool process(const MimeType &t, QString *errorMessage) = 0;
void addGlobPattern(const QString &pattern, MimeTypeData *d) const;
enum ParseStage { ParseBeginning,
ParseError };
static ParseStage nextStage(ParseStage currentStage, const QStringRef &startElement);
const QRegExp m_suffixPattern;
BaseMimeTypeParser:: BaseMimeTypeParser() :
// RE to match a suffix glob pattern: "*.ext" (and not sth like "Makefile" or
// "*.log[1-9]"
QTC_ASSERT(m_suffixPattern.isValid(), /**/);
void BaseMimeTypeParser::addGlobPattern(const QString &pattern, MimeTypeData *d) const
if (pattern.isEmpty())
// Collect patterns as a QRegExp list and filter out the plain
// suffix ones for our suffix list. Use first one as preferred
const QRegExp wildCard(pattern, Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard);
if (!wildCard.isValid()) {
qWarning("%s: Invalid wildcard '%s'.",
Q_FUNC_INFO, pattern.toUtf8().constData());
if (m_suffixPattern.exactMatch(pattern)) {
const QString suffix = pattern.right(pattern.size() - 2);
if (d->preferredSuffix.isEmpty())
d->preferredSuffix = suffix;
BaseMimeTypeParser::ParseStage BaseMimeTypeParser::nextStage(ParseStage currentStage, const QStringRef &startElement)
switch (currentStage) {
case ParseBeginning:
if (startElement == QLatin1String(mimeInfoTagC))
return ParseMimeInfo;
if (startElement == QLatin1String(mimeTypeTagC))
return ParseMimeType;
return ParseError;
case ParseMimeInfo:
return startElement == QLatin1String(mimeTypeTagC) ? ParseMimeType : ParseError;
case ParseMimeType:
case ParseComment:
case ParseGlobPattern:
case ParseSubClass:
case ParseAlias:
case ParseOtherMimeTypeSubTag:
case ParseMagicMatchRule:
if (startElement == QLatin1String(mimeTypeTagC)) // Sequence of <mime-type>
return ParseMimeType;
if (startElement == QLatin1String(commentTagC ))
return ParseComment;
if (startElement == QLatin1String(globTagC))
return ParseGlobPattern;
if (startElement == QLatin1String(subClassTagC))
return ParseSubClass;
if (startElement == QLatin1String(aliasTagC))
return ParseAlias;
if (startElement == QLatin1String(magicTagC))
return ParseMagic;
return ParseOtherMimeTypeSubTag;
case ParseMagic:
if (startElement == QLatin1String(matchTagC))
return ParseMagicMatchRule;
case ParseError:
return ParseError;
// Parse int number from an (attribute) string)
static bool parseNumber(const QString &n, int *target, QString *errorMessage)
bool ok;
*target = n.toInt(&ok);
if (!ok) {
*errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("Not a number '%1'.").arg(n);
return false;
return true;
// Evaluate a magic match rule like
// <match value="must be converted with BinHex" type="string" offset="11"/>
// <match value="0x9501" type="big16" offset="0:64"/>
static bool addMagicMatchRule(const QXmlStreamAttributes &atts,
MagicRuleMatcher *ruleMatcher,
QString *errorMessage)
const QString type = atts.value(QLatin1String(matchTypeAttributeC)).toString();
if (type != QLatin1String(matchStringTypeValueC)) {
qWarning("%s: match type %s is not supported.", Q_FUNC_INFO, type.toUtf8().constData());
return true;
const QString value = atts.value(QLatin1String(matchValueAttributeC)).toString();
if (value.isEmpty()) {
*errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("Empty match value detected.");
return false;
// Parse for offset as "1" or "1:10"
int startPos, endPos;
const QString offsetS = atts.value(QLatin1String(matchOffsetAttributeC)).toString();
const int colonIndex = offsetS.indexOf(QLatin1Char(':'));
const QString startPosS = colonIndex == -1 ? offsetS : offsetS.mid(0, colonIndex);
const QString endPosS = colonIndex == -1 ? offsetS : offsetS.mid(colonIndex + 1);
if (!parseNumber(startPosS, &startPos, errorMessage) || !parseNumber(endPosS, &endPos, errorMessage))
return false;
if (debugMimeDB)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << value << startPos << endPos;
ruleMatcher->add(QSharedPointer<MagicRule>(MagicRule::createStringRule(value, startPos, endPos)));
return true;
bool BaseMimeTypeParser::parse(QIODevice *dev, const QString &fileName, QString *errorMessage)
MimeTypeData data;
MagicRuleMatcher *ruleMatcher = 0;
QXmlStreamReader reader(dev);
ParseStage ps = ParseBeginning;
while (!reader.atEnd()) {
switch (reader.readNext()) {
case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement:
ps = nextStage(ps, reader.name());
switch (ps) {
case ParseMimeType: { // start parsing a type
const QString type = reader.attributes().value(QLatin1String(mimeTypeAttributeC)).toString();
if (type.isEmpty()) {
reader.raiseError(QString::fromLatin1("Missing 'type'-attribute"));
} else {
data.type = type;
case ParseGlobPattern:
addGlobPattern(reader.attributes().value(QLatin1String(patternAttributeC)).toString(), &data);
case ParseSubClass: {
const QString inheritsFrom = reader.attributes().value(QLatin1String(mimeTypeAttributeC)).toString();
if (!inheritsFrom.isEmpty())
case ParseComment: {
// comments have locale attributes. We want the default, English one
QString locale = reader.attributes().value(QLatin1String(localeAttributeC)).toString();
const QString comment = QCoreApplication::translate("MimeType", reader.readElementText().toAscii());
if (locale.isEmpty()) {
data.comment = comment;
} else {
data.localeComments.insert(locale, comment);
case ParseAlias: {
const QString alias = reader.attributes().value(QLatin1String(mimeTypeAttributeC)).toString();
if (!alias.isEmpty())
case ParseMagic: {
int priority = 0;
const QString priorityS = reader.attributes().value(QLatin1String(priorityAttributeC)).toString();
if (!priorityS.isEmpty()) {
if (!parseNumber(priorityS, &priority, errorMessage))
return false;
ruleMatcher = new MagicRuleMatcher;
case ParseMagicMatchRule:
if (!addMagicMatchRule(reader.attributes(), ruleMatcher, errorMessage))
return false;
case ParseError:
reader.raiseError(QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected element <%1>").arg(reader.name().toString()));
} // switch nextStage
// continue switch QXmlStreamReader::Token...
case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: // Finished element
if (reader.name() == QLatin1String(mimeTypeTagC)) {
if (!process(MimeType(data), errorMessage))
return false;
} else {
// Finished a match sequence
if (reader.name() == QLatin1String(QLatin1String(magicTagC))) {
ruleMatcher = 0;
} // switch reader.readNext()
if (reader.hasError()) {
*errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("An error has been encountered at line %1 of %2: %3:").arg(reader.lineNumber()).arg(fileName, reader.errorString());
return false;
return true;
} // namespace Internal
// MimeMapEntry: Entry of a type map, consisting of type and level.
enum { Dangling = 32767 };
struct MimeMapEntry
explicit MimeMapEntry(const MimeType &t = MimeType(), int aLevel = Dangling);
MimeType type;
int level; // hierachy level
MimeMapEntry::MimeMapEntry(const MimeType &t, int aLevel) :
/* MimeDatabasePrivate: Requirements for storage:
* - Must be robust in case of incomplete hierachies, dangling entries
* - Plugins will not load and register their mime types in order
* of inheritance.
* - Multiple inheritance (several subClassesOf) can occur
* - Provide quick lookup by name
* - Provide quick lookup by file type.
* This basically rules out some pointer-based tree, so the structure choosen
* is:
* - An alias map <QString->QString> for mapping aliases to types
* - A Map <QString-MimeMapEntry> for the types (MimeMapEntry being a pair of
* MimeType and (hierarchy) level.
* - A map <QString->QString> representing parent->child relations (enabling
* recursing over children)
* Using strings avoids dangling pointers.
* The hierarchy level is used for mapping by file types. When findByFile()
* is first called after addMimeType() it recurses over the hierarchy and sets
* the hierarchy level of the entries accordingly (0 toplevel, 1 first
* order...). It then does several passes over the type map, checking the
* globs for maxLevel, maxLevel-1....until it finds a match (idea being to
* to check the most specific types first). Starting a recursion from the
* leaves is not suitable since it will hit parent nodes several times. */
class MimeDatabasePrivate
bool addMimeTypes(const QString &fileName, QString *errorMessage);
bool addMimeTypes(QIODevice *device, QString *errorMessage);
bool addMimeType(MimeType mt);
// Returns a mime type or Null one if none found
MimeType findByType(const QString &type) const;
// Returns a mime type or Null one if none found
MimeType findByFile(const QFileInfo &f) const;
bool setPreferredSuffix(const QString &typeOrAlias, const QString &suffix);
// Return all known suffixes
QStringList suffixes() const;
QStringList filterStrings() const;
void debug(QTextStream &str) const;
typedef QHash<QString, MimeMapEntry> TypeMimeTypeMap;
typedef QHash<QString, QString> AliasMap;
typedef QMultiHash<QString, QString> ParentChildrenMap;
bool addMimeTypes(QIODevice *device, const QString &fileName, QString *errorMessage);
inline const QString &resolveAlias(const QString &name) const;
MimeType findByFile(const QFileInfo &f, unsigned *priority) const;
void determineLevels();
void raiseLevelRecursion(MimeMapEntry &e, int level);
TypeMimeTypeMap m_typeMimeTypeMap;
AliasMap m_aliasMap;
ParentChildrenMap m_parentChildrenMap;
int m_maxLevel;
MimeDatabasePrivate::MimeDatabasePrivate() :
namespace Internal {
// Parser that builds MimeDB hierarchy by adding to MimeDatabasePrivate
class MimeTypeParser : public BaseMimeTypeParser {
explicit MimeTypeParser(MimeDatabasePrivate &db) : m_db(db) {}
virtual bool process(const MimeType &t, QString *) { m_db.addMimeType(t); return true; }
MimeDatabasePrivate &m_db;
} // namespace Internal
bool MimeDatabasePrivate::addMimeTypes(QIODevice *device, const QString &fileName, QString *errorMessage)
Internal::MimeTypeParser parser(*this);
return parser.parse(device, fileName, errorMessage);
bool MimeDatabasePrivate::addMimeTypes(const QString &fileName, QString *errorMessage)
QFile file(fileName);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) {
*errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("Cannot open %1: %2").arg(fileName, file.errorString());
return false;
return addMimeTypes(&file, fileName, errorMessage);
bool MimeDatabasePrivate::addMimeTypes(QIODevice *device, QString *errorMessage)
return addMimeTypes(device, QLatin1String("<stream>"), errorMessage);
bool MimeDatabasePrivate::addMimeType(MimeType mt)
if (!mt)
return false;
const QString type = mt.type();
// Hack: Add a magic text matcher to "text/plain" and the fallback matcher to
// binary types "application/octet-stream"
if (type == QLatin1String(textTypeC)) {
mt.addMagicMatcher(QSharedPointer<IMagicMatcher>(new Internal::HeuristicTextMagicMatcher));
} else {
if (type == QLatin1String(binaryTypeC))
mt.addMagicMatcher(QSharedPointer<IMagicMatcher>(new Internal::BinaryMatcher));
// insert the type.
m_typeMimeTypeMap.insert(type, MimeMapEntry(mt));
// Register the children, resolved via alias map. Note that it is still
// possible that aliases end up in the map if the parent classes are not inserted
// at this point (thus their aliases not known).
const QStringList subClassesOf = mt.subClassesOf();
if (!subClassesOf.empty()) {
const QStringList::const_iterator socend = subClassesOf.constEnd();
for (QStringList::const_iterator soit = subClassesOf.constBegin(); soit != socend; ++soit)
m_parentChildrenMap.insert(resolveAlias(*soit), type);
// register aliasses
const QStringList aliases = mt.aliases();
if (!aliases.empty()) {
const QStringList::const_iterator cend = aliases.constEnd();
for (QStringList::const_iterator it = aliases.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it)
m_aliasMap.insert(*it, type);
m_maxLevel = -1; // Mark as dirty
return true;
const QString &MimeDatabasePrivate::resolveAlias(const QString &name) const
const AliasMap::const_iterator aliasIt = m_aliasMap.constFind(name);
return aliasIt == m_aliasMap.constEnd() ? name : aliasIt.value();
void MimeDatabasePrivate::raiseLevelRecursion(MimeMapEntry &e, int level)
if (e.level == Dangling || e.level < level)
e.level = level;
if (m_maxLevel < level)
m_maxLevel = level;
// At all events recurse over children since nodes might have been
// added.
const QStringList childTypes = m_parentChildrenMap.values(e.type.type());
if (childTypes.empty())
// look them up in the type->mime type map
const int nextLevel = level + 1;
const TypeMimeTypeMap::iterator tm_end = m_typeMimeTypeMap.end();
const QStringList::const_iterator cend = childTypes.constEnd();
for (QStringList::const_iterator it = childTypes.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) {
const TypeMimeTypeMap::iterator tm_it = m_typeMimeTypeMap.find(resolveAlias(*it));
if (tm_it == tm_end) {
qWarning("%s: Inconsistent mime hierarchy detected, child %s of %s cannot be found.",
Q_FUNC_INFO, it->toUtf8().constData(), e.type.type().toUtf8().constData());
} else {
raiseLevelRecursion(*tm_it, nextLevel);
void MimeDatabasePrivate::determineLevels()
// Loop over toplevels and recurse down their hierarchies.
// Determine top levels by subtracting the children from the parent
// set. Note that a toplevel at this point might have 'subclassesOf'
// set to some class that is not in the DB, so, checking for an empty
// 'subclassesOf' set is not sufficient to find the toplevels.
// First, take the parent->child entries whose parent exists and build
// sets of parents/children
QSet<QString> parentSet, childrenSet;
const ParentChildrenMap::const_iterator pcend = m_parentChildrenMap.constEnd();
for (ParentChildrenMap::const_iterator it = m_parentChildrenMap.constBegin(); it != pcend; ++it)
if (m_typeMimeTypeMap.contains(it.key())) {
const QSet<QString> topLevels = parentSet.subtract(childrenSet);
if (debugMimeDB)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "top levels" << topLevels;
const TypeMimeTypeMap::iterator tm_end = m_typeMimeTypeMap.end();
const QSet<QString>::const_iterator tl_cend = topLevels.constEnd();
for (QSet<QString>::const_iterator tl_it = topLevels.constBegin(); tl_it != tl_cend; ++tl_it) {
const TypeMimeTypeMap::iterator tm_it = m_typeMimeTypeMap.find(resolveAlias(*tl_it));
if (tm_it == tm_end) {
qWarning("%s: Inconsistent mime hierarchy detected, top level element %s cannot be found.",
Q_FUNC_INFO, tl_it->toUtf8().constData());
} else {
raiseLevelRecursion(tm_it.value(), 0);
bool MimeDatabasePrivate::setPreferredSuffix(const QString &typeOrAlias, const QString &suffix)
TypeMimeTypeMap::iterator tit = m_typeMimeTypeMap.find(resolveAlias(typeOrAlias));
if (tit != m_typeMimeTypeMap.end())
return tit.value().type.setPreferredSuffix(suffix);
return false;
// Returns a mime type or Null one if none found
MimeType MimeDatabasePrivate::findByType(const QString &typeOrAlias) const
const TypeMimeTypeMap::const_iterator tit = m_typeMimeTypeMap.constFind(resolveAlias(typeOrAlias));
if (tit != m_typeMimeTypeMap.constEnd())
return tit.value().type;
return MimeType();
// Debugging wrapper around findByFile()
MimeType MimeDatabasePrivate::findByFile(const QFileInfo &f) const
unsigned priority = 0;
if (debugMimeDB)
qDebug() << '>' << Q_FUNC_INFO << f.fileName();
const MimeType rc = findByFile(f, &priority);
if (debugMimeDB) {
if (rc) {
qDebug() << "<MimeDatabase::findByFile: match prio=" << priority << rc.type();
} else {
qDebug() << "<MimeDatabase::findByFile: no match";
return rc;
// Returns a mime type or Null one if none found
MimeType MimeDatabasePrivate::findByFile(const QFileInfo &f, unsigned *priorityPtr) const
typedef QList<MimeMapEntry> MimeMapEntryList;
// Is the hierarchy set up in case we find several matches?
if (m_maxLevel < 0) {
MimeDatabasePrivate *db = const_cast<MimeDatabasePrivate *>(this);
// Starting from max level (most specific): Try to find a match of
// best (max) priority. Return if a glob match triggers.
*priorityPtr = 0;
unsigned maxPriority = 0;
MimeType rc;
Internal::FileMatchContext context(f);
const TypeMimeTypeMap::const_iterator cend = m_typeMimeTypeMap.constEnd();
for (int level = m_maxLevel; level >= 0; level--)
for (TypeMimeTypeMap::const_iterator it = m_typeMimeTypeMap.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it)
if (it.value().level == level) {
const unsigned priority = it.value().type.matchesFile(context);
if (debugMimeDB > 1)
qDebug() << "pass" << level << it.value().type.type() << " matches " << priority;
if (priority)
if (priority > maxPriority) {
rc = it.value().type;
maxPriority = priority;
// Glob (exact) match?! We are done
if (maxPriority == MimeType::GlobMatchPriority) {
*priorityPtr = priority;
return rc;
return rc;
// Return all known suffixes
QStringList MimeDatabasePrivate::suffixes() const
QStringList rc;
const TypeMimeTypeMap::const_iterator cend = m_typeMimeTypeMap.constEnd();
for (TypeMimeTypeMap::const_iterator it = m_typeMimeTypeMap.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it)
rc += it.value().type.suffixes();
return rc;
QStringList MimeDatabasePrivate::filterStrings() const
QStringList rc;
const TypeMimeTypeMap::const_iterator cend = m_typeMimeTypeMap.constEnd();
for (TypeMimeTypeMap::const_iterator it = m_typeMimeTypeMap.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it)
rc += it.value().type.filterString();
return rc;
void MimeDatabasePrivate::debug(QTextStream &str) const
str << ">MimeDatabase\n";
const TypeMimeTypeMap::const_iterator cend = m_typeMimeTypeMap.constEnd();
for (TypeMimeTypeMap::const_iterator it = m_typeMimeTypeMap.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) {
str << "Entry level " << it.value().level << '\n';
str << "<MimeDatabase\n";
// --------------- MimeDatabase
MimeDatabase::MimeDatabase() :
m_d(new MimeDatabasePrivate)
delete m_d;
MimeType MimeDatabase::findByType(const QString &typeOrAlias) const
return m_d->findByType(typeOrAlias);
MimeType MimeDatabase::findByFile(const QFileInfo &f) const
return m_d->findByFile(f);
bool MimeDatabase::addMimeType(const MimeType &mt)
return m_d->addMimeType(mt);
bool MimeDatabase::addMimeTypes(const QString &fileName, QString *errorMessage)
return m_d->addMimeTypes(fileName, errorMessage);
bool MimeDatabase::addMimeTypes(QIODevice *device, QString *errorMessage)
return m_d->addMimeTypes(device, errorMessage);
QStringList MimeDatabase::suffixes() const
return m_d->suffixes();
QStringList MimeDatabase::filterStrings() const
return m_d->filterStrings();
QString MimeDatabase::preferredSuffixByType(const QString &type) const
if (const MimeType mt = findByType(type))
return mt.preferredSuffix();
return QString();
QString MimeDatabase::preferredSuffixByFile(const QFileInfo &f) const
if (const MimeType mt = findByFile(f))
return mt.preferredSuffix();
return QString();
bool MimeDatabase::setPreferredSuffix(const QString &typeOrAlias, const QString &suffix)
return m_d->setPreferredSuffix(typeOrAlias, suffix);
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const MimeDatabase &mt)
QString s;
QTextStream str(&s);
d << s;
return d;
} // namespace Core