mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2025-03-02 19:29:15 +01:00
Richard Flay (Hyper) a2d8544931 OP-931: adds -Wextra compiler option for the flight code, and makes the bazillion code changes required
to make the flight code compile again. Needs careful review, particularly all the fixes for the
signed vs unsigned comparisons.

+review OPReview-459
2013-05-05 16:32:24 +09:30

634 lines
18 KiB
Raw Blame History

Copyright 2001, 2002 Georges Menie (<URL snipped>)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
putchar is the only external dependency for this file,
if you have a working putchar, just remove the following
define. If the function should be called something else,
replace outbyte(c) by your own function call.
// Updated by Daniel D Miller. Changes to the original Menie code are
// Copyright 2009-2012 Daniel D Miller
// All such changes are distributed under the same license as the original,
// as described above.
// 11/06/09 - adding floating-point support
// 03/19/10 - pad fractional portion of floating-point number with 0s
// 03/30/10 - document the \% bug
// 07/20/10 - Fix a round-off bug in floating-point conversions
// ( 0.99 with %.1f did not round to 1.0 )
// 10/25/11 - Add support for %+ format (always show + on positive numbers)
// 01/19/12 - fix handling of %f with no decimal; it was defaulting to 0
// decimal places, rather than printf's 6.
// If '%' is included in a format string, in the form \% with the intent
// of including the percent sign in the output string, this function will
// mis-handle the data entirely!!
// Essentially, it will just discard the character following the percent sign.
// This bug is not easy to fix in the existing code;
// for now, I'll just try to remember to use %% instead of \% ...
//lint -esym(752, debug_output)
//lint -esym(766, stdio.h)
// #define TEST_PRINTF 1
#include <pios.h>
static uint use_leading_plus = 0 ;
/* based on a example-code from Keil for CS G++ */
/* for caddr_t (typedef char * caddr_t;) */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <errno.h>
* Environment variables.
* A pointer to a list of environment variables and their values. For a minimal
* environment, this empty list is adequate:
char *__env[1] = { 0 };
char **environ = __env;
* Close a file.
int _close(__attribute__((unused)) int file)
return -1;
* Transfer control to a new process.
int _execve(__attribute__((unused)) char *name, __attribute__((unused)) char **argv, __attribute__((unused)) char **env)
errno = ENOMEM;
return -1;
* Exit a program without cleaning up files.
void _exit( __attribute__((unused)) int code )
/* Should we force a system reset? */
while( 1 )
* Create a new process.
int _fork(void)
errno = EAGAIN;
return -1;
* Status of an open file.
int _fstat(__attribute__((unused)) int file, struct stat *st)
st->st_mode = S_IFCHR;
return 0;
* Process-ID
int _getpid(void)
return 1;
* Query whether output stream is a terminal.
int _isatty(__attribute__((unused)) int file)
return 1;
* Send a signal.
int _kill(__attribute__((unused)) int pid, __attribute__((unused)) int sig)
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
* Establish a new name for an existing file.
int _link(__attribute__((unused)) char *old, __attribute__((unused)) char *new)
errno = EMLINK;
return -1;
* Set position in a file.
int _lseek(__attribute__((unused)) int file, __attribute__((unused)) int ptr, __attribute__((unused)) int dir)
return 0;
* Open a file.
int _open(__attribute__((unused)) const char *name, __attribute__((unused)) int flags, __attribute__((unused)) int mode)
return -1;
* Read from a file.
int _read(__attribute__((unused)) int file, __attribute__((unused)) char *ptr, __attribute__((unused)) int len)
return 0;
* Write to a file. libc subroutines will use this system routine for output to
* all files, including stdout<75>so if you need to generate any output, for
* example to a serial port for debugging, you should make your minimal write
* capable of doing this.
int _write_r( __attribute__((unused)) void * reent, __attribute__((unused)) int file, __attribute__((unused)) char * ptr, __attribute__((unused)) int len )
return 0;
* Increase program data space. As malloc and related functions depend on this,
* it is useful to have a working implementation. The following suffices for a
* standalone system; it exploits the symbol _end automatically defined by the
* GNU linker.
caddr_t _sbrk(int incr)
extern char _end; /* Defined by the linker */
static char *heap_end;
char *prev_heap_end;
char * stack_ptr;
if (heap_end == 0)
heap_end = &_end;
prev_heap_end = heap_end;
asm volatile ("MRS %0, msp" : "=r" (stack_ptr) );
if (heap_end + incr > stack_ptr)
_write_r ((void *)0, 1, "Heap and stack collision\n", 25);
_exit (1);
heap_end += incr;
return (caddr_t) prev_heap_end;
* Status of a file (by name).
int _stat(__attribute__((unused)) char *file, struct stat *st)
st->st_mode = S_IFCHR;
return 0;
* Timing information for current process.
int _times(__attribute__((unused)) struct tms *buf)
return -1;
* Remove a file's directory entry.
int _unlink(__attribute__((unused)) char *name)
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
* Wait for a child process.
int _wait(__attribute__((unused)) int *status)
errno = ECHILD;
return -1;
static void printchar (char **str, int c)
if (str) {
**str = c;
else {
extern int putchar (int c);
(void) putchar (c);
static uint my_strlen(char *str)
if (str == 0)
return 0;
uint slen = 0 ;
while (*str != 0) {
slen++ ;
str++ ;
return slen;
// This version returns the length of the output string.
// It is more useful when implementing a walking-string function.
static const double round_nums[8] = {
} ;
static unsigned dbl2stri(char *outbfr, double dbl, unsigned dec_digits)
static char local_bfr[128] ;
char *output = (outbfr == 0) ? local_bfr : outbfr ;
// extract negative info
if (dbl < 0.0L) {
*output++ = '-' ;
dbl *= -1.0L ;
} else {
if (use_leading_plus) {
*output++ = '+' ;
// handling rounding by adding .5LSB to the floating-point data
if (dec_digits < 8) {
dbl += round_nums[dec_digits] ;
// construct fractional multiplier for specified number of digits.
uint mult = 1 ;
uint idx ;
for (idx=0; idx < dec_digits; idx++)
mult *= 10 ;
// printf("mult=%u\n", mult) ;
uint wholeNum = (uint) dbl ;
uint decimalNum = (uint) ((dbl - wholeNum) * mult);
// convert integer portion
char tbfr[40] ;
idx = 0 ;
while (wholeNum != 0) {
tbfr[idx++] = '0' + (wholeNum % 10) ;
wholeNum /= 10 ;
// printf("%.3f: whole=%s, dec=%d\n", dbl, tbfr, decimalNum) ;
if (idx == 0) {
*output++ = '0' ;
} else {
while (idx > 0) {
*output++ = tbfr[idx-1] ; //lint !e771
idx-- ;
if (dec_digits > 0) {
*output++ = '.' ;
// convert fractional portion
idx = 0 ;
while (decimalNum != 0) {
tbfr[idx++] = '0' + (decimalNum % 10) ;
decimalNum /= 10 ;
// pad the decimal portion with 0s as necessary;
// We wouldn't want to report 3.093 as 3.93, would we??
while (idx < dec_digits) {
tbfr[idx++] = '0' ;
// printf("decimal=%s\n", tbfr) ;
if (idx == 0) {
*output++ = '0' ;
} else {
while (idx > 0) {
*output++ = tbfr[idx-1] ;
idx-- ;
*output = 0 ;
// prepare output
output = (outbfr == 0) ? local_bfr : outbfr ;
return my_strlen(output) ;
#define PAD_RIGHT 1
#define PAD_ZERO 2
static int prints (char **out, const char *string, int width, int pad)
register int pc = 0, padchar = ' ';
if (width > 0) {
int len = 0;
const char *ptr;
for (ptr = string; *ptr; ++ptr)
if (len >= width)
width = 0;
width -= len;
if (pad & PAD_ZERO)
padchar = '0';
if (!(pad & PAD_RIGHT)) {
for (; width > 0; --width) {
printchar (out, padchar);
for (; *string; ++string) {
printchar (out, *string);
for (; width > 0; --width) {
printchar (out, padchar);
return pc;
/* the following should be enough for 32 bit int */
#define PRINT_BUF_LEN 12
static int printi (char **out, int i, int b, int sg, int width, int pad, int letbase)
char print_buf[PRINT_BUF_LEN];
char *s;
int t, neg = 0, pc = 0;
unsigned u = (unsigned) i;
if (i == 0) {
print_buf[0] = '0';
print_buf[1] = '\0';
return prints (out, print_buf, width, pad);
if (sg && b == 10 && i < 0) {
neg = 1;
u = (unsigned) -i;
// make sure print_buf is NULL-term
s = print_buf + PRINT_BUF_LEN - 1;
*s = '\0';
while (u) {
t = u % b; //lint !e573 Warning 573: Signed-unsigned mix with divide
if (t >= 10)
t += letbase - '0' - 10;
*--s = t + '0';
u /= b; //lint !e573 Warning 573: Signed-unsigned mix with divide
if (neg) {
if (width && (pad & PAD_ZERO)) {
printchar (out, '-');
else {
*--s = '-';
} else {
if (use_leading_plus) {
*--s = '+';
return pc + prints (out, s, width, pad);
static int print (char **out, int *varg)
int post_decimal ;
int width, pad ;
unsigned dec_width = 6 ;
int pc = 0;
char *format = (char *) (*varg++);
char scr[2];
use_leading_plus = 0 ; // start out with this clear
for (; *format != 0; ++format) {
if (*format == '%') {
dec_width = 6 ;
width = pad = 0;
if (*format == '\0')
if (*format == '%')
goto out_lbl;
if (*format == '-') {
pad = PAD_RIGHT;
if (*format == '+') {
use_leading_plus = 1 ;
while (*format == '0') {
pad |= PAD_ZERO;
post_decimal = 0 ;
if (*format == '.' ||
(*format >= '0' && *format <= '9')) {
while (1) {
if (*format == '.') {
post_decimal = 1 ;
dec_width = 0 ;
format++ ;
} else if ((*format >= '0' && *format <= '9')) {
if (post_decimal) {
dec_width *= 10;
dec_width += *format - '0';
} else {
width *= 10;
width += *format - '0';
format++ ;
} else {
if (*format == 'l')
switch (*format) {
case 's':
// char *s = *((char **) varg++); //lint !e740
char *s = (char *) *varg++ ; //lint !e740 !e826 convert to double pointer
pc += prints (out, s ? s : "(null)", width, pad);
use_leading_plus = 0 ; // reset this flag after printing one value
case 'd':
pc += printi (out, *varg++, 10, 1, width, pad, 'a');
use_leading_plus = 0 ; // reset this flag after printing one value
case 'x':
pc += printi (out, *varg++, 16, 0, width, pad, 'a');
use_leading_plus = 0 ; // reset this flag after printing one value
case 'X':
pc += printi (out, *varg++, 16, 0, width, pad, 'A');
use_leading_plus = 0 ; // reset this flag after printing one value
case 'u':
pc += printi (out, *varg++, 10, 0, width, pad, 'a');
use_leading_plus = 0 ; // reset this flag after printing one value
case 'c':
/* char are converted to int then pushed on the stack */
scr[0] = *varg++;
scr[1] = '\0';
pc += prints (out, scr, width, pad);
use_leading_plus = 0 ; // reset this flag after printing one value
case 'f':
// http://wiki.debian.org/ArmEabiPort#Structpackingandalignment
// Stack alignment
// The ARM EABI requires 8-byte stack alignment at public function entry points,
// compared to the previous 4-byte alignment.
char *cptr = (char *) varg ; //lint !e740 !e826 convert to double pointer
uint caddr = (uint) cptr ;
if ((caddr & 0xF) != 0) {
cptr += 4 ;
double *dblptr = (double *) cptr ; //lint !e740 !e826 convert to double pointer
double *dblptr = (double *) varg ; //lint !e740 !e826 convert to double pointer
double dbl = *dblptr++ ; // increment double pointer
varg = (int *) dblptr ; //lint !e740 copy updated pointer back to base pointer
char bfr[81] ;
// unsigned slen =
dbl2stri(bfr, dbl, dec_width) ;
// stuff_talkf("[%s], width=%u, dec_width=%u\n", bfr, width, dec_width) ;
pc += prints (out, bfr, width, pad);
use_leading_plus = 0 ; // reset this flag after printing one value
printchar (out, '%');
printchar (out, *format);
use_leading_plus = 0 ; // reset this flag after printing one value
} else
// if (*format == '\\') {
// } else
printchar (out, *format);
} // for each char in format string
if (out) //lint !e850
**out = '\0';
return pc;
int stringf (char *out, const char *format, ...)
// create a pointer into the stack.
// Thematically this should be a void*, since the actual usage of the
// pointer will vary. However, int* works fine too.
// Either way, the called function will need to re-cast the pointer
// for any type which isn't sizeof(int)
int *varg = (int *) (char *) (&format);
return print (&out, varg);
int printf(const char *format, ...)
int *varg = (int *) (char *) (&format);
return print (0, varg);
int sprintf(char *out, const char *format, ...)
int *varg = (int *) (char *) (&format);
return print (&out, varg);
* @}