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synced 2024-12-13 20:48:42 +01:00
and associated pro file. Change-Id: Icc200217f2db27635c7aa2e5b182f9b273925647
104 lines
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104 lines
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import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
color: "#666666"
SvgElementImage {
id: background
elementName: "pfd-window"
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
anchors.fill: parent
sceneSize: Qt.size(width, height)
Rectangle {
width: Math.floor(parent.paintedHeight * 1.319)
height: Math.floor(parent.paintedHeight - parent.paintedHeight * 0.008)
color: "transparent"
border.color: "white"
border.width: Math.floor(parent.paintedHeight * 0.008)
radius: Math.floor(parent.paintedHeight * 0.01)
anchors.centerIn: parent
Item {
id: sceneItem
FontLoader {
id: pt_bold
source: "qrc:/pfdqml/fonts/PTS75F.ttf"
width: Math.floor((parent.paintedHeight * 1.32) - (parent.paintedHeight * 0.013))
height: Math.floor(parent.paintedHeight - parent.paintedHeight * 0.02)
property variant viewportSize : Qt.size(width, height)
anchors.centerIn: parent
clip: true
Loader {
id: worldLoader
anchors.fill: parent
source: qmlWidget.terrainEnabled ? "PfdTerrainView.qml" : "PfdWorldView.qml"
HorizontCenter {
id: horizontCenterItem
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize
anchors.fill: parent
RollScale {
id: rollscale
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize
horizontCenter: horizontCenterItem.horizontCenter
anchors.fill: parent
SvgElementImage {
id: side_slip_fixed
elementName: "sideslip-fixed"
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize
x: scaledBounds.x * sceneItem.width
Compass {
anchors.fill: parent
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize
SpeedScale {
anchors.fill: parent
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize
AltitudeScale {
anchors.fill: parent
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize
VsiScale {
anchors.fill: parent
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize
visible: qmlWidget.altitudeUnit != 0
Info {
anchors.fill: parent
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize
Panels {
anchors.fill: parent
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize
Warnings {
anchors.fill: parent
sceneSize: sceneItem.viewportSize