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zedamota cc5a4c2bb9 OP-21/Bootloader - NOT FUNCTIONAL
Implements RS232(Telemetry) uploads using Kokomo's protocol.
This is a test version, the code will never timeout and jump to user space code.
If USB is connected on Power Up it will be used, if not RS232 will be used instead.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.openpilot.org/OpenPilot/trunk@2211 ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba
2010-12-10 19:11:29 +00:00

848 lines
31 KiB

* NAME: ssp.c
* DESCRIPTION: simple serial protocol - packet based serial transport layer.
* AUTHOR: Joe Hlebasko
* HISTORY: Created 1/1/2010
* Packet Formats
* Format:
* +------+----+------+---------------------------+--------+
* | 225 | L1 | S# | App Data (0-254 bytes) | CRC 16 |
* +------+----+------+---------------------------+--------+
* 225 = sync byte, indicates start of a packet
* L1 = 1 byte for size of data payload. (sequence number is part of data payload.)
* S# = 1 byte for sequence number.
* Seq of 0 = seq # synchronise request, forces other end to reset receive sequence number to 1.
* sender of synchronise request will reset the tx seq number to 1
* Seq # of 1..127 = normal data packets. Sequence number is incremented by for each transmitted
* packet. Rolls over from 127 to 1.
* if most sig. bit is set then the packet is an ACK packet of data packet sequence number of the
* lower 7 bits (1..127)
* App Data may contain 0..254 bytes. The sequence number is consider part of the payload.
* CRC 16 - 16 bits of CRC values of Sequence # and data bytes.
* Protocol has two types of packets: data and ack packets. ACK packets have the most sig. bit set in the
* sequence number, this implies that valid sequence numbers are 1..127
* This protocol uses the concept of sequences numbers to determine if a given packet has been received. This
* requires both devices to be able to synchronize sequence numbers. This is accomplished by sending a packet
* length 1 and sequence number = 0. The receive then resets it's transmit sequence number to 1.
* ACTIVE_SYNCH is a version that will automatically send a synch request if it receives a synch packet. Only
* one device in the communication should do otherwise you end up with an endless loops of synchronization.
* Right now each side needs to manually issues a synch request.
* This protocol is best used in cases where one device is the master and the other is the slave, or a don't
* speak unless spoken to type of approach.
* The following are items are required to initialize a port for communications:
* 1. The number attempts for each packet
* 2. time to wait for an ack.
* 3. pointer to buffer to be used for receiving.
* 4. pointer to a buffer to be used for transmission
* 5. length of each buffer (rx and tx)
* 6. Four functions:
* 1. write byte = writes a byte out the serial port (or other comm device)
* 2. read byte = retrieves a byte from the serial port. Returns -1 if a byte is not available
* 3. callback = function to call when a valid data packet has been received. This function is responsible
* to do what needs to be done with the data when it is received. The primary mission of this function
* should be to copy the data to a private buffer out of the working receive buffer to prevent overrun.
* processing should be kept to a minimum.
* 4. get time = function should return the current time. Note that time units are not specified it just
* needs to be some measure of time that increments as time passes by. The timeout values for a given
* port should the units used/returned by the get time function.
* All of the state information of a communication port is contained in a Port_t structure. This allows this
* module to operature on multiple communication ports with a single code base.
* The ssp_ReceiveProcess and ssp_SendProcess functions need to be called to process data through the
* respective state machines. Typical implementation would have a serial ISR to pull bytes out of the UART
* and place into a circular buffer. The serial read function would then pull bytes out this buffer
* processing. The TX side has the write function placing bytes into a circular buffer with the TX ISR
* pulling bytes out of the buffer and putting into the UART. It is possible to run the receive process from
* the receive ISR but care must be taken on processing data when it is received to avoid holding up the ISR
* and sending ACK packets from the receive ISR.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pios.h>
#include "ssp.h"
#define SYNC 225 // Sync character used in Serial Protocol
#define ESC 224 // ESC character used in Serial Protocol
#define ESC_SYNC 1 // ESC_SYNC character used in Serial Protocol
#define ACK_BIT 0x80 // Ack bit, bit 7 of sequence number, 1 = Acknowledge, 0 =
// new packet
// packet location definitions.
#define LENGTH 0
#define SEQNUM 1
#define DATA 2
// Make larger sized integers from smaller sized integers
#define MAKEWORD16( ub, lb ) ((uint16_t)0x0000 | ((uint16_t)(ub) << 8) | (uint16_t)(lb) )
#define MAKEWORD32( uw, lw ) ((uint32_t)(0x0UL | ((uint32_t)(uw) << 16) | (uint32_t)(lw)) )
#define MAKEWORD32B( b3, b2, b1, b0 ) ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(b3)<< 24) | ((uint32_t)(b2)<<16) | ((uint32_t)(b1)<<8) | ((uint32_t)(b0) )
// Used to extract smaller integers from larger sized intergers
#define LOWERBYTE( w ) (uint8_t)((w) & 0x00ff )
#define UPPERBYTE( w ) (uint8_t)(((w) & 0xff00) >> 8 )
#define UPPERWORD(lw) (uint16_t)(((lw) & 0xffff0000) >> 16 )
#define LOWERWORD(lw) (uint16_t)((lw) & 0x0000ffff)
// Macros to operate on a target and bitmask.
#define CLEARBIT( a, b ) ((a) = (a) & ~(b))
#define SETBIT( a, b ) ((a) = (a) | (b) )
#define TOGGLEBIT(a,b) ((a) = (a) ^ (b) )
// test bit macros operate using a bit mask.
#define ISBITSET( a, b ) ( ((a) & (b)) == (b) ? TRUE : FALSE )
#define ISBITCLEAR( a, b) ( (~(a) & (b)) == (b) ? TRUE : FALSE )
//static void sf_SendSynchPacket( Port_t *thisport );
static uint16_t sf_crc16( uint16_t crc, uint8_t data );
static void sf_write_byte( Port_t *thisport, uint8_t c );
static void sf_SetSendTimeout( Port_t *thisport );
static uint16_t sf_CheckTimeout( Port_t *thisport );
static int16_t sf_DecodeState( Port_t *thisport, uint8_t c );
static int16_t sf_ReceiveState( Port_t *thisport, uint8_t c );
static void sf_SendPacket( Port_t *thisport );
static void sf_SendAckPacket( Port_t *thisport, uint8_t seqNumber);
static void sf_MakePacket( uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t * pdata, uint16_t length, uint8_t seqNo );
static int16_t sf_ReceivePacket(Port_t *thisport);
/* Flag bit masks...*/
#define SENT_SYNCH (0x01)
#define ACK_RECEIVED (0x02)
#define ACK_EXPECTED (0x04)
#define SSP_ACKED 1
#define SSP_IDLE 2
static const uint16_t CRC_TABLE[] = {
0x0000, 0xC0C1, 0xC181, 0x0140, 0xC301, 0x03C0, 0x0280, 0xC241,
0xC601, 0x06C0, 0x0780, 0xC741, 0x0500, 0xC5C1, 0xC481, 0x0440,
0xCC01, 0x0CC0, 0x0D80, 0xCD41, 0x0F00, 0xCFC1, 0xCE81, 0x0E40,
0x0A00, 0xCAC1, 0xCB81, 0x0B40, 0xC901, 0x09C0, 0x0880, 0xC841,
0xD801, 0x18C0, 0x1980, 0xD941, 0x1B00, 0xDBC1, 0xDA81, 0x1A40,
0x1E00, 0xDEC1, 0xDF81, 0x1F40, 0xDD01, 0x1DC0, 0x1C80, 0xDC41,
0x1400, 0xD4C1, 0xD581, 0x1540, 0xD701, 0x17C0, 0x1680, 0xD641,
0xD201, 0x12C0, 0x1380, 0xD341, 0x1100, 0xD1C1, 0xD081, 0x1040,
0xF001, 0x30C0, 0x3180, 0xF141, 0x3300, 0xF3C1, 0xF281, 0x3240,
0x3600, 0xF6C1, 0xF781, 0x3740, 0xF501, 0x35C0, 0x3480, 0xF441,
0x3C00, 0xFCC1, 0xFD81, 0x3D40, 0xFF01, 0x3FC0, 0x3E80, 0xFE41,
0xFA01, 0x3AC0, 0x3B80, 0xFB41, 0x3900, 0xF9C1, 0xF881, 0x3840,
0x2800, 0xE8C1, 0xE981, 0x2940, 0xEB01, 0x2BC0, 0x2A80, 0xEA41,
0xEE01, 0x2EC0, 0x2F80, 0xEF41, 0x2D00, 0xEDC1, 0xEC81, 0x2C40,
0xE401, 0x24C0, 0x2580, 0xE541, 0x2700, 0xE7C1, 0xE681, 0x2640,
0x2200, 0xE2C1, 0xE381, 0x2340, 0xE101, 0x21C0, 0x2080, 0xE041,
0xA001, 0x60C0, 0x6180, 0xA141, 0x6300, 0xA3C1, 0xA281, 0x6240,
0x6600, 0xA6C1, 0xA781, 0x6740, 0xA501, 0x65C0, 0x6480, 0xA441,
0x6C00, 0xACC1, 0xAD81, 0x6D40, 0xAF01, 0x6FC0, 0x6E80, 0xAE41,
0xAA01, 0x6AC0, 0x6B80, 0xAB41, 0x6900, 0xA9C1, 0xA881, 0x6840,
0x7800, 0xB8C1, 0xB981, 0x7940, 0xBB01, 0x7BC0, 0x7A80, 0xBA41,
0xBE01, 0x7EC0, 0x7F80, 0xBF41, 0x7D00, 0xBDC1, 0xBC81, 0x7C40,
0xB401, 0x74C0, 0x7580, 0xB541, 0x7700, 0xB7C1, 0xB681, 0x7640,
0x7200, 0xB2C1, 0xB381, 0x7340, 0xB101, 0x71C0, 0x7080, 0xB041,
0x5000, 0x90C1, 0x9181, 0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53C0, 0x5280, 0x9241,
0x9601, 0x56C0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95C1, 0x9481, 0x5440,
0x9C01, 0x5CC0, 0x5D80, 0x9D41, 0x5F00, 0x9FC1, 0x9E81, 0x5E40,
0x5A00, 0x9AC1, 0x9B81, 0x5B40, 0x9901, 0x59C0, 0x5880, 0x9841,
0x8801, 0x48C0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4B00, 0x8BC1, 0x8A81, 0x4A40,
0x4E00, 0x8EC1, 0x8F81, 0x4F40, 0x8D01, 0x4DC0, 0x4C80, 0x8C41,
0x4400, 0x84C1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47C0, 0x4680, 0x8641,
0x8201, 0x42C0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81C1, 0x8081, 0x4040
* \brief Initializes the communication port for use
* \param thisport = pointer to port structure to initialize
* \param info = config struct with default values.
* \return None.
* \note
* Must be called before calling the Send or REceive process functions.
void ssp_Init( Port_t *thisport, const PortConfig_t* const info)
thisport->pfCallBack = info->pfCallBack;
thisport->pfSerialRead = info->pfSerialRead;
thisport->pfSerialWrite = info->pfSerialWrite;
thisport->pfGetTime = info->pfGetTime;
thisport->maxRetryCount = info->max_retry;
thisport->timeoutLen = info->timeoutLen;
thisport->txBufSize = info->txBufSize;
thisport->rxBufSize = info->rxBufSize;
thisport->txBuf = info->txBuf;
thisport->rxBuf = info->rxBuf;
thisport->retryCount = 0;
thisport->sendSynch = FALSE; //TRUE;
thisport->rxSeqNo = 255;
thisport->txSeqNo = 255;
thisport->SendState = SSP_IDLE;
* \brief Runs the send process, checks for receipt of ack, timeouts and resends if needed.
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \return SSP_TX_WAITING - waiting for a valid ACK to arrive
* \return SSP_TX_TIMEOUT - failed to receive a valid ACK in the timeout period, after retrying.
* \return SSP_TX_IDLE - not expecting a ACK packet (no current transmissions in progress)
* \return SSP_TX_ACKED - valid ACK received before timeout period.
* \note
int16_t ssp_SendProcess( Port_t *thisport )
int16_t value = SSP_TX_WAITING;
if (thisport->SendState == SSP_AWAITING_ACK ) {
if (sf_CheckTimeout(thisport) == TRUE) {
if (thisport->retryCount < thisport->maxRetryCount) {
// Try again
} else {
// Give up, # of trys has exceded the limit
#ifdef DEBUG_SSP
char str[63]={0};
sprintf(str,"Send Timeout|");
CLEARBIT( thisport->flags, ACK_RECEIVED);
thisport->SendState = SSP_IDLE;
} else {
} else if( thisport->SendState == SSP_ACKED ) {
SETBIT( thisport->flags, ACK_RECEIVED);
value = SSP_TX_ACKED;
thisport->SendState = SSP_IDLE;
} else {
thisport->SendState = SSP_IDLE;
value = SSP_TX_IDLE;
return value;
* \brief Runs the receive process. fetches a byte at a time and runs the byte through the protocol receive state machine.
* \param thisport - which port to use.
* \return receive status.
* \note
int16_t ssp_ReceiveProcess(Port_t *thisport)
int16_t b;
int16_t packet_status = SSP_RX_IDLE;
do {
b = thisport->pfSerialRead(); // attempt to read a char from the serial buffer
if (b != -1) {
packet_status = sf_ReceiveState(thisport, b); // process the newly received byte in the receive state machine
// keep going until either we received a full packet or there are no more bytes to process
} while (packet_status != SSP_RX_COMPLETE && b != -1);
return packet_status;
* \brief processes a single byte through the receive state machine.
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \return current receive status
* \note
int16_t ssp_ReceiveByte(Port_t *thisport )
int16_t b;
int16_t packet_status = SSP_RX_IDLE;
b = thisport->pfSerialRead();
if( b != -1 ) {
packet_status = sf_ReceiveState(thisport, b);
return packet_status;
* \brief Sends a data packet and blocks until timeout or ack is received.
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \param data = pointer to data to send
* \param length = number of data bytes to send. Must be less than 254
* \return true = ack was received within number of retries
* \return false = ack was not received.
* \note
uint16_t ssp_SendDataBlock( Port_t *thisport, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length )
int16_t packet_status = SSP_TX_WAITING;
uint16_t retval = FALSE;
packet_status = ssp_SendData( thisport, data, length ); // send the data
while( packet_status == SSP_TX_WAITING ) { // check the status
(void)ssp_ReceiveProcess( thisport ); // process any bytes received.
packet_status = ssp_SendProcess( thisport ); // check the send status
if( packet_status == SSP_TX_ACKED ) { // figure out what happened to the packet
retval = TRUE;
} else {
retval = FALSE;
return retval;
* \brief sends a chunk of data and does not block
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \param data = pointer to data to send
* \param length = number of bytes to send
* \return SSP_TX_BUFOVERRUN = tried to send too much data
* \return SSP_TX_WAITING = data sent and waiting for an ack to arrive
* \return SSP_TX_BUSY = a packet has already been sent, but not yet acked
* \note
int16_t ssp_SendData( Port_t *thisport, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t length )
int16_t value = SSP_TX_WAITING;
if( (length + 2) > thisport->txBufSize ) {
// TRYING to send too much data.
} else if( thisport->SendState == SSP_IDLE ) {
if( thisport->sendSynch == TRUE ) {
if( length == 0 ) {
// TODO this method could allow a task/user to start a synchronisation step if a zero is mistakenly passed to this function.
// could add a check for a NULL data pointer, or use some sort of static flag that can only be accessed by a static function
// that must be called before calling this function.
// we are attempting to send a synch packet
thisport->txSeqNo = 0; // make this zero to cause the other end to re-synch with us
SETBIT(thisport->flags, SENT_SYNCH);
} else {
// we are sending a data packet
CLEARBIT( thisport->txSeqNo, ACK_BIT ); // make sure we are not sending a ACK packet
thisport->txSeqNo++; // update the sequence number.
if( thisport->txSeqNo > 0x7F) { // check for sequence number rollover
thisport->txSeqNo = 1; // if we do have rollover then reset to 1 not zero,
// zero is reserviced for synchronization requests
CLEARBIT( thisport->txSeqNo, ACK_BIT ); // make sure we are not sending a ACK packet
thisport->txSeqNo++; // update the sequence number.
if( thisport->txSeqNo > 0x7F) { // check for sequence number rollover
thisport->txSeqNo = 1; // if we do have rollover then reset to 1 not zero,
// zero is reserved for synchronization requests
CLEARBIT( thisport->flags, ACK_RECEIVED);
thisport->SendState = SSP_AWAITING_ACK;
thisport->retryCount = 0; // zero out the retry counter for this transmission
sf_MakePacket( thisport->txBuf, data, length, thisport->txSeqNo );
sf_SendPacket( thisport ); // punch out the packet to the serial port
sf_SetSendTimeout( thisport ); // do the timeout values
#ifdef DEBUG_SSP
char str[63]={0};
sprintf(str,"Sent DATA PACKET:%d|",thisport->txSeqNo);
} else {
// error we are already sending a packet. Need to wait for the current packet to be acked or timeout.
#ifdef DEBUG_SSP
char str[63]={0};
sprintf(str,"Error sending TX was busy|");
value = SSP_TX_BUSY;
return value;
* \brief Attempts to synchronize the sequence numbers with the other end of the connectin.
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \return true = success
* \return false = failed to receive an ACK to our synch request
* \note
* A. send a packet with a sequence number equal to zero
* B. if timed out then:
* send synch packet again
* increment try counter
* if number of tries exceed maximum try limit then exit
* C. goto A
uint16_t ssp_Synchronise( Port_t *thisport )
int16_t packet_status;
uint16_t retval = FALSE;
thisport->txSeqNo = 0; // make this zero to cause the other end to re-synch with us
SETBIT(thisport->flags, SENT_SYNCH);
// TODO - should this be using ssp_SendPacketData()??
sf_MakePacket( thisport->txBuf, NULL, 0, thisport->txSeqNo ); // construct the packet
sf_SendPacket( thisport );
sf_SetSendTimeout( thisport );
thisport->SendState = SSP_AWAITING_ACK;
packet_status = SSP_TX_WAITING;
packet_status = ssp_SendData( thisport, NULL, 0 );
while( packet_status == SSP_TX_WAITING ) { // we loop until we time out.
(void)ssp_ReceiveProcess( thisport ); // do the receive process
packet_status = ssp_SendProcess( thisport ); // do the send process
thisport->sendSynch = FALSE;
switch( packet_status ) {
retval = TRUE;
case SSP_TX_BUSY: // intentional fall through.
case SSP_TX_TIMEOUT: // intentional fall through.
retval = FALSE;
retval = FALSE;
return retval;
* \brief sends out a preformatted packet for a give port
* \param thisport = which port to use.
* \return none.
* \note
* Packet should be formed through the use of sf_MakePacket before calling this function.
static void sf_SendPacket(Port_t *thisport)
// add 3 to packet data length for: 1 length + 2 CRC (packet overhead)
uint8_t packetLen = thisport->txBuf[LENGTH] + 3;
// use the raw serial write function so the SYNC byte does not get 'escaped'
for( uint8_t x = 0; x < packetLen; x++ ) {
sf_write_byte(thisport, thisport->txBuf[x] );
* \brief converts data to transport layer protocol packet format.
* \param txbuf = buffer to use when forming the packet
* \param pdata = pointer to data to use
* \param length = number of bytes to use
* \param seqNo = sequence number of this packet
* \return none.
* \note
* 1. This function does not try to interpret ACK or SYNCH packets. This should
* be done by the caller of this function.
* 2. This function will attempt to format all data upto the size of the tx buffer.
* Any extra data beyond that will be ignored.
* 3. TODO: Should this function return an error if data length to be sent is greater th tx buffer size?
void sf_MakePacket( uint8_t *txBuf, const uint8_t * pdata, uint16_t length, uint8_t seqNo )
uint16_t crc = 0xffff;
uint16_t bufPos = 0;
uint8_t b;
// add 1 for the seq. number
txBuf[LENGTH] = length + 1;
txBuf[SEQNUM] = seqNo;
crc = sf_crc16( crc, seqNo );
length = length + 2; // add two for the length and seqno bytes which are added before the loop.
for( bufPos = 2; bufPos < length; bufPos++ ) {
b = *pdata++;
txBuf[bufPos] = b;
crc = sf_crc16( crc, b ); // update CRC value
txBuf[bufPos++] = LOWERBYTE(crc);
txBuf[bufPos] = UPPERBYTE(crc);
* \brief sends out an ack packet to given sequence number
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \param seqNumber = sequence number of the packet we would like to ack
* \return none.
* \note
static void sf_SendAckPacket( Port_t *thisport, uint8_t seqNumber)
#ifdef DEBUG_SSP
char str[63]={0};
sprintf(str,"Sent ACK PACKET:%d|",seqNumber);
uint8_t AckSeqNumber = SETBIT( seqNumber, ACK_BIT );
// create the packet, note we pass AckSequenceNumber directly
sf_MakePacket( thisport->txBuf, NULL, 0, AckSeqNumber );
sf_SendPacket( thisport );
// we don't set the timeout for an ACK because we don't ACK our ACKs in this protocol
* \brief writes a byte out the output channel. Adds escape byte where needed
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \param c = byte to send
* \return none.
* \note
static void sf_write_byte( Port_t *thisport, uint8_t c )
if( c == SYNC ) { // check for SYNC byte
thisport->pfSerialWrite( ESC ); // since we are not starting a packet we must ESCAPE the SYNCH byte
thisport->pfSerialWrite( ESC_SYNC ); // now send the escaped synch char
} else if( c == ESC ) { // Check for ESC character
thisport->pfSerialWrite( ESC ); // if it is, we need to send it twice
thisport->pfSerialWrite( ESC );
} else {
thisport->pfSerialWrite( c ); // otherwise write the byte to serial port
* NAME: uint16_t ssp_crc16( uint16_t crc, uint16_t data )
* DESCRIPTION: Uses crc_table to calculate new crc
* arg1: crc
* arg2: data - byte to calculate into CRC
* RETURN: New crc
* CREATED: 5/8/02
* \brief calculates the new CRC value for 'data'
* \param crc = current CRC value
* \param data = new byte
* \return updated CRC value
* \note
static uint16_t sf_crc16( uint16_t crc, uint8_t data )
return (crc >> 8) ^ CRC_TABLE[( crc ^ data ) & 0x00FF ];
* \brief sets the timeout for the given packet
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \return none.
* \note
static void sf_SetSendTimeout( Port_t *thisport )
uint32_t timeout;
timeout = thisport->pfGetTime() + thisport->timeoutLen;
thisport->timeout = timeout;
* \brief checks to see if a timeout occured
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \return true = a timeout has occurred
* \return false = has not timed out
* \note
static uint16_t sf_CheckTimeout( Port_t *thisport )
uint16_t retval = FALSE;
uint32_t current_time;
current_time = thisport->pfGetTime();
if( current_time > thisport->timeout ) {
retval = TRUE;
return retval;
* NAME: sf_ReceiveState
* DESC: Implements the receive state handling code for escaped and unescaped data
* ARGS: thisport - which port to operate on
* c - incoming byte
* 1. change from using pointer to functions.
* \brief implements the receive state handling code for escaped and unescaped data
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \param c = byte to process through the receive state machine
* \return receive status
* \note
static int16_t sf_ReceiveState( Port_t *thisport, uint8_t c )
int16_t retval = SSP_RX_RECEIVING;
switch( thisport->InputState ) {
case state_unescaped_e:
if( c == SYNC ) {
thisport->DecodeState = decode_len1_e;
} else if ( c == ESC ) {
thisport->InputState = state_escaped_e;
} else {
retval = sf_DecodeState( thisport, c);
break; // end of unescaped state.
case state_escaped_e:
thisport->InputState = state_unescaped_e;
if( c == SYNC ) {
thisport->DecodeState = decode_len1_e;
} else if (c == ESC_SYNC ) {
retval = sf_DecodeState( thisport, SYNC);
} else {
retval = sf_DecodeState( thisport, c);
break; // end of the escaped state.
return retval;
* NAME: sf_DecodeState
* DESC: Implements the receive state finite state machine
* ARGS: thisport - which port to operate on
* c - incoming byte
* 1. change from using pointer to functions.
* \brief implements the receiving decoding state machine
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \param c = byte to process
* \return receive status
* \note
static int16_t sf_DecodeState( Port_t *thisport, uint8_t c )
int16_t retval;
switch( thisport->DecodeState ) {
case decode_idle_e:
// 'c' is ignored in this state as the only way to leave the idle state is
// recognition of the SYNC byte in the sf_ReceiveState function.
retval = SSP_RX_IDLE;
case decode_len1_e:
thisport->rxBuf[LENGTH]= c;
thisport->rxBufLen = c;
if( thisport->rxBufLen <= thisport->rxBufSize ) {
thisport->DecodeState = decode_seqNo_e;
} else {
thisport->DecodeState = decode_idle_e;
retval = SSP_RX_IDLE;
case decode_seqNo_e:
thisport->rxBuf[SEQNUM] = c;
thisport->crc = 0xffff;
thisport->rxBufLen--; // subtract 1 for the seq. no.
thisport->rxBufPos = 2;
thisport->crc = sf_crc16( thisport->crc, c );
if( thisport->rxBufLen > 0 ) {
thisport->DecodeState = decode_data_e;
} else {
thisport->DecodeState = decode_crc1_e;
case decode_data_e:
thisport->rxBuf[ (thisport->rxBufPos)++] = c;
thisport->crc = sf_crc16( thisport->crc, c );
if( thisport->rxBufPos == (thisport->rxBufLen+2) ) {
thisport->DecodeState = decode_crc1_e;
case decode_crc1_e:
thisport->crc = sf_crc16( thisport->crc, c );
thisport->DecodeState = decode_crc2_e;
case decode_crc2_e:
thisport->DecodeState = decode_idle_e;
// verify the CRC value for the packet
if( sf_crc16( thisport->crc, c) == 0) {
// TODO shouldn't the return value of sf_ReceivePacket() be checked?
sf_ReceivePacket( thisport );
} else {
retval = SSP_RX_IDLE;
thisport->DecodeState = decode_idle_e; // unknown state so reset to idle state and wait for the next start of a packet.
retval = SSP_RX_IDLE;
return retval;
* NAME: int16_t sf_ReceivePacket( )
* DESCRIPTION: Receive one packet, assumed that data is in rec.buff[]
* RETURN: 0 . no new packet was received, could be ack or same packet
* 1 . new packet received
* CREATED: 5/8/02
* \brief receive one packet. calls the callback function if needed.
* \param thisport = which port to use
* \return true = valid data packet received.
* \return false = otherwise
* \note
* Created: Oct 7, 2010 12:07:22 AM by joe
static int16_t sf_ReceivePacket(Port_t *thisport)
int16_t value = FALSE;
if( ISBITSET(thisport->rxBuf[SEQNUM], ACK_BIT ) ) {
// Received an ACK packet, need to check if it matches the previous sent packet
if( ( thisport->rxBuf[SEQNUM] & 0x7F) == (thisport->txSeqNo & 0x7f)) {
// It matches the last packet sent by us
SETBIT( thisport->txSeqNo, ACK_BIT );
thisport->SendState = SSP_ACKED;
#ifdef DEBUG_SSP
char str[63]={0};
sprintf(str,"Received ACK:%d|",(thisport->txSeqNo & 0x7F));
value = FALSE;
// else ignore the ACK packet
} else {
// Received a 'data' packet, figure out what type of packet we received...
if( thisport->rxBuf[SEQNUM] == 0 ) {
#ifdef DEBUG_SSP
PIOS_COM_SendString(PIOS_COM_TELEM_USB,"Received SYNC Request|");
// Synchronize sequence number with host
thisport->sendSynch = TRUE;
sf_SendAckPacket( thisport, thisport->rxBuf[SEQNUM] );
thisport->rxSeqNo = 0;
value = FALSE;
} else if( thisport->rxBuf[SEQNUM] == thisport->rxSeqNo ) {
// Already seen this packet, just ack it, don't act on the packet.
sf_SendAckPacket( thisport, thisport->rxBuf[SEQNUM] );
value = FALSE;
} else {
//New Packet
thisport->rxSeqNo = thisport->rxBuf[SEQNUM];
// Let the application do something with the data/packet.
if( thisport->pfCallBack != NULL ) {
#ifdef DEBUG_SSP
char str[63]={0};
sprintf(str,"Received DATA PACKET:%d [0]=%d %d %d|",thisport->rxSeqNo,(uint8_t)thisport->rxBuf[2],(uint8_t)thisport->rxBuf[3],(uint8_t)thisport->rxBuf[4]);
// skip the first two bytes (length and seq. no.) in the buffer.
thisport->pfCallBack( &(thisport->rxBuf[2]), thisport->rxBufLen);
// after we send the ACK, it is possible for the host to send a new packet.
// Thus the application needs to copy the data and reset the receive buffer
// inside of thisport->pfCallBack()
sf_SendAckPacket( thisport, thisport->rxBuf[SEQNUM] );
value = TRUE;
return value;