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synced 2025-03-27 15:22:04 +01:00
Increase number of channels to 32 for all bit rates. Synchronize clock on all channels. Go into failsafe after 4 or 8 (one_way_link) missed packets. Don't stay on channel 0 if we dropped a packet.
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* @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer
* @{
* @addtogroup PIOS_RFM22B Radio Functions
* @brief PIOS interface for RFM22B Radio
* @{
* @file pios_rfm22b_priv.h
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2012.
* @brief RFM22B private definitions.
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef PIOS_RFM22B_PRIV_H
#define PIOS_RFM22B_PRIV_H
#include <pios.h>
#include <fifo_buffer.h>
#include <uavobjectmanager.h>
#include <oplinkstatus.h>
#include "pios_rfm22b.h"
// ************************************
#define RFM22B_MAX_PACKET_LEN 64
#define RFM22B_NUM_CHANNELS 250
// ************************************
#define RFM22_DEVICE_VERSION_V2 0x02
#define RFM22_DEVICE_VERSION_A0 0x04
#define RFM22_DEVICE_VERSION_B1 0x06
// ************************************
#define BIT0 (1u << 0)
#define BIT1 (1u << 1)
#define BIT2 (1u << 2)
#define BIT3 (1u << 3)
#define BIT4 (1u << 4)
#define BIT5 (1u << 5)
#define BIT6 (1u << 6)
#define BIT7 (1u << 7)
// ************************************
#define RFM22_DEVICE_TYPE 0x00 // R
#define RFM22_DT_MASK 0x1F
#define RFM22_DEVICE_VERSION 0x01 // R
#define RFM22_DV_MASK 0x1F
#define RFM22_device_status 0x02 // R
#define RFM22_ds_cps_mask 0x03 // Chip Power State mask
#define RFM22_ds_cps_idle 0x00 // IDLE Chip Power State
#define RFM22_ds_cps_rx 0x01 // RX Chip Power State
#define RFM22_ds_cps_tx 0x02 // TX Chip Power State
// #define RFM22_ds_lockdet 0x04 //
// #define RFM22_ds_freqerr 0x08 //
#define RFM22_ds_headerr 0x10 // Header Error Status. Indicates if the received packet has a header check error
#define RFM22_ds_rxffem 0x20 // RX FIFO Empty Status
#define RFM22_ds_ffunfl 0x40 // RX/TX FIFO Underflow Status
#define RFM22_ds_ffovfl 0x80 // RX/TX FIFO Overflow Status
#define RFM22_interrupt_status1 0x03 // R
#define RFM22_is1_icrerror BIT0 // CRC Error. When set to 1 the cyclic redundancy check is failed.
#define RFM22_is1_ipkvalid BIT1 // Valid Packet Received.When set to 1 a valid packet has been received.
#define RFM22_is1_ipksent BIT2 // Packet Sent Interrupt. When set to1 a valid packet has been transmitted.
#define RFM22_is1_iext BIT3 // External Interrupt. When set to 1 an interrupt occurred on one of the GPIO<49>s if it is programmed so. The status can be checked in register 0Eh. See GPIOx Configuration section for the details.
#define RFM22_is1_irxffafull BIT4 // RX FIFO Almost Full.When set to 1 the RX FIFO has met its almost full threshold and needs to be read by the microcontroller.
#define RFM22_is1_ixtffaem BIT5 // TX FIFO Almost Empty. When set to 1 the TX FIFO is almost empty and needs to be filled.
#define RFM22_is1_itxffafull BIT6 // TX FIFO Almost Full. When set to 1 the TX FIFO has met its almost full threshold and needs to be transmitted.
#define RFM22_is1_ifferr BIT7 // FIFO Underflow/Overflow Error. When set to 1 the TX or RX FIFO has overflowed or underflowed.
#define RFM22_interrupt_status2 0x04 // R
#define RFM22_is2_ipor BIT0 // Power-on-Reset (POR). When the chip detects a Power on Reset above the desired setting this bit will be set to 1.
#define RFM22_is2_ichiprdy BIT1 // Chip Ready (XTAL). When a chip ready event has been detected this bit will be set to 1.
#define RFM22_is2_ilbd BIT2 // Low Battery Detect. When a low battery event is been detected this bit will be set to 1. This interrupt event is saved even if it is not enabled by the mask register bit and causes an interrupt after it is enabled.
#define RFM22_is2_iwut BIT3 // Wake-Up-Timer. On the expiration of programmed wake-up timer this bit will be set to 1.
#define RFM22_is2_irssi BIT4 // RSSI. When RSSI level exceeds the programmed threshold this bit will be set to 1.
#define RFM22_is2_ipreainval BIT5 // Invalid Preamble Detected. When the preamble is not found within a period of time set by the invalid preamble detection threshold in Register 54h, this bit will be set to 1.
#define RFM22_is2_ipreaval BIT6 // Valid Preamble Detected. When a preamble is detected this bit will be set to 1.
#define RFM22_is2_iswdet BIT7 // Sync Word Detected. When a sync word is detected this bit will be set to 1.
#define RFM22_interrupt_enable1 0x05 // R/W
#define RFM22_ie1_encrcerror BIT0 // Enable CRC Error. When set to 1 the CRC Error interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie1_enpkvalid BIT1 // Enable Valid Packet Received. When ipkvalid = 1 the Valid Packet Received Interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie1_enpksent BIT2 // Enable Packet Sent. When ipksent =1 the Packet Sense Interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie1_enext BIT3 // Enable External Interrupt. When set to 1 the External Interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie1_enrxffafull BIT4 // Enable RX FIFO Almost Full. When set to 1 the RX FIFO Almost Full interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie1_entxffaem BIT5 // Enable TX FIFO Almost Empty. When set to 1 the TX FIFO Almost Empty interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie1_entxffafull BIT6 // Enable TX FIFO Almost Full. When set to 1 the TX FIFO Almost Full interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie1_enfferr BIT7 // Enable FIFO Underflow/Overflow. When set to 1 the FIFO Underflow/Overflow interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_interrupt_enable2 0x06 // R/W
#define RFM22_ie2_enpor BIT0 // Enable POR. When set to 1 the POR interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie2_enchiprdy BIT1 // Enable Chip Ready (XTAL). When set to 1 the Chip Ready interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie2_enlbd BIT2 // Enable Low Battery Detect. When set to 1 the Low Battery Detect interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie2_enwut BIT3 // Enable Wake-Up Timer. When set to 1 the Wake-Up Timer interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie2_enrssi BIT4 // Enable RSSI. When set to 1 the RSSI Interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie2_enpreainval BIT5 // Enable Invalid Preamble Detected. When mpreadet =1 the Invalid Preamble Detected Interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie2_enpreaval BIT6 // Enable Valid Preamble Detected. When mpreadet =1 the Valid Preamble Detected Interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_ie2_enswdet BIT7 // Enable Sync Word Detected. When mpreadet =1 the Preamble Detected Interrupt will be enabled.
#define RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1 0x07 // R/W
#define RFM22_opfc1_xton 0x01 // READY Mode (Xtal is ON).
#define RFM22_opfc1_pllon 0x02 // TUNE Mode (PLL is ON). When pllon = 1 the PLL will remain enabled in Idle State. This will for faster turn-around time at the cost of increased current consumption in Idle State.
#define RFM22_opfc1_rxon 0x04 // RX on in Manual Receiver Mode. Automatically cleared if Multiple Packets config. is disabled and a valid packet received.
#define RFM22_opfc1_txon 0x08 // TX on in Manual Transmit Mode. Automatically cleared in FIFO mode once the packet is sent. Transmission can be aborted during packet transmission, however, when no data has been sent yet, transmission can only be aborted after the device is programmed to <20>unmodulated carrier<65> ("Register 71h. Modulation Mode Control 2").
#define RFM22_opfc1_x32ksel 0x10 // 32,768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Select. 0: RC oscillator 1: 32 kHz crystal
#define RFM22_opfc1_enwt 0x20 // Enable Wake-Up-Timer. Enabled when enwt = 1. If the Wake-up-Timer function is enabled it will operate in any mode and notify the microcontroller through the GPIO interrupt when the timer expires.
#define RFM22_opfc1_enlbd 0x40 // Enable Low Battery Detect. When this bit is set to 1 the Low Battery Detector circuit and threshold comparison will be enabled.
#define RFM22_opfc1_swres 0x80 // Software Register Reset Bit. This bit may be used to reset all registers simultaneously to a DEFAULT state, without the need for sequentially writing to each individual register. The RESET is accomplished by setting swres = 1. This bit will be automatically cleared.
#define RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl2 0x08 // R/W
#define RFM22_opfc2_ffclrtx 0x01 // TX FIFO Reset/Clear. This has to be a two writes operation: Setting ffclrtx =1 followed by ffclrtx = 0 will clear the contents of the TX FIFO.
#define RFM22_opfc2_ffclrrx 0x02 // RX FIFO Reset/Clear. This has to be a two writes operation: Setting ffclrrx =1 followed by ffclrrx = 0 will clear the contents of the RX FIFO.
#define RFM22_opfc2_enldm 0x04 // Enable Low Duty Cycle Mode. If this bit is set to 1 then the chip turns on the RX regularly. The frequency should be set in the Wake-Up Timer Period register, while the minimum ON time should be set in the Low-Duty Cycle Mode Duration register. The FIFO mode should be enabled also.
#define RFM22_opfc2_autotx 0x08 // Automatic Transmission. When autotx = 1 the transceiver will enter automatically TX State when the FIFO is almost full. When the FIFO is empty it will automatically return to the Idle State.
#define RFM22_opfc2_rxmpk 0x10 // RX Multi Packet. When the chip is selected to use FIFO Mode (dtmod[1:0]) and RX Packet Handling (enpacrx) then it will fill up the FIFO with multiple valid packets if this bit is set, otherwise the transceiver will automatically leave the RX State after the first valid packet has been received.
#define RFM22_opfc2_antdiv_mask 0xE0 // Enable Antenna Diversity. The GPIO must be configured for Antenna Diversity for the algorithm to work properly.
#define RFM22_xtal_osc_load_cap 0x09 // R/W
#define RFM22_xolc_xlc_mask 0x7F // Tuning Capacitance for the 30 MHz XTAL.
#define RFM22_xolc_xtalshft 0x80 // Additional capacitance to course shift the frequency if xlc[6:0] is not sufficient. Not binary with xlc[6:0].
#define RFM22_cpu_output_clk 0x0A // R/W
#define RFM22_coc_30MHz 0x00
#define RFM22_coc_15MHz 0x01
#define RFM22_coc_10MHz 0x02
#define RFM22_coc_4MHz 0x03
#define RFM22_coc_3MHz 0x04
#define RFM22_coc_2MHz 0x05
#define RFM22_coc_1MHz 0x06
#define RFM22_coc_32768Hz 0x07
#define RFM22_coc_enlfc 0x08
#define RFM22_coc_0cycle 0x00
#define RFM22_coc_128cycles 0x10
#define RFM22_coc_256cycles 0x20
#define RFM22_coc_512cycles 0x30
#define RFM22_gpio0_config 0x0B // R/W
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_por 0x00 // Power-On-Reset (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_wut 0x01 // Wake-Up Timer: 1 when WUT has expired (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_lbd 0x02 // Low Battery Detect: 1 when battery is below threshold setting (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_ddi 0x03 // Direct Digital Input
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_eife 0x04 // External Interrupt, falling edge (input)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_eire 0x05 // External Interrupt, rising edge (input)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_eisc 0x06 // External Interrupt, state change (input)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_ai 0x07 // ADC Analog Input
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_atni 0x08 // Reserved (Analog Test N Input)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_atpi 0x09 // Reserved (Analog Test P Input)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_ddo 0x0A // Direct Digital Output
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_dto 0x0B // Reserved (Digital Test Output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_atno 0x0C // Reserved (Analog Test N Output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_atpo 0x0D // Reserved (Analog Test P Output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_rv 0xOE // Reference Voltage (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_dclk 0x0F // TX/RX Data CLK output to be used in conjunction with TX/RX Data pin (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_txd 0x10 // TX Data input for direct modulation (input)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_err 0x11 // External Retransmission Request (input)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_txstate 0x12 // TX State (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_txfifoaf 0x13 // TX FIFO Almost Full (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_rxd 0x14 // RX Data (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_rxstate 0x15 // RX State (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_rxfifoaf 0x16 // RX FIFO Almost Full (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_antswt1 0x17 // Antenna 1 Switch used for antenna diversity (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_antswt2 0x18 // Antenna 2 Switch used for antenna diversity (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_vpd 0x19 // Valid Preamble Detected (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_ipd 0x1A // Invalid Preamble Detected (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_swd 0x1B // Sync Word Detected (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_cca 0x1C // Clear Channel Assessment (output)
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_vdd 0x1D // VDD
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_pup 0x20
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_drv0 0x00 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_drv1 0x40 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_drv2 0x80 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio0_config_drv3 0xC0 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio1_config 0x0C // R/W
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_ipor 0x00 // Inverted Power-On-Reset (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_wut 0x01 // Wake-Up Timer: 1 when WUT has expired (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_lbd 0x02 // Low Battery Detect: 1 when battery is below threshold setting (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_ddi 0x03 // Direct Digital Input
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_eife 0x04 // External Interrupt, falling edge (input)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_eire 0x05 // External Interrupt, rising edge (input)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_eisc 0x06 // External Interrupt, state change (input)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_ai 0x07 // ADC Analog Input
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_atni 0x08 // Reserved (Analog Test N Input)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_atpi 0x09 // Reserved (Analog Test P Input)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_ddo 0x0A // Direct Digital Output
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_dto 0x0B // Reserved (Digital Test Output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_atno 0x0C // Reserved (Analog Test N Output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_atpo 0x0D // Reserved (Analog Test P Output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_rv 0xOE // Reference Voltage (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_dclk 0x0F // TX/RX Data CLK output to be used in conjunction with TX/RX Data pin (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_txd 0x10 // TX Data input for direct modulation (input)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_err 0x11 // External Retransmission Request (input)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_txstate 0x12 // TX State (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_txfifoaf 0x13 // TX FIFO Almost Full (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_rxd 0x14 // RX Data (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_rxstate 0x15 // RX State (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_rxfifoaf 0x16 // RX FIFO Almost Full (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_antswt1 0x17 // Antenna 1 Switch used for antenna diversity (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_antswt2 0x18 // Antenna 2 Switch used for antenna diversity (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_vpd 0x19 // Valid Preamble Detected (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_ipd 0x1A // Invalid Preamble Detected (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_swd 0x1B // Sync Word Detected (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_cca 0x1C // Clear Channel Assessment (output)
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_vdd 0x1D // VDD
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_pup 0x20
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_drv0 0x00 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_drv1 0x40 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_drv2 0x80 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio1_config_drv3 0xC0 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio2_config 0x0D // R/W
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_mc 0x00 // Microcontroller Clock (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_wut 0x01 // Wake-Up Timer: 1 when WUT has expired (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_lbd 0x02 // Low Battery Detect: 1 when battery is below threshold setting (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_ddi 0x03 // Direct Digital Input
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_eife 0x04 // External Interrupt, falling edge (input)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_eire 0x05 // External Interrupt, rising edge (input)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_eisc 0x06 // External Interrupt, state change (input)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_ai 0x07 // ADC Analog Input
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_atni 0x08 // Reserved (Analog Test N Input)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_atpi 0x09 // Reserved (Analog Test P Input)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_ddo 0x0A // Direct Digital Output
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_dto 0x0B // Reserved (Digital Test Output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_atno 0x0C // Reserved (Analog Test N Output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_atpo 0x0D // Reserved (Analog Test P Output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_rv 0xOE // Reference Voltage (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_dclk 0x0F // TX/RX Data CLK output to be used in conjunction with TX/RX Data pin (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_txd 0x10 // TX Data input for direct modulation (input)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_err 0x11 // External Retransmission Request (input)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_txstate 0x12 // TX State (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_txfifoaf 0x13 // TX FIFO Almost Full (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_rxd 0x14 // RX Data (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_rxstate 0x15 // RX State (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_rxfifoaf 0x16 // RX FIFO Almost Full (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_antswt1 0x17 // Antenna 1 Switch used for antenna diversity (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_antswt2 0x18 // Antenna 2 Switch used for antenna diversity (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_vpd 0x19 // Valid Preamble Detected (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_ipd 0x1A // Invalid Preamble Detected (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_swd 0x1B // Sync Word Detected (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_cca 0x1C // Clear Channel Assessment (output)
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_vdd 0x1D // VDD
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_pup 0x20
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_drv0 0x00 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_drv1 0x40 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_drv2 0x80 // output drive level
#define RFM22_gpio2_config_drv3 0xC0 // output drive level
#define RFM22_io_port_config 0x0E // R/W
#define RFM22_io_port_extitst2 0x40 // External Interrupt Status. If the GPIO2 is programmed to be external interrupt sources then the status can be read here.
#define RFM22_io_port_extitst1 0x20 // External Interrupt Status. If the GPIO1 is programmed to be external interrupt sources then the status can be read here.
#define RFM22_io_port_extitst0 0x10 // External Interrupt Status. If the GPIO0 is programmed to be external interrupt sources then the status can be read here.
#define RFM22_io_port_itsdo 0x08 // Interrupt Request Output on the SDO Pin. nIRQ output is present on the SDO pin if this bit is set and the nSEL input is inactive (high).
#define RFM22_io_port_dio2 0x04 // Direct I/O for GPIO2. If the GPIO2 is configured to be a direct output then the value on the GPIO pin can be set here. If the GPIO2 is configured to be a direct input then the value of the pin can be read here.
#define RFM22_io_port_dio1 0x02 // Direct I/O for GPIO1. If the GPIO1 is configured to be a direct output then the value on the GPIO pin can be set here. If the GPIO1 is configured to be a direct input then the value of the pin can be read here.
#define RFM22_io_port_dio0 0x01 // Direct I/O for GPIO0. If the GPIO0 is configured to be a direct output then the value on the GPIO pin can be set here. If the GPIO0 is configured to be a direct input then the value of the pin can be read here.
#define RFM22_io_port_default 0x00 // GPIO pins are default
#define RFM22_adc_config 0x0F // R/W
#define RFM22_ac_adcgain0 0x00
#define RFM22_ac_adcgain1 0x01
#define RFM22_ac_adcgain2 0x02
#define RFM22_ac_adcgain3 0x03
#define RFM22_ac_adcref_bg 0x00
#define RFM22_ac_adcref_vdd3 0x08
#define RFM22_ac_adcref_vdd2 0x0C
#define RFM22_ac_adcsel_temp_sensor 0x00
#define RFM22_ac_adcsel_gpio0 0x10
#define RFM22_ac_adcsel_gpio1 0x20
#define RFM22_ac_adcsel_gpio2 0x30
#define RFM22_ac_adcsel_gpio01 0x40
#define RFM22_ac_adcsel_gpio12 0x50
#define RFM22_ac_adcsel_gpio02 0x60
#define RFM22_ac_adcsel_gpio_gnd 0x70
#define RFM22_ac_adcstartbusy 0x80
#define RFM22_adc_sensor_amp_offset 0x10 // R/W
#define RFM22_asao_adcoffs_mask 0x0F // ADC Sensor Amplifier Offset. The offset can be calculated as Offset = adcoffs[2:0] x VDD/1000; MSB = adcoffs[3] = Sign bit.
#define RFM22_adc_value 0x11 // R .. Internal 8 bit ADC Output Value.
#define RFM22_temp_sensor_calib 0x12 // R/W
#define RFM22_tsc_tstrim_mask 0x0F // Temperature Sensor Trim Value.
#define RFM22_tsc_entstrim 0x10 // Temperature Sensor Trim Enable.
#define RFM22_tsc_entsoffs 0x20 // Temperature Sensor Offset to Convert from K to <20>C.
#define RFM22_tsc_tsrange0 0x00 // Temperature Sensor Range Selection. <20>64C to +64C 0.5C resolution
#define RFM22_tsc_tsrange1 0x40 // -40 to +85C with 1.0C resolution
#define RFM22_tsc_tsrange2 0x80 // 0C to 85C with 0.5C resolution
#define RFM22_tsc_tsrange3 0xC0 // -40F to 216F with 1.0F resolution
#define RFM22_temp_value_offset 0x13 // R/W
#define RFM22_wakeup_timer_period1 0x14 // R/W
#define RFM22_wakeup_timer_period2 0x15 // R/W
#define RFM22_wakeup_timer_period3 0x16 // R/W
#define RFM22_wakeup_timer_value1 0x17 // R
#define RFM22_wakeup_timer_value2 0x18 // R
#define RFM22_low_dutycycle_mode_duration 0x19 // R/W
#define RFM22_low_battery_detector_threshold 0x1A // R/W
#define RFM22_battery_volateg_level 0x1B // R
#define RFM22_if_filter_bandwidth 0x1C // R/W
#define RFM22_iffbw_filset_mask 0x0F
#define RFM22_iffbw_ndec_exp_mask 0x70
#define RFM22_iffbw_dwn3_bypass 0x80
#define RFM22_afc_loop_gearshift_override 0x1D // R/W
#define RFM22_afc_lp_gs_ovrd_afcgearl_mask 0x07 // AFC Low Gear Setting.
#define RFM22_afc_lp_gs_ovrd_afcgearh_mask 0x38 // AFC High Gear Setting.
#define RFM22_afc_lp_gs_ovrd_enafc 0x40 // AFC Enable.
#define RFM22_afc_lp_gs_ovrd_afcbd 0x80 // If set, the tolerated AFC frequency error will be halved.
#define RFM22_afc_timing_control 0x1E // R/W
#define RFM22_clk_recovery_gearshift_override 0x1F // R/W
#define RFM22_clk_recovery_oversampling_ratio 0x20 // R/W
#define RFM22_clk_recovery_offset2 0x21 // R/W
#define RFM22_clk_recovery_offset1 0x22 // R/W
#define RFM22_clk_recovery_offset0 0x23 // R/W
#define RFM22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain1 0x24 // R/W
#define RFM22_clk_recovery_timing_loop_gain0 0x25 // R/W
#define RFM22_rssi 0x26 // R
#define RFM22_rssi_threshold_clear_chan_indicator 0x27 // R/W
#define RFM22_antenna_diversity_register1 0x28 // R
#define RFM22_antenna_diversity_register2 0x29 // R
#define RFM22_afc_limiter 0x2A // R/W .. AFC_pull_in_range = <20>AFCLimiter[7:0] x (hbsel+1) x 625 Hz
#define RFM22_afc_correction_read 0x2B // R
#define RFM22_ook_counter_value1 0x2C // R/W
#define RFM22_ook_counter_value2 0x2D // R/W
#define RFM22_slicer_peak_hold 0x2E // R/W
#define RFM22_data_access_control 0x30 // R/W
#define RFM22_dac_crc_ccitt 0x00 //
#define RFM22_dac_crc_crc16 0x01 //
#define RFM22_dac_crc_iec16 0x02 //
#define RFM22_dac_crc_biacheva 0x03 //
#define RFM22_dac_encrc 0x04 // CRC Enable. Cyclic Redundancy Check generation is enabled if this bit is set.
#define RFM22_dac_enpactx 0x08 // Enable Packet TX Handling. If FIFO Mode (dtmod = 10) is being used automatic packet handling may be enabled. Setting enpactx = 1 will enable automatic packet handling in the TX path. Register 30<33>4D allow for various configurations of the packet structure. Setting enpactx = 0 will not do any packet handling in the TX path. It will only transmit what is loaded to the FIFO.
#define RFM22_dac_skip2ph 0x10 // Skip 2nd Phase of Preamble Detection. If set, we skip the second phase of the preamble detection (under certain conditions) if antenna diversity is enabled.
#define RFM22_dac_crcdonly 0x20 // CRC Data Only Enable. When this bit is set to 1 the CRC is calculated on and checked against the packet data fields only.
#define RFM22_dac_lsbfrst 0x40 // LSB First Enable. The LSB of the data will be transmitted/received first if this bit is set.
#define RFM22_dac_enpacrx 0x80 // Enable Packet RX Handling. If FIFO Mode (dtmod = 10) is being used automatic packet handling may be enabled. Setting enpacrx = 1 will enable automatic packet handling in the RX path. Register 30<33>4D allow for various configurations of the packet structure. Setting enpacrx = 0 will not do any packet handling in the RX path. It will only receive everything after the sync word and fill up the RX FIFO.
#define RFM22_ezmac_status 0x31 // R
#define RFM22_ezmac_status_pksent 0x01 // Packet Sent. A 1 a packet has been sent by the radio. (Same bit as in register 03, but reading it does not reset the IRQ)
#define RFM22_ezmac_status_pktx 0x02 // Packet Transmitting. When 1 the radio is currently transmitting a packet.
#define RFM22_ezmac_status_crcerror 0x04 // CRC Error. When 1 a Cyclic Redundancy Check error has been detected. (Same bit as in register 03, but reading it does not reset the IRQ)
#define RFM22_ezmac_status_pkvalid 0x08 // Valid Packet Received. When a 1 a valid packet has been received by the receiver. (Same bit as in register 03, but reading it does not reset the IRQ)
#define RFM22_ezmac_status_pkrx 0x10 // Packet Receiving. When 1 the radio is currently receiving a valid packet.
#define RFM22_ezmac_status_pksrch 0x20 // Packet Searching. When 1 the radio is searching for a valid packet.
#define RFM22_ezmac_status_rxcrc1 0x40 // If high, it indicates the last CRC received is all one<6E>s. May indicated Transmitter underflow in case of CRC error.
#define RFM22_header_control1 0x32 // R/W
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_none 0x00 // No broadcast address enable.
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_0 0x10 // Broadcast address enable for header byte 0.
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_1 0x20 // Broadcast address enable for header byte 1.
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_2 0x40 // Broadcast address enable for header byte 2.
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_bcen_3 0x80 // Broadcast address enable for header byte 3.
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_none 0x00 // No Received Header check
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_0 0x01 // Received Header check for byte 0.
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_1 0x02 // Received Header check for byte 1.
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_2 0x04 // Received Header check for byte 2.
#define RFM22_header_cntl1_hdch_3 0x08 // Received Header check for byte 3.
#define RFM22_header_control2 0x33 // R/W
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_prealen 0x01 // MSB of Preamble Length. See register Preamble Length.
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_synclen_3 0x00 // Synchronization Word 3
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_synclen_32 0x02 // Synchronization Word 3 followed by 2
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_synclen_321 0x04 // Synchronization Word 3 followed by 2 followed by 1
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_synclen_3210 0x06 // Synchronization Word 3 followed by 2 followed by 1 followed by 0
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_fixpklen 0x08 // Fix Packet Length. When fixpklen = 1 the packet length (pklen[7:0]) is not included in the header. When fixpklen = 0 the packet length is included in the header.
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_hdlen_none 0x00 // no header
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_hdlen_3 0x10 // header 3
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_hdlen_32 0x20 // header 3 and 2
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_hdlen_321 0x30 // header 3 and 2 and 1
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_hdlen_3210 0x40 // header 3 and 2 and 1 and 0
#define RFM22_header_cntl2_skipsyn 0x80 // If high, the system will ignore the syncword search timeout reset. The chip will not return to searching for Preamble, but instead will remain searching for Sync word.
#define RFM22_preamble_length 0x34 // R/W
#define RFM22_preamble_detection_ctrl1 0x35 // R/W
#define RFM22_pre_det_ctrl1_preath_mask 0xF8 // Number of nibbles processed during detection.
#define RFM22_pre_det_ctrl1_rssi_offset_mask 0x07 // Value added as offset to RSSI calculation. Every increment in this register results in an increment of +4 dB in the RSSI.
#define RFM22_sync_word3 0x36 // R/W
#define RFM22_sync_word2 0x37 // R/W
#define RFM22_sync_word1 0x38 // R/W
#define RFM22_sync_word0 0x39 // R/W
#define RFM22_transmit_header3 0x3A // R/W
#define RFM22_transmit_header2 0x3B // R/W
#define RFM22_transmit_header1 0x3C // R/W
#define RFM22_transmit_header0 0x3D // R/W
#define RFM22_transmit_packet_length 0x3E // R/W
#define RFM22_check_header3 0x3F // R/W
#define RFM22_check_header2 0x40 // R/W
#define RFM22_check_header1 0x41 // R/W
#define RFM22_check_header0 0x42 // R/W
#define RFM22_header_enable3 0x43 // R/W
#define RFM22_header_enable2 0x44 // R/W
#define RFM22_header_enable1 0x45 // R/W
#define RFM22_header_enable0 0x46 // R/W
#define RFM22_received_header3 0x47 // R
#define RFM22_received_header2 0x48 // R
#define RFM22_received_header1 0x49 // R
#define RFM22_received_header0 0x4A // R
#define RFM22_received_packet_length 0x4B // R
#define RFM22_adc8_control 0x4F // R/W
#define RFM22_channel_filter_coeff_addr 0x60 // R/W
#define RFM22_ch_fil_coeff_ad_inv_pre_th_mask 0xF0 //
#define RFM22_ch_fil_coeff_ad_chfiladd_mask 0x0F // Channel Filter Coefficient Look-up Table Address. The address for channel filter coefficients used in the RX path.
#define RFM22_xtal_osc_por_ctrl 0x62 // R/W
#define RFM22_xtal_osc_por_ctrl_pwst_mask 0xE0 // Internal Power States of the Chip.
#define RFM22_xtal_osc_por_ctrl_clkhyst 0x10 // Clock Hysteresis Setting.
#define RFM22_xtal_osc_por_ctrl_enbias2x 0x08 // 2 Times Higher Bias Current Enable.
#define RFM22_xtal_osc_por_ctrl_enamp2x 0x04 // 2 Times Higher Amplification Enable.
#define RFM22_xtal_osc_por_ctrl_bufovr 0x02 // Output Buffer Enable Override.
#define RFM22_xtal_osc_por_ctrl_enbuf 0x01 // Output Buffer Enable.
#define RFM22_agc_override1 0x69 // R/W
#define RFM22_agc_ovr1_sgi 0x40 // AGC Loop, Set Gain Increase. If set to 0 then gain increasing will not be allowed. If set to 1 then gain increasing is allowed, default is 0.
#define RFM22_agc_ovr1_agcen 0x20 // Automatic Gain Control Enable. When this bit is set then the result of the control can be read out from bits [4:0], otherwise the gain can be controlled manually by writing into bits [4:0].
#define RFM22_agc_ovr1_lnagain 0x10 // LNA Gain Select. 0 = min gain = 5dB, 1 = max gain = 25 dB.
#define RFM22_agc_ovr1_pga_mask 0x0F // PGA Gain Override Value.
#define RFM22_tx_power 0x6D // R/W
#define RFM22_tx_pwr_lna_sw 0x08 // LNA Switch Controller. If set, lna_sw control from the digital will go high during TX modes, and low during other times. If reset, the digital control signal is low at all times.
#define RFM22_tx_data_rate1 0x6E // R/W
#define RFM22_tx_data_rate0 0x6F // R/W
#define RFM22_modulation_mode_control1 0x70 // R/W
#define RFM22_mmc1_enwhite 0x01 // Data Whitening is Enabled if this bit is set.
#define RFM22_mmc1_enmanch 0x02 // Manchester Coding is Enabled if this bit is set.
#define RFM22_mmc1_enmaninv 0x04 // Manchester Data Inversion is Enabled if this bit is set.
#define RFM22_mmc1_manppol 0x08 // Manchester Preamble Polarity (will transmit a series of 1 if set, or series of 0 if reset).
#define RFM22_mmc1_enphpwdn 0x10 // If set, the Packet Handler will be powered down when chip is in low power mode.
#define RFM22_mmc1_txdtrtscale 0x20 // This bit should be set for Data Rates below 30 kbps.
#define RFM22_modulation_mode_control2 0x71 // R/W
#define RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_mask 0x03 // Modulation type.
#define RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_none 0x00 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_ook 0x01 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_fsk 0x02 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_modtyp_gfsk 0x03 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_fd 0x04 // MSB of Frequency Deviation Setting, see "Register 72h. Frequency Deviation".
#define RFM22_mmc2_eninv 0x08 // Invert TX and RX Data.
#define RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_mask 0x30 // Modulation source.
#define RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_dm_gpio 0x00 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_dm_sdi 0x10 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_fifo 0x20 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_dtmod_pn9 0x30 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_trclk_mask 0xC0 // TX Data Clock Configuration.
#define RFM22_mmc2_trclk_clk_none 0x00 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_trclk_clk_gpio 0x40 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_trclk_clk_sdo 0x80 //
#define RFM22_mmc2_trclk_clk_nirq 0xC0 //
#define RFM22_frequency_deviation 0x72 // R/W
#define RFM22_frequency_offset1 0x73 // R/W
#define RFM22_frequency_offset2 0x74 // R/W
#define RFM22_frequency_band_select 0x75 // R/W
#define RFM22_fb_mask 0x1F
#define RFM22_fbs_hbsel 0x20
#define RFM22_fbs_sbse 0x40
#define RFM22_nominal_carrier_frequency1 0x76 // R/W
#define RFM22_nominal_carrier_frequency0 0x77 // R/W
#define RFM22_frequency_hopping_channel_select 0x79 // R/W
#define RFM22_frequency_hopping_step_size 0x7A // R/W
#define RFM22_tx_fifo_control1 0x7C // R/W .. TX FIFO Almost Full Threshold (0 - 63)
#define RFM22_tx_fifo_control1_mask 0x3F
#define RFM22_tx_fifo_control2 0x7D // R/W .. TX FIFO Almost Empty Threshold (0 - 63)
#define RFM22_tx_fifo_control2_mask 0x3F
#define RFM22_rx_fifo_control 0x7E // R/W .. RX FIFO Almost Full Threshold (0 - 63)
#define RFM22_rx_fifo_control_mask 0x3F
#define RFM22_fifo_access 0x7F // R/W
// External type definitions
typedef int16_t (*t_rfm22_TxDataByteCallback)(void);
typedef bool (*t_rfm22_RxDataCallback)(void *data, uint8_t len);
enum pios_rfm22b_dev_magic {
PIOS_RFM22B_DEV_MAGIC = 0x68e971b6,
enum pios_radio_state {
enum pios_radio_event {
enum pios_rfm22b_state {
RFM22B_STATE_NUM_STATES // Must be last
enum pios_rfm22b_rx_packet_status {
typedef struct {
uint32_t pairID;
int8_t rssi;
int8_t afc_correction;
uint8_t lastContact;
} rfm22b_pair_stats;
enum pios_rfm22b_chip_power_state {
RFM22B_RX_STATE = 0x01,
RFM22B_TX_STATE = 0x10,
// Device Status
typedef union {
struct {
uint8_t state : 2;
bool frequency_error : 1;
bool header_error : 1;
bool rx_fifo_empty : 1;
bool fifo_underflow : 1;
bool fifo_overflow : 1;
uint8_t raw;
} rfm22b_device_status_reg;
// EzMAC Status
typedef union {
struct {
bool packet_sent : 1;
bool packet_transmitting : 1;
bool crc_error : 1;
bool valid_packet_received : 1;
bool packet_receiving : 1;
bool packet_searching : 1;
bool crc_is_all_ones : 1;
bool reserved;
uint8_t raw;
} rfm22b_ezmac_status_reg;
// Interrrupt Status Register 1
typedef union {
struct {
bool crc_error : 1;
bool valid_packet_received : 1;
bool packet_sent_interrupt : 1;
bool external_interrupt : 1;
bool rx_fifo_almost_full : 1;
bool tx_fifo_almost_empty : 1;
bool tx_fifo_almost_full : 1;
bool fifo_underoverflow_error : 1;
uint8_t raw;
} rfm22b_int_status_1;
// Interrupt Status Register 2
typedef union {
struct {
bool poweron_reset : 1;
bool chip_ready : 1;
bool low_battery_detect : 1;
bool wakeup_timer : 1;
bool rssi_above_threshold : 1;
bool invalid_preamble_detected : 1;
bool valid_preamble_detected : 1;
bool sync_word_detected : 1;
uint8_t raw;
} rfm22b_int_status_2;
typedef struct {
rfm22b_device_status_reg device_status;
rfm22b_device_status_reg ezmac_status;
rfm22b_int_status_1 int_status_1;
rfm22b_int_status_2 int_status_2;
} rfm22b_device_status;
struct pios_rfm22b_dev {
enum pios_rfm22b_dev_magic magic;
struct pios_rfm22b_cfg cfg;
// The SPI bus information
uint32_t spi_id;
uint32_t slave_num;
// Should this modem ack as a coordinator.
bool coordinator;
// The device ID
uint32_t deviceID;
// The coodinator ID (0 if this modem is a coordinator).
uint32_t coordinatorID;
// The task handle
xTaskHandle taskHandle;
// The potential paired statistics
rfm22b_pair_stats pair_stats[OPLINKSTATUS_PAIRIDS_NUMELEM];
// ISR pending semaphore
xSemaphoreHandle isrPending;
// The COM callback functions.
pios_com_callback rx_in_cb;
uint32_t rx_in_context;
pios_com_callback tx_out_cb;
uint32_t tx_out_context;
// the transmit power to use for data transmissions
uint8_t tx_power;
// The RF datarate lookup index.
uint8_t datarate;
// The radio state machine state
enum pios_radio_state state;
// The event queue handle
xQueueHandle eventQueue;
// The device status registers.
rfm22b_device_status status_regs;
// The error statistics counters
uint16_t prev_rx_seq_num;
uint32_t rx_packet_stats[RFM22B_RX_PACKET_STATS_LEN];
// The RFM22B state machine state
enum pios_rfm22b_state rfm22b_state;
// The packet statistics
struct rfm22b_stats stats;
// Stats
uint16_t errors;
// RSSI in dBm
int8_t rssi_dBm;
// The tx data packet
uint8_t tx_packet[RFM22B_MAX_PACKET_LEN];
// The current tx packet
uint8_t *tx_packet_handle;
// The tx data read index
uint16_t tx_data_rd;
// The tx data write index
uint16_t tx_data_wr;
// The tx packet sequence number
uint16_t tx_seq;
// The rx data packet
uint8_t rx_packet[RFM22B_MAX_PACKET_LEN];
// The rx data packet
uint8_t *rx_packet_handle;
// The receive buffer write index
uint16_t rx_buffer_wr;
// The receive buffer write index
uint16_t rx_packet_len;
// The PPM buffer
int16_t ppm[RFM22B_PPM_NUM_CHANNELS];
// The PPM packet received callback.
PPMReceivedCallback ppm_callback;
// The id that the packet was received from
uint32_t rx_destination_id;
// The maximum packet length (including header, etc.)
uint8_t max_packet_len;
// The packet transmit time in ms.
uint8_t packet_time;
// Do all packets originate from the coordinator modem?
bool one_way_link;
// Should this modem send PPM data?
bool ppm_send_mode;
// Should this modem receive PPM data?
bool ppm_recv_mode;
// Are we sending / receiving only PPM data?
bool ppm_only_mode;
// The channel list
uint8_t channels[RFM22B_NUM_CHANNELS];
// The number of frequency hopping channels.
uint8_t num_channels;
// The frequency hopping step size
float frequency_step_size;
// current frequency hop channel
uint8_t channel;
// current frequency hop channel index
uint8_t channel_index;
// afc correction reading (in Hz)
int8_t afc_correction_Hz;
// The packet timers.
portTickType packet_start_ticks;
portTickType tx_complete_ticks;
portTickType time_delta;
uint8_t connected_timeout;
// External function definitions
bool PIOS_RFM22_EXT_Int(void);
bool PIOS_RFM22B_Validate(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev);
// Global variable definitions
extern const struct pios_com_driver pios_rfm22b_com_driver;
#endif /* PIOS_RFM22B_PRIV_H */
* @}
* @}