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synced 2025-02-01 17:52:12 +01:00
1) configure make sure qmake is in your PATH and run ./configure or configure.bat on windows. see configure --help for more information (for msvc you could try ./configure.bat -msvc and open the solution file in msvc, we recomend compiling on commandline though) 2) build type make or nmake when using msvc then don't forget to make install Note: This will also install qxt.prf to your qtdir/mkspecs/features directory. 3) use Add the following lines to your qmake project file: CONFIG += qxt QXT += core gui The QXT variable should contain the modules you want. (In this example core and gui are used.) Note: Some modules depend on other modules. The required modules are added automatically. if you have an existing msvc project and can't swtich to qmake you can use zbenjamins solution: Howto use libqxt in a existing Visual Studio Project: 1. create and install libqxt. (See install instructions) 2. add {libqxtinstalldir}\include\qxt\QxtCore to your include path 3. add {libqxtinstalldir}\lib to your library search path 4. to add a specific libqxt module (f.e QxtSql) you have to: - add {libqxtinstalldir}\include\qxt\QxtSql to your include path - add the library QxtSql.lib to your project Most of the times you have also to include the QxtCore and QxtKit modules. It's done the same way like the example above.