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* @file mainwindow.h
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* Parts by Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) Copyright (C) 2009.
* @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins
* @{
* @addtogroup CorePlugin Core Plugin
* @{
* @brief The Core GCS plugin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "core_global.h"
#include "eventfilteringmainwindow.h"
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QSettings>
class QSettings;
class QShortcut;
class QToolButton;
class MyTabWidget;
namespace Core {
class ActionManager;
class BaseMode;
class BaseView;
class IConfigurablePlugin;
class IContext;
class IMode;
class IWizard;
class ConnectionManager;
class MessageManager;
class MimeDatabase;
class ModeManager;
class RightPaneWidget;
class SettingsDatabase;
class UniqueIDManager;
class VariableManager;
class ThreadManager;
class ViewManagerInterface;
class UAVGadgetManager;
class UAVGadgetInstanceManager;
namespace Internal {
class ActionManagerPrivate;
class CoreImpl;
class FancyTabWidget;
class GeneralSettings;
class ShortcutSettings;
class WorkspaceSettings;
class VersionDialog;
class AuthorsDialog;
class CORE_EXPORT MainWindow : public EventFilteringMainWindow
bool init(QString *errorMessage);
void extensionsInitialized();
void shutdown();
IContext *contextObject(QWidget *widget);
void addContextObject(IContext *contex);
void removeContextObject(IContext *contex);
void resetContext();
void readSettings(QSettings* qs = 0, bool workspaceDiffOnly = false);
void saveSettings(QSettings* qs = 0);
void readSettings(IConfigurablePlugin* plugin, QSettings* qs = 0);
void saveSettings(IConfigurablePlugin* plugin, QSettings* qs = 0);
void deleteSettings();
void openFiles(const QStringList &fileNames);
Core::ActionManager *actionManager() const;
Core::UniqueIDManager *uniqueIDManager() const;
Core::MessageManager *messageManager() const;
QList<UAVGadgetManager*> uavGadgetManagers() const;
UAVGadgetInstanceManager *uavGadgetInstanceManager() const;
Core::ConnectionManager *connectionManager() const;
Core::VariableManager *variableManager() const;
Core::ThreadManager *threadManager() const;
Core::ModeManager *modeManager() const;
Core::MimeDatabase *mimeDatabase() const;
Internal::GeneralSettings *generalSettings() const;
QSettings *settings(QSettings::Scope scope) const;
inline SettingsDatabase *settingsDatabase() const { return m_settingsDatabase; }
IContext * currentContextObject() const;
QStatusBar *statusBar() const;
void addAdditionalContext(int context);
void removeAdditionalContext(int context);
bool hasContext(int context) const;
void updateContext();
void setSuppressNavigationWidget(bool suppress);
void windowActivated();
public slots:
void newFile();
void openFileWith();
void exit();
void setFullScreen(bool on);
bool showOptionsDialog(const QString &category = QString(),
const QString &page = QString(),
QWidget *parent = 0);
bool showWarningWithOptions(const QString &title, const QString &text,
const QString &details = QString(),
const QString &settingsCategory = QString(),
const QString &settingsId = QString(),
QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual void changeEvent(QEvent *e);
virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event);
virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
private slots:
void openFile();
void aboutToShowRecentFiles();
void openRecentFile();
void setFocusToEditor();
void saveAll();
void aboutOpenPilotGCS();
void aboutPlugins();
void aboutOpenPilotAuthors();
void updateFocusWidget(QWidget *old, QWidget *now);
void destroyVersionDialog();
void destroyAuthorsDialog();
void modeChanged(Core::IMode *mode);
void showUavGadgetMenus(bool show, bool hasSplitter);
void applyTabBarSettings(QTabWidget::TabPosition pos, bool movable);
void updateContextObject(IContext *context);
void registerDefaultContainers();
void registerDefaultActions();
void createWorkspaces(QSettings* qs, bool diffOnly = false);
CoreImpl *m_coreImpl;
UniqueIDManager *m_uniqueIDManager;
QList<int> m_globalContext;
QList<int> m_additionalContexts;
QSettings *m_settings;
QSettings *m_globalSettings;
SettingsDatabase *m_settingsDatabase;
bool m_dontSaveSettings; // In case of an Error or if we reset the settings, never save them.
ActionManagerPrivate *m_actionManager;
MessageManager *m_messageManager;
VariableManager *m_variableManager;
ThreadManager *m_threadManager;
ModeManager *m_modeManager;
QList<UAVGadgetManager*> m_uavGadgetManagers;
UAVGadgetInstanceManager *m_uavGadgetInstanceManager;
ConnectionManager *m_connectionManager;
MimeDatabase *m_mimeDatabase;
MyTabWidget *m_modeStack;
Core::BaseView *m_outputView;
VersionDialog *m_versionDialog;
AuthorsDialog *m_authorsDialog;
IContext * m_activeContext;
QMap<QWidget *, IContext *> m_contextWidgets;
GeneralSettings *m_generalSettings;
ShortcutSettings *m_shortcutSettings;
WorkspaceSettings *m_workspaceSettings;
// actions
QShortcut *m_focusToEditor;
QAction *m_newAction;
QAction *m_openAction;
QAction *m_openWithAction;
QAction *m_saveAllAction;
QAction *m_exitAction;
QAction *m_optionsAction;
QAction *m_toggleFullScreenAction;
// UavGadgetManager actions
QAction *m_showToolbarsAction;
QAction *m_splitAction;
QAction *m_splitSideBySideAction;
QAction *m_removeCurrentSplitAction;
QAction *m_removeAllSplitsAction;
QAction *m_gotoOtherSplitAction;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
QAction *m_minimizeAction;
QAction *m_zoomAction;
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Core
#endif // MAINWINDOW_H