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* @file callbackscheduler.c
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2013.
* @brief Scheduler to run callback functions from a shared context with given priorities.
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <openpilot.h>
#include <taskinfo.h>
// Private constants
#define STACK_SIZE 128
#define MAX_SLEEP 1000
// Private types
* task information
struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct {
DelayedCallbackInfo *callbackQueue[CALLBACK_PRIORITY_LOW + 1];
DelayedCallbackInfo *queueCursor[CALLBACK_PRIORITY_LOW + 1];
xTaskHandle callbackSchedulerTaskHandle;
signed char name[3];
uint32_t stackSize;
DelayedCallbackPriorityTask priorityTask;
xSemaphoreHandle signal;
struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *next;
* callback information
struct DelayedCallbackInfoStruct {
DelayedCallback cb;
bool volatile waiting;
uint32_t volatile scheduletime;
struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *task;
struct DelayedCallbackInfoStruct *next;
// Private variables
static struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *schedulerTasks;
static xSemaphoreHandle mutex;
static bool schedulerStarted;
// Private functions
static void CallbackSchedulerTask(void *task);
static int32_t runNextCallback(struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *task, DelayedCallbackPriority priority);
* Initialize the scheduler
* must be called before any other functions are called
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
int32_t CallbackSchedulerInitialize()
// Initialize variables
schedulerTasks = NULL;
schedulerStarted = false;
// Create mutex
mutex = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex();
if (mutex == NULL) {
return -1;
// Done
return 0;
* Start all scheduler tasks
* Will instantiate all scheduler tasks registered so far. Although new
* callbacks CAN be registered beyond that point, any further scheduling tasks
* will be started the moment of instantiation. It is not possible to increase
* the STACK requirements of a scheduler task after this function has been
* run. No callbacks will be run before this function is called, although
* they can be marked for later execution by executing the dispatch function.
* \return Success (0), failure (-1)
int32_t CallbackSchedulerStart()
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// only call once
PIOS_Assert(schedulerStarted == false);
// start tasks
struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *cursor = NULL;
int t = 0;
LL_FOREACH(schedulerTasks, cursor) {
cursor->stackSize / 4,
PIOS_TASK_MONITOR_RegisterTask(TASKINFO_RUNNING_CALLBACKSCHEDULER0 + t, cursor->callbackSchedulerTaskHandle);
schedulerStarted = true;
return 0;
* Schedule dispatching a callback at some point in the future. The function returns immediately.
* \param[in] *cbinfo the callback handle
* \param[in] milliseconds How far in the future to dispatch the callback
* \param[in] updatemode What to do if the callback is already scheduled but not dispatched yet.
* The options are:
* UPDATEMODE_NONE: An existing schedule will not be touched, the call will have no effect at all if there's an existing schedule.
* UPDATEMODE_SOONER: The callback will be rescheduled only if the new schedule triggers before the original one would have triggered.
* UPDATEMODE_LATER: The callback will be rescheduled only if the new schedule triggers after the original one would have triggered.
* UPDATEMODE_OVERRIDE: The callback will be rescheduled in any case, effectively overriding any previous schedule. (sooner+later=override)
* \return 0: not scheduled, previous schedule takes precedence, 1: new schedule, 2: previous schedule overridden
int32_t DelayedCallbackSchedule(
DelayedCallbackInfo *cbinfo,
int32_t milliseconds,
DelayedCallbackUpdateMode updatemode)
int32_t result = 0;
if (milliseconds <= 0) {
milliseconds = 0; // we can and will not schedule in the past since that ruins the wraparound of uint32_t
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
uint32_t new = xTaskGetTickCount() + (milliseconds / portTICK_RATE_MS);
if (!new) {
new = 1; // zero has a special meaning, schedule at time 1 instead
int32_t diff = new - cbinfo->scheduletime;
if ((!cbinfo->scheduletime)
|| ((updatemode & CALLBACK_UPDATEMODE_SOONER) && diff < 0)
|| ((updatemode & CALLBACK_UPDATEMODE_LATER) && diff > 0)
) {
// the scheduletime may be updated
if (!cbinfo->scheduletime) {
result = 1;
} else {
result = 2;
cbinfo->scheduletime = new;
// scheduler needs to be notified to adapt sleep times
return result;
* Dispatch an event by invoking the supplied callback. The function
* returns immediately, the callback is invoked from the event task.
* \param[in] cbinfo the callback handle
* \return Success (-1), failure (0)
int32_t DelayedCallbackDispatch(DelayedCallbackInfo *cbinfo)
// no semaphore needed for the callback
cbinfo->waiting = true;
// but the scheduler as a whole needs to be notified
return xSemaphoreGive(cbinfo->task->signal);
* Dispatch an event by invoking the supplied callback. The function
* returns immediately, the callback is invoked from the event task.
* \param[in] cbinfo the callback handle
* \param[in] pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken
* xSemaphoreGiveFromISR() will set *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken to pdTRUE if
* giving the semaphore caused a task to unblock, and the unblocked task has a
* priority higher than the currently running task. If xSemaphoreGiveFromISR()
* sets this value to pdTRUE then a context switch should be requested before
* the interrupt is exited.
* From FreeRTOS Docu: Context switching from an ISR uses port specific syntax.
* Check the demo task for your port to find the syntax required.
* \return Success (-1), failure (0)
int32_t DelayedCallbackDispatchFromISR(DelayedCallbackInfo *cbinfo, long *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
// no semaphore needed for the callback
cbinfo->waiting = true;
// but the scheduler as a whole needs to be notified
return xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(cbinfo->task->signal, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
* Register a new callback to be called by a delayed callback scheduler task.
* If a scheduler task with the specified task priority does not exist yet, it
* will be created.
* \param[in] cb The callback to be invoked
* \param[in] priority Priority of the callback compared to other callbacks scheduled by the same delayed callback scheduler task.
* \param[in] priorityTask Task priority of the scheduler task. One scheduler task will be spawned for each distinct value specified,
* further callbacks created with the same priorityTask will all be handled by the same delayed callback scheduler task
* and scheduled according to their individual callback priorities
* \param[in] stacksize The stack requirements of the callback when called by the scheduler.
* \return CallbackInfo Pointer on success, NULL if failed.
DelayedCallbackInfo *DelayedCallbackCreate(
DelayedCallback cb,
DelayedCallbackPriority priority,
DelayedCallbackPriorityTask priorityTask,
uint32_t stacksize)
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// find appropriate scheduler task matching priorityTask
struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *task = NULL;
int t = 0;
LL_FOREACH(schedulerTasks, task) {
if (task->priorityTask == priorityTask) {
break; // found
// if given priorityTask does not exist, create it
if (!task) {
// allocate memory if possible
task = (struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct));
if (!task) {
return NULL;
// initialize structure
for (DelayedCallbackPriority p = 0; p <= CALLBACK_PRIORITY_LOW; p++) {
task->callbackQueue[p] = NULL;
task->queueCursor[p] = NULL;
task->name[0] = 'C';
task->name[1] = 'a' + t;
task->name[2] = 0;
task->stackSize = ((STACK_SIZE > stacksize) ? STACK_SIZE : stacksize);
task->priorityTask = priorityTask;
task->next = NULL;
// create the signaling semaphore
if (!task->signal) {
return NULL;
// add to list of scheduler tasks
LL_APPEND(schedulerTasks, task);
// Previously registered tasks are spawned when CallbackSchedulerStart() is called.
// Tasks registered afterwards need to spawn upon creation.
if (schedulerStarted) {
task->stackSize / 4,
PIOS_TASK_MONITOR_RegisterTask(TASKINFO_RUNNING_CALLBACKSCHEDULER0 + t, task->callbackSchedulerTaskHandle);
if (!schedulerStarted && stacksize > task->stackSize) {
task->stackSize = stacksize; // previous to task initialisation we can still adapt to the maximum needed stack
if (stacksize > task->stackSize) {
return NULL; // error - not enough memory
// initialize callback scheduling info
DelayedCallbackInfo *info = (DelayedCallbackInfo *)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(DelayedCallbackInfo));
if (!info) {
return NULL; // error - not enough memory
info->next = NULL;
info->waiting = false;
info->scheduletime = 0;
info->task = task;
info->cb = cb;
// add to scheduling queue
LL_APPEND(task->callbackQueue[priority], info);
return info;
* Scheduler subtask
* \param[in] task The scheduler task in question
* \param[in] priority The scheduling priority of the callback to search for
* \return wait time until next scheduled callback is due - 0 if a callback has just been executed
static int32_t runNextCallback(struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *task, DelayedCallbackPriority priority)
int32_t result = MAX_SLEEP;
int32_t diff = 0;
// no such queue
if (priority > CALLBACK_PRIORITY_LOW) {
return result;
// queue is empty, search a lower priority queue
if (task->callbackQueue[priority] == NULL) {
return runNextCallback(task, priority + 1);
DelayedCallbackInfo *current = task->queueCursor[priority];
DelayedCallbackInfo *next;
do {
if (current == NULL) {
next = task->callbackQueue[priority]; // loop around the end of the list
// also attempt to run a callback that has lower priority
// every time the queue is completely traversed
diff = runNextCallback(task, priority + 1);
if (!diff) {
task->queueCursor[priority] = next; // the recursive call has executed a callback
return 0;
if (diff < result) {
result = diff; // adjust sleep time
} else {
next = current->next;
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // access to scheduletime should be mutex protected
if (current->scheduletime) {
diff = current->scheduletime - xTaskGetTickCount();
if (diff <= 0) {
current->waiting = true;
} else if (diff < result) {
result = diff; // adjust sleep time
if (current->waiting) {
task->queueCursor[priority] = next;
current->scheduletime = 0; // any schedules are reset
current->waiting = false; // the flag is reset just before execution.
current->cb(); // call the callback
return 0;
current = next;
} while (current != task->queueCursor[priority]);
// once the list has been traversed entirely without finding any to be executed task, abort (nothing to do)
return result;
* Scheduler task, responsible of invoking callbacks.
* \param[in] task The scheduling task being run
static void CallbackSchedulerTask(void *task)
uint32_t delay = 0;
while (1) {
delay = runNextCallback((struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *)task, CALLBACK_PRIORITY_CRITICAL);
if (delay) {
// nothing to do but sleep
xSemaphoreTake(((struct DelayedCallbackTaskStruct *)task)->signal, delay);