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* @file flightgearbridge.h
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins
* @{
* @addtogroup HITLPlugin HITL Plugin
* @{
* @brief The Hardware In The Loop plugin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "fgsimulator.h"
#include "extensionsystem/pluginmanager.h"
#include "coreplugin/icore.h"
#include "coreplugin/threadmanager.h"
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
//FGSimulator::FGSimulator(QString hostAddr, int outPort, int inPort, bool manual, QString binPath, QString dataPath) :
// Simulator(hostAddr, outPort, inPort, manual, binPath, dataPath),
// fgProcess(NULL)
// // Note: Only tested on windows 7
//#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
// cmdShell = QString("c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe");
// cmdShell = QString("bash");
FGSimulator::FGSimulator(const SimulatorSettings& params) :
udpCounterFGrecv = 0;
udpCounterGCSsend = 0;
disconnect(simProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(processReadyRead()));
void FGSimulator::setupUdpPorts(const QString& host, int inPort, int outPort)
if(inSocket->bind(QHostAddress(host), inPort))
emit processOutput("Successfully bound to address " + host + " on port " + QString::number(inPort) + "\n");
emit processOutput("Cannot bind to address " + host + " on port " + QString::number(inPort) + "\n");
bool FGSimulator::setupProcess()
QMutexLocker locker(&lock);
// Copy FlightGear generic protocol configuration file to the FG protocol directory
// NOTE: Not working on Windows 7, if FG is installed in the "Program Files",
// likelly due to permissions. The file should be manually copied to data/Protocol/opfgprotocol.xml
// QFile xmlFile(":/flightgear/genericprotocol/opfgprotocol.xml");
// xmlFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text);
// QString xml = xmlFile.readAll();
// xmlFile.close();
// QFile xmlFileOut(pathData + "/Protocol/opfgprotocol.xml");
// xmlFileOut.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text);
// xmlFileOut.write(xml.toAscii());
// xmlFileOut.close();
Qt::HANDLE mainThread = QThread::currentThreadId();
qDebug() << "setupProcess Thread: "<< mainThread;
simProcess = new QProcess();
connect(simProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(processReadyRead()));
// Note: Only tested on windows 7
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
QString cmdShell("c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe");
QString cmdShell("bash");
// Start shell (Note: Could not start FG directly on Windows, only through terminal!)
if (simProcess->waitForStarted() == false)
emit processOutput("Error:" + simProcess->errorString());
return false;
// Setup arguments
// Note: The input generic protocol is set to update at a much higher rate than the actual updates are sent by the GCS.
// If this is not done then a lag will be introduced by FlightGear, likelly because the receive socket buffer builds up during startup.
QString args("--fg-root=\"" + settings.dataPath + "\" " +
"--timeofday=noon " +
"--httpd=5400 " +
"--enable-hud " +
"--in-air " +
"--altitude=3000 " +
"--vc=100 " +
"--log-level=alert " +
"--generic=socket,out,20," + settings.hostAddress + "," + QString::number(settings.inPort) + ",udp,opfgprotocol");
args.append(" --generic=socket,in,400," + settings.remoteHostAddress + "," + QString::number(settings.outPort) + ",udp,opfgprotocol");
// Start FlightGear - only if checkbox is selected in HITL options page
if (settings.startSim)
QString cmd("\"" + settings.binPath + "\" " + args + "\n");
emit processOutput("Start Flightgear from the command line with the following arguments: \n\n" + args + "\n\n" +
"You can optionally run Flightgear from a networked computer.\n" +
"Make sure the computer running Flightgear can can ping your local interface adapter. ie." + settings.hostAddress + "\n"
"Remote computer must have the correct OpenPilot protocol installed.");
udpCounterGCSsend = 0;
return true;
void FGSimulator::processReadyRead()
QByteArray bytes = simProcess->readAllStandardOutput();
QString str(bytes);
if ( !str.contains("Error reading data") ) // ignore error
emit processOutput(str);
void FGSimulator::transmitUpdate()
ActuatorDesired::DataFields actData;
FlightStatus::DataFields flightStatusData = flightStatus->getData();
ManualControlCommand::DataFields manCtrlData = manCtrlCommand->getData();
float ailerons = -1;
float elevator = -1;
float rudder = -1;
float throttle = -1;
if(flightStatusData.FlightMode == FlightStatus::FLIGHTMODE_MANUAL)
// Read joystick input
if(flightStatusData.Armed == FlightStatus::ARMED_ARMED)
// Note: Pitch sign is reversed in FG ?
ailerons = manCtrlData.Roll;
elevator = -manCtrlData.Pitch;
rudder = manCtrlData.Yaw;
throttle = manCtrlData.Throttle;
// Read ActuatorDesired from autopilot
actData = actDesired->getData();
ailerons = actData.Roll;
elevator = -actData.Pitch;
rudder = actData.Yaw;
throttle = actData.Throttle;
int allowableDifference = 10;
//qDebug() << "UDP sent:" << udpCounterGCSsend << " - UDP Received:" << udpCounterFGrecv;
if(udpCounterFGrecv == udpCounterGCSsend)
udpCounterGCSsend = 0;
if((udpCounterGCSsend < allowableDifference) || (udpCounterFGrecv==0) ) //FG udp queue is not delayed
// Send update to FlightGear
QString cmd;
cmd = QString("%1,%2,%3,%4,%5\n")
.arg(ailerons) //ailerons
.arg(elevator) //elevator
.arg(rudder) //rudder
.arg(throttle) //throttle
.arg(udpCounterGCSsend); //UDP packet counter delay
QByteArray data = cmd.toAscii();
if(outSocket->writeDatagram(data, QHostAddress(settings.remoteHostAddress), settings.outPort) == -1)
emit processOutput("Error sending UDP packet to FG: " + outSocket->errorString() + "\n");
// don't send new packet. Flightgear cannot process UDP fast enough.
// V1.9.1 reads udp packets at set frequency and will get delayed if packets are sent too fast
// V2.0 does not currently work with --generic-protocol
actData.Roll = ailerons;
actData.Pitch = -elevator;
actData.Yaw = rudder;
actData.Throttle = throttle;
//actData.NumLongUpdates = (float)udpCounterFGrecv;
//actData.UpdateTime = (float)udpCounterGCSsend;
void FGSimulator::processUpdate(const QByteArray& inp)
//TODO: this does not use the FLIGHT_PARAM structure, it should!
static char once=0;
// Split
QString data(inp);
QStringList fields = data.split(",");
// Get xRate (deg/s)
// float xRate = fields[0].toFloat() * 180.0/M_PI;
// Get yRate (deg/s)
// float yRate = fields[1].toFloat() * 180.0/M_PI;
// Get zRate (deg/s)
// float zRate = fields[2].toFloat() * 180.0/M_PI;
// Get xAccel (m/s^2)
// float xAccel = fields[3].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get yAccel (m/s^2)
// float yAccel = fields[4].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get xAccel (m/s^2)
// float zAccel = fields[5].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get pitch (deg)
float pitch = fields[6].toFloat();
// Get pitchRate (deg/s)
float pitchRate = fields[7].toFloat();
// Get roll (deg)
float roll = fields[8].toFloat();
// Get rollRate (deg/s)
float rollRate = fields[9].toFloat();
// Get yaw (deg)
float yaw = fields[10].toFloat();
// Get yawRate (deg/s)
float yawRate = fields[11].toFloat();
// Get latitude (deg)
float latitude = fields[12].toFloat();
// Get longitude (deg)
float longitude = fields[13].toFloat();
// Get heading (deg)
float heading = fields[14].toFloat();
// Get altitude (m)
float altitude = fields[15].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get altitudeAGL (m)
float altitudeAGL = fields[16].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get groundspeed (m/s)
float groundspeed = fields[17].toFloat() * KT2MPS;
// Get airspeed (m/s)
// float airspeed = fields[18].toFloat() * KT2MPS;
// Get temperature (degC)
float temperature = fields[19].toFloat();
// Get pressure (kpa)
float pressure = fields[20].toFloat() * INHG2KPA;
// Get VelocityActual Down (cm/s)
float velocityActualDown = - fields[21].toFloat() * FPS2CMPS;
// Get VelocityActual East (cm/s)
float velocityActualEast = fields[22].toFloat() * FPS2CMPS;
// Get VelocityActual Down (cm/s)
float velocityActualNorth = fields[23].toFloat() * FPS2CMPS;
// Get UDP packets received by FG
int n = fields[24].toInt();
udpCounterFGrecv = n;
//run once
HomeLocation::DataFields homeData = posHome->getData();
memset(&homeData, 0, sizeof(HomeLocation::DataFields));
// Update homelocation
homeData.Latitude = latitude * 10e6;
homeData.Longitude = longitude * 10e6;
homeData.Altitude = 0;
double LLA[3];
double ECEF[3];
double RNE[9];
Utils::CoordinateConversions().RneFromLLA(LLA,(double (*)[3])RNE);
for (int t=0;t<9;t++) {
// Update VelocityActual.{Nort,East,Down}
VelocityActual::DataFields velocityActualData;
memset(&velocityActualData, 0, sizeof(VelocityActual::DataFields));
velocityActualData.North = velocityActualNorth;
velocityActualData.East = velocityActualEast;
velocityActualData.Down = velocityActualDown;
// Update PositionActual.{Nort,East,Down}
PositionActual::DataFields positionActualData;
memset(&positionActualData, 0, sizeof(PositionActual::DataFields));
positionActualData.North = 0; //Currently hardcoded as there is no way of setting up a reference point to calculate distance
positionActualData.East = 0; //Currently hardcoded as there is no way of setting up a reference point to calculate distance
positionActualData.Down = (altitude * 100); //Multiply by 100 because positionActual expects input in Centimeters.
// Update AltitudeActual object
BaroAltitude::DataFields altActualData;
memset(&altActualData, 0, sizeof(BaroAltitude::DataFields));
altActualData.Altitude = altitudeAGL;
altActualData.Temperature = temperature;
altActualData.Pressure = pressure;
// Update attActual object
AttitudeActual::DataFields attActualData;
memset(&attActualData, 0, sizeof(AttitudeActual::DataFields));
attActualData.Roll = roll;
attActualData.Pitch = pitch;
attActualData.Yaw = yaw;
attActualData.q1 = 0;
attActualData.q2 = 0;
attActualData.q3 = 0;
attActualData.q4 = 0;
// Update gps objects
GPSPosition::DataFields gpsData;
memset(&gpsData, 0, sizeof(GPSPosition::DataFields));
gpsData.Altitude = altitude;
gpsData.Heading = heading;
gpsData.Groundspeed = groundspeed;
gpsData.Latitude = latitude*1e7;
gpsData.Longitude = longitude*1e7;
gpsData.Satellites = 10;
gpsData.Status = GPSPosition::STATUS_FIX3D;
float NED[3];
double LLA[3] = {(double) gpsData.Latitude / 1e7, (double) gpsData.Longitude / 1e7, (double) (gpsData.GeoidSeparation + gpsData.Altitude)};
// convert from cm back to meters
double ECEF[3] = {(double) (homeData.ECEF[0] / 100), (double) (homeData.ECEF[1] / 100), (double) (homeData.ECEF[2] / 100)};
Utils::CoordinateConversions().LLA2Base(LLA, ECEF, (float (*)[3]) homeData.RNE, NED);
positionActualData.North = NED[0]*100; //Currently hardcoded as there is no way of setting up a reference point to calculate distance
positionActualData.East = NED[1]*100; //Currently hardcoded as there is no way of setting up a reference point to calculate distance
positionActualData.Down = NED[2]*100; //Multiply by 100 because positionActual expects input in Centimeters.
// Update AttitudeRaw object (filtered gyros only for now)
AttitudeRaw::DataFields rawData;
memset(&rawData, 0, sizeof(AttitudeRaw::DataFields));
rawData = attRaw->getData();
rawData.gyros[0] = rollRate;
//rawData.gyros[1] = cos(DEG2RAD * roll) * pitchRate + sin(DEG2RAD * roll) * yawRate;
//rawData.gyros[2] = cos(DEG2RAD * roll) * yawRate - sin(DEG2RAD * roll) * pitchRate;
rawData.gyros[1] = pitchRate;
rawData.gyros[2] = yawRate;
// attRaw->updated();