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sambas 066f42a2c5 OP-25: simplified gps structure
git-svn-id: svn://svn.openpilot.org/OpenPilot/trunk@404 ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba
2010-03-28 14:36:18 +00:00

550 lines
15 KiB

* @file GPS.c
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* @brief GPS module, handles GPS and NMEA stream
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "openpilot.h"
#include "buffer.h"
// constants/macros/typdefs
#define MAXTOKENS 20 //token slots for nmea parser
// Message Codes
#define NMEA_NODATA 0 // No data. Packet not available, bad, or not decoded
#define NMEA_GPGGA 1 // Global Positioning System Fix Data
#define NMEA_GPVTG 2 // Course over ground and ground speed
#define NMEA_GPGLL 3 // Geographic position - latitude/longitude
#define NMEA_GPGSV 4 // GPS satellites in view
#define NMEA_GPGSA 5 // GPS DOP and active satellites
#define NMEA_GPRMC 6 // Recommended minimum specific GPS data
#define NMEA_UNKNOWN 0xFF// Packet received but not known
// Debugging
//#define GPSDEBUG
#define NMEA_DEBUG_PKT ///< define to enable debug of all NMEA messages
#define NMEA_DEBUG_GGA ///< define to enable debug of GGA messages
#define NMEA_DEBUG_VTG ///< define to enable debug of VTG messages
// Private functions
static void gpsTask(void* parameters);
static void periodicEventHandler(UAVObjEvent* ev);
static void registerObject(UAVObjHandle obj);
static void updateObject(UAVObjHandle obj);
static int32_t addObject(UAVObjHandle obj);
static int32_t setUpdatePeriod(UAVObjHandle obj, int32_t updatePeriodMs);
// functions
char* nmeaGetPacketBuffer(void);
char nmeaChecksum(char* gps_buffer);
uint8_t nmeaProcess(cBuffer* rxBuffer);
void nmeaProcessGPGGA(char* packet);
void nmeaProcessGPVTG(char* packet);
cBuffer gpsRxBuffer;
static char gpsRxData[1024];
// Global variables
extern GpsInfoType GpsInfo;
char NmeaPacket[NMEA_BUFFERSIZE];
// Private constants
#define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 20
#define STACK_SIZE 100
#define REQ_TIMEOUT_MS 500
#define MAX_RETRIES 3
// Private types
// Private variables
static COMPortTypeDef gpsPort;
static xQueueHandle queue;
static xTaskHandle gpsTaskHandle;
* Initialise the gps module
* \return -1 if initialisation failed
* \return 0 on success
int32_t GpsInitialize(void)
// Create object queue
//queue = xQueueCreate(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(UAVObjEvent));
// TODO: Get gps settings object
gpsPort = COM_USART2;
// Init input buffer size 512
bufferInit(&gpsRxBuffer, (unsigned char *)gpsRxData, 1024);
// Process all registered objects and connect queue for updates
// Start gps task
xTaskCreate(gpsTask, (signed char*)"GPS", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &gpsTaskHandle);
return 0;
* Register a new object, adds object to local list and connects the queue depending on the object's
* telemetry settings.
* \param[in] obj Object to connect
void registerObject(UAVObjHandle obj)
// Setup object for periodic updates
// Setup object for telemetry updates
* Update object's queue connections and timer, depending on object's settings
* \param[in] obj Object to updates
void updateObject(UAVObjHandle obj)
* gps task. Processes input buffer. It does not return.
static void gpsTask(void* parameters)
int32_t gpsRxOverflow=0;
char c;
portTickType xDelay = 70 / portTICK_RATE_MS;
// Loop forever
/* This blocks the task until there is something on the buffer */
while(PIOS_COM_ReceiveBufferUsed(gpsPort) > 0)
if( !bufferAddToEnd(&gpsRxBuffer, c) )
// no space in buffer
// count overflow
//PIOS_COM_SendFormattedStringNonBlocking(COM_USART1, "%d\r", PIOS_COM_ReceiveBufferUsed(gpsPort));
* Event handler for periodic object updates (called by the event dispatcher)
static void periodicEventHandler(UAVObjEvent* ev)
// Push event to the telemetry queue
xQueueSend(queue, ev, 0); // do not wait if queue is full
* Setup object for periodic updates.
* \param[in] obj The object to update
* \return 0 Success
* \return -1 Failure
static int32_t addObject(UAVObjHandle obj)
UAVObjEvent ev;
// Add object for periodic updates
ev.obj = obj;
return EventPeriodicCreate(&ev, &periodicEventHandler, 0);
* Set update period of object (it must be already setup for periodic updates)
* \param[in] obj The object to update
* \param[in] updatePeriodMs The update period in ms, if zero then periodic updates are disabled
* \return 0 Success
* \return -1 Failure
static int32_t setUpdatePeriod(UAVObjHandle obj, int32_t updatePeriodMs)
UAVObjEvent ev;
// Add object for periodic updates
ev.obj = obj;
return EventPeriodicUpdate(&ev, &periodicEventHandler, updatePeriodMs);
char* nmeaGetPacketBuffer(void)
return NmeaPacket;
* Prosesses NMEA sentence checksum
* \param[in] Buffer for parsed nmea sentence
* \return 0 checksum not valid
* \return 1 checksum valid
char nmeaChecksum(char* gps_buffer)
char checksum=0;
char checksum_received=0;
for(int x=0; x<NMEA_BUFFERSIZE; x++)
//Parsing received checksum...
checksum_received = strtol(&gps_buffer[x+1],NULL,16);
//XOR the received data...
if(checksum == checksum_received)
return 1;
return 0;
* Prosesses NMEA sentences
* \param[in] cBuffer for prosessed nmea sentences
* \return Message code for found packet
* \return 0xFF NO packet found
uint8_t nmeaProcess(cBuffer* rxBuffer)
uint8_t foundpacket = NMEA_NODATA;
uint8_t startFlag = FALSE;
//u08 data;
uint16_t i,j;
// process the receive buffer
// go through buffer looking for packets
// look for a start of NMEA packet
if(bufferGetAtIndex(rxBuffer,0) == '$')
// found start
startFlag = TRUE;
// when start is found, we leave it intact in the receive buffer
// in case the full NMEA string is not completely received. The
// start will be detected in the next nmeaProcess iteration.
// done looking for start
// if we detected a start, look for end of packet
for(i=1; i<(rxBuffer->datalength)-1; i++)
// check for end of NMEA packet <CR><LF>
if((bufferGetAtIndex(rxBuffer,i) == '\r') && (bufferGetAtIndex(rxBuffer,i+1) == '\n'))
// have a packet end
// dump initial '$'
// copy packet to NmeaPacket
for(j=0; j<(i-1); j++)
// although NMEA strings should be 80 characters or less,
// receive buffer errors can generate erroneous packets.
// Protect against packet buffer overflow
NmeaPacket[j] = bufferGetFromFront(rxBuffer);
// null terminate it
NmeaPacket[j] = 0;
// dump <CR><LF> from rxBuffer
// found a packet
// done with this processing session
foundpacket = NMEA_UNKNOWN;
// check message type and process appropriately
if(!strncmp(NmeaPacket, "GPGGA", 5))
// process packet of this type
// report packet type
foundpacket = NMEA_GPGGA;
else if(!strncmp(NmeaPacket, "GPVTG", 5))
// process packet of this type
// report packet type
foundpacket = NMEA_GPVTG;
else if(rxBuffer->datalength >= rxBuffer->size)
// if we found no packet, and the buffer is full
// we're logjammed, flush entire buffer
return foundpacket;
* Prosesses NMEA GPGGA sentences
* \param[in] Buffer for parsed nmea GPGGA sentence
void nmeaProcessGPGGA(char* packet)
char *tokens; //*p, *tokens[MAXTOKENS];
char *last;
char *delimiter = ",";
char *pEnd;
uint8_t i=0;
long deg,desim;
double degrees, minutesfrac;
//PIOS_COM_SendFormattedStringNonBlocking(COM_USART1,"NMEA: %s\r\n",packet);
// start parsing just after "GPGGA,"
// attempt to reject empty packets right away
if(packet[6]==',' && packet[7]==',')
// checksum not valid
// tokenizer for nmea sentence
/*for ((p = strtok_r(packet, ",", &last)); p;
(p = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &last)), i++) {
if (i < MAXTOKENS - 1)
tokens[i] = p;
//GPGGA header
tokens = strtok_r(packet, delimiter, &last);
// get UTC time [hhmmss.sss]
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
// next field: latitude
// get latitude [ddmm.mmmmm]
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
if(1) // 5 desimal output
deg=strtol (tokens,&pEnd,10);
desim=strtol (pEnd+1,NULL,10);
else // 4 desimal output
deg=strtol (tokens,&pEnd,10);
desim=strtol (pEnd+1,NULL,10);
// convert to pure degrees [dd.dddd] format
/* minutesfrac = modf(GpsInfo.PosLLA.lat.f/100, &degrees);
GpsInfo.PosLLA.lat.f = degrees + (minutesfrac*100)/60;
// convert to radians
GpsInfo.PosLLA.lat.f *= (M_PI/180);*/
// next field: N/S indicator
// correct latitute for N/S
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
//if(*tokens[3] == 'S') GpsInfo.PosLLA.lat.f = -GpsInfo.PosLLA.lat.f;
// next field: longitude
// get longitude [ddmm.mmmmm]
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
if(1) // 5 desimal output
deg=strtol (tokens,&pEnd,10);
desim=strtol (pEnd+1,NULL,10);
else // 4 desimal output
deg=strtol (tokens,&pEnd,10);
desim=strtol (pEnd+1,NULL,10);
// convert to pure degrees [dd.dddd] format
/*minutesfrac = modf(GpsInfo.PosLLA.lon.f/100, &degrees);
GpsInfo.PosLLA.lon.f = degrees + (minutesfrac*100)/60;
// convert to radians
GpsInfo.PosLLA.lon.f *= (M_PI/180);*/
// next field: E/W indicator
// correct latitute for E/W
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
//if(*tokens[5] == 'W') GpsInfo.PosLLA.lon.f = -GpsInfo.PosLLA.lon.f;
// next field: position fix status
// position fix status
// 0 = Invalid, 1 = Valid SPS, 2 = Valid DGPS, 3 = Valid PPS
// check for good position fix
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
//if(&tokens[6] != '0' || &tokens[6] != 0)
// GpsInfo.PosLLA.updates++;
// next field: satellites used
// get number of satellites used in GPS solution
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
GpsInfo.numSVs = atoi(tokens);
// next field: HDOP (horizontal dilution of precision)
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);//HDOP, nein gebraucht
// next field: altitude
// get altitude (in meters mm.m)
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
//reuse variables for alt
deg=strtol (tokens,&pEnd,10);
desim=strtol (pEnd+1,NULL,10);
// next field: altitude units, always 'M'
// next field: geoid seperation
// next field: seperation units
// next field: DGPS age
// next field: DGPS station ID
// next field: checksum
* Prosesses NMEA GPVTG sentences
* \param[in] Buffer for parsed nmea GPVTG sentence
void nmeaProcessGPVTG(char* packet)
char *tokens; //*p, *tokens[MAXTOKENS];
char *last;
char *delimiter = ",";
char *pEnd;
uint8_t i=0;
//PIOS_COM_SendFormattedStringNonBlocking(COM_USART1,"NMEA: %s\r\n",packet);
// start parsing just after "GPVTG,"
// attempt to reject empty packets right away
if(packet[6]==',' && packet[7]==',')
// checksum not valid
// tokenizer for nmea sentence
/*for ((p = strtok_r(packet, ",", &last)); p;
(p = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &last)), i++) {
if (i < MAXTOKENS - 1)
tokens[i] = p;
//GPVTG header
tokens = strtok_r(packet, delimiter, &last);
// get course (true north ref) in degrees [ddd.dd]
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
// next field: 'T'
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
// next field: course (magnetic north)
// get course (magnetic north ref) in degrees [ddd.dd]
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
// next field: 'M'
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
// next field: speed (knots)
// get speed in knots
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
// next field: 'N'
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
// next field: speed (km/h)
// get speed in km/h
tokens = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &last);
// next field: 'K'
// next field: checksum