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synced 2025-03-03 20:29:15 +01:00
Descriptions can be added to fields either as attributes or child nodes. Descriptions are not mandatory at this stage. The description shows up when hovering over objects and fields in the UAVObject browser. Added example descriptions to a few fields in the UAVO descriptor files.
387 lines
18 KiB
387 lines
18 KiB
* @file uavobjectgeneratorgcs.cpp
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* @brief produce gcs code for uavobjects
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "uavobjectgeneratorgcs.h"
using namespace std;
bool UAVObjectGeneratorGCS::generate(UAVObjectParser *parser, QString templatepath, QString outputpath)
fieldTypeStrCPP << "qint8" << "qint16" << "qint32" <<
"quint8" << "quint16" << "quint32" << "float" << "quint8";
fieldTypeStrCPPClass << "INT8" << "INT16" << "INT32"
<< "UINT8" << "UINT16" << "UINT32" << "FLOAT32" << "ENUM";
gcsCodePath = QDir(templatepath + QString(GCS_CODE_DIR));
gcsOutputPath = QDir(outputpath + QString("gcs"));
gcsCodeTemplate = readFile(gcsCodePath.absoluteFilePath("uavobject.cpp.template"));
gcsIncludeTemplate = readFile(gcsCodePath.absoluteFilePath("uavobject.h.template"));
QString gcsInitTemplate = readFile(gcsCodePath.absoluteFilePath("uavobjectsinit.cpp.template"));
if (gcsCodeTemplate.isEmpty() || gcsIncludeTemplate.isEmpty() || gcsInitTemplate.isEmpty()) {
std::cerr << "Problem reading gcs code templates" << endl;
return false;
QString objInc;
QString gcsObjInit;
for (int objidx = 0; objidx < parser->getNumObjects(); ++objidx) {
ObjectInfo *info = parser->getObjectByIndex(objidx);
gcsObjInit.append(" objMngr->registerObject( new " + info->name + "() );\n");
objInc.append("#include \"" + info->namelc + ".h\"\n");
// Write the gcs object inialization files
gcsInitTemplate.replace(QString("$(OBJINC)"), objInc);
gcsInitTemplate.replace(QString("$(OBJINIT)"), gcsObjInit);
bool res = writeFileIfDiffrent(gcsOutputPath.absolutePath() + "/uavobjectsinit.cpp", gcsInitTemplate);
if (!res) {
cout << "Error: Could not write output files" << endl;
return false;
return true; // if we come here everything should be fine
* Generate the GCS object files
bool UAVObjectGeneratorGCS::process_object(ObjectInfo *info)
if (info == NULL) {
return false;
// Prepare output strings
QString outInclude = gcsIncludeTemplate;
QString outCode = gcsCodeTemplate;
// Replace common tags
replaceCommonTags(outInclude, info);
replaceCommonTags(outCode, info);
// Replace the $(DATAFIELDS) tag
QString type;
QString fields;
for (int n = 0; n < info->fields.length(); ++n) {
// Determine type
type = fieldTypeStrCPP[info->fields[n]->type];
// Append field
if (info->fields[n]->numElements > 1) {
fields.append(QString(" %1 %2[%3];\n").arg(type).arg(info->fields[n]->name)
} else {
fields.append(QString(" %1 %2;\n").arg(type).arg(info->fields[n]->name));
outInclude.replace(QString("$(DATAFIELDS)"), fields);
// Replace $(PROPERTIES) and related tags
QString properties;
QString propertiesImpl;
QString propertyGetters;
QString propertySetters;
QString propertyNotifications;
QString propertyNotificationsImpl;
// to avoid name conflicts
QStringList reservedProperties;
reservedProperties << "Description" << "Metadata";
for (int n = 0; n < info->fields.length(); ++n) {
FieldInfo *field = info->fields[n];
if (reservedProperties.contains(field->name)) {
// Determine type
type = fieldTypeStrCPP[field->type];
// Append field
if (field->numElements > 1) {
// add both field(elementIndex)/setField(elemntIndex,value) and field_element properties
// field_element is more convenient if only certain element is used
// and much easier to use from the qml side
propertyGetters +=
QString(" Q_INVOKABLE %1 get%2(quint32 index) const;\n")
propertiesImpl +=
QString("%1 %2::get%3(quint32 index) const\n"
" QMutexLocker locker(mutex);\n"
" return data.%3[index];\n"
propertySetters +=
QString(" void set%1(quint32 index, %2 value);\n")
propertiesImpl +=
QString("void %1::set%2(quint32 index, %3 value)\n"
" mutex->lock();\n"
" bool changed = data.%2[index] != value;\n"
" data.%2[index] = value;\n"
" mutex->unlock();\n"
" if (changed) emit %2Changed(index,value);\n"
propertyNotifications +=
QString(" void %1Changed(quint32 index, %2 value);\n")
for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < field->numElements; elementIndex++) {
QString elementName = field->elementNames[elementIndex];
properties += QString(" Q_PROPERTY(%1 %2 READ get%2 WRITE set%2 NOTIFY %2Changed);\n")
.arg(type).arg(field->name + "_" + elementName);
propertyGetters +=
QString(" Q_INVOKABLE %1 get%2_%3() const;\n")
propertiesImpl +=
QString("%1 %2::get%3_%4() const\n"
" QMutexLocker locker(mutex);\n"
" return data.%3[%5];\n"
propertySetters +=
QString(" void set%1_%2(%3 value);\n")
propertiesImpl +=
QString("void %1::set%2_%3(%4 value)\n"
" mutex->lock();\n"
" bool changed = data.%2[%5] != value;\n"
" data.%2[%5] = value;\n"
" mutex->unlock();\n"
" if (changed) emit %2_%3Changed(value);\n"
propertyNotifications +=
QString(" void %1_%2Changed(%3 value);\n")
propertyNotificationsImpl +=
QString(" //if (data.%1[%2] != oldData.%1[%2])\n"
" emit %1_%3Changed(data.%1[%2]);\n")
} else {
properties += QString(" Q_PROPERTY(%1 %2 READ get%2 WRITE set%2 NOTIFY %2Changed);\n")
propertyGetters +=
QString(" Q_INVOKABLE %1 get%2() const;\n")
propertiesImpl +=
QString("%1 %2::get%3() const\n"
" QMutexLocker locker(mutex);\n"
" return data.%3;\n"
propertySetters +=
QString(" void set%1(%2 value);\n")
propertiesImpl +=
QString("void %1::set%2(%3 value)\n"
" mutex->lock();\n"
" bool changed = data.%2 != value;\n"
" data.%2 = value;\n"
" mutex->unlock();\n"
" if (changed) emit %2Changed(value);\n"
propertyNotifications +=
QString(" void %1Changed(%2 value);\n")
propertyNotificationsImpl +=
QString(" //if (data.%1 != oldData.%1)\n"
" emit %1Changed(data.%1);\n")
outInclude.replace(QString("$(PROPERTIES)"), properties);
outInclude.replace(QString("$(PROPERTY_GETTERS)"), propertyGetters);
outInclude.replace(QString("$(PROPERTY_SETTERS)"), propertySetters);
outInclude.replace(QString("$(PROPERTY_NOTIFICATIONS)"), propertyNotifications);
outCode.replace(QString("$(PROPERTIES_IMPL)"), propertiesImpl);
outCode.replace(QString("$(NOTIFY_PROPERTIES_CHANGED)"), propertyNotificationsImpl);
// Replace the $(FIELDSINIT) tag
QString finit;
for (int n = 0; n < info->fields.length(); ++n) {
// Setup element names
QString varElemName = info->fields[n]->name + "ElemNames";
finit.append(QString(" QStringList %1;\n").arg(varElemName));
QStringList elemNames = info->fields[n]->elementNames;
for (int m = 0; m < elemNames.length(); ++m) {
finit.append(QString(" %1.append(\"%2\");\n")
// Only for enum types
if (info->fields[n]->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
QString varOptionName = info->fields[n]->name + "EnumOptions";
finit.append(QString(" QStringList %1;\n").arg(varOptionName));
QStringList options = info->fields[n]->options;
for (int m = 0; m < options.length(); ++m) {
finit.append(QString(" %1.append(\"%2\");\n")
finit.append(QString(" fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString(\"%1\"), tr(\"%2\"), QString(\"%3\"), UAVObjectField::ENUM, %4, %5, QString(\"%6\")));\n")
// For all other types
else {
finit.append(QString(" fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString(\"%1\"), tr(\"%2\"), QString(\"%3\"), UAVObjectField::%4, %5, QStringList(), QString(\"%6\")));\n")
outCode.replace(QString("$(FIELDSINIT)"), finit);
// Replace the $(DATAFIELDINFO) tag
QString name;
QString enums;
for (int n = 0; n < info->fields.length(); ++n) {
enums.append(QString(" // Field %1 information\n").arg(info->fields[n]->name));
// Only for enum types
if (info->fields[n]->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
enums.append(QString(" /* Enumeration options for field %1 */\n").arg(info->fields[n]->name));
enums.append(" typedef enum { ");
// Go through each option
QStringList options = info->fields[n]->options;
for (int m = 0; m < options.length(); ++m) {
QString s = (m != (options.length() - 1)) ? "%1_%2=%3, " : "%1_%2=%3";
.arg(options[m].toUpper().replace(QRegExp(ENUM_SPECIAL_CHARS), ""))
enums.append(QString(" } %1Options;\n")
// Generate element names (only if field has more than one element)
if (info->fields[n]->numElements > 1 && !info->fields[n]->defaultElementNames) {
enums.append(QString(" /* Array element names for field %1 */\n").arg(info->fields[n]->name));
enums.append(" typedef enum { ");
// Go through the element names
QStringList elemNames = info->fields[n]->elementNames;
for (int m = 0; m < elemNames.length(); ++m) {
QString s = (m != (elemNames.length() - 1)) ? "%1_%2=%3, " : "%1_%2=%3";
enums.append(QString(" } %1Elem;\n")
// Generate array information
if (info->fields[n]->numElements > 1) {
enums.append(QString(" /* Number of elements for field %1 */\n").arg(info->fields[n]->name));
enums.append(QString(" static const quint32 %1_NUMELEM = %2;\n")
outInclude.replace(QString("$(DATAFIELDINFO)"), enums);
// Replace the $(INITFIELDS) tag
QString initfields;
for (int n = 0; n < info->fields.length(); ++n) {
if (!info->fields[n]->defaultValues.isEmpty()) {
// For non-array fields
if (info->fields[n]->numElements == 1) {
if (info->fields[n]->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
initfields.append(QString(" data.%1 = %2;\n")
} else if (info->fields[n]->type == FIELDTYPE_FLOAT32) {
initfields.append(QString(" data.%1 = %2;\n")
} else {
initfields.append(QString(" data.%1 = %2;\n")
} else {
// Initialize all fields in the array
for (int idx = 0; idx < info->fields[n]->numElements; ++idx) {
if (info->fields[n]->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) {
initfields.append(QString(" data.%1[%2] = %3;\n")
} else if (info->fields[n]->type == FIELDTYPE_FLOAT32) {
initfields.append(QString(" data.%1[%2] = %3;\n")
} else {
initfields.append(QString(" data.%1[%2] = %3;\n")
outCode.replace(QString("$(INITFIELDS)"), initfields);
// Write the GCS code
bool res = writeFileIfDiffrent(gcsOutputPath.absolutePath() + "/" + info->namelc + ".cpp", outCode);
if (!res) {
cout << "Error: Could not write gcs output files" << endl;
return false;
res = writeFileIfDiffrent(gcsOutputPath.absolutePath() + "/" + info->namelc + ".h", outInclude);
if (!res) {
cout << "Error: Could not write gcs output files" << endl;
return false;
return true;