import {app, systemPreferences, dialog, shell} from 'electron'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import {join} from 'path'; import log from './log'; export interface Account { host: string; name: string; default_page: string; } export interface Config { hot_key: string; icon_color: string; always_on_top: boolean; normal_window: boolean; zoom_factor: number; accounts: Account[]; keymaps: {[key: string]: string}; } function makeDefaultConfig(): Config { const IsDarkMode = (process.platform === 'darwin') && systemPreferences.isDarkMode(); const menubarBroken = process.platform === 'win32'; return { hot_key: 'CmdOrCtrl+Shift+S', icon_color: IsDarkMode ? 'white' : 'black', always_on_top: false, normal_window: menubarBroken, zoom_factor: 0.9, accounts: [{ name: '', host: '', default_page: '/web/timelines/home', }], keymaps: { j: 'scroll-down', k: 'scroll-up', i: 'scroll-top', m: 'scroll-bottom', n: '/web/statuses/new', 1: '/web/timelines/home', 2: '/web/notifications', 3: '/web/timelines/public/local', 4: '/web/timelines/public', 5: '/web/getting-started' }, }; } function showDyingDialog(title: string, detail: string) { dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'info', message: title, detail, }, () => { app.quit(); }); } function recommendConfigAndDie(file: string) { const title = 'Please write configuration in JSON'; const detail = 'You need to write up name and host in first item of accounts. Restart this app after writing up them. Please see README for more detail:'; shell.openItem(file); showDyingDialog(title, detail); } export default function loadConfig(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { const dir = app.getPath('userData'); const file = join(dir, 'config.json'); fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', (err, json) => { if (err) {'Configuration file was not found, will create:', file); const default_config = makeDefaultConfig(); // Note: // If calling writeFile() directly here, it tries to create config file before Electron // runtime creates data directory. As the result, writeFile() would fail to create a file. if (app.isReady()) { fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(default_config, null, 2)); recommendConfigAndDie(file); } else { app.once('ready', () => { fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(default_config, null, 2)); recommendConfigAndDie(file); }); } return; } try { const config = JSON.parse(json); if (config.hot_key && config.hot_key.startsWith('mod+')) { config.hot_key = `CmdOrCtrl+${config.hot_key.slice(4)}`; } log.debug('Configuration was loaded successfully', config); if (!config.accounts || config.accounts[0].host === '' || config.accounts[0].name === '') { recommendConfigAndDie(file); } else { resolve(config); } } catch (e) { log.debug('Error on loading JSON file', e); showDyingDialog('Error on loading JSON file', e.message); } }); }); }