Example of configuration
"hot_key": "F8",
"icon_color": "black",
"always_on_top": false,
"normal_window": false,
"zoom_factor": 0.9,
"chromium_sandbox": true,
"accounts": [
"name": "Linda_pp",
"host": "mstdn.jp",
"default_page": "/web/timelines/home"
"name": "inudog",
"host": "mastodon.social",
"default_page": "/web/timelines/home"
"keymaps": {
"1": "/web/statuses/new",
"2": "/web/timelines/home",
"3": "/web/notifications",
"4": "/web/timelines/public/local",
"5": "/web/timelines/public",
"6": "/web/getting-started",
"ctrl+1": "/web/statuses/new",
"ctrl+2": "/web/timelines/home",
"ctrl+3": "/web/notifications",
"ctrl+4": "/web/timelines/public/local",
"ctrl+5": "/web/timelines/public",
"ctrl+6": "/web/getting-started",
"j": "scroll-down",
"k": "scroll-up",
"i": "scroll-top",
"m": "scroll-bottom",
"n": "next-account",
"p": "prev-account"
## Multi account
If you set multiple accounts to `accounts` array in `config.json`, `Accounts` menu item will appear
in application menu.

It will show the list of your account. Check mark is added for current user.
When you click menu item of non-current user, application window will be recreated and switch page
to the account.
## Key Shortcut Plugin
By specifying JavaScript file to action name in `keymaps` of `config.json`, you can write your
favorite behavior with JavaScript directly. Please note that `"chromium_sandbox" : true`
is also required (if you don't know what happens with `"chromium_sandbox" : true`, please read
above config section).
"chromium_sandbox": false,
"keymaps": {
"r": "hello.js"
The script file path is a relative path from your `Mstdn` application directory. For example,
Specifying `hello.js` will run `/Users/You/Application Support/Mstdn/hello.js` on Mac.
The plugin script MUST export one function. Function receives configuration object and current
account object as its parameters. So above `hello.js` would look like:
module.exports = function (config, account) {
alert('Hello, ' + account.name);
With above example config, typing `r` will show 'Hello, {your name}' alert dialog. You can use any
DOM APIs, Node.js's standard libraries and Electron APIs in plugin script.
## User CSS
When `user.css` is put in your `Mstdn` application directory, it will be loaded automatically.
To enable this feature, `"chromium_sandbox" : true` is also required (if you don't know what happens
with `"chromium_sandbox" : true`, please read above config section).
For example, below `/Users/You/Application Support/Mstdn/user.css` will change font color to red on Mac.
body {
color: red !important;
## Plugin (experimental)
You can make a Node.js package which is run inner mastodon page.
Plugin is enabled if `chromium_sandbox` option is set to `false`. Please read above
configuration section before using any plugin.
### How to make a plugin
Create `node_modules` directory in your application directory at first. And then, please make
`mstdn-plugin-hello` directory. It consists a node package.
Package name must start with `mastdn-plugin-`.
Make `package.json` manually or by `$ npm init` in the directory.
"name": "mstdn-plugin-hello",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "Sample plugin of Mstdn.app",
"main": "index.js",
"author": "Your name",
"license": "Some license"
And make `index.js` as below:
module.exports = {
preload(config, account) {
console.log('Hello from plugin!', config, account);
Package must export one object.
If the object has a function as a value of `preload` key, it will be called at page being loaded.
The function receives two parameters `config` and `account`.
By defining `keymaps` key you can define plugin-defined key shortcut action.
module.exports = {
preload(config, account) {
console.log('Hello from plugin!', config, account);
keymaps: {
'alert-hello'(event, config, account) {
alert('Hello, ' + account.name);
The object of `keymaps` has keymap action name (key) and its handler (value). Here 'alert-hello'
key shortcut action is defined. Key shortcut handler takes 3 arguments. `config` and `account`
is the same as `preload`'s. `event` is a `KeyboardEvent` browser event on the key shortcut
being called. You can cancel default event behavior by `.preventDefault()` method.
User can specify the key shortcut as `plugin:{plugin name}:{action name}`. In above example,
`plugin:hello:alert-hello` is available in `keymaps` section in config.json.
Note that you can use below APIs in the script.
- [Node.js standard libraries][] via `require` (e.g. `require('fs')`)
- Dependant node packages listed in `package.json` of the plugin
- [Electron Renderer APIs][Electron APIs]
- All Web APIs on browser (including DOM API)
#### !!! Security Notice !!!
Do not leak Node.js stuff to global namespace like below.
// Never do things like this!
window.my_require = require;
### How to use
If you didn't try above 'How to make' section, please install plugin package at first.
Below will install 'hello' plugin to `{app directory}/node_modules/mstdn-plugin-hello`.
$ cd {Your application directory}
$ npm install mstdn-plugin-hello
And then write what plugin should be loaded to `"plugins"` section of your account in `config.json`.
`"hello"` should be added to the list.
If listed plugin defines some keymaps, you can specify it in `keymaps` section with
`plugin:{name}:{action}` format.
"accounts": [
"plugins": [
"keymaps": {
"ctrl+h": "plugin:hello:alert-hello"
Note that you can enable different plugin for each your accounts.
Finally open Mstdn.app and see DevTools via [Menu] -> [View] -> [Developper Tools] -> console.
If window is too small to see DevTools, please make window size bigger.
In console, the message 'Hello from plugin!', config information and account information should be output.
### List of Plugins
To be made
## How to Debug
By setting `NODE_ENV` environment variable to `development`, Mstdn will start in debug mode.
In debug mode, app outputs all logs to stdout and opens DevTools for a page rendered in a window
automatically. You can also see logs in 'console' tab of DevTools for debugging renderer process.
# If you installed this app via npm or yarn
$ NODE_ENV=development open-mstdn-app
# Package on macOS
$ NODE_ENV=development /path/to/Mstdn.app/Contents/MacOS/Mstdn
# Package on Linux
$ NODE_ENV=development /path/to/Mstdn-linux-xxx-x.y.z/Mstdn
# Package on cmd.exe on Windows
$ set NODE_ENV=development
$ \path\to\Mstdn-win32-xxx-x.y.z\Mstdn.exe
## Contact to the Author
Please feel free to make an issue on GitHub or mention on Mastodon/Twitter.
- [@Linda\_pp@mstdn.jp](https://mstdn.jp/@Linda_pp) (Japanese account. English is also OK)
- [@inudog@mastodon.social](https://mastodon.social/@inudog) (English account)
[Mastodon]: https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon
[npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/mstdn
[yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com/en/package/mstdn
[Release page]: https://github.com/rhysd/Mstdn/releases
[Electron]: electron.atom.io
[sandbox doc]: https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/api/sandbox-option.md
[npm version badge]: https://badge.fury.io/js/mstdn.svg
[Node.js standard libraries]: https://nodejs.org/api/
[Electron APIs]: https://electron.atom.io/docs/api/