import * as path from 'path'; import {remote} from 'electron'; import * as Mousetrap from 'mousetrap'; import * as Ipc from './ipc'; import log from './log'; import PluginsLoader from './plugins'; import {Config, Account} from '../main/config'; function scrollable(pred: (elem: HTMLElement) => void) { const scrollables = document.querySelectorAll('.scrollable') as NodeListOf; if (scrollables.length === 0) { log.error('Scrollable element was not found!'); return; } for (const elem of scrollables) { pred(elem); } } function navigateTo(host: string, path: string) { const url = `https://${host}${path}`; if (window.location.href === url) {'Current URL is already', url); return; } const link = document.querySelector(`a[href="${path}"]`); if (link) {'Click link by shortcut', path); (link as HTMLAnchorElement).click(); } else {'Force navigation by shortcut', path); window.location.href = url; } } const ShortcutActions = { 'scroll-top': () => { scrollable(s => { s.scrollTop = 0; }); }, 'scroll-bottom': () => { scrollable(s => { s.scrollTop = document.body.scrollHeight; }); }, 'scroll-down': () => { scrollable(s => { s.scrollTop += window.innerHeight / 3; }); }, 'scroll-up': () => { scrollable(s => { s.scrollTop -= window.innerHeight / 3; }); }, 'next-account': () => { Ipc.send('mstdn:next-account'); }, 'prev-account': () => { Ipc.send('mstdn:prev-account'); }, 'open-in-browser': () => {; } } as {[action: string]: () => void}; export default function setupKeymaps( config: Config, account: Account, loader: PluginsLoader, ) { const dataDir = config.__DATA_DIR || '/'; for (const key in config.keymaps) { const action = config.keymaps[key]; if (action.endsWith('.js')) { if (config.chromium_sandbox) {'Loading external script is limited because Chromium sandbox is enabled. Disable shortcut:', action); continue; } const script = path.join(dataDir, action); let plugin: (c: Config, a: Account) => void; try { plugin = require(script); } catch (e) { log.error('Error while loading plugin ' + script, e); continue; } Mousetrap.bind(key, e => { e.preventDefault();'Shortcut:', action); try { plugin(config, account); } catch (e) { log.error('Failed to run shortcut script ' + script, e); } }); } else if (action.startsWith('plugin:')) { // Format is 'plugin:{name}:{action}' const split = action.split(':').slice(1); if (split.length <= 1) { log.error('Invalid format keymap. Plugin-defined action should be "plugin:{name}:{action}":', action); continue; } Mousetrap.bind(key, e => { loader.runKeyShortcut(e, split[0], split[1]); }); } else if (action.startsWith('/')) { Mousetrap.bind(key, e => { e.preventDefault(); navigateTo(, action); }); } else { const func = ShortcutActions[action]; if (!func) { log.error('Unknown shortcut action:', action); continue; } Mousetrap.bind(key, e => {'Shortcut:', action); e.preventDefault(); func(); }); } } }