Web-based Desktop Client for [Mastodon][] ========================================= <img src="https://github.com/rhysd/ss/blob/master/Mstdn/main.png?raw=true" width="484" alt="screen shot"/> Features: - [x] Small window on your menubar (or isolated window) - [x] Desktop notification - [x] Customizable shortcut keybinds - [ ] Multi-account (switching among accounts) Mastodon is an open source project. So if you want to make a new UI, you can just fork the project, implement your favorite UI and host it on your place. Then you can participate Mastodon networks from it. However, Mastodon is a web application. So we can't go out from a browser. So this small tool provides a way to do it. ## Installation ### Via [npm][] ``` $ npm install -g mstdn ``` ### As an isolated app Download a package archive from [Release page][], put unarchived app to proper place, and open it. ## Usage If you installed this app via npm, below command is available to start app. ``` $ open-mstdn-app ``` At first, a dialog which recommends to write up config is shown and JSON config file will be shown in your editor. You need to fill up '"name"' and `"host"` keys in `"accounts"`. Then please try to start app again. Usage is the same as web client on mobile devices. Some shortcuts are available by default (please see below 'Customization' section). ## Customization Mstdn can be customized with JSON config file at `{app dir}/config.json` The `{app dir}` is: - `~/Library/Application\ Support/Mstdn` for macOS - `~/.config/Mstdn` for Linux - `%APPDATA%\Mstdn` for Windows. The JSON file can contain below key-values: ### `hot_key` `hot_key` is a key sequence to toggle application window. The shortcut key is defined globally. The format is a [Electron's accelerator](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/api/accelerator.md). Please see the document to know how to configure this value. Default value is `"CmdOrCtrl+Shift+S"`. If you want to disable, please set empty string or `null`. ### `icon_color` Color of icon in menubar. `"black"` or `"white"` can be specified. ### `always_on_top` When this value is set to `true`, the window won't be hidden if it loses a focus. Default value is `false`. ### `normal_window` When this value is set to `true`, application will be launched as a normal window application. If menu bar behavior does not work for you, please use set this value to `true` to avoid it. Default value is `false` on macOS or Linux, `true` on Windows because window position is broken in some version of Windows. ### `zoom_factor` Font zoom factor in application. It should be positive number. For example, `0.7` means `70%` font zooming. Default font size is a bit bigger because the UI is originally for mobile devices. So default value is `0.9`. ### `accounts` Array of your accounts. An element should has `"name"`, `"host"` and `"default_page"` keys. `"name"` represents your screen name. `"host"` represents a host part of URL of your mastodon instance. `"default_page"` is a page firstly shown. You need to write up this config at first. ### `keymaps` Object whose key is a key sequence and whose value is an action name. | Action Name | Description | Default Key | |--------------------|---------------------------------|-------------| | `scroll-down` | Scroll down window | `j` | | `scroll-up` | Scroll up window | `k` | | `scroll-top` | Scroll up to top of window | `i` | | `scroll-down-page` | Scroll down to bottom of window | `m` | If an action name starts with `/`, it will navigate to the path. For example, if you set `"/web/timelines/home"` to some key shortcut and you input the key, browser will navigate page to `https://{your host}/web/timelines/home`. By default, some key shortcuts are set. ## Multi account Not yet. [Mastodon]: https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/mstdn [Release page]: https://github.com/rhysd/Mstdn/releases