<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "No file provided for import" => "Imporditav fail puudub", "Unsupported file type for import" => "Toetuseta failitüübi import", "Bookmarks" => "Järjehoidjad", "Tags" => "Sildid", "Filter by tag" => "Filtreeri siltide järgi", "Edit bookmark" => "Muuda järjehoidjat", "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?" => "Oled sa kindel, et sa soovid kõigilt sissekannetelt seda silti eemaldada?", "Warning" => "Hoiatus", "Import error" => "Viga importimisel", "Import completed successfully." => "Import on edukalt lõpetatud.", "Uploading..." => "Üleslaadimine...", "Bookm." => "Järjeh.", "Add a bookmark" => "Lisa järjehoidja", "Close" => "Sulge", "The title of the page" => "Lehe pealkiri", "The address of the page" => "Lehe aadress", "Description of the page" => "Lehe kirjeldus", "Save" => "Salvesta", "Delete" => "Kustuta", "Edit" => "Muuda", "Cancel" => "Loobu", "Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark a webpage quickly:" => "Lohista see oma veebilehitseja järjehoidjatesse ja kliki sellele, kui sa soovid veebilehte kiirelt lisada:", "Add to ownCloud" => "Lisa ownCloudi", "Address" => "Aadress", "Add" => "Lisa", "Related Tags" => "Seotud sildid", "Settings" => "Seaded", "You have no bookmarks" => "Sul pole järjehoidjaid", "You can also try to import a bookmark file" => "Sa võid ka proovida järjehoidjate faili importimist", "Bookmarklet" => "Järjehoidja vidin", "Export & Import" => "Eksport ja import", "Export" => "Ekspordi", "Import" => "Impordi" );