"Markah", "Bookm." => "Markah", "No file provided for import" => "Tidak ada berkas untuk diimpor", "Unsupported file type for import" => "Tipe berkas tidak didukung untuk diimpor", "Bookmark added. You can close the window now." => "Markah telah ditembahkan. Anda dapat menutup jendela sekarang.", "Bookmark added successfully" => "Markah berhasil ditambahkan", "Some Error happened." => "Terjadi beberapa kesalahan.", "Error" => "Kesalahan", "Filter by tag" => "Filter berdasar tag", "Are you sure you want to remove this bookmark?" => "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus markah ini?", "Warning" => "Peringatan", "Tags" => "Tag", "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?" => "Yakin ingin menghapus tag ini dari semua entri?", "Import error" => "Galat ketika mengimpor", "Import completed successfully." => "Proses impor selesai dengan sukses.", "Uploading..." => "Mengunggah...", "Add a bookmark" => "Tambah markah", "This URL is already bookmarked! Overwrite?" => "URL ini telah di markahi! Timpa?", "The title of the page" => "Judul halaman", "The address of the page" => "Alamat halaman", "Description of the page" => "Deskripsi halaman", "Save" => "Simpan", "Delete" => "Hapus", "Edit" => "Sunting", "Cancel" => "Batal", "Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark a webpage quickly:" => "Seret ke bilah alat markah peramban Anda untuk diklik, jika Anda ingin membuat markah halaman web dengan cepat:", "Add to ownCloud" => "Tambah ke ownCloud", "Address" => "Alamat", "Add" => "Tambah", "Filterable Tags" => "Tag dapat Disaring", "You have no bookmarks" => "Anda tidak punya markah", "You can also import a bookmark file" => "Anda juga dapat mengimpor berkas markah", "Bookmarklet" => "Bookmarklet", "Export & Import" => "Ekspor & Impor", "Export" => "Ekspor", "Import" => "Impor" ); $PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";