(function($){ $.bookmark_dialog = function(el, options){ // To avoid scope issues, use 'base' instead of 'this' // to reference this class from internal events and functions. var base = this; // Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element base.$el = $(el); base.el = el; // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object base.$el.data('bookmark_dialog', base); base.form_submit = function search_form_submit(event) { event.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: $(this).attr('action'), data: $(this).serialize(), success: function(data){ if(data.status == 'success'){ base.options['on_success'](data); } else { // On failure } } }); return false; } base.init = function(){ base.options = $.extend({},$.bookmark_dialog.defaultOptions, options); base.$el.find('form').bind('submit.addBmform',base.form_submit); // Init Tagging thing base.$el.find('.tags').tagit({ allowSpaces: true, availableTags: fullTags }); if(base.options['record']) { //Fill the form if it's an edit record = base.options['record']; base.$el.find('.record_id').val(record.id); base.$el.find('.title').val(record.title); base.$el.find('.url_input').val(record.url); base.$el.find('.desc').val(record.description); tagit_elem = base.$el.find('.tags'); for(var i=0;i