var bookmarks_page = 0; var bookmarks_loading = false; var dialog; var bookmarks_sorting = 'bookmarks_sorting_recent'; var bookmark_view = 'image'; $(document).ready(function() { $('.centercontent').click(clickSideBar); $('#view_type input').click(clickSwitchView); $('#bookmark_add_submit').click(addBookmark); $(window).resize(function () { fillWindow($('.bookmarks_list')); }); $(window).resize(); $('.bookmarks_list').scroll(updateOnBottom).empty().width($('#rightcontent').width()); $('#tag_filter input').tagit({ allowSpaces: true, availableTags: fullTags, onTagFinishRemoved: filterTagsChanged }).tagit('option', 'onTagAdded', filterTagsChanged); getBookmarks(); if(init_sidebar != 'true') toggleSideBar(); bookmark_view = init_view; switchView(); }); var formatString = (function() { var replacer = function(context) { return function(s, name) { return context[name]; }; }; return function(input, context) { return input.replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, replacer(context)); }; })(); function clickSideBar() { $.post(OC.filePath('bookmarks', 'ajax', 'changescreen.php'), {sidebar: $('.right_img').is(':visible')}); toggleSideBar(); } function toggleSideBar(){ var left_pan_visible = $('.right_img').is(':visible'); anim_duration = 1000; if( left_pan_visible) { // then show the left panel $('#rightcontent').animate({'left':'32.5em'},{duration: anim_duration, queue: false }); $('.bookmarks_list').animate({'width': '-=15em'},{duration: anim_duration, queue: false }); $('#leftcontent').animate({'margin-left':'0', 'opacity': 1},{duration: anim_duration, queue: false, complete: function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); }}); $('.right_img').hide(); $('.left_img').show(); } else { // hide the left panel $('#rightcontent').animate({'left':'15.5em'},{duration: anim_duration, queue: false }); $('.bookmarks_list').animate({'width': '+=15em'},{duration: anim_duration, queue: false }); $('#leftcontent').animate({'margin-left':'-17em', 'opacity': 0.5 },{duration: anim_duration, queue: false, complete: function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); } }); $('.left_img').hide(); $('.right_img').show(); } } function clickSwitchView(){ $.post(OC.filePath('bookmarks', 'ajax', 'changescreen.php'), {view:bookmark_view}); switchView(); } function switchView(){ if(bookmark_view == 'list') { //Then switch to img $('.bookmarks_list').addClass('bm_view_img'); $('.bookmarks_list').removeClass('bm_view_list'); $('#view_type input.image').hide(); $('#view_type input.list').show(); bookmark_view = 'image'; } else { // Then Image $('.bookmarks_list').addClass('bm_view_list'); $('.bookmarks_list').removeClass('bm_view_img'); $('#view_type input.list').hide(); $('#view_type input.image').show(); bookmark_view = 'list'; } filterTagsChanged(); //Refresh the view } function addFilterTag(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#tag_filter input').tagit('createTag', $(this).text()); } function updateTagsList(tag) { $('.tag_list').append('
  • '+tag['tag']+''+ '

    '+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '

    '+ ''+tag['nbr']+''+ '
  • '); } function filterTagsChanged() { $('#bookmarkFilterTag').val($('#tag_filter input:hidden').val()); $('.bookmarks_list').empty(); bookmarks_page = 0; getBookmarks(); } function getBookmarks() { if(bookmarks_loading) { //have patience :) return; } bookmarks_loading = true; //Update Rel Tags if first page if(bookmarks_page == 0) { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: OC.filePath('bookmarks', 'ajax', 'updateList.php') + '&type=rel_tags', data: {tag: $('#bookmarkFilterTag').val(), page:bookmarks_page, sort:bookmarks_sorting }, success: function(tags){ $('.tag_list').empty(); for(var i in { updateTagsList([i]); } $('.tag_list .tag_edit').click(renameTag); $('.tag_list .tag_delete').click(deleteTag); $('.tag_list a.tag').click(addFilterTag); } }); } $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: OC.filePath('bookmarks', 'ajax', 'updateList.php') + '&type=bookmark', data: {tag: $('#bookmarkFilterTag').val(), page:bookmarks_page, sort:bookmarks_sorting }, success: function(bookmarks){ if ( { bookmarks_page += 1; } $('.bookmark_link').unbind('click', recordClick); $('.bookmark_delete').unbind('click', delBookmark); $('.bookmark_edit').unbind('click', editBookmark); for(var i in { updateBookmarksList([i]); $("#firstrun").hide(); } if($('.bookmarks_list').is(':empty')) { $("#firstrun").show(); } $('.bookmark_link').click(recordClick); $('.bookmark_delete').click(delBookmark); $('.bookmark_edit').click(editBookmark); bookmarks_loading = false; if ( { updateOnBottom() } } }); } function createEditDialog(record){ var oc_dialog= $('#edit_dialog form').clone().dialog({ width : 620, height: 350, title: t('bookmark', 'Edit bookmark'), modal: true, close : function(event, ui) { $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); } }); $('.ui-dialog').bookmark_dialog({ on_success: function(){ oc_dialog.dialog('destroy').remove(); filterTagsChanged(); }, record: record }); } function addBookmark(event) { url = $('#add_url').val(); $('#add_url').val(''); bookmark = { url: url, description:'', title:''}; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OC.filePath('bookmarks', 'ajax', 'editBookmark.php'), data: bookmark, success: function(data){ if (data.status == 'success') { =; bookmark.added_date = new Date(); updateBookmarksList(bookmark, 'prepend'); } } }); } function delBookmark(event) { var record = $(this).parent().parent(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OC.filePath('bookmarks', 'ajax', 'delBookmark.php'), data: { id:'id') }, success: function(data){ if (data.status == 'success') { record.remove(); if($('.bookmarks_list').is(':empty')) { $("#firstrun").show(); } } } }); } function editBookmark(event) { if($('.bookmark_single_form').length){ $('.bookmark_single_form .reset').click(); } var record = $(this).parent().parent(); bookmark ='record'); html = tmpl("item_form_tmpl", bookmark); record.after(html); record.hide(); rec_form ='form'); rec_form.find('.bookmark_form_tags ul').tagit({ allowSpaces: true, availableTags: fullTags, placeholderText: t('bookmark', 'Tags') }); rec_form.bind('submit',submitBookmark); rec_form.find('.reset').bind('click',cancelBookmark); } function cancelBookmark(event) { event.preventDefault(); rec_form = $(this).closest('form').parent(); rec_form.prev().show(); rec_form.remove(); } function submitBookmark(event) { event.preventDefault(); form_values = $(this).serialize(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: $(this).attr('action'), data: form_values, success: function(data){ if(data.status == 'success'){ //@TODO : do better reaction than reloading the page filterTagsChanged(); } else { // On failure //@TODO : show error message? } } }); } function updateBookmarksList(bookmark, position) { position = typeof position !== 'undefined' ? position : 'append'; bookmark = $.extend({title:'', description:'', added_date: new Date('now'), tags:[] }, bookmark); tags = bookmark.tags; var taglist = ''; for ( var i=0, len=tags.length; i' + encodeEntities(tags[i]) + ' '; } if(!hasProtocol(bookmark.url)) { bookmark.url = 'http://' + bookmark.url; } if(bookmark.added) { bookmark.added_date.setTime(parseInt(bookmark.added)*1000); } if(bookmark_view == 'image') { //View in images service_url = formatString(shot_provider, {url: encodeEntities(bookmark.url), title: bookmark.title, width: 200}); $('.bookmarks_list').append( '
    ' + '

    '+ '

    ' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ' ' + '

    ' + '

    '+ '' + encodeEntities(bookmark.title) + '' + '

    ' + '

    '+ encodeEntities(bookmark.description) + '

    ' + '

    ' + encodeEntities(bookmark.url) + '

    ' + '
    ' ); $('div[data-id="'+ +'"]').data('record', bookmark); if(taglist != '') { $('div[data-id="'+ +'"]').append('

    ' + taglist + '

    '); } $('div[data-id="'+ +'"] a.bookmark_tag').bind('click', addFilterTag); } else { html = tmpl("item_tmpl", bookmark); if(position == "prepend") { $('.bookmarks_list').prepend(html); } else { $('.bookmarks_list').append(html); } line = $('div[data-id="'+ +'"]');'record', bookmark); if(taglist != '') { line.append('

    ' + taglist + '

    '); } line.find('a.bookmark_tag').bind('click', addFilterTag); line.find('.bookmark_link').click(recordClick); line.find('.bookmark_delete').click(delBookmark); line.find('.bookmark_edit').click(editBookmark); } } function updateOnBottom() { //check wether user is on bottom of the page var top = $('.bookmarks_list>:last-child').position().top; var height = $('.bookmarks_list').height(); // use a bit of margin to begin loading before we are really at the // bottom if (top < height * 1.2) { getBookmarks(); } } function recordClick(event) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OC.filePath('bookmarks', 'ajax', 'recordClick.php'), data: 'url=' + encodeURIComponent($(this).attr('href')), }); } function encodeEntities(s){ try { return $('
    ').text(s).html(); } catch (ex) { return ""; } } function hasProtocol(url) { var regexp = /(ftp|http|https|sftp)/; return regexp.test(url); } function renameTag(event) { if($('input[name="tag_new_name"]').length) return; // Do nothing if a tag is currenlty edited tag_el = $(this).closest('li'); tag_el.append('
    '); var form = tag_el.find('form'); tag_el.find('.tags_actions').hide(); tag_name = tag_el.find('.tag').hide().text(); tag_el.find('input').val(tag_name).focus().bind('blur',function() { form.trigger('submit'); }); form.bind('submit',submitTagName); } function submitTagName(event) { event.preventDefault(); tag_el = $(this).closest('li') new_tag_name = tag_el.find('input').val(); old_tag_name = tag_el.find('.tag').show().text(); tag_el.find('.tag_edit').show(); tag_el.find('.tags_actions').show(); tag_el.find('input').unbind('blur'); tag_el.find('form').unbind('submit').remove(); if(new_tag_name != old_tag_name && new_tag_name != '') { //submit $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OC.filePath('bookmarks', 'ajax', 'renameTag.php'), data: { old_name: old_tag_name, new_name: new_tag_name}, success: function(bookmarks){ if (bookmarks.status =='success') { filterTagsChanged(); } } }); } } function deleteTag(event){ tag_el = $(this).closest('li'); var old_tag_name = tag_el.find('.tag').show().text(); OC.dialogs.confirm(t('bookmarks', 'Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?'), t('bookmarks', 'Warning'), function(answer) { if(answer) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OC.filePath('bookmarks', 'ajax', 'delTag.php'), data: { old_name: old_tag_name}, success: function(bookmarks){ if (bookmarks.status =='success') { filterTagsChanged(); } } }); } }); }