"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini"=>"Berkas yang diunggah melampaui direktif upload_max_filesize di php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form"=>"Berkas yang diunggah melampaui direktif MAX_FILE_SIZE yang ditentukan dalam formulir HTML.",
"The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server."=>"Berkas yang Anda coba unggah melebihi ukuran maksimum untuk pengunggahan berkas di server ini.",
"Error loading profile picture."=>"Galat saat memuat gambar profil",
"Is this correct?"=>"Sudah benar?",
"# groups"=>"# grup",
"Some contacts are marked for deletion, but not deleted yet. Please wait for them to be deleted."=>"Beberapa kontak telah ditandai untuk dihapus, tetapi belum benar-benar dihapus. Mohon tunggu hingga selesai dihapus.",
"Click to undo deletion of {num} contacts"=>"Klik untuk mengurungkan penghapusan {num} kontak",
"Cancelled deletion of {num}"=>"Penghapusan {num} kontak dibatalkan",
"Contact is already in this group."=>"Kontak sudah ada pada grup ini.",
"Contacts are already in this group."=>"Kontak sudah ada pada grup ini.",
"Couldn't get contact list."=>"Tidak dapat mengambil daftar kontak.",
"Contact is not in this group."=>"Kontak tidak dalam grup ini.",
"Contacts are not in this group."=>"Kontak tidak dalam grup ini.",
"A group named {group} already exists"=>"Grup {group} sudah ada",
"You can drag groups to\narrange them as you like."=>"Anda dapat menyeret grup untuk disusun ulang sesuka hati.",
"Next contact in list"=>"Kontak berikut pada daftar",
"Previous contact in list"=>"Kontak sebelumnya pada daftar",
"Expand/collapse current addressbook"=>"Bentangkan/ciutkan buku alamat saat ini",
"Next addressbook"=>"Buku alamat berikutnya",
"Previous addressbook"=>"Buku alamat sebelumnya",
"Refresh contacts list"=>"Segarkan daftar kontak",
"Add new contact"=>"Tambah kontak",
"Add new addressbook"=>"Tambah buku alamat",
"Delete current contact"=>"Hapus kontak saat ini",
"<h3>You have no contacts in your addressbook.</h3><p>Add a new contact or import existing contacts from a VCF file.</p>"=>"<h3>Anda tidak punya kontak pada buku alamat.</h3><p>Tambahkan kontak baru atau impor kontak yang sudah ada lewat berkas VCF.</p>",
"Add contact"=>"Tambahkan kontak",
"Compose mail"=>"Buat email",
"Delete group"=>"Hapus grup",
"Delete current photo"=>"Hapus foto saat ini",
"Edit current photo"=>"Edit foto saat ini",
"Upload new photo"=>"Unggah foto baru",
"Select photo from ownCloud"=>"Pilih foto dari ownCloud",
"First name"=>"Nama depan",
"Additional names"=>"Nama lainnya",
"Last name"=>"Nama belakan",
"Select groups"=>"Pilih grup",
"Nickname"=>"Nama panggilan",
"Enter nickname"=>"Masukkan nama panggilan",
"Enter title"=>"Masukkan gelar",
"Enter organization"=>"Masukkan organisasi",
"Birthday"=>"Tanggal lahir",
"Notes go here..."=>"Tulis catatan di sini...",
"Export as VCF"=>"Ekspor sebagai VCF",
"Instant Messaging"=>"Perpesanan Instan",
"Web site"=>"Situs Web",
"Delete contact"=>"Hapus kontak",
"Please specify a valid email address."=>"Masukkan alamat email yang valid.",
"Mail to address"=>"Alamat pos",
"Delete email address"=>"Hapus alamat email",
"Enter phone number"=>"Masukkan nomor telepon",
"Delete phone number"=>"Hapus nomor telepon",
"Go to web site"=>"Buka situs web",
"Delete URL"=>"Hapus URL",
"View on map"=>"Tampilkan di peta",
"Delete address"=>"Hapus alamat",
"1 Main Street"=>"Jalan Panglima Sudirman 1",
"Street address"=>"Alamat",
"Postal code"=>" Kode pos",
"Your city"=>"Kota Anda",
"Some region"=>"Provinsi/negara bagian",
"State or province"=>"Provinsi atau negara bagian",
"Your country"=>"Negara Anda",
"Instant Messenger"=>"Instant Messenger",
"Delete IM"=>"Hapus IM",
"CardDAV link"=>"Tautan CardDav",
"The temporary image has been removed from cache."=>"Gambar sementara telah dihapus dari tembolok.",