2012-02-06 07:32:57 +01:00
< ? php
$l = new OC_L10N ( 'contacts' );
$id = isset ( $_ [ 'id' ]) ? $_ [ 'id' ] : '' ;
$card = array ();
$card [ 'id' ] = $id ;
$card [ 'FN' ] = ( array_key_exists ( 'FN' , $_ [ 'details' ])) ? $_ [ 'details' ][ 'FN' ][ 0 ] : null ;
$card [ 'N' ] = ( array_key_exists ( 'N' , $_ [ 'details' ])) ? $_ [ 'details' ][ 'N' ][ 0 ] : array ( '' , '' , '' , '' , '' );
$card [ 'ORG' ] = ( array_key_exists ( 'ORG' , $_ [ 'details' ])) ? $_ [ 'details' ][ 'ORG' ][ 0 ] : null ;
$card [ 'PHOTO' ] = ( array_key_exists ( 'PHOTO' , $_ [ 'details' ])) ? $_ [ 'details' ][ 'PHOTO' ][ 0 ] : null ;
$card [ 'BDAY' ] = ( array_key_exists ( 'BDAY' , $_ [ 'details' ])) ? $_ [ 'details' ][ 'BDAY' ][ 0 ] : null ;
if ( $card [ 'BDAY' ]) {
$bday = new DateTime ( $card [ 'BDAY' ][ 'value' ]);
$card [ 'BDAY' ][ 'value' ] = $bday -> format ( 'd-m-Y' );
$card [ 'NICKNAME' ] = ( array_key_exists ( 'NICKNAME' , $_ [ 'details' ])) ? $_ [ 'details' ][ 'NICKNAME' ][ 0 ] : null ;
$card [ 'EMAIL' ] = ( array_key_exists ( 'EMAIL' , $_ [ 'details' ])) ? $_ [ 'details' ][ 'EMAIL' ] : array ();
$card [ 'TEL' ] = ( array_key_exists ( 'TEL' , $_ [ 'details' ])) ? $_ [ 'details' ][ 'TEL' ] : array ();
$card [ 'ADR' ] = ( array_key_exists ( 'ADR' , $_ [ 'details' ])) ? $_ [ 'details' ][ 'ADR' ] : array ();
< div id = " card " >
< div id = " actionbar " >
< a id = " contacts_propertymenu_button " ></ a >
< ul id = " contacts_propertymenu " >
2012-02-06 08:04:06 +01:00
< li >< a data - type = " PHOTO " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Profile picture' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a data - type = " ORG " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Organization' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a data - type = " NICKNAME " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Nickname' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a data - type = " BDAY " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Birthday' ); ?> </a></li>
2012-02-06 07:32:57 +01:00
< li >< a data - type = " TEL " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Phone' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a data - type = " EMAIL " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Email' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a data - type = " ADR " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Address' ); ?> </a></li>
</ ul >
< img onclick = " Contacts.UI.Card.export(); " class = " svg action " id = " contacts_downloadcard " src = " <?php echo image_path('', 'actions/download.svg'); ?> " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Download contact');?> " />
< img class = " svg action " id = " contacts_deletecard " src = " <?php echo image_path('', 'actions/delete.svg'); ?> " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Delete contact');?> " />
</ div >
< div class = " contactsection " >
< form < ? php echo ( is_null ( $card [ 'PHOTO' ]) ? 'style="display:none;"' : '' ); ?> id="file_upload_form" action="ajax/uploadphoto.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="file_upload_target">
< fieldset id = " photo " class = " formfloat " >
< div id = " contacts_details_photo_wrapper " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Click or drop to upload picture'); ?> (max <?php echo $_['uploadMaxHumanFilesize'] ; ?>) " >
<!-- img style = " padding: 1em; " id = " contacts_details_photo " alt = " Profile picture " src = " photo.php?id=<?php echo $_['id'] ; ?> " / -->
< progress id = " contacts_details_photo_progress " style = " display:none; " value = " 0 " max = " 100 " > 0 %</ progress >
</ div >
< input type = " hidden " name = " id " value = " <?php echo $_['id'] ?> " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " MAX_FILE_SIZE " value = " <?php echo $_['uploadMaxFilesize'] ?> " id = " max_upload " >
< input type = " hidden " class = " max_human_file_size " value = " (max <?php echo $_['uploadMaxHumanFilesize'] ; ?>) " >
< input id = " file_upload_start " type = " file " accept = " image/* " name = " imagefile " />
< iframe name = " file_upload_target " id = 'file_upload_target' src = " " ></ iframe >
</ fieldset >
</ form >
< form id = " contact_identity " method = " post " < ? php echo ( $_ [ 'id' ] == '' ||! isset ( $_ [ 'id' ]) ? 'style="display:none;"' : '' ); ?> >
< input type = " hidden " name = " id " value = " <?php echo $_['id'] ?> " >
< fieldset class = " propertycontainer " data - element = " N " >< input type = " hidden " id = " n " class = " contacts_property " name = " value " value = " " /></ fieldset >
< fieldset id = " ident " class = " formfloat " >
<!-- legend > Name </ legend -->
< dl class = " form " >
<!-- dt >< label for = " n " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Name' ); ?> </label></dt>
< dd style = " padding-top: 0.8em;vertical-align: text-bottom; " >< span id = " n " type = " text " ></ span ></ dd -->
< dt >< label for = " fn " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Display name' ); ?> </label></dt>
< dd class = " propertycontainer " data - element = " FN " >
< select id = " fn " name = " value " required = " required " class = " contacts_property " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Format custom, Short name, Full name, Reverse or Reverse with comma'); ?> " style = " width:16em; " >
< option id = " short " title = " Short name " ></ option >
< option id = " full " title = " Full name " ></ option >
< option id = " reverse " title = " Reverse " ></ option >
< option id = " reverse_comma " title = " Reverse with comma " ></ option >
</ select >< a id = " edit_name " class = " edit " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Edit name details'); ?> " ></ a >
</ dd >
< dt style = " display:none; " id = " org_label " data - element = " ORG " >< label for = " org " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Organization' ); ?> </label></dt>
< dd style = " display:none; " class = " propertycontainer " id = " org_value " data - element = " ORG " >< input id = " org " required = " required " name = " value[ORG] " type = " text " class = " contacts_property " style = " width:16em; " name = " value " value = " " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Organization'); ?> " />< a class = " delete " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'single'); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Delete'); ?> " ></ a ></ dd >
< dt style = " display:none; " id = " nickname_label " data - element = " NICKNAME " >< label for = " nickname " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Nickname' ); ?> </label></dt>
< dd style = " display:none; " class = " propertycontainer " id = " nickname_value " data - element = " NICKNAME " >< input id = " nickname " required = " required " name = " value[NICKNAME] " type = " text " class = " contacts_property " style = " width:16em; " name = " value " value = " " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Enter nickname'); ?> " />< a class = " delete " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'single'); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Delete'); ?> " ></ a ></ dd >
< dt style = " display:none; " id = " bday_label " data - element = " BDAY " >< label for = " bday " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Birthday' ); ?> </label></dt>
< dd style = " display:none; " class = " propertycontainer " id = " bday_value " data - element = " BDAY " >< input id = " bday " required = " required " name = " value " type = " text " class = " contacts_property " value = " " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('dd-mm-yyyy'); ?> " />< a class = " delete " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'single'); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Delete'); ?> " ></ a ></ dd >
</ dl >
</ fieldset >
</ form >
</ div >
<!-- div class = " delimiter " ></ div -->
< form id = " contact_communication " method = " post " >
< div class = " contactsection " >
<!-- email addresses -->
< div id = " emails " < ? php echo ( count ( $card [ 'EMAIL' ]) > 0 ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' ); ?> >
< fieldset class = " contactpart " >
< legend >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Email' ); ?> </legend>
< ul id = " emaillist " class = " propertylist " >
< li class = " template " style = " white-space: nowrap; display: none; " data - element = " EMAIL " >
< input type = " checkbox " class = " contacts_property " name = " parameters[TYPE][] " value = " PREF " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Preferred'); ?> " />
< input type = " email " required = " required " class = " nonempty contacts_property " style = " width:15em; " name = " value " value = " " x - moz - errormessage = " <?php echo $l->t ('Please specify a valid email address.'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Enter email address'); ?> " />< span class = " listactions " >< a onclick = " Contacts.UI.mailTo(this) " class = " mail " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Mail to address'); ?> " ></ a >
< a class = " delete " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list'); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Delete email address'); ?> " ></ a ></ span ></ li >
< ? php
if ( 0 ) { /*foreach($card['EMAIL'] as $email) {*/
< li class = " propertycontainer " style = " white-space: nowrap; " data - checksum = " <?php echo $email['checksum'] ?> " data - element = " EMAIL " >
< input type = " checkbox " class = " contacts_property " name = " parameters[TYPE][] " value = " PREF " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Preferred'); ?> " < ? php echo ( isset ( $email [ 'parameters' ][ 'PREF' ]) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ); ?> />
< input type = " email " required = " required " class = " nonempty contacts_property " style = " width:15em; " name = " value " value = " <?php echo $email['value'] ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Enter email address'); ?> " />< span class = " listactions " >< a onclick = " Contacts.UI.mailTo(this) " class = " mail " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Mail to address'); ?> " ></ a >
< a class = " delete " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list'); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Delete email address'); ?> " ></ a ></ span ></ li >
< ? php } ?>
</ ul ><!-- a id = " add_email " class = " add " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Add email address'); ?> " ></ a -->
</ div > <!-- email addresses -->
<!-- Phone numbers -->
< div id = " phones " < ? php echo ( count ( $card [ 'TEL' ]) > 0 ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' ); ?> >
< fieldset class = " contactpart " >
< legend >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Phone' ); ?> </legend>
< ul id = " phonelist " class = " propertylist " >
< li class = " template " style = " white-space: nowrap; display: none; " data - element = " TEL " >
< input type = " checkbox " class = " contacts_property " name = " parameters[TYPE][] " value = " PREF " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Preferred'); ?> " />
< input type = " text " required = " required " class = " nonempty contacts_property " style = " width:10em; border: 0px; " name = " value " value = " " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Enter phone number'); ?> " />
< select multiple = " multiple " name = " parameters[TYPE][] " >
< ? php echo html_select_options ( $_ [ 'phone_types' ], array ()) ?>
</ select >
< a class = " delete " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list'); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Delete phone number'); ?> " ></ a ></ li >
< ? php
if ( 0 ) { /*foreach($card['TEL'] as $phone) {*/
< li class = " propertycontainer " style = " white-space: nowrap; " data - checksum = " <?php echo $phone['checksum'] ?> " data - element = " TEL " >
< input type = " checkbox " class = " contacts_property " name = " parameters[TYPE][] " value = " PREF " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Preferred'); ?> " < ? php echo ( isset ( $phone [ 'parameters' ][ 'PREF' ]) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ); ?> />
< input type = " text " required = " required " class = " nonempty contacts_property " style = " width:8em; border: 0px; " name = " value " value = " <?php echo $phone['value'] ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Enter phone number'); ?> " />
< select class = " contacts_property " multiple = " multiple " name = " parameters[TYPE][] " >
< ? php echo html_select_options ( $_ [ 'phone_types' ], isset ( $phone [ 'parameters' ][ 'TYPE' ]) ? $phone [ 'parameters' ][ 'TYPE' ] : array ()) ?>
</ select >
< a class = " delete " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list'); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Delete phone number'); ?> " ></ a ></ li >
< ? php } ?>
</ ul ><!-- a id = " add_phone " class = " add " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Add phone number'); ?> " ></ a -->
</ div > <!-- Phone numbers -->
<!-- Addresses -->
< div id = " addresses " < ? php echo ( count ( $card [ 'ADR' ]) > 0 ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' ); ?> >
< fieldset class = " contactpart " >
< legend >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Address' ); ?> </legend>
< div id = " addressdisplay " >
< dl class = " addresscard template " style = " display: none; " data - element = " ADR " >< dt >
< input class = " adr contacts_property " name = " value " type = " hidden " value = " " />
< input type = " hidden " class = " adr_type contacts_property " name = " parameters[TYPE][] " value = " " />
< span class = " adr_type_label " ></ span >< a class = " globe " style = " float:right; " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.searchOSM(this); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('View on map'); ?> " ></ a >< a class = " edit " style = " float:right; " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.editAddress(this, false); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Edit address details'); ?> " ></ a >< a class = " delete " style = " float:right; " onclick = " $ (this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list'); " title = " Delete address " ></ a >
</ dt >< dd >< ul class = " addresslist " ></ ul ></ dd ></ dl >
< ? php if ( 0 ) { /*foreach($card['ADR'] as $address) {*/ ?>
< dl class = " addresscard propertycontainer " data - checksum = " <?php echo $address['checksum'] ; ?> " data - element = " ADR " >
< dt >
< input class = " adr contacts_property " name = " value " type = " hidden " value = " <?php echo implode(';', $address['value'] ); ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " class = " adr_type contacts_property " name = " parameters[TYPE][] " value = " <?php echo strtoupper(implode(',', $address['parameters'] )); ?> " />
< span class = " adr_type_label " >
< ? php
if ( count ( $address [ 'parameters' ]) > 0 ) {
//array_walk($address['parameters'], ) Nah, this wont work...
$translated = array ();
foreach ( $address [ 'parameters' ] as $type ) {
$translated [] = $l -> t ( ucwords ( strtolower ( $type )));
echo implode ( '/' , $translated );
?> </span><a class="globe" style="float:right;" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.searchOSM(this);" title="<?php echo $l->t('View on map'); ?>"></a><a class="edit" style="float:right;" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.editAddress(this, false);" title="<?php echo $l->t('Edit address details'); ?>"></a><a class="delete" style="float:right;" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list');" title="Delete address"></a>
</ dt >
< dd >
< ul class = " addresslist " >
< ? php
$adr = $address [ 'value' ];
$tmp = ( $adr [ 0 ] ? '<li>' . $adr [ 0 ] . '</li>' : '' );
$tmp .= ( $adr [ 1 ] ? '<li>' . $adr [ 1 ] . '</li>' : '' );
$tmp .= ( $adr [ 2 ] ? '<li>' . $adr [ 2 ] . '</li>' : '' );
$tmp .= ( $adr [ 3 ] || $adr [ 5 ] ? '<li>' . $adr [ 5 ] . ' ' . $adr [ 3 ] . '</li>' : '' );
$tmp .= ( $adr [ 4 ] ? '<li>' . $adr [ 4 ] . '</li>' : '' );
$tmp .= ( $adr [ 6 ] ? '<li>' . $adr [ 6 ] . '</li>' : '' );
echo $tmp ;
</ ul >
</ dd >
</ dl >
< ? php } ?>
</ fieldset >
</ div >
</ div > <!-- Addresses -->
</ div >
<!-- a id = " add_address " onclick = " Contacts.UI.Card.editAddress('new', true) " class = " add " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Add address'); ?> " ></ a -->
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
< div class = " delimiter " ></ div >
< pre >
< ? php /*print_r($card);*/ ?>
</ pre >
<!-- div class = " updatebar " >< input type = " button " value = " Update " /></ div -->
< div id = " edit_photo_dialog " title = " Edit photo " >
< div id = " edit_photo_dialog_img " ></ div >
</ div >
< script language = " Javascript " >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function (){
if ( '<?php echo $id; ?>' != '' ) {
$ . getJSON ( OC . filePath ( 'contacts' , 'ajax' , 'contactdetails.php' ),{ 'id' : '<?php echo $id; ?>' }, function ( jsondata ){
if ( jsondata . status == 'success' ){
Contacts . UI . Card . loadContact ( jsondata . data );
else {
Contacts . UI . messageBox ( t ( 'contacts' , 'Error' ), jsondata . data . message );
</ script >