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* Copyright (c) 2008 Tom Deater (http://www.tomdeater.com)
* Licensed under the MIT License:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* uses an iframe, sized in ems, to detect font size changes then trigger a "fontresize" event
* heavily based on code by Hedger Wang: http://www.hedgerwow.com/360/dhtml/js-onfontresize.html
* "fontresize" event is triggered on the document object
* subscribe to event using: $(document).bind("fontresize", function (event, data) {});
* "data" contains the current size of 1 em unit (in pixels)
jQuery.onFontResize = (function ($) {
// initialize
$(document).ready(function () {
var $resizeframe = $("<iframe />")
.attr("id", "frame-onFontResize" + Date.parse(new Date))
.css({width: "100em", height: "10px", position: "absolute", borderWidth: 0, top: "-5000px", left: "-5000px"})
if ($.browser.msie) {
// use IE's native iframe resize event
$resizeframe.bind("resize", function () {
$.onFontResize.trigger($resizeframe[0].offsetWidth / 100);
} else {
// everyone else uses script inside the iframe to detect resize
var doc = $resizeframe[0].contentWindow || $resizeframe[0].contentDocument || $resizeframe[0].document;
doc = doc.document || doc;
doc.write('<scri' + 'pt>window.onload = function(){var em = parent.jQuery(".div-onfontresize")[0];window.onresize = function(){if(parent.jQuery.onFontResize){parent.jQuery.onFontResize.trigger(em.offsetWidth / 100);}}};</scri' + 'pt>');
jQuery.onFontResize.initialSize = $resizeframe[0].offsetWidth / 100;
return {
// public method, so it can be called from within the iframe
trigger: function (em) {
$(document).trigger("fontresize", [em]);
}) (jQuery);