"No file was uploaded. Unknown error"=>"Ingen filer lasta opp. Ukjend feil",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success"=>"Ingen feil, fila vart lasta opp",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini"=>"Den opplasta fila er større enn variabelen upload_max_filesize i php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form"=>"Den opplasta fila er større enn variabelen MAX_FILE_SIZE i HTML-skjemaet",
"The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"=>"Fila vart berre delvis lasta opp",
"No file was uploaded"=>"Ingen filer vart lasta opp",
"Missing a temporary folder"=>"Manglar ei mellombels mappe",
"Failed to write to disk"=>"Klarte ikkje skriva til disk",
"Not enough storage available"=>"Ikkje nok lagringsplass tilgjengeleg",
"Uploading..."=>"Lastar opp …",
"Add"=>"Legg til",
"Download"=>"Last ned",
"Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page."=>"Informasjonen om vCard-et er feil, ver venleg og last sida på nytt.",
"Delete contact"=>"Slett kontakt",
"more info"=>"meir info",
"Primary address (Kontact et al)"=>"Hovudadresse (Kontact osb.)",