(function($) { $.widget('oc.ocdialog', { options: { width: 'auto', height: 'auto', closeButton: true, closeOnEscape: true }, _create: function() { console.log('ocdialog._create'); var self = this; this.originalCss = { display: this.element[0].style.display, width: this.element[0].style.width, height: this.element[0].style.height, }; this.$dialog = $('
') .attr({ // Setting tabIndex makes the div focusable tabIndex: -1, role: 'dialog' }) .insertBefore(this.element); this.$dialog.append(this.element.detach()); this.element.addClass('oc-dialog-content').appendTo(this.$dialog); this.$dialog.css({ display: 'inline-block', position: 'fixed' }); $(document).on('keydown keyup', function(event) { if(event.target !== self.$dialog.get(0) && self.$dialog.find($(event.target)).length === 0) { return; } // Escape if(event.keyCode === 27 && self.options.closeOnEscape) { self.close(); return false; } // Enter if(event.keyCode === 13) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); if(event.type === 'keyup') { event.preventDefault(); return false; } // If no button is selected we trigger the primary if(self.$buttonrow && self.$buttonrow.find($(event.target)).length === 0) { var $button = self.$buttonrow.find('button.primary'); if($button) { $button.trigger('click'); } } else if(self.$buttonrow) { $(event.target).trigger('click'); } return false; } }); $(window).resize(function() { self.parent = self.$dialog.parent().length > 0 ? self.$dialog.parent() : $('body'); var pos = self.parent.position(); self.$dialog.css({ left: pos.left + (self.parent.width() - self.$dialog.outerWidth())/2, top: pos.top + (self.parent.height() - self.$dialog.outerHeight())/2 }); }); this._setOptions(this.options); $(window).trigger('resize'); }, _init: function() { console.log('ocdialog._init'); this.$dialog.focus(); }, _setOption: function(key, value) { console.log('_setOption', key, value); var self = this; switch(key) { case 'title': var $title = $('

' + this.options.title + '

'); if(this.$title) { this.$title.replaceWith($title); } else { this.$title = $title.prependTo(this.$dialog); } this._setSizes(); break; case 'buttons': var $buttonrow = $('
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