. * */ namespace OCA\Contacts\Utils\TemporaryPhoto; use OCA\Contacts\Utils\TemporaryPhoto as BaseTemporaryPhoto; use OCP\IRequest; use OCP\AppFramework\Http; use OCP\Image; use OCP\ICache; /** * This class loads an image from the virtual file system. */ class Uploaded extends BaseTemporaryPhoto { /** * The request to read the data from * * @var \OCP\IRequest */ protected $request; public function __construct(ICache $cache, IRequest $request) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__, \OCP\Util::DEBUG); if (!$request instanceOf IRequest) { throw new \Exception( __METHOD__ . ' Second argument must be an instance of \\OCP\\IRequest' ); } parent::__construct($cache); $this->request = $request; $this->processImage(); } /** * Load the image. */ protected function processImage() { // If image has already been read return if ($this->image instanceOf Image) { return; } $this->image = new Image(); \OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . ', Content-Type: ' . $this->request->getHeader('Content-Type'), \OCP\Util::DEBUG); \OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . ', Content-Length: ' . $this->request->getHeader('Content-Length'), \OCP\Util::DEBUG); if (substr($this->request->getHeader('Content-Type'), 0, 6) !== 'image/') { throw new \Exception( 'Only images can be used as contact photo', Http::STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE ); } $maxSize = \OCP\Util::maxUploadFilesize('/'); if ($this->request->getHeader('Content-Length') > $maxSize) { throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'The size of the file exceeds the maximum allowed %s', \OCP\Util::humanFileSize($maxSize) ), Http::STATUS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE ); } $this->image->loadFromFileHandle($this->request->put); } }