function ucwords (str) { return (str + '').replace(/^([a-z])|\s+([a-z])/g, function ($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); }); } String.prototype.strip_tags = function(){ tags = this; stripped = tags.replace(/<(.|\n)*?>/g, ''); return stripped; }; OC.Contacts={ /** * Arguments: * message: The text message to show. * timeout: The timeout in seconds before the notification disappears. Default 10. * timeouthandler: A function to run on timeout. * clickhandler: A function to run on click. If a timeouthandler is given it will be cancelled. * data: An object that will be passed as argument to the timeouthandler and clickhandler functions. * cancel: If set cancel all ongoing timer events and hide the notification. */ notify:function(params) { var self = this; if(!self.notifier) { self.notifier = $('#notification'); } if(params.cancel) {'click'); for(var id in { if($.isNumeric(id)) { clearTimeout(parseInt(id)); } } self.notifier.text('').fadeOut().removeData(); return; } self.notifier.text(params.message); self.notifier.fadeIn(); self.notifier.on('click', function() { $(this).fadeOut();}); var timer = setTimeout(function() { if(!self || !self.notifier) { var self = OC.Contacts; self.notifier = $('#notification'); } self.notifier.fadeOut(); if(params.timeouthandler && $.isFunction(params.timeouthandler)) { params.timeouthandler(;'click'); self.notifier.removeData(dataid); } }, params.timeout && $.isNumeric(params.timeout) ? parseInt(params.timeout)*1000 : 10000); var dataid = timer.toString(); if( {,; } if(params.clickhandler && $.isFunction(params.clickhandler)) { self.notifier.on('click', function() { if(!self || !self.notifier) { var self = OC.Contacts; self.notifier = $(this); } clearTimeout(timer);'click'); params.clickhandler(; self.notifier.removeData(dataid); }); } }, notImplemented:function() { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'Sorry, this functionality has not been implemented yet'), t('contacts', 'Not implemented')); }, searchOSM:function(obj) { var adr = OC.Contacts.propertyContainerFor(obj).find('.adr').val(); if(adr == undefined) { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'Couldn\'t get a valid address.'), t('contacts', 'Error')); return; } // FIXME: I suck at regexp. /Tanghus var adrarr = adr.split(';'); var adrstr = ''; if(adrarr[2].trim() != '') { adrstr = adrstr + adrarr[2].trim() + ','; } if(adrarr[3].trim() != '') { adrstr = adrstr + adrarr[3].trim() + ','; } if(adrarr[4].trim() != '') { adrstr = adrstr + adrarr[4].trim() + ','; } if(adrarr[5].trim() != '') { adrstr = adrstr + adrarr[5].trim() + ','; } if(adrarr[6].trim() != '') { adrstr = adrstr + adrarr[6].trim(); } adrstr = encodeURIComponent(adrstr); var uri = '' + adrstr + '&limit=10&addressdetails=1&polygon=1&zoom='; var newWindow =,'_blank'); newWindow.focus(); }, mailTo:function(obj) { var adr = OC.Contacts.propertyContainerFor($(obj)).find('input[type="email"]').val().trim(); if(adr == '') { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'Please enter an email address.'), t('contacts', 'Error')); return; } window.location.href='mailto:' + adr; }, propertyContainerFor:function(obj) { return $(obj).parents('.propertycontainer').first(); }, checksumFor:function(obj) { return $(obj).parents('.propertycontainer').first().data('checksum'); }, propertyTypeFor:function(obj) { return $(obj).parents('.propertycontainer').first().data('element'); }, loading:function(obj, state) { if(state) { $(obj).addClass('loading'); } else { $(obj).removeClass('loading'); } }, showCardDAVUrl:function(username, bookname){ $('#carddav_url').val(totalurl + '/' + username + '/' + decodeURIComponent(bookname)); $('#carddav_url').show(); $('#carddav_url_close').show(); }, loadListHandlers:function() { $('.propertylist li a.delete').unbind('click'); $('.propertylist li a.delete').unbind('keydown'); var deleteItem = function(obj) { obj.tipsy('hide'); OC.Contacts.Card.deleteProperty(obj, 'list'); } $('.propertylist li a.delete, .addresscard .delete').click(function() { deleteItem($(this)) }); $('.propertylist li a.delete, .addresscard .delete').keydown(function() { deleteItem($(this)) }); $('.addresscard .globe').click(function() { $(this).tipsy('hide');OC.Contacts.searchOSM(this); }); $('.addresscard .globe').keydown(function() { $(this).tipsy('hide');OC.Contacts.searchOSM(this); }); $('.addresscard .edit').click(function() { $(this).tipsy('hide');OC.Contacts.Card.editAddress(this, false); }); $('.addresscard .edit').keydown(function() { $(this).tipsy('hide');OC.Contacts.Card.editAddress(this, false); }); $('.addresscard,.propertylist li,.propertycontainer').hover( function () { $(this).find('.globe,.mail,.delete,.edit').animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 200, function() {}); }, function () { $(this).find('.globe,.mail,.delete,.edit').animate({ opacity: 0.1 }, 200, function() {}); } ); }, loadHandlers:function() { var deleteItem = function(obj) { obj.tipsy('hide'); OC.Contacts.Card.deleteProperty(obj, 'single'); } var goToUrl = function(obj) { var url = OC.Contacts.propertyContainerFor(obj).find('#url').val(); if(url != '') { var newWindow =,'_blank'); newWindow.focus(); } } $('#identityprops a.delete').click( function() { deleteItem($(this)) }); $('#identityprops a.delete').keydown( function() { deleteItem($(this)) }); $('#categories_value a.edit').click( function() { $(this).tipsy('hide');OCCategories.edit(); } ); $('#categories_value a.edit').keydown( function() { $(this).tipsy('hide');OCCategories.edit(); } ); $('#url_value a.globe').click( function() { $(this).tipsy('hide');goToUrl($(this)); } ); $('#url_value a.globe').keydown( function() { $(this).tipsy('hide');goToUrl($(this)); } ); $('#fn_select').combobox({ 'id': 'fn', 'name': 'value', 'classes': ['contacts_property', 'nonempty', 'huge', 'tip', 'float'], 'attributes': {'placeholder': t('contacts', 'Enter name')}, 'title': t('contacts', 'Format custom, Short name, Full name, Reverse or Reverse with comma')}); $('#bday').datepicker({ dateFormat : 'dd-mm-yy' }); // Style phone types $('#phonelist').find('select.contacts_property').multiselect({ noneSelectedText: t('contacts', 'Select type'), header: false, selectedList: 4, classes: 'typelist' }); $('#edit_name').click(function(){OC.Contacts.Card.editName()}); $('#edit_name').keydown(function(){OC.Contacts.Card.editName()}); $('#phototools li a').click(function() { $(this).tipsy('hide'); }); $('#contacts_details_photo_wrapper').hover( function () { $('#phototools').slideDown(200); }, function () { $('#phototools').slideUp(200); } ); $('#phototools').hover( function () { $(this).removeClass('transparent'); }, function () { $(this).addClass('transparent'); } ); $('#phototools .upload').click(function() { $('#file_upload_start').trigger('click'); }); $('#phototools .cloud').click(function() { OC.dialogs.filepicker(t('contacts', 'Select photo'), OC.Contacts.Card.cloudPhotoSelected, false, 'image', true); }); /* Initialize the photo edit dialog */ $('#edit_photo_dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, height: 'auto', width: 'auto' }); $('#edit_photo_dialog' ).dialog( 'option', 'buttons', [ { text: "Ok", click: function() { OC.Contacts.Card.savePhoto(this); $(this).dialog('close'); } }, { text: "Cancel", click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } } ] ); // Name has changed. Update it and reorder. $('#fn').change(function(){ var name = $('#fn').val().strip_tags(); var item = $('.contacts li[data-id="''"]').detach(); $(item).find('a').html(name); OC.Contacts.Card.fn = name; OC.Contacts.Contacts.insertContact({contact:item}); OC.Contacts.Contacts.scrollTo(; }); $('#contacts_deletecard').click( function() { OC.Contacts.Card.delayedDelete();return false;} ); $('#contacts_deletecard').keydown( function(event) { if(event.which == 13 || event.which == 32) { OC.Contacts.Card.delayedDelete(); } return false; }); $('#contacts_downloadcard').click( function() { OC.Contacts.Card.doExport();return false;} ); $('#contacts_downloadcard').keydown( function(event) { if(event.which == 13 || event.which == 32) { OC.Contacts.Card.doExport(); } return false; }); // Profile picture upload handling // New profile picture selected $('#file_upload_start').change(function(){ OC.Contacts.Card.uploadPhoto(this.files); }); $('#contacts_details_photo_wrapper').bind('dragover',function(event){ $('droppable'); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }); $('#contacts_details_photo_wrapper').bind('dragleave',function(event){ $('droppable'); }); $('#contacts_details_photo_wrapper').bind('drop',function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); $('droppable'); $.fileUpload(event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files); }); $('#categories').multiple_autocomplete({source: categories}); $('#contacts_deletecard').tipsy({gravity: 'ne'}); $('#contacts_downloadcard').tipsy({gravity: 'ne'}); $('#contacts_propertymenu_button').tipsy(); $('#bottomcontrols button').tipsy({gravity: 'sw'}); $('body').click(function(e){ if(!$('#contacts_propertymenu_button')) { $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown').hide(); } }); function propertyMenu(){ var menu = $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown'); if(':hidden')) {; menu.find('li').first().focus(); } else { menu.hide(); } } $('#contacts_propertymenu_button').click(propertyMenu); $('#contacts_propertymenu_button').keydown(propertyMenu); function propertyMenuItem(){ var type = $(this).data('type'); OC.Contacts.Card.addProperty(type); $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown').hide(); } $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a').click(propertyMenuItem); $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a').keydown(propertyMenuItem); }, Card:{ update:function(params) { // params {cid:int, aid:int} if(!params) { params = {}; } $('#contacts li,#contacts h3').removeClass('active'); console.log('Card, cid: ' + params.cid + ' aid: ' + params.aid); var newid, bookid, firstitem; if(!parseInt(params.cid) && !parseInt(params.aid)) { firstitem = $('#contacts ul').find('li:first-child'); if(firstitem.length > 0) { if(firstitem.length > 1) { firstitem = firstitem.first(); } newid = parseInt('id')); bookid = parseInt('bookid')); } } else if(!parseInt(params.cid) && parseInt(params.aid)) { bookid = parseInt(params.aid); newid = parseInt($('#contacts').find('li[data-bookid="'+bookid+'"]').first().data('id')); } else if(parseInt(params.cid) && !parseInt(params.aid)) { newid = parseInt(params.cid); var listitem = OC.Contacts.Contacts.getContact(newid); //$('#contacts li[data-id="'+newid+'"]'); console.log('Is contact in list? ' + listitem.length); if(listitem.length) { //bookid = parseInt($('#contacts li[data-id="'+newid+'"]').data('bookid')); bookid = parseInt(OC.Contacts.Contacts.getContact(newid).data('bookid')); } else { // contact isn't in list yet. bookid = 'unknown'; } } else { newid = parseInt(params.cid); bookid = parseInt(params.aid); } if(!bookid || !newid) { bookid = parseInt($('#contacts h3.addressbook').first().data('id')); newid = parseInt($('#contacts').find('li[data-bookid="'+bookid+'"]').first().data('id')); } console.log('newid: ' + newid + ' bookid: ' +bookid); var localLoadContact = function(newid, bookid) { if($('.contacts li').length > 0) { $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/details.php'),{'id':newid},function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ if(bookid == 'unknown') { bookid =; var contact = OC.Contacts.Contacts.insertContact({ contactlist:$('#contacts ul[data-id="'+bookid+'"]'), }); } $('#contacts li[data-id="'+newid+'"],#contacts h3.addressbook[data-id="'+bookid+'"]').addClass('active'); $('#contacts ul[data-id="'+bookid+'"]').slideDown(300); OC.Contacts.Card.loadContact(, bookid); OC.Contacts.Contacts.scrollTo(newid); } else { OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); } } // Make sure proper DOM is loaded. if(newid) { console.log('Loading card DOM'); localLoadContact(newid, bookid); $('#firstrun').hide(); $('#card').show(); } else if(!newid) { console.log('Loading intro'); // show intro page $('#firstrun').show(); $('#card').hide(); } $('#contacts h3.addressbook[data-id="'+bookid+'"]').addClass('active'); }, setEnabled:function(enabled) { console.log('setEnabled', enabled); $('.contacts_property,.action').each(function () { $(this).prop('disabled', !enabled); OC.Contacts.Card.enabled = enabled; }); }, doExport:function() { document.location.href = OC.linkTo('contacts', 'export.php') + '?contactid=' +; }, editNew:function(){ // add a new contact var book = $('#contacts'); var permissions = parseInt('permissions')); if(permissions == 0 || permissions & OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE || permissions & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE) { with(this) { delete id; delete fn; delete fullname; delete givname; delete famname; delete addname; delete honpre; delete honsuf; } this.bookid ='id'); OC.Contacts.Card.add(';;;;;', '', '', true); } else { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'You do not have permission to add contacts to ') + book.text() + '. ' + t('contacts', 'Please select one of your own address books.'), t('contacts', 'Permission error')); } return false; }, add:function(n, fn, aid, isnew) { // add a new contact console.log('Adding ' + fn); $('#firstrun').hide(); $('#card').show(); aid = aid?aid:$('#contacts').first().data('id'); $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/add.php'), { n: n, fn: fn, aid: aid, isnew: isnew }, function(jsondata) { if (jsondata.status == 'success'){ $('#rightcontent').data('id',; var id =; var aid =; $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/details.php'),{'id':id},function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ OC.Contacts.Card.loadContact(, aid); var item = OC.Contacts.Contacts.insertContact({}); $('#contacts li').removeClass('active'); item.addClass('active'); if(isnew) { // add some default properties OC.Contacts.Card.addProperty('EMAIL'); OC.Contacts.Card.addProperty('TEL'); $('#fn').focus(); } } else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); $('#contact_identity').show(); $('#actionbar').show(); } else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); }, delayedDelete:function() { $('#contacts_deletecard').tipsy('hide'); var newid = '', bookid; var curlistitem = OC.Contacts.Contacts.getContact(; curlistitem.removeClass('active'); var newlistitem = curlistitem.prev('li'); if(!newlistitem) { newlistitem ='li'); } curlistitem.detach(); if($(newlistitem).is('li')) { newid ='id'); bookid ='bookid'); } $('#rightcontent').data('id', newid); OC.Contacts.Contacts.deletionQueue.push(parseInt(; if(!window.onbeforeunload) { window.onbeforeunload = OC.Contacts.Contacts.warnNotDeleted; } with(this) { delete id; delete fn; delete fullname; delete shortname; delete famname; delete givname; delete addname; delete honpre; delete honsuf; delete data; } if($('.contacts li').length > 0) { OC.Contacts.Card.update({cid:newid, aid:bookid}); } else { // load intro page $('#firstrun').show(); $('#card').hide(); } OC.Contacts.notify({ data:curlistitem, message:t('contacts','Click to undo deletion of "') + curlistitem.find('a').text() + '"', //timeout:5, timeouthandler:function(contact) { console.log('timeout'); OC.Contacts.Card.doDelete('id'), true, function(res) { if(!res) { OC.Contacts.Contacts.insertContact({contact:contact}); } else { delete contact; } }); }, clickhandler:function(contact) { OC.Contacts.Contacts.insertContact({contact:contact}); OC.Contacts.notify({message:t('contacts', 'Cancelled deletion of: "') + curlistitem.find('a').text() + '"'}); window.onbeforeunload = null; } }); }, doDelete:function(id, removeFromQueue, cb) { var updateQueue = function(id, remove) { if(removeFromQueue) { OC.Contacts.Contacts.deletionQueue.splice(OC.Contacts.Contacts.deletionQueue.indexOf(parseInt(id)), 1); } if(OC.Contacts.Contacts.deletionQueue.length == 0) { window.onbeforeunload = null; } } if(OC.Contacts.Contacts.deletionQueue.indexOf(parseInt(id)) == -1 && removeFromQueue) { console.log('returning'); updateQueue(id, removeFromQueue); if(typeof cb == 'function') { cb(true); } return; } $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/delete.php'), {'id':id},function(jsondata) { if(jsondata.status == 'error'){ OC.Contacts.notify({}); if(typeof cb == 'function') { cb(false); } } updateQueue(id, removeFromQueue); }); if(typeof cb == 'function') { cb(true); } }, loadContact:function(jsondata, bookid){ = jsondata; =; this.bookid = bookid; $('#rightcontent').data('id',; this.populateNameFields(); this.loadPhoto(); this.loadMails(); this.loadPhones(); this.loadIMs(); this.loadAddresses(); this.loadSingleProperties(); OC.Contacts.loadListHandlers(); var note = $('#note'); if( {'checksum',[0]['checksum']); var textarea = note.find('textarea'); var txt =[0]['value']; var nheight = txt.split('\n').length > 4 ? txt.split('\n').length+2 : 5; textarea.css('min-height', nheight+'em'); textarea.attr('rows', nheight); textarea.val(txt); $('#contact_note').show(); textarea.expandingTextarea(); $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a[data-type="NOTE"]').parent().hide(); } else { note.removeData('checksum'); note.find('textarea').val(''); $('#contact_note').hide(); $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a[data-type="NOTE"]').parent().show(); } var permissions = OC.Contacts.Card.permissions = parseInt(; console.log('permissions', permissions); this.setEnabled(permissions == 0 || permissions & OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE || permissions & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE); }, loadSingleProperties:function() { var props = ['BDAY', 'NICKNAME', 'ORG', 'URL', 'CATEGORIES']; // Clear all elements $('#ident .propertycontainer').each(function(){ if(props.indexOf($(this).data('element')) > -1) { $(this).data('checksum', ''); $(this).find('input').val(''); $(this).hide(); $(this).prev().hide(); } }); for(var prop in props) { var propname = props[prop]; if([propname] != undefined) { $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a[data-type="'+propname+'"]').parent().hide(); var property =[propname][0]; var value = property['value'], checksum = property['checksum']; if(propname == 'BDAY') { var val = $.datepicker.parseDate('yy-mm-dd', value.substring(0, 10)); value = $.datepicker.formatDate('dd-mm-yy', val); } var identcontainer = $('#contact_identity'); identcontainer.find('#'+propname.toLowerCase()).val(value); identcontainer.find('#'+propname.toLowerCase()+'_value').data('checksum', checksum); identcontainer.find('#'+propname.toLowerCase()+'_label').show(); identcontainer.find('#'+propname.toLowerCase()+'_value').show(); } else { $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a[data-type="'+propname+'"]').parent().show(); } } }, populateNameFields:function() { var props = ['FN', 'N']; // Clear all elements $('#ident .propertycontainer').each(function(){ if(props.indexOf($(this).data('element')) > -1) { $(this).data('checksum', ''); $(this).find('input').val(''); } }); with(this) { delete fn; delete fullname; delete givname; delete famname; delete addname; delete honpre; delete honsuf; } if( { this.fn =[0]['value']; } else { this.fn = ''; } if( == undefined) { narray = [this.fn,'','','','']; // Checking for non-existing 'N' property :-P } else { narray =[0]['value']; } this.famname = narray[0] || ''; this.givname = narray[1] || ''; this.addname = narray[2] || ''; this.honpre = narray[3] || ''; this.honsuf = narray[4] || ''; if(this.honpre.length > 0) { this.fullname += this.honpre + ' '; } if(this.givname.length > 0) { this.fullname += ' ' + this.givname; } if(this.addname.length > 0) { this.fullname += ' ' + this.addname; } if(this.famname.length > 0) { this.fullname += ' ' + this.famname; } if(this.honsuf.length > 0) { this.fullname += ', ' + this.honsuf; } $('#n').val(narray.join(';')); $('#fn_select option').remove(); var names = [this.fn, this.fullname, this.givname + ' ' + this.famname, this.famname + ' ' + this.givname, this.famname + ', ' + this.givname]; if( { names.push([0].value); } $.each($.unique(names), function(key, value) { $('#fn_select') .append($('') .text(value)); }); $('#fn_select').combobox('value', this.fn); $('#contact_identity').find('*[data-element="N"]').data('checksum',[0]['checksum']); if( { $('#contact_identity').find('*[data-element="FN"]').data('checksum',[0]['checksum']); } $('#contact_identity').show(); }, hasCategory:function(category) { if( { var categories =[0]['value'].split(/,\s*/); for(var c in categories) { var cat =[0]['value'][c]; if(typeof cat === 'string' && (cat.toUpperCase() === category.toUpperCase())) { return true; } } } return false; }, categoriesChanged:function(newcategories) { // Categories added/deleted. categories = $.map(newcategories, function(v) {return v;}); $('#categories').multiple_autocomplete('option', 'source', categories); var categorylist = $('#categories_value').find('input'); $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'categories/categoriesfor.php'),{'id'},function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ $('#categories_value').data('checksum',; categorylist.val(; } else { OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); }, savePropertyInternal:function(name, fields, oldchecksum, checksum) { // TODO: Add functionality for new fields. //console.log('savePropertyInternal: ' + name + ', fields: ' + fields + 'checksum: ' + checksum); //console.log('savePropertyInternal: ' +[name]); var multivalue = ['CATEGORIES']; var params = {}; var value = multivalue.indexOf(name) != -1 ? new Array() : undefined; jQuery.each(fields, function(i, field){ //.substring(11,'parameters[TYPE][]'.indexOf(']')) if(, 5) === 'value') { if(multivalue.indexOf(name) != -1) { value.push(field.value); } else { value = field.value; } } else if(, 10) === 'parameters') { var p =,'parameters[TYPE][]'.indexOf(']')); if(!(p in params)) { params[p] = []; } params[p].push(field.value); } }); for(var i in[name]) { if([name][i]['checksum'] == oldchecksum) {[name][i]['checksum'] = checksum;[name][i]['value'] = value;[name][i]['parameters'] = params; } } }, saveProperty:function(obj) { if(!$(obj).hasClass('contacts_property')) { return false; } if($(obj).hasClass('nonempty') && $(obj).val().trim() == '') { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'This property has to be non-empty.'), t('contacts', 'Error')); return false; } container = $(obj).parents('.propertycontainer').first(); // get the parent holding the metadata. OC.Contacts.loading(obj, true); var checksum ='checksum'); var name ='element'); var fields = container.find('input.contacts_property,select.contacts_property').serializeArray(); switch(name) { case 'FN': var nempty = true; for(var i in[0]['value']) { if([0]['value'][i] != '') { nempty = false; break; } } if(nempty) { $('#n').val(fields[0].value + ';;;;');[0]['value'] = Array(fields[0].value, '', '', '', ''); setTimeout(function() {OC.Contacts.Card.saveProperty($('#n'))}, 500); } break; } var q = container.find('input.contacts_property,select.contacts_property,textarea.contacts_property').serialize(); if(q == '' || q == undefined) { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'Couldn\'t serialize elements.'), t('contacts', 'Error')); OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); return false; } q = q + '&id=' + + '&name=' + name; if(checksum != undefined && checksum != '') { // save q = q + '&checksum=' + checksum; console.log('Saving: ' + q); $(obj).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/saveproperty.php'),q,function(jsondata){ if(!jsondata) { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'Unknown error. Please check logs.'), t('contacts', 'Error')); OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); $(obj).removeAttr('disabled'); OC.Contacts.Card.update({}); return false; } if(jsondata.status == 'success'){'checksum',; OC.Contacts.Card.savePropertyInternal(name, fields, checksum,; OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); $(obj).removeAttr('disabled'); return true; } else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); $(obj).removeAttr('disabled'); OC.Contacts.Card.update({}); return false; } },'json'); } else { // add console.log('Adding: ' + q); $(obj).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/addproperty.php'),q,function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){'checksum',; // TODO: savePropertyInternal doesn't know about new fields //OC.Contacts.Card.savePropertyInternal(name, fields, checksum,; OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); $(obj).removeAttr('disabled'); return true; } else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); $(obj).removeAttr('disabled'); OC.Contacts.Card.update({}); return false; } },'json'); } }, addProperty:function(type) { if(!this.enabled) { return; } switch (type) { case 'NOTE': $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a[data-type="'+type+'"]').parent().hide(); $('#note').find('textarea').expandingTextarea().show().focus(); $('#contact_note').show(); break; case 'EMAIL': if($('#emaillist>li').length == 1) { $('#emails').show(); } OC.Contacts.Card.addMail(); break; case 'TEL': if($('#phonelist>li').length == 1) { $('#phones').show(); } OC.Contacts.Card.addPhone(); break; case 'IMPP': if($('#imlist>li').length == 1) { $('#ims').show(); } OC.Contacts.Card.addIM(); break; case 'ADR': if($('addresses>dl').length == 1) { $('#addresses').show(); } OC.Contacts.Card.editAddress('new', true); break; case 'NICKNAME': case 'URL': case 'ORG': case 'BDAY': case 'CATEGORIES': $('dl dt[data-element="'+type+'"],dd[data-element="'+type+'"]').show(); $('dd[data-element="'+type+'"]').find('input').focus(); $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a[data-type="'+type+'"]').parent().hide(); break; } }, deleteProperty:function(obj, type) { console.log('deleteProperty'); if(!this.enabled) { return; } OC.Contacts.loading(obj, true); var checksum = OC.Contacts.checksumFor(obj); if(checksum) { $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/deleteproperty.php'),{'id':, 'checksum': checksum },function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ if(type == 'list') { OC.Contacts.propertyContainerFor(obj).remove(); } else if(type == 'single') { var proptype = OC.Contacts.propertyTypeFor(obj);[proptype] = null; var othertypes = ['NOTE', 'PHOTO']; if(othertypes.indexOf(proptype) != -1) { OC.Contacts.propertyContainerFor(obj).data('checksum', ''); if(proptype == 'PHOTO') { OC.Contacts.Contacts.refreshThumbnail(; OC.Contacts.Card.loadPhoto(); } else if(proptype == 'NOTE') { $('#note').find('textarea').val(''); $('#contact_note').hide(); OC.Contacts.propertyContainerFor(obj).hide(); } } else { $('dl dt[data-element="'+proptype+'"],dd[data-element="'+proptype+'"]').hide(); $('dl dd[data-element="'+proptype+'"]').data('checksum', '').find('input').val(''); } $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a[data-type="'+proptype+'"]').parent().show(); OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); } else { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', '\'deleteProperty\' called without type argument. Please report at'), t('contacts', 'Error')); OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); } } else{ OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); } else { // Property hasn't been saved so there's nothing to delete. if(type == 'list') { OC.Contacts.propertyContainerFor(obj).remove(); } else if(type == 'single') { var proptype = OC.Contacts.propertyTypeFor(obj); $('dl dt[data-element="'+proptype+'"],dd[data-element="'+proptype+'"]').hide(); $('#contacts_propertymenu_dropdown a[data-type="'+proptype+'"]').parent().show(); OC.Contacts.loading(obj, false); } else { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', '\'deleteProperty\' called without type argument. Please report at'), t('contacts', 'Error')); } } }, editName:function() { if(!this.enabled) { return; } var params = {id:}; /* Initialize the name edit dialog */ if($('#edit_name_dialog').dialog('isOpen') == true) { $('#edit_name_dialog').dialog('moveToTop'); } else { $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'editname.php'),{id:},function(jsondata) { if(jsondata.status == 'success') { $('body').append('
'); $('#name_dialog').html('#edit_name_dialog' ).dialog({ modal: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: t('contacts', 'Edit name'), height: 'auto', width: 'auto', buttons: { 'Ok':function() { OC.Contacts.Card.saveName(this); $(this).dialog('close'); }, 'Cancel':function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }, close: function(event, ui) { $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); $('#name_dialog').remove(); }, open: function(event, ui) { // load 'N' property - maybe :-P } }); } else { OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); } }, saveName:function(dlg) { if(!this.enabled) { return; } //console.log('saveName, id: ' +; var n = new Array($(dlg).find('#fam').val().strip_tags(),$(dlg).find('#giv').val().strip_tags(),$(dlg).find('#add').val().strip_tags(),$(dlg).find('#pre').val().strip_tags(),$(dlg).find('#suf').val().strip_tags()); this.famname = n[0]; this.givname = n[1]; this.addname = n[2]; this.honpre = n[3]; this.honsuf = n[4]; this.fullname = ''; $('#n').val(n.join(';')); if(n[3].length > 0) { this.fullname = n[3] + ' '; } this.fullname += n[1] + ' ' + n[2] + ' ' + n[0]; if(n[4].length > 0) { this.fullname += ', ' + n[4]; } $('#fn_select option').remove(); //$('#fn_select').combobox('value', this.fn); var tmp = [this.fullname, this.givname + ' ' + this.famname, this.famname + ' ' + this.givname, this.famname + ', ' + this.givname]; var names = new Array(); for(var name in tmp) { if(tmp[name] && names.indexOf(tmp[name]) == -1) { names.push(tmp[name]); } } $.each($.unique(names), function(key, value) { $('#fn_select') .append($('') .text(value)); }); if( == '') { var aid = $(dlg).find('#aid').val(); OC.Contacts.Card.add(n.join(';'), $('#short').text(), aid); } else { OC.Contacts.Card.saveProperty($('#n')); } }, loadAddresses:function() { $('#addresses').hide(); $('#addresses dl.propertycontainer').remove(); var addresscontainer = $('#addresses'); for(var adr in { addresscontainer.find('dl').first().clone().insertAfter($('#addresses dl').last()).show(); addresscontainer.find('dl').last().removeClass('template').addClass('propertycontainer'); addresscontainer.find('dl').last().data('checksum',[adr]['checksum']); var adrarray =[adr]['value']; var adrtxt = ''; if(adrarray[0] && adrarray[0].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adrarray[0].strip_tags() + '
  • '; } if(adrarray[1] && adrarray[1].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adrarray[1].strip_tags() + '
  • '; } if(adrarray[2] && adrarray[2].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adrarray[2].strip_tags() + '
  • '; } if((3 in adrarray && 5 in adrarray) && adrarray[3].length > 0 || adrarray[5].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adrarray[5].strip_tags() + ' ' + adrarray[3].strip_tags() + '
  • '; } if(adrarray[4] && adrarray[4].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adrarray[4].strip_tags() + '
  • '; } if(adrarray[6] && adrarray[6].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adrarray[6].strip_tags() + '
  • '; } addresscontainer.find('dl').last().find('.addresslist').html(adrtxt); var types = new Array(); var ttypes = new Array(); for(var param in[adr]['parameters']) { if(param.toUpperCase() == 'TYPE') { types.push(t('contacts', ucwords([adr]['parameters'][param].toLowerCase()))); ttypes.push([adr]['parameters'][param]); } } addresscontainer.find('dl').last().find('.adr_type_label').text(types.join('/')); addresscontainer.find('dl').last().find('.adr_type').val(ttypes.join(',')); addresscontainer.find('dl').last().find('.adr').val(adrarray.join(';')); addresscontainer.find('dl').last().data('checksum',[adr]['checksum']); } if(addresscontainer.find('dl').length > 1) { $('#addresses').show(); } return false; }, editAddress:function(obj, isnew){ if(!this.enabled) { return; } var container = undefined; var params = {id:}; if(obj === 'new') { isnew = true; $('#addresses dl').first().clone(true).insertAfter($('#addresses dl').last()).show(); container = $('#addresses dl').last(); container.removeClass('template').addClass('propertycontainer'); } else { params['checksum'] = OC.Contacts.checksumFor(obj); } /* Initialize the address edit dialog */ if($('#edit_address_dialog').dialog('isOpen') == true){ $('#edit_address_dialog').dialog('moveToTop'); }else{ $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'editaddress.php'),params,function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ $('body').append('
    '); $('#address_dialog').html('#edit_address_dialog' ).dialog({ height: 'auto', width: 'auto', buttons: { 'Ok':function() { if(isnew) { OC.Contacts.Card.saveAddress(this, $('#addresses dl:last-child').find('input').first(), isnew); } else { OC.Contacts.Card.saveAddress(this, obj, isnew); } $(this).dialog('close'); }, 'Cancel':function() { $(this).dialog('close'); if(isnew) { container.remove(); } } }, close : function(event, ui) { $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); $('#address_dialog').remove(); }, open : function(event, ui) { $( "#adr_city" ).autocomplete({ source: function( request, response ) { $.ajax({ url: "", dataType: "jsonp", data: { featureClass: "P", style: "full", maxRows: 12, lang: lang, name_startsWith: request.term }, success: function( data ) { response( $.map( data.geonames, function( item ) { return { label: + (item.adminName1 ? ", " + item.adminName1 : "") + ", " + item.countryName, value:, country: item.countryName } })); } }); }, minLength: 2, select: function( event, ui ) { if(ui.item && $('#adr_country').val().trim().length == 0) { $('#adr_country').val(; } }, open: function() { $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-all" ).addClass( "ui-corner-top" ); }, close: function() { $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-top" ).addClass( "ui-corner-all" ); } }); $('#adr_country').autocomplete({ source: function( request, response ) { $.ajax({ url: "", dataType: "jsonp", data: { /*featureClass: "A",*/ featureCode: "PCLI", /*countryBias: "true",*/ /*style: "full",*/ lang: lang, maxRows: 12, name_startsWith: request.term }, success: function( data ) { response( $.map( data.geonames, function( item ) { return { label:, value: } })); } }); }, minLength: 2, select: function( event, ui ) { /*if(ui.item) { $('#adr_country').val(; } log( ui.item ? "Selected: " + ui.item.label : "Nothing selected, input was " + this.value);*/ }, open: function() { $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-all" ).addClass( "ui-corner-top" ); }, close: function() { $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-top" ).addClass( "ui-corner-all" ); } }); } }); } else { alert(; } }); } }, saveAddress:function(dlg, obj, isnew){ if(!this.enabled) { return; } if(isnew) { container = $('#addresses dl').last(); obj = container.find('input').first(); } else { checksum = OC.Contacts.checksumFor(obj); container = OC.Contacts.propertyContainerFor(obj); } var adr = new Array( $(dlg).find('#adr_pobox').val().strip_tags(), $(dlg).find('#adr_extended').val().strip_tags(), $(dlg).find('#adr_street').val().strip_tags(), $(dlg).find('#adr_city').val().strip_tags(), $(dlg).find('#adr_region').val().strip_tags(), $(dlg).find('#adr_zipcode').val().strip_tags(), $(dlg).find('#adr_country').val().strip_tags() ); container.find('.adr').val(adr.join(';')); container.find('.adr_type').val($(dlg).find('#adr_type').val()); container.find('.adr_type_label').html(t('contacts',ucwords($(dlg).find('#adr_type').val().toLowerCase()))); OC.Contacts.Card.saveProperty($(container).find('input').first()); var adrtxt = ''; if(adr[0].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adr[0] + '
  • '; } if(adr[1].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adr[1] + '
  • '; } if(adr[2].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adr[2] + '
  • '; } if(adr[3].length > 0 || adr[5].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adr[5] + ' ' + adr[3] + '
  • '; } if(adr[4].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adr[4] + '
  • '; } if(adr[6].length > 0) { adrtxt = adrtxt + '
  • ' + adr[6] + '
  • '; } container.find('.addresslist').html(adrtxt); }, uploadPhoto:function(filelist) { if(!this.enabled) { return; } if(!filelist) { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts','No files selected for upload.'), t('contacts', 'Error')); return; } var file = filelist[0]; var target = $('#file_upload_target'); var form = $('#file_upload_form'); var totalSize=0; if(file.size > $('#max_upload').val()){ OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts','The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server.'), t('contacts', 'Error')); return; } else { target.load(function(){ var response=jQuery.parseJSON(target.contents().text()); if(response != undefined && response.status == 'success'){ OC.Contacts.Card.editPhoto(,; //alert('File: ' + file.tmp + ' ' + + ' ' + file.mime); }else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); form.submit(); } }, loadPhotoHandlers:function() { var phototools = $('#phototools'); phototools.find('li a').tipsy('hide'); phototools.find('li a').tipsy(); if( { phototools.find('.delete').click(function() { $(this).tipsy('hide'); OC.Contacts.Card.deleteProperty($('#contacts_details_photo'), 'single'); $(this).hide(); }); phototools.find('.edit').click(function() { $(this).tipsy('hide'); OC.Contacts.Card.editCurrentPhoto(); }); phototools.find('.delete').show(); phototools.find('.edit').show(); } else { phototools.find('.delete').hide(); phototools.find('.edit').hide(); } }, cloudPhotoSelected:function(path){ $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'oc_photo.php'),{'path':path,'id'},function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ //alert(; OC.Contacts.Card.editPhoto(, $('#edit_photo_dialog_img').html(; } else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); }, loadPhoto:function(){ var self = this; var refreshstr = '&refresh='+Math.random(); $('#phototools li a').tipsy('hide'); var wrapper = $('#contacts_details_photo_wrapper'); wrapper.addClass('loading').addClass('wait'); delete; = new Image(); $( () { $('img.contacts_details_photo').remove() $(this).addClass('contacts_details_photo'); wrapper.css('width', $(this).get(0).width + 10); wrapper.removeClass('loading').removeClass('wait'); $(this).insertAfter($('#phototools')).fadeIn(); }).error(function () { // notify the user that the image could not be loaded OC.Contacts.notify({message:t('contacts','Error loading profile picture.')}); }).attr('src', OC.linkTo('contacts', 'photo.php')+'?id='; this.loadPhotoHandlers() }, editCurrentPhoto:function(){ if(!this.enabled) { return; } $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'currentphoto.php'),{'id'},function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ //alert(; OC.Contacts.Card.editPhoto(, $('#edit_photo_dialog_img').html(; } else{ wrapper.removeClass('wait'); OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); }, editPhoto:function(id, tmpkey){ if(!this.enabled) { return; } //alert('editPhoto: ' + tmpkey); $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'cropphoto.php'),{'tmpkey':tmpkey,'id', 'requesttoken':requesttoken},function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ //alert(; $('#edit_photo_dialog_img').html(; } else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); if($('#edit_photo_dialog').dialog('isOpen') == true){ $('#edit_photo_dialog').dialog('moveToTop'); } else { $('#edit_photo_dialog').dialog('open'); } }, savePhoto:function() { if(!this.enabled) { return; } var target = $('#crop_target'); var form = $('#cropform'); var wrapper = $('#contacts_details_photo_wrapper'); var self = this; wrapper.addClass('wait'); form.submit(); target.load(function(){ var response=jQuery.parseJSON(target.contents().text()); if(response != undefined && response.status == 'success'){ // load cropped photo. self.loadPhoto(); = true; }else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); wrapper.removeClass('wait'); } }); OC.Contacts.Contacts.refreshThumbnail(; }, addIM:function() { //alert('addMail'); var imlist = $('#imlist'); imlist.find('li.template:first-child').clone(true).appendTo(imlist).show().find('a .tip').tipsy(); imlist.find('li.template:last-child').find('select').addClass('contacts_property'); imlist.find('li.template:last-child').removeClass('template').addClass('propertycontainer'); imlist.find('li:last-child').find('input[type="text"]').focus(); return false; }, loadIMs:function() { //console.log('loadIMs'); $('#ims').hide(); $('#imlist li.propertycontainer').remove(); var imlist = $('#imlist'); for(var im in { this.addIM(); var curim = imlist.find('li.propertycontainer:last-child'); if(typeof[im].label != 'undefined') { curim.prepend(''); }'checksum',[im]['checksum']) curim.find('input[type="text"]').val([im]['value'].split(':').pop()); for(var param in[im]['parameters']) { if(param.toUpperCase() == 'PREF') { curim.find('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', 'checked') } else if(param.toUpperCase() == 'TYPE') { if(typeof[im]['parameters'][param] == 'string') { var found = false; var imt =[im]['parameters'][param]; curim.find('select.types option').each(function(){ if($(this).val().toUpperCase() == imt.toUpperCase()) { $(this).attr('selected', 'selected'); found = true; } }); if(!found) { curim.find('select.type option:last-child').after(''); } } else if(typeof[im]['parameters'][param] == 'object') { for(imtype in[im]['parameters'][param]) { var found = false; var imt =[im]['parameters'][param][imtype]; curim.find('select.types option').each(function(){ if($(this).val().toUpperCase() == imt.toUpperCase().split(',')) { $(this).attr('selected', 'selected'); found = true; } }); if(!found) { curim.find('select.type option:last-child').after(''); } } } } else if(param.toUpperCase() == 'X-SERVICE-TYPE') { curim.find('select.impp').val([im]['parameters'][param].toLowerCase()); } } } if($('#imlist li').length > 1) { $('#ims').show(); } return false; }, addMail:function() { var emaillist = $('#emaillist'); emaillist.find('li.template:first-child').clone(true).appendTo(emaillist).show().find('a .tip').tipsy(); emaillist.find('li.template:last-child').find('select').addClass('contacts_property'); emaillist.find('li.template:last-child').removeClass('template').addClass('propertycontainer'); var current = emaillist.find('li.propertycontainer:last-child'); current.find('input[type="email"]').focus(); current.find('select').multiselect({ noneSelectedText: t('contacts', 'Select type'), header: false, selectedList: 4, classes: 'typelist' }); current.find('a.mail').click(function() { OC.Contacts.mailTo(this) }); current.find('a.mail').keydown(function() { OC.Contacts.mailTo(this) }); return false; }, loadMails:function() { $('#emails').hide(); $('#emaillist li.propertycontainer').remove(); var emaillist = $('#emaillist'); for(var mail in { this.addMail(); emaillist.find('li:last-child').find('select').multiselect('destroy'); var curemail = emaillist.find('li.propertycontainer:last-child'); if(typeof[mail].label != 'undefined') { curemail.prepend(''); }'checksum',[mail]['checksum']) curemail.find('input[type="email"]').val([mail]['value']); for(var param in[mail]['parameters']) { if(param.toUpperCase() == 'PREF') { curemail.find('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', 'checked') } else if(param.toUpperCase() == 'TYPE') { for(etype in[mail]['parameters'][param]) { var found = false; var et =[mail]['parameters'][param][etype]; curemail.find('select option').each(function(){ if($.inArray($(this).val().toUpperCase(), et.toUpperCase().split(',')) > -1) { $(this).attr('selected', 'selected'); found = true; } }); if(!found) { curemail.find('select option:last-child').after(''); } } } } curemail.find('select').multiselect({ noneSelectedText: t('contacts', 'Select type'), header: false, selectedList: 4, classes: 'typelist' }); } if($('#emaillist li').length > 1) { $('#emails').show(); } $('#emaillist li:last-child').find('input[type="text"]').focus(); return false; }, addPhone:function() { var phonelist = $('#phonelist'); phonelist.find('li.template:first-child').clone(true).appendTo(phonelist); //.show(); phonelist.find('li.template:last-child').find('select').addClass('contacts_property'); phonelist.find('li.template:last-child').removeClass('template').addClass('propertycontainer'); phonelist.find('li:last-child').find('input[type="text"]').focus(); phonelist.find('li:last-child').find('select').multiselect({ noneSelectedText: t('contacts', 'Select type'), header: false, selectedList: 4, classes: 'typelist' }); phonelist.find('li:last-child').show(); return false; }, loadPhones:function() { $('#phones').hide(); $('#phonelist li.propertycontainer').remove(); var phonelist = $('#phonelist'); for(var phone in { this.addPhone(); var curphone = phonelist.find('li.propertycontainer:last-child'); if(typeof[phone].label != 'undefined') { curphone.prepend(''); } curphone.find('select').multiselect('destroy');'checksum',[phone]['checksum']) curphone.find('input[type="text"]').val([phone]['value']); for(var param in[phone]['parameters']) { if(param.toUpperCase() == 'PREF') { curphone.find('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', 'checked'); } else if(param.toUpperCase() == 'TYPE') { for(ptype in[phone]['parameters'][param]) { var found = false; var pt =[phone]['parameters'][param][ptype]; curphone.find('select option').each(function() { //if ($(this).val().toUpperCase() == pt.toUpperCase()) { if ($.inArray($(this).val().toUpperCase(), pt.toUpperCase().split(',')) > -1) { $(this).attr('selected', 'selected'); found = true; } }); if(!found) { curphone.find('select option:last-child').after(''); } } } } curphone.find('select').multiselect({ noneSelectedText: t('contacts', 'Select type'), header: false, selectedList: 4, classes: 'typelist' }); } if(phonelist.find('li').length > 1) { $('#phones').show(); } return false; }, }, Contacts:{ contacts:{}, deletionQueue:[], batchnum:50, warnNotDeleted:function(e) { e = e || window.event; var warn = t('contacts', 'Some contacts are marked for deletion, but not deleted yet. Please wait for them to be deleted.'); if (e) { e.returnValue = String(warn); } if(OC.Contacts.Contacts.deletionQueue.length > 0) { setTimeout(OC.Contacts.Contacts.deleteFilesInQueue, 1); } return warn; }, deleteFilesInQueue:function() { var queue = OC.Contacts.Contacts.deletionQueue; if(queue.length > 0) { OC.Contacts.notify({cancel:true}); while(queue.length > 0) { var id = queue.pop(); if(id) { OC.Contacts.Card.doDelete(id, false); } } } }, getContact:function(id) { if(!this.contacts[id]) { this.contacts[id] = $('#contacts li[data-id="'+id+'"]'); if(!this.contacts[id]) { self = this; $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contactdetails.php'),{'id':id},function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ self.contacts[id] = self.insertContact({}); } else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); } } return this.contacts[id]; }, drop:function(event, ui) { var dragitem = ui.draggable, droptarget = $(this); if('li')) { OC.Contacts.Contacts.dropContact(event, dragitem, droptarget); } else { OC.Contacts.Contacts.dropAddressbook(event, dragitem, droptarget); } }, dropContact:function(event, dragitem, droptarget) { if('bookid') =='id')) { return false; } var droplist = ('ul')) ? droptarget :; $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/move.php'), { id:'id'), aid:'id') }, function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ dragitem.attr('data-bookid','id'))'bookid','id')); OC.Contacts.Contacts.insertContact({ contactlist:droplist, contact:dragitem.detach() }); OC.Contacts.Contacts.scrollTo('id')); } else { OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); }, dropAddressbook:function(event, dragitem, droptarget) { if(confirm(t('contacts', 'Do you want to merge these address books?'))) { if('bookid') =='id')) { return false; } var droplist = ('ul')) ? droptarget :; $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/move.php'), { id:'id'), aid:'id'), isaddressbook: 1 }, function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ OC.Contacts.Contacts.update(); // Easier to refresh the whole bunch. } else { OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); } else { return false; } }, /** * @params params An object with the properties 'contactlist':a jquery object of the ul to insert into, * 'contacts':a jquery object of all items in the list and either 'data': an object with the properties * id, addressbookid and displayname or 'contact': a listitem to be inserted directly. * If 'contactlist' or 'contacts' aren't defined they will be search for based in the properties in 'data'. */ insertContact:function(params) { var id, bookid; if(!params.contactlist) { // FIXME: Check if contact really exists. bookid = ? :'bookid'); id = ? :'id'); params.contactlist = $('#contacts ul[data-id="'+bookid+'"]'); } if(!params.contacts) { bookid = ? :'bookid'); id = ? :'id'); params.contacts = $('#contacts ul[data-id="'+bookid+'"] li'); } var contact = ? $('
  • ' +'
  • ') :; var added = false; var name = ? : contact.find('a').text().toLowerCase(); if(params.contacts) { params.contacts.each(function() { if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().localeCompare(name) > 0) { $(this).before(contact); added = true; return false; } }); } if(!added || !params.contacts) { params.contactlist.append(contact); } //this.contacts[id] = contact; return contact; }, addAddressbook:function(name, description, cb) { $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax/addressbook', 'add.php'), { name: name, description: description, active: true }, function(jsondata) { if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ if(cb && typeof cb == 'function') { cb(; } } else { OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); return false; } }); }, doImport:function(file, aid, cb) { $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', '', 'import.php'), { id: aid, file: file, fstype: 'OC_FilesystemView' }, function(jsondata) { if(jsondata.status != 'success'){ OC.Contacts.notify({}); } if(typeof cb == 'function') { cb(); } }); return false; }, next:function(reverse) { var curlistitem = this.getContact(; var newlistitem = reverse ? curlistitem.prev('li') :'li'); if(newlistitem) { curlistitem.removeClass('active'); OC.Contacts.Card.update({'id'),'bookid') }); } }, previous:function() {; }, nextAddressbook:function(reverse) { console.log('nextAddressbook', reverse); var curlistitem = this.getContact(; var parent = curlistitem.parent('ul'); var newparent = reverse ? parent.prevAll('ul').first() : parent.nextAll('ul').first(); if(newparent) { newlistitem = newparent.find('li:first-child'); if(newlistitem) { parent.slideUp().prev('h3').removeClass('active'); newparent.slideDown().prev('h3').addClass('active'); curlistitem.removeClass('active'); OC.Contacts.Card.update({'id'),'bookid') }); } } }, previousAddressbook:function() { console.log('previousAddressbook'); this.nextAddressbook(true); }, // Reload the contacts list. update:function(params){ if(!params) { params = {}; } if(!params.start) { if(params.aid) { $('#contacts h3.addressbook[data-id="'+params.aid+'"],#contacts ul[data-id="'+params.aid+'"]').remove(); } else { $('#contacts').empty(); } } self = this; console.log('update: ' + params.cid + ' ' + params.aid + ' ' + params.start); var firstrun = false; var opts = {}; opts['startat'] = (params.start?params.start:0); if(params.aid) { opts['aid'] = params.aid; } $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/list.php'),opts,function(jsondata) { if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ var books =; $.each(books, function(b, book) { if($('#contacts h3.addressbook[data-id="'+b+'"]').length == 0) { firstrun = true; var sharedindicator = book.owner == OC.currentUser ? '' : '' if($('#contacts h3.addressbook').length == 0) { $('#contacts').html('

    ' + book.displayname + sharedindicator + '

    '); } else { if(!$('#contacts h3.addressbook[data-id="' + b + '"]').length) { var item = $('

    ' + book.displayname+sharedindicator+'

    '); var added = false; $('#contacts h3.addressbook').each(function(){ if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().localeCompare(book.displayname.toLowerCase()) > 0) { $(this).before(item).fadeIn('fast'); added = true; return false; } }); if(!added) { $('#contacts').append(item); } } } $('#contacts h3.addressbook[data-id="'+b+'"]').on('click', function(event) { $('#contacts h3.addressbook').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $('#contacts ul[data-id="'+b+'"]').slideToggle(300); return false; }); var accept = 'li:not([data-bookid="'+b+'"]),h3:not([data-id="'+b+'"])'; $('#contacts h3.addressbook[data-id="'+b+'"],#contacts ul[data-id="'+b+'"]').droppable({ drop: OC.Contacts.Contacts.drop, activeClass: 'ui-state-hover', accept: accept }); } var contactlist = $('#contacts ul[data-id="'+b+'"]'); var contacts = $('#contacts ul[data-id="'+b+'"] li'); for(var c in book.contacts) { if(book.contacts[c].id == undefined) { continue; } if(!$('#contacts li[data-id="'+book.contacts[c]['id']+'"]').length) { var contact = OC.Contacts.Contacts.insertContact({contactlist:contactlist, contacts:contacts, data:book.contacts[c]}); if(c == self.batchnum-10) { contact.bind('inview', function(event, isInView, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) { $(this).unbind(event); var bookid = $(this).data('bookid'); var numsiblings = $('.contacts li[data-bookid="'+bookid+'"]').length; if (isInView && numsiblings >= self.batchnum) { console.log('This would be a good time to load more contacts.'); OC.Contacts.Contacts.update({cid:params.cid, aid:bookid, start:$('#contacts li[data-bookid="'+bookid+'"]').length}); } }); } } } }); $('#contacts h3 img.shared').tipsy() if($('#contacts h3').length > 1) { $('#contacts li,#contacts h3').draggable({ distance: 10, revert: 'invalid', axis: 'y', containment: '#contacts', scroll: true, scrollSensitivity: 40, opacity: 0.7, helper: 'clone' }); } else { $('#contacts h3').first().addClass('active'); } if(opts['startat'] == 0) { // only update card on first load. OC.Contacts.Card.update(params); } } else { OC.Contacts.notify({message:t('contacts', 'Error')+': '}); } $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/listbycategory.php'),opts,function(jsondata) { if(jsondata.status == 'success') { var categories =; $.each(categories, function(catid, category) { console.log('category', catid,; if(!$('#contacts h3.category[data-id="' + catid + '"]').length) { var item = $('

    ' + + '

    '); var added = false; $('#contacts h3.category').each(function(){ if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().localeCompare( > 0) { $(this).before(item).fadeIn('fast'); added = true; return false; } }); if(!added) { $('#contacts').append(item); } $('#contacts h3.category[data-id="'+catid+'"]').on('click', function(event) { console.log('click'); $('#contacts h3.category').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $('#contacts ul.category[data-id="'+catid+'"]').slideToggle(300); return false; }); var contactlist = $('#contacts ul.category[data-id="'+catid+'"]'); var contacts = $('#contacts ul.category[data-id="'+catid+'"] li'); for(var c in category.contacts) { if(category.contacts[c].id == undefined) { continue; } if(!$('ul.category[data-id="'+catid+'"] li[data-id="'+category.contacts[c]['id']+'"]').length) { var contact = $('
  • ' + category.contacts[c].fullname+'
  • '); var added = false; var name = category.contacts[c].fullname.toLowerCase(); if(contacts.length) { contacts.each(function() { if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().localeCompare(name) > 0) { $(this).before(contact); added = true; return false; } }); } if(!added || !params.contacts) { contactlist.append(contact); } /*var contact = OC.Contacts.Contacts.insertContact({contactlist:contactlist, contacts:contacts, data:categories.contacts[c]}); if(c == self.batchnum-10) { contact.bind('inview', function(event, isInView, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) { $(this).unbind(event); var bookid = $(this).data('bookid'); var numsiblings = $('.contacts li[data-bookid="'+bookid+'"]').length; if (isInView && numsiblings >= self.batchnum) { console.log('This would be a good time to load more contacts.'); OC.Contacts.Contacts.update({cid:params.cid, aid:bookid, start:$('#contacts li[data-bookid="'+bookid+'"]').length}); } }); }*/ } } } }); } }); }); }, refreshThumbnail:function(id){ var item = $('.contacts li[data-id="'+id+'"]').find('a'); item.html(OC.Contacts.Card.fn); item.css('background','url('+OC.filePath('contacts', '', 'thumbnail.php')+'?id='+id+'&refresh=1'+Math.random()+') no-repeat'); }, scrollTo:function(id){ var item = $('#contacts li[data-id="'+id+'"]'); if(item && $.isNumeric(item.offset().top)) { console.log('scrollTo ' + parseInt(item.offset().top)); $('#contacts').animate({ scrollTop: parseInt(item.offset()).top-40}, 'slow','swing'); } } } } $(document).ready(function(){ OCCategories.changed = OC.Contacts.Card.categoriesChanged; = 'contacts'; var ninjahelp = $('#ninjahelp'); $('#bottomcontrols .settings').on('click keydown', function() { try { ninjahelp.hide(); OC.appSettings({appid:'contacts', loadJS:true, cache:false}); } catch(e) { console.log('error:', e.message); } }); $('#bottomcontrols .import').click(function() { $('#import_upload_start').trigger('click'); }); $('#contacts_newcontact').on('click keydown', OC.Contacts.Card.editNew); ninjahelp.find('.close').on('click keydown',function() { ninjahelp.hide(); }); $(document).on('keyup', function(event) { if( != 'BODY' || $('#contacts li').length == 0 || ! { return; } //console.log(event.which + ' ' +; /** * To add: * Shift-a: add addressbook * u (85): hide/show leftcontent * f (70): add field */ switch(event.which) { case 27: // Esc ninjahelp.hide(); break; case 46: // Delete if(event.shiftKey) { OC.Contacts.Card.delayedDelete(); } break; case 40: // down case 74: // j; break; case 65: // a if(event.shiftKey) { // add addressbook OC.Contacts.notImplemented(); break; } OC.Contacts.Card.editNew(); break; case 38: // up case 75: // k OC.Contacts.Contacts.previous(); break; case 34: // PageDown case 78: // n // next addressbook OC.Contacts.Contacts.nextAddressbook(); break; case 79: // o var aid = $('#contacts').first().data('id'); if(aid) { $('#contacts ul[data-id="'+aid+'"]').slideToggle(300); } break; case 33: // PageUp case 80: // p // prev addressbook OC.Contacts.Contacts.previousAddressbook(); break; case 82: // r OC.Contacts.Contacts.update({}); break; case 63: // ? German. if(event.shiftKey) { ninjahelp.toggle('fast'); } break; case 171: // ? Danish case 191: // ? Standard qwerty ninjahelp.toggle('fast'); break; } }); //$(window).on('beforeunload', OC.Contacts.Contacts.deleteFilesInQueue); // Load a contact. $('.contacts').keydown(function(event) { if(event.which == 13 || event.which == 32) { $('.contacts').click(); } }); $(document).on('click', '#contacts', function(event){ var $tgt = $(; if ($'li') || $'a')) { var item = $'li')?$($tgt):($tgt).parent(); var id ='id'); var bookid ='bookid'); item.addClass('active'); var oldid = $('#rightcontent').data('id'); if(oldid != 0){ var olditem = $('.contacts li[data-id="'+oldid+'"]'); var oldbookid ='bookid'); olditem.removeClass('active'); if(oldbookid != bookid) { $('#contacts h3[data-id="'+oldbookid+'"]').removeClass('active'); $('#contacts h3[data-id="'+bookid+'"]').addClass('active'); } } $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contact/details.php'),{'id':id},function(jsondata){ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){ OC.Contacts.Card.loadContact(, bookid); } else{ OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); } return false; }); $('.contacts_property').live('change', function(){ OC.Contacts.Card.saveProperty(this); }); $(function() { // Upload function for dropped contact photos files. Should go in the Contacts class/object. $.fileUpload = function(files){ var file = files[0]; if(file.size > $('#max_upload').val()){ OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts','The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server.'), t('contacts','Upload too large')); return; } if (file.type.indexOf("image") != 0) { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts','Only image files can be used as profile picture.'), t('contacts','Wrong file type')); return; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (!xhr.upload) { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'Your browser doesn\'t support AJAX upload. Please click on the profile picture to select a photo to upload.'), t('contacts', 'Error')) } fileUpload = xhr.upload, xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4){ response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if(response.status == 'success') { if(xhr.status == 200) { OC.Contacts.Card.editPhoto(,; } else { OC.dialogs.alert(xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.responseText, t('contacts', 'Error')); } } else { OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } } }; fileUpload.onprogress = function(e){ if (e.lengthComputable){ var _progress = Math.round((e.loaded * 100) /; //if (_progress != 100){ //} } };'POST', OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'uploadphoto.php')+'?id=''&requesttoken='+requesttoken+'&imagefile='+encodeURIComponent(, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.setRequestHeader('X_FILE_NAME', encodeURIComponent(; xhr.setRequestHeader('X-File-Size', file.size); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', file.type); xhr.send(file); } }); $(document).bind('drop dragover', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // prevent browser from doing anything, if file isn't dropped in dropZone }); //add multiply file upload attribute to all browsers except konqueror (which crashes when it's used) if({ $('#import_upload_start').attr('multiple','multiple') } // Import using jquery.fileupload $(function() { var uploadingFiles = {}, numfiles = 0, uploadedfiles = 0, retries = 0; var aid; $('#import_upload_start').fileupload({ dropZone: $('#contacts'), // restrict dropZone to contacts list. acceptFileTypes: /^text\/(directory|vcard|x-vcard)$/i, add: function(e, data) { var files = data.files; var totalSize=0; if(files) { numfiles += files.length; uploadedfiles = 0; for(var i=0;i$('#max_upload').val()){ OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts','The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server.'), t('contacts','Upload too large')); numfiles = uploadedfiles = retries = aid = 0; uploadingFiles = {}; return; }else{ if($.support.xhrFileUpload) { for(var i=0;i 3) { numfiles = uploadedfiles = retries = aid = 0; uploadingFiles = {}; $('#uploadprogressbar').fadeOut(); OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'Something went wrong with the upload, please retry.'), t('contacts', 'Error')); return; } setTimeout(function() { // Just to let any uploads finish importFiles(aid, uploadingFiles); }, 1000); } $('#uploadprogressbar').progressbar('value',50); var todo = uploadedfiles; $.each(fileList, function(fileName, data) { OC.Contacts.Contacts.doImport(fileName, aid, function() { delete fileList[fileName]; numfiles -= 1; uploadedfiles -= 1; $('#uploadprogressbar').progressbar('value',50+(50/(todo-uploadedfiles))); }); }) OC.Contacts.notify({message:t('contacts', 'Importing...'), timeout:20}); waitForImport(); } if(!aid) { // Either selected with filepicker or dropped outside of an address book. $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'selectaddressbook.php'),{},function(jsondata) { if(jsondata.status == 'success') { if($('#selectaddressbook_dialog').dialog('isOpen') == true) { $('#selectaddressbook_dialog').dialog('moveToTop'); } else { $('#dialog_holder').html($) { var select_dlg = $('#selectaddressbook_dialog'); select_dlg.dialog({ modal: true, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', buttons: { 'Ok':function() { aid = select_dlg.find('input:checked').val(); if(aid == 'new') { var displayname = select_dlg.find('').val(); var description = select_dlg.find('input.desc').val(); if(!displayname.trim()) { OC.dialogs.alert(t('contacts', 'The address book name cannot be empty.'), t('contacts', 'Error')); return false; } $(this).dialog('close'); OC.Contacts.Contacts.addAddressbook(displayname, description, function(addressbook) { aid =; setTimeout(function() { importFiles(aid, uploadingFiles); }, 500); console.log('aid ' + aid); }); } else { setTimeout(function() { importFiles(aid, uploadingFiles); }, 500); console.log('aid ' + aid); $(this).dialog('close'); } }, 'Cancel':function() { $(this).dialog('close'); numfiles = uploadedfiles = retries = aid = 0; uploadingFiles = {}; $('#uploadprogressbar').fadeOut(); } }, close: function(event, ui) { // TODO: If numfiles != 0 delete tmp files after a timeout. $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); } }); }); } } else { $('#uploadprogressbar').fadeOut(); OC.dialogs.alert(, t('contacts', 'Error')); } }); } else { // Dropped on an address book or it's list. setTimeout(function() { // Just to let any uploads finish importFiles(aid, uploadingFiles); }, 1000); } if(data.dataType != 'iframe ') { $('#upload input.stop').hide(); } } }) }); OC.Contacts.loadHandlers(); OC.Contacts.Contacts.update({cid:id}); });