Modernizr.load({ test: Modernizr.input.placeholder, nope: [ OC.filePath('contacts', 'css', 'placeholder_polyfill.min.css'), OC.filePath('contacts', 'js', 'placeholder_polyfill.jquery.min.combo.js') ] }); (function($) { $.QueryString = (function(a) { if (a == "") return {}; var b = {}; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { var p=a[i].split('='); if (p.length != 2) continue; b[p[0]] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } return b; })('&')) })(jQuery); var utils = {}; /** * utils.isArray * * Best guess if object is an array. */ utils.isArray = function(obj) { // do an instanceof check first if (obj instanceof Array) { return true; } // then check for obvious falses if (typeof obj !== 'object') { return false; } if (utils.type(obj) === 'array') { return true; } return false; }; utils.isInt = function(s) { return typeof s === 'number' && (s.toString().search(/^-?[0-9]+$/) === 0); }; utils.isUInt = function(s) { return typeof s === 'number' && (s.toString().search(/^[0-9]+$/) === 0); }; /** * utils.type * * Attempt to ascertain actual object type. */ utils.type = function(obj) { if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') { return String (obj); } return .replace(/\[object ([a-zA-Z]+)\]/, '$1').toLowerCase(); }; utils.moveCursorToEnd = function(el) { if (typeof el.selectionStart === 'number') { el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = el.value.length; } else if (typeof el.createTextRange !== 'undefined') { el.focus(); var range = el.createTextRange(); range.collapse(false);; } }; Array.prototype.clone = function() { return this.slice(0); }; Array.prototype.clean = function(deleteValue) { var arr = this.clone(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == deleteValue) { arr.splice(i, 1); i--; } } return arr; }; // Keep it DRY ;) var wrongKey = function(event) { return ((event.type === 'keydown' || event.type === 'keypress') && (event.keyCode !== 32 && event.keyCode !== 13)); }; /** * Simply notifier * Arguments: * @param message The text message to show. * @param timeout The timeout in seconds before the notification disappears. Default 10. * @param timeouthandler A function to run on timeout. * @param clickhandler A function to run on click. If a timeouthandler is given it will be cancelled on click. * @param data An object that will be passed as argument to the timeouthandler and clickhandler functions. * @param cancel If set cancel all ongoing timer events and hide the notification. */ OC.notify = function(params) { var self = this; if(!self.notifier) { self.notifier = $('#notification'); } if(params.cancel) {'click'); for(var id in { if($.isNumeric(id)) { clearTimeout(parseInt(id)); } } self.notifier.text('').fadeOut().removeData(); return; } self.notifier.text(params.message); self.notifier.fadeIn().css('display', 'inline'); self.notifier.on('click', function() { $(this).fadeOut();}); var timer = setTimeout(function() { self.notifier.fadeOut(); if(params.timeouthandler && $.isFunction(params.timeouthandler)) { params.timeouthandler(;'click'); self.notifier.removeData(dataid); } }, params.timeout && $.isNumeric(params.timeout) ? parseInt(params.timeout)*1000 : 10000); var dataid = timer.toString(); if( {,; } if(params.clickhandler && $.isFunction(params.clickhandler)) { self.notifier.on('click', function() { clearTimeout(timer);'click'); params.clickhandler(; self.notifier.removeData(dataid); }); } }; OC.Contacts = OC.Contacts || { init:function() { if(oc_debug === true) { $.error = console.error; } var self = this; this.scrollTimeoutMiliSecs = 100; this.isScrolling = false; this.cacheElements(); = new OC.Contacts.Storage(); this.addressBooks = new OC.Contacts.AddressBookList(, $('#app-settings-content'), $('#addressbookTemplate') ); this.contacts = new OC.Contacts.ContactList(, this.addressBooks, this.$contactList, this.$contactListItemTemplate, this.$contactDragItemTemplate, this.$contactFullTemplate, this.detailTemplates ); this.groups = new OC.Contacts.GroupList(, this.$groupList, this.$groupListItemTemplate ); self.groups.loadGroups(function() { self.loading(self.$navigation, false); }); $.when(this.addressBooks.loadAddressBooks()).then(function(addressBooks) { var num = addressBooks.length; var deferreds = $(addressBooks).map(function(i, elem) { return self.contacts.loadContacts(this.getBackend(), this.getId()); }); // This little beauty is from ;) $.when.apply(null, deferreds.get()).then(function(response) { self.contacts.setSortOrder(contacts_sortby); $(document).trigger('status.contacts.loaded', { status: true, numcontacts: self.contacts.length }); self.loading(self.$rightContent, false); // TODO: Move this to event handler self.groups.selectGroup({id:contacts_lastgroup}); var id = $.QueryString['id']; // Keep for backwards compatible links. if(!id) { id = window.location.hash.substr(1); } console.log('Groups loaded, id from url:', id); if(id) { self.openContact(id); } if(!contacts_properties_indexed) { // Wait a couple of mins then check if contacts are indexed. setTimeout(function() { $.when($.post(OC.Router.generate('contacts_index_properties'))) .then(function(response) { if(!response.isIndexed) { OC.notify({message:t('contacts', 'Indexing contacts'), timeout:20}); } }); }, 10000); } else { console.log('contacts are indexed.'); } }).fail(function(response) { console.warn(response); self.$rightContent.removeClass('loading'); message = t('contacts', 'Unrecoverable error loading address books: {msg}', {msg:response.message}); OC.dialogs.alert(message, t('contacts', 'Error.')); }); }).fail(function(response) { console.log(response.message); $(document).trigger('', { message: response.message }); }); OCCategories.changed = this.groups.categoriesChanged; = 'contacts'; OCCategories.type = 'contact'; this.bindEvents(); this.$; this.hideActions(); }, loading:function(obj, state) { $(obj).toggleClass('loading', state); }, /** * Show/hide elements in the header * @param act An array of actions to show based on class name e.g ['add', 'delete'] */ hideActions:function() { this.showActions(false); }, showActions:function(act) { console.log('showActions', act); //console.trace(); this.$headeractions.children().hide(); if(act && act.length > 0) { this.$contactList.addClass('multiselect'); this.$; this.$headeractions.children('.'+act.join(',.')).show(); } else { this.$contactListHeader.hide(); this.$contactList.removeClass('multiselect'); } }, showAction:function(act, show) { this.$headeractions.find('.' + act).toggle(show); }, cacheElements: function() { var self = this; this.detailTemplates = {}; // Load templates for contact details. // The weird double loading is because jquery apparently doesn't // create a searchable object from a script element. $.each($($('#contactDetailsTemplate').html()), function(idx, node) { var $node = $(node); if($'div')) { var $tmpl = $(node.innerHTML); self.detailTemplates[$'element')] = $node; } }); this.$groupListItemTemplate = $('#groupListItemTemplate'); this.$contactListItemTemplate = $('#contactListItemTemplate'); this.$contactDragItemTemplate = $('#contactDragItemTemplate'); this.$contactFullTemplate = $('#contactFullTemplate'); this.$contactDetailsTemplate = $('#contactDetailsTemplate'); this.$rightContent = $('#app-content'); this.$navigation = $('#app-navigation'); //this.$header = $('#contactsheader'); this.$groupList = $('#grouplist'); this.$contactList = $('#contactlist'); this.$contactListHeader = $('#contactsHeader'); this.$sortOrder = this.$contactListHeader.find('.action.sort'); this.$sortOrder.val(contacts_sortby||'fn'); this.$headeractions = this.$contactListHeader.find('.actions'); this.$toggleAll = this.$contactListHeader.find('.toggle'); this.$groups = this.$headeractions.find('.groups'); this.$ninjahelp = $('#ninjahelp'); this.$firstRun = $('#firstrun'); this.$settings = $('#app-settings'); }, // Build the select to add/remove from groups. buildGroupSelect: function() { // If a contact is open we know which categories it's in if(this.currentid) { var contact = this.contacts.findById(this.currentid); if(contact === null) { return false; } this.$groups.find('optgroup,option:not([value="-1"])').remove(); var addopts = '', rmopts = ''; $.each(this.groups.categories, function(i, category) { if(contact.inGroup( { rmopts += ''; } else { addopts += ''; } }); if(addopts.length) { $(addopts).appendTo(this.$groups) .wrapAll(''); } if(rmopts.length) { $(rmopts).appendTo(this.$groups) .wrapAll(''); } } else if(this.contacts.getSelectedContacts().length > 0) { // Otherwise add all categories to both add and remove this.$groups.find('optgroup,option:not([value="-1"])').remove(); var addopts = '', rmopts = ''; $.each(this.groups.categories, function(i, category) { rmopts += ''; addopts += ''; }); $(addopts).appendTo(this.$groups) .wrapAll(''); $(rmopts).appendTo(this.$groups) .wrapAll(''); } else { // 3rd option: No contact open, none checked, just show "Add group..." this.$groups.find('optgroup,option:not([value="-1"])').remove(); } $('').appendTo(this.$groups); this.$groups.val(-1); }, bindEvents: function() { var self = this; // Should fix Opera check for delayed delete. $(window).unload(function (){ $(window).trigger('beforeunload'); }); this.hashChange = function() { console.log('hashchange', window.location.hash) var id = String(window.location.hash.substr(1)); if(id && id != self.currentid && self.contacts.findById(id) !== null) { self.openContact(id); } else if(!id && self.currentid) { self.closeContact(self.currentid); } } // This apparently get's called on some weird occasions. $(window).bind('popstate', this.hashChange); $(window).bind('hashchange', this.hashChange); // App specific events $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { var id = String(; if(id == self.currentid) { delete self.currentid; } console.log('contact',, 'deleted'); // update counts on group lists self.groups.removeFromAll(, true); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { self.currentid = String(; self.buildGroupSelect(); self.hideActions(); }); // Keep error messaging at one place to be able to replace it. $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { console.warn(data.message); //console.trace(); OC.notify({message:data.message}); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, enabled) { console.log('', enabled); /*if(enabled) { self.showActions(['back', 'download', 'delete', 'groups']); } else { self.showActions(['back']); }*/ }); $(document).bind('status.contacts.loaded', function(e, response) { console.log('status.contacts.loaded', response); if(response.error) { $(document).trigger('', { message: response.message }); console.log('Error loading contacts!'); } }); $(document).bind('', function(e, result) { //console.log('', result, self.$rightContent.height()); if(self.dontScroll !== true) { if(result.pos > self.$rightContent.height()) { self.$rightContent.scrollTop(result.pos - self.$rightContent.height() + result.height); } else if(result.pos < self.$rightContent.offset().top) { self.$rightContent.scrollTop(result.pos); } } else { setTimeout(function() { self.dontScroll = false; }, 100); } self.currentlistid =; }); $(document).bind('status.nomorecontacts', function(e, result) { console.log('status.nomorecontacts', result); self.$contactList.hide(); self.$; }); $(document).bind('status.visiblecontacts', function(e, result) { console.log('status.visiblecontacts', result); // TODO: To be decided. }); // A contact id was in the request $(document).bind('request.loadcontact', function(e, result) { console.log('request.loadcontact', result); if(self.numcontacts) { self.openContact(; } else { // Contacts are not loaded yet, try again. console.log('waiting for contacts to load'); setTimeout(function() { $(document).trigger('request.loadcontact', { id: }); }, 1000); } }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { console.log('contact', data, ''); var from = self.addressBooks.find(data.from); var to = self.addressBooks.find(; self.addressBooks.moveContact(, data.from,; }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { console.log('contact',, ''); self.groups.setAsFavorite(, data.state); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { self.groups.addTo(, data.groupid, function(response) { console.log('contact',, '', response); }); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { console.log('contact',, ''); self.groups.removeFrom(, data.groupid); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { var id = String(; console.log('contact',, ''); document.location.href = OC.linkTo('contacts', 'export.php') + '?' + $.param(data); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { var id = String(; console.log('contact',, ''); self.closeContact(id); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { var id = String(; console.log('contact',, ''); self.openContact(id); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { var id = String(data.contactid); console.log('contact', data, ''); self.closeContact(id); self.contacts.delayedDelete(data); self.$contactList.removeClass('dim'); self.hideActions(); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, data) { console.log('contact','', data); var merger = self.contacts.findById(data.merger); var mergees = []; if(!merger) { $(document).trigger('', { message: t('contacts', 'Merge failed. Cannot find contact: {id}', {id:data.merger}) }); return; } $.each(data.mergees, function(idx, id) { var contact = self.contacts.findById(id); if(!contact) { console.warn('cannot find', id, 'by id'); } mergees.push(contact); }); if(!merger.merge(mergees)) { $(document).trigger('', { message: t('contacts', 'Merge failed.') }); return; } merger.saveAll(function(response) { if(response.error) { $(document).trigger('', { message: t('contacts', 'Merge failed. Error saving contact.') }); return; } else { if(data.deleteOther) { self.contacts.delayedDelete(mergees); } self.openContact(merger.getId()); } }); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, metadata) { console.log('', metadata); $('#contactphoto_fileupload').trigger('click', metadata); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, metadata) { console.log('', metadata); OC.dialogs.filepicker(t('contacts', 'Select photo'), function(path) { self.cloudPhotoSelected(metadata, path); }, false, 'image', true); }); $(document).bind('request.edit.contactphoto', function(e, metadata) { console.log('request.edit.contactphoto', metadata); self.editCurrentPhoto(metadata); }); $(document).bind('request.addressbook.activate', function(e, result) { console.log('request.addressbook.activate', result); self.contacts.showFromAddressbook(, result.activate); }); $(document).bind('request.groups.reload', function(e, result) { console.log('request.groups.reload', result); self.groups.loadGroups(function() { self.groups.triggerLastGroup(); }); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, result) { console.log('', result); if(self.currentgroup == result.groupid) { self.contacts.hideContact(result.contactid); self.closeContact(result.contactid); } }); $(document).bind('', function(e, result) { console.log('', result); if(parseInt(result.groupid) === parseInt(self.currentgroup)) { self.contacts.showContacts([]); self.currentgroup = 'all'; } $.each(result.contacts, function(idx, contactid) { var contact = self.contacts.findById(contactid); contact.removeFromGroup(result.groupname); }); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, result) { console.log('', result); $.each(result.contacts, function(idx, contactid) { var contact = self.contacts.findById(contactid); if(!contact) { console.log('Couldn\'t find contact', contactid) return true; // continue } contact.renameGroup(result.from,; }); }); $(document).bind('', function(e, result) { console.log('', result); var contact = self.contacts.findById(result.contactid); if(!contact) { return false; } contact.addToGroup(result.groupname); }); // Group sorted, save the sort order $(document).bind('status.groups.sorted', function(e, result) { console.log('status.groups.sorted', result); $.when('groupsort', result.sortorder)).then(function(response) { if(response.error) { OC.notify({message: response ? response.message : t('contacts', 'Network or server error. Please inform administrator.')}); } }) .fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { var err = textStatus + ', ' + error; console.log( "Request Failed: " + err); $(document).trigger('', { message: t('contacts', 'Failed saving sort order: {error}', {error:err}) }); }); }); // Group selected, only show contacts from that group $(document).bind('', function(e, result) { console.log('', result); self.currentgroup =; // Close any open contact. if(self.currentid) { var id = self.currentid; self.closeContact(id); self.jumpToContact(id); } self.$; self.$; self.hideActions(); if(result.type === 'category' || result.type === 'fav') { self.contacts.showContacts(result.contacts); } else if(result.type === 'shared') { self.contacts.showFromAddressbook(self.currentgroup, true, true); } else if(result.type === 'uncategorized') { self.contacts.showUncategorized(); } else { self.contacts.showContacts(self.currentgroup); } $.when('lastgroup', self.currentgroup)).then(function(response) { if(response.error) { OC.notify({message: response.message}); } }) .fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { var err = textStatus + ', ' + error; console.log( "Request Failed: " + err); $(document).trigger('', { message: t('contacts', 'Failed saving last group: {error}', {error:err}) }); }); self.$rightContent.scrollTop(0); }); // mark items whose title was hid under the top edge as read /*this.$rightContent.scroll(function() { // prevent too many scroll requests; if(!self.isScrolling) { self.isScrolling = true; var num = self.$contactList.find('tr').length; //console.log('num', num); var offset = self.$contactList.find('tr:eq(' + (num-20) + ')').offset().top; if(offset < self.$rightContent.height()) { console.log('load more'); self.contacts.loadContacts(num, function() { self.isScrolling = false; }); } else { setTimeout(function() { self.isScrolling = false; }, self.scrollTimeoutMiliSecs); } //console.log('scroll, unseen:', offset, self.$rightContent.height()); } });*/ $('#contactphoto_fileupload').on('click', function(event, metadata) { var form = $('#file_upload_form'); form.find('input[name="contactid"]').val(metadata.contactid); form.find('input[name="addressbookid"]').val(metadata.addressbookid); form.find('input[name="backend"]').val(metadata.backend); }).on('change', function() { console.log('#contactphoto_fileupload, change'); self.uploadPhoto(this.files); }); var target = $('#file_upload_target'); target.load(function() { var response = $.parseJSON(target.contents().text()); if(response && response.status == 'success') { console.log('response', response); self.editPhoto( response.metadata, ); //alert('File: ' + file.tmp + ' ' + + ' ' + file.mime); } else if(response) { OC.notify({}); } }); this.$ninjahelp.find('.close').on('click keydown',function(event) { if(wrongKey(event)) { return; } self.$ninjahelp.hide(); }); this.$toggleAll.on('change', function() { var isChecked = $(this).is(':checked'); self.setAllChecked(isChecked); if(self.$groups.find('option').length === 1) { self.buildGroupSelect(); } if(isChecked) { self.showActions(['add', 'download', 'groups', 'delete', 'favorite', 'merge']); } else { self.hideActions(); } }); this.$contactList.on('change', 'input:checkbox', function(event) { var selected = self.contacts.getSelectedContacts(); console.log('selected', selected.length); if(selected.length > 0 && self.$groups.find('option').length === 1) { self.buildGroupSelect(); } if(selected.length === 0) { self.hideActions(); } else if(selected.length === 1) { self.showActions(['add', 'download', 'groups', 'delete', 'favorite']); } else { self.showActions(['add', 'download', 'groups', 'delete', 'favorite', 'merge']); } }); this.$sortOrder.on('change', function() { $(this).blur().addClass('loading'); contacts_sortby = $(this).val(); self.contacts.setSortOrder(); $(this).removeClass('loading');'sortby', contacts_sortby); }); // Add to/remove from group multiple contacts. this.$groups.on('change', function() { var $opt = $(this).find('option:selected'); var action = $opt.parent().data('action'); var groupName, groupId, buildnow = false; var contacts = self.contacts.getSelectedContacts(); var ids = $.map(contacts, function(c) {return c.getId();}); self.setAllChecked(false); self.$toggleAll.prop('checked', false); if(!self.currentid) { self.hideActions(); } if($opt.val() === 'add') { // Add new group action = 'add'; console.log('add group...'); self.$groups.val(-1); self.addGroup(function(response) { if(!response.error) { groupId =; groupName =; self.groups.addTo(ids, groupId, function(result) { if(!result.error) { $.each(ids, function(idx, id) { // Delay each contact to not trigger too many ajax calls // at a time. setTimeout(function() { var contact = self.contacts.findById(id); if(contact === null) { return true; } contact.addToGroup(groupName); // I don't think this is used... if(buildnow) { self.buildGroupSelect(); } $(document).trigger('', { contactid: id, groupid: groupId, groupname: groupName }); }, 1000); }); } else { OC.notify({message:result.message}); } }); } else { OC.notify({message: response.message}); } }); return; } groupName = $opt.text(), groupId = $opt.val(); if(action === 'add') { self.groups.addTo(ids, $opt.val(), function(result) { console.log('after add', result); if(!result.error) { $.each(result.ids, function(idx, id) { // Delay each contact to not trigger too many ajax calls // at a time. setTimeout(function() { console.log('adding', id, 'to', groupName); var contact = self.contacts.findById(id); if(contact === null) { return true; } contact.addToGroup(groupName); // I don't think this is used... if(buildnow) { self.buildGroupSelect(); } $(document).trigger('', { contactid: id, groupid: groupId, groupname: groupName }); }, 1000); }); } else { var msg = result.message ? result.message : t('contacts', 'Error adding to group.'); OC.notify({message:msg}); } }); if(!buildnow) { self.$groups.val(-1).hide().find('optgroup,option:not([value="-1"])').remove(); } } else if(action === 'remove') { self.groups.removeFrom(ids, $opt.val(), function(result) { console.log('after remove', result); if(!result.error) { var groupname = $opt.text(), groupid = $opt.val(); $.each(result.ids, function(idx, id) { var contact = self.contacts.findById(id); if(contact === null) { return true; } contact.removeFromGroup(groupname); if(buildnow) { self.buildGroupSelect(); } // If a group is selected the contact has to be removed from the list $(document).trigger('', { contactid: id, groupid: groupId, groupname: groupName }); }); } else { var msg = result.message ? result.message : t('contacts', 'Error removing from group.'); OC.notify({message:msg}); } }); if(!buildnow) { self.$groups.val(-1).hide().find('optgroup,option:not([value="-1"])').remove(); } } // else something's wrong ;) self.setAllChecked(false); }); // Contact list. Either open a contact or perform an action (mailto etc.) this.$contactList.on('click', 'tr', function(event) { if($('input')) { return; } if(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); self.dontScroll = true;$(this).data('id'), true); return; } if($('a.mailto')) { var mailto = 'mailto:' + $.trim($(this).find('.email').text()); try { window.location.href=mailto; } catch(e) { alert(t('contacts', 'There was an error opening a mail composer.')); } return; } self.openContact(String($(this).data('id'))); }); this.$settings.find('#app-settings-header').on('click keydown',function(event) { if(wrongKey(event)) { return; } var bodyListener = function(e) { if(self.$settings.find($( == 0) { self.$settings.switchClass('open', ''); } }; if(self.$settings.hasClass('open')) { self.$settings.switchClass('open', ''); $('body').unbind('click', bodyListener); } else { self.$settings.switchClass('', 'open'); $('body').bind('click', bodyListener); } }); var addContact = function() { console.log('add'); self.$toggleAll.hide(); $(this).hide(); self.currentid = 'new'; // Properties that the contact doesn't know console.log('addContact, groupid', self.currentgroup); self.$contactList.addClass('dim'); var groupprops = { favorite: false, groups: self.groups.categories, currentgroup: {id:self.currentgroup, name:self.groups.nameById(self.currentgroup)} }; self.$firstRun.hide(); self.$; self.$contactList.addClass('dim'); self.tmpcontact = self.contacts.addContact(groupprops); self.$rightContent.prepend(self.tmpcontact); self.hideActions(); }; this.$firstRun.on('click keydown', '.import', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); self.$settings.find('.settings').click(); }); this.$firstRun.on('click keydown', '.add-contact', function(event) { if(wrongKey(event)) { return; } addContact(); }); this.$groupList.on('click keydown', '.add-contact', function(event) { if(wrongKey(event)) { return; } addContact(); }); this.$contactListHeader.on('click keydown', '.delete', function(event) { if(wrongKey(event)) { return; } console.log('delete'); if(self.currentid) { console.assert(typeof self.currentid === 'string', 'self.currentid is not a string'); contactInfo = self.contacts[self.currentid].metaData(); self.contacts.delayedDelete(contactInfo); } else { self.contacts.delayedDelete(self.contacts.getSelectedContacts()); } self.hideActions(); }); this.$contactListHeader.on('click keydown', '.download', function(event) { if(wrongKey(event)) { return; } console.log('download'); var contacts = self.contacts.getSelectedContacts(); var ids = $.map(contacts, function(c) {return c.getId();}); document.location.href = OC.linkTo('contacts', 'export.php') + '?selectedids=' + ids.join(','); }); this.$contactListHeader.on('click keydown', '.merge', function(event) { if(wrongKey(event)) { return; } console.log('merge'); self.mergeSelectedContacts(); }); this.$contactListHeader.on('click keydown', '.favorite', function(event) { if(wrongKey(event)) { return; } var contacts = self.contacts.getSelectedContacts(); self.setAllChecked(false); self.$toggleAll.prop('checked', false); if(!self.currentid) { self.hideActions(); } $.each(contacts, function(idx, contact) { if(!self.groups.isFavorite(contact.getId())) { self.groups.setAsFavorite(contact.getId(), true, function(result) { if(result.status !== 'success') { OC.notify({message: t('contacts', 'Error setting {name} as favorite.', {name:contact.getDisplayName()}) }); } }); } }); self.hideActions(); }); this.$contactList.on('mouseenter', '', function(event) { if($.trim($(this).text()).length > 3) { $(this).find('.mailto').css('display', 'inline-block'); //.fadeIn(100); } }); this.$contactList.on('mouseleave', '', function(event) { $(this).find('.mailto').fadeOut(100); }); $('body').on('touchmove', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on('keyup', function(event) { if(!$('body') || event.isPropagationStopped()) { return; } var keyCode = Math.max(event.keyCode, event.which); // TODO: This should go in separate method console.log(event, keyCode + ' ' +; /** * To add: * Shift-a: add addressbook * u (85): hide/show leftcontent * f (70): add field */ switch(keyCode) { case 13: // Enter? console.log('Enter?'); if(!self.currentid && self.currentlistid) { self.openContact(self.currentlistid); } break; case 27: // Esc if(self.$':visible')) { self.$ninjahelp.hide(); } else if(self.currentid) { self.closeContact(self.currentid); } break; case 46: // Delete if(event.shiftKey) { self.contacts.delayedDelete(self.currentid); } break; case 40: // down case 74: // j console.log('next'); if(!self.currentid && self.currentlistid) { self.contacts.contacts[self.currentlistid].next(); } break; case 65: // a if(event.shiftKey) { console.log('add group?'); break; } self.addContact(); break; case 38: // up case 75: // k console.log('previous'); if(!self.currentid && self.currentlistid) { self.contacts.contacts[self.currentlistid].prev(); } break; case 34: // PageDown case 78: // n console.log('page down'); break; case 79: // o console.log('open contact?'); break; case 33: // PageUp case 80: // p // prev addressbook //OC.contacts.contacts.previousAddressbook(); break; case 82: // r console.log('refresh - what?'); break; case 63: // ? German. if(event.shiftKey) { self.$ninjahelp.toggle('fast'); } break; case 171: // ? Danish case 191: // ? Standard qwerty self.$ninjahelp.toggle('fast').position({my: "center",at: "center",of: "#content"}); break; } }); // find all with a title attribute and tipsy them $('.tooltipped.downwards:not(.onfocus)').tipsy({gravity: 'n'}); $('.tooltipped.upwards:not(.onfocus)').tipsy({gravity: 's'}); $('.tooltipped.rightwards:not(.onfocus)').tipsy({gravity: 'w'}); $('.tooltipped.leftwards:not(.onfocus)').tipsy({gravity: 'e'}); $('.tooltipped.downwards.onfocus').tipsy({trigger: 'focus', gravity: 'n'}); $('.tooltipped.rightwards.onfocus').tipsy({trigger: 'focus', gravity: 'w'}); }, mergeSelectedContacts: function() { var contacts = this.contacts.getSelectedContacts(); var self = this; this.$rightContent.append('
'); if(!this.$mergeContactsTmpl) { this.$mergeContactsTmpl = $('#mergeContactsTemplate'); } var $dlg = this.$mergeContactsTmpl.octemplate(); var $liTmpl = $dlg.find('li').detach(); var $mergeList = $dlg.find('.mergelist'); $.each(contacts, function(idx, contact) { var $li = $liTmpl .octemplate({idx: idx, id: contact.getId(), displayname: contact.getDisplayName()}); if(! { $li.addClass('thumbnail'); } else { $li.css('background-image', 'url(data:image/png;base64,' + + ')'); } if(idx === 0) { $li.find('input:radio').prop('checked', true); } $mergeList.append($li); }); this.$contactList.addClass('dim'); $('#merge_contacts_dialog').html($dlg).ocdialog({ closeOnEscape: true, title: t('contacts', 'Merge contacts'), height: 'auto', width: 'auto', buttons: [ { text: t('contacts', 'Merge contacts'), click:function() { // Do the merging, use $(this) to get dialog var contactid = $(this).find('input:radio:checked').val(); var others = []; var deleteOther = $(this).find('#delete_other').prop('checked'); console.log('Selected contact', contactid, 'Delete others', deleteOther); $.each($(this).find('input:radio:not(:checked)'), function(idx, item) { others.push($(item).val()); }); console.log('others', others); $(document).trigger('', { merger: contactid, mergees: others, deleteOther: deleteOther }); $(this).ocdialog('close'); }, defaultButton: true }, { text: t('contacts', 'Cancel'), click:function(dlg) { $(this).ocdialog('close'); return false; } } ], close: function(event, ui) { $(this).ocdialog('destroy').remove(); $('#add_group_dialog').remove(); self.$contactList.removeClass('dim'); }, open: function(event, ui) { $dlg.find('input').focus(); } }); }, addGroup: function(cb) { var self = this; this.$rightContent.append(''); if(!this.$addGroupTmpl) { this.$addGroupTmpl = $('#addGroupTemplate'); } this.$contactList.addClass('dim'); var $dlg = this.$addGroupTmpl.octemplate(); $('#add_group_dialog').html($dlg).ocdialog({ modal: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: t('contacts', 'Add group'), height: 'auto', width: 'auto', buttons: [ { text: t('contacts', 'OK'), click:function() { var name = $(this).find('input').val(); if(name.trim() === '') { return false; } self.groups.addGroup( {name:$dlg.find('input:text').val()}, function(response) { if(typeof cb === 'function') { cb(response); } else { if(response.error) { OC.notify({message: response.message}); } } }); $(this).ocdialog('close'); }, defaultButton: true }, { text: t('contacts', 'Cancel'), click:function(dlg) { $(this).ocdialog('close'); return false; } } ], close: function(event, ui) { $(this).ocdialog('destroy').remove(); $('#add_group_dialog').remove(); self.$contactList.removeClass('dim'); }, open: function(event, ui) { $dlg.find('input').focus(); } }); }, setAllChecked: function(checked) { var selector = checked ? 'input:checkbox:visible:not(checked)' : 'input:checkbox:visible:checked'; $.each(this.$contactList.find(selector), function() { $(this).prop('checked', checked); }); }, jumpToContact: function(id) { this.$rightContent.scrollTop(this.contacts.contactPos(id)-30); }, closeContact: function(id) { $(window).unbind('hashchange', this.hashChange); if(this.currentid === 'new') { this.tmpcontact.remove(); this.$; } else { var contact = this.contacts.findById(id); if(contact && contact.close()) { this.jumpToContact(id); } } this.$contactList.removeClass('dim'); delete this.currentid; this.hideActions(); this.$groups.find('optgroup,option:not([value="-1"])').remove(); if(this.contacts.length === 0) { $(document).trigger('status.nomorecontacts'); } //$('body').unbind('click', this.bodyListener); window.location.hash = ''; $(window).bind('hashchange', this.hashChange); }, openContact: function(id) { if(typeof id == 'undefined' || id == 'undefined') { console.warn('id is undefined!'); console.trace(); } this.hideActions(); console.log('Contacts.openContact', id, typeof id); if(this.currentid && this.currentid !== id) { this.closeContact(this.currentid); } $(window).unbind('hashchange', this.hashChange); this.currentid = id; console.log('Contacts.openContact, Favorite', this.currentid, this.groups.isFavorite(this.currentid), this.groups); this.setAllChecked(false); //this.$contactList.hide(); this.$contactList.addClass('dim'); this.$toggleAll.hide(); console.assert(typeof this.currentid === 'string', 'Current ID not string'); this.jumpToContact(this.currentid); // Properties that the contact doesn't know var groupprops = { favorite: this.groups.isFavorite(this.currentid), groups: this.groups.categories, currentgroup: {id:this.currentgroup, name:this.groups.nameById(this.currentgroup)} }; var $contactelem = this.contacts.showContact(this.currentid, groupprops); if(!$contactelem) { console.warn('Error opening', this.currentid); this.$contactList.removeClass('dim'); $(document).trigger('', { message: t('contacts', 'Could not find contact: {id}', {id:this.currentid}) }); this.currentid = null; return; } var self = this; var adjustElems = function() { var $contact = $contactelem.find('#contact'); var maxheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight - 200; // - ($contactelem.offset().top+70); var $footer = $contactelem.find('footer'); var minWidth = 0; $.each($footer.children(), function(idx, child) { minWidth += $(child).outerWidth(); }); $contact.css({'min-width' : Math.round(minWidth), 'max-height': maxheight, 'overflow-y': 'auto', 'overflow-x': 'hidden'}); }; $(window).resize(adjustElems); //$contact.resizable({ minWidth: 400, minHeight: 400, maxHeight: maxheight}); this.$rightContent.prepend($contactelem); adjustElems(); /*this.bodyListener = function(e) { if(!self.currentid) { return; } var $contactelem = self.contacts.findById(self.currentid).$fullelem; if($contactelem.find($( === 0) { self.closeContact(self.currentid); } };*/ window.location.hash = this.currentid.toString(); setTimeout(function() { //$('body').bind('click', self.bodyListener); $(window).bind('hashchange', this.hashChange); }, 500); }, update: function() { console.log('update'); }, uploadPhoto:function(filelist) { console.log('uploadPhoto'); var self = this; if(!filelist) { OC.notify({message:t('contacts','No files selected for upload.')}); return; } var file = filelist[0]; var form = $('#file_upload_form'); var totalSize=0; if(file.size > $('#max_upload').val()){ OC.notify({ message:t( 'contacts', 'The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server.') }); return; } else { form.submit(); } }, cloudPhotoSelected:function(metadata, path) { var self = this; console.log('cloudPhotoSelected', metadata); $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'oc_photo.php'), {path: path, contact: metadata},function(jsondata) { if(jsondata.status == 'success') { //alert(; self.editPhoto(metadata,; //$('#edit_photo_dialog_img').html(; } else{ OC.notify({message:}); } }); }, editCurrentPhoto:function(metadata) { var self = this; $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'currentphoto.php'), metadata, function(jsondata) { if(jsondata.status == 'success') { //alert(; self.editPhoto(metadata,; $('#edit_photo_dialog_img').html(; } else{ OC.notify({message:}); } }); }, editPhoto:function(metadata, tmpkey) { console.log('editPhoto', metadata, tmpkey); $('.tipsy').remove(); // Simple event handler, called from onChange and onSelect // event handlers, as per the Jcrop invocation above var showCoords = function(c) { $('#x1').val(c.x); $('#y1').val(c.y); $('#x2').val(c.x2); $('#y2').val(c.y2); $('#w').val(c.w); $('#h').val(c.h); }; var clearCoords = function() { $('#coords input').val(''); }; var self = this; if(!this.$cropBoxTmpl) { this.$cropBoxTmpl = $('#cropBoxTemplate'); } //$('body').append(''); var $container = $('').appendTo($('body')); var $dlg = this.$cropBoxTmpl.octemplate( { backend: metadata.backend, addressbookid: metadata.addressbookid, contactid: metadata.contactid, tmpkey: tmpkey }); var cropphoto = new Image(); $(cropphoto).load(function () { var x = 5, y = 5, w = this.width-10, h = this.height-10; $(this).attr('id', 'cropbox'); $(this).prependTo($dlg).fadeIn(); $(this).Jcrop({ onChange: showCoords, onSelect: showCoords, onRelease: clearCoords, maxSize: [399, 399], bgColor: 'black', bgOpacity: .4, boxWidth: 400, boxHeight: 400, setSelect: [ w, h, x, y ]//, //aspectRatio: 0.8 }); $container.html($dlg).dialog({ modal: true, closeOnEscape: true, title: t('contacts', 'Edit profile picture'), height: 'auto', width: 'auto', buttons: { 'Ok':function() { self.savePhoto($(this)); $(this).dialog('close'); }, 'Cancel':function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }, close: function(event, ui) { $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); $container.remove(); }, open: function(event, ui) { showCoords({x:x,y:y,w:w,h:h}); } }); }).error(function () { OC.notify({message:t('contacts','Error loading profile picture.')}); }).attr('src', OC.linkTo('contacts', 'tmpphoto.php')+'?tmpkey='+tmpkey+'&refresh='+Math.random()); }, savePhoto:function($dlg) { var form = $dlg.find('#cropform'); q = form.serialize(); console.log('savePhoto', q); $.post(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'savecrop.php'), q, function(response) { //var jsondata = $.parseJSON(response); console.log('savePhoto, response', typeof response); if(response && response.status === 'success') { // load cropped photo. $(document).trigger('', { id:, thumbnail: }); } else { if(!response) { OC.notify({message:t('contacts', 'Network or server error. Please inform administrator.')}); } else { OC.notify({message:}); } } }); }, }; $(document).ready(function() { OC.Router.registerLoadedCallback(function() { $.getScript(OC.Router.generate('contacts_jsconfig')) .done(function() { OC.Contacts.init(); }) .fail(function(jqxhr, settings, exception) { console.log('Failed loading settings.', jqxhr, settings, exception); }); }); });