#jQuery Combobox plugin Yet another combobox plugin. Were developed for my own purposes and successfully used in many projects. ##Features * works with jQuery 1.8+ ##Quick start Three options are available: * [Download the latest release][release] * Clone the repo: `git clone git@github.com:jslayer/jquery-combobox.git` * Install with [Bower][bower]: `bower install jquery-combobox` ##Usage Basic usage: $('select').combobox([{options}], [{classes}]); ##Parameters ###Options ####`width` and `height` `int` Determines the `width`/`height` of the element. Defaults is `false` - `width`/`height` will depend on the `width`/`height` of the source element. ####`btnWidth` `int` Determines the element's button width (in px). Defaults is 15. ####`showSpeed` and `hideSpeed` `mixed` Speed of the show/hide animation effect. Defaults is `fast`. ####`hideSelected` `bool` If is `true` the selected element will he hidden from the dropdown list. By default is `false`. ####`listMaxHeight` `int` Maximum height of the dropdown list. Vertical scrollbar appears when list height is greater than this value. Defaults is `false` - no limit. ####`hoverEnabled` `bool` Enables hover feature. For performance reasons by default is `false` ####`theme` `string` Set the "theme" prefix - it will be used in CSS classes for generated elements. Defaults is `combo` ####`filter` `function` You can setup your own content filter; This callback accept name of the filter and the initial value; Than you should return this or modified value; Supported filters: * `selected` - The text of the selected box. ###Classes List of default element's CSS classes suffixes and their default values. * `wrapper` - `wrapper` * `focus` - `focus` * `disabled` - `disabled` * `multiple` - `multiple` * `button` - `button` * `group` - `group` * `groupLabel` - `group-label` * `list` - `list` * `selected` - `selected` * `itemHover` - `item-hover` * `itemActive` - `item-active` * `wrapHover` - `wrapper-hover` * `wrapActive` - `wrapper-active` * `listLong` - `list-long` The applyed css classes will be prepared from `theme_name-suffix_name` ##Events You can bind several event handlers to the source (select) element, to catch some usefull events. ###`before_show` and `before_hide` Called before show/hide dropdown. ###`combo_init` Combobox init event. ###`update_position` Called just before update the position of the dropdown. This even receive offset object, so you can easily change the dropdown position. [release]:https://github.com/jslayer/jquery-combobox/zipball/master [bower]:http://bower.io/