var el; var body = document.body; function button(){ return; } function menu(){ return el.multiselect("widget"); } function header(){ return menu().find('.ui-multiselect-header'); } QUnit.done = function(){ $("select").hide(); }; (function($){ module("core"); test("init", function(){ expect(6); el = $("select").multiselect(), $header = header(); ok( $header.find('a.ui-multiselect-all').css('display') !== 'none', 'select all is visible' ); ok( $header.find('a.ui-multiselect-none').css('display') !== 'none', 'select none is visible' ); ok( $header.find('a.ui-multiselect-close').css('display') !== 'none', 'close link is visible' ); ok( menu().is(':hidden'), 'menu is hidden'); ok(":hidden"), 'the original select is hidden'); ok( el.attr('tabIndex') == 2, 'button inherited the correct tab index'); el.multiselect("destroy"); }); test("form submission", function(){ expect(3); var form = $('
').appendTo(body), data; el = $('') .appendTo(form) .multiselect() .multiselect("checkAll"); data = form.serialize(); equals( data, 'test=foo&test=bar', 'after checking all and serializing the form, the correct keys were serialized'); el.multiselect("uncheckAll"); data = form.serialize(); equals( data.length, 0, 'after unchecking all and serializing the form, nothing was serialized'); // re-check all and destroy, exposing original select el.multiselect("checkAll").multiselect("destroy"); data = form.serialize(); equals( data, 'test=foo&test=bar', 'after checking all, destroying the widget, and serializing the form, the correct keys were serialized'); form.remove(); }); test("form submission, optgroups", function(){ expect(4); var form = $('
').appendTo(body), data; el = $('') .appendTo(form) .multiselect() .multiselect("checkAll"); data = form.serialize(); equals( data, 'test=foo&test=bar&test=baz&test=bax', 'after checking all and serializing the form, the correct keys were serialized'); el.multiselect("uncheckAll"); data = form.serialize(); equals( data.length, 0, 'after unchecking all and serializing the form, nothing was serialized'); // re-check all and destroy, exposing original select el.multiselect("checkAll").multiselect("destroy"); data = form.serialize(); equals( data, 'test=foo&test=bar&test=baz&test=bax', 'after checking all, destroying the widget, and serializing the form, the correct keys were serialized'); // reset option tags el.find("option").each(function(){ this.selected = false; }); // test checking one option in both optgroups el.multiselect(); // finds the first input in each optgroup (assumes 2 options per optgroup) el.multiselect("widget").find('.ui-multiselect-checkboxes li:not(.ui-multiselect-optgroup-label) input:even').each(function( i ){; }); data = form.serialize(); equals( data, 'test=foo&test=baz', 'after manually checking one input in each group, the correct two are serialized'); el.multiselect('destroy'); form.remove(); }); test("form submission, single select", function(){ expect(7); var form = $('
').appendTo("body"), radios, data; el = $('') .appendTo(form) .multiselect({ multiple: false }); // select multiple radios to ensure that, in the underlying select, only one // will remain selected radios = menu().find(":radio"); radios[0].click(); radios[2].click(); radios[1].click(); data = form.serialize(); equals( data, 'test=bar', 'the form serializes correctly after clicking on multiple radio buttons'); equals( radios.filter(":checked").length, 1, 'Only one radio button is selected'); // uncheckAll method el.multiselect("uncheckAll"); data = form.serialize(); equals( data.length, 0, 'After unchecking all, nothing was serialized'); equals( radios.filter(":checked").length, 0, 'No radio buttons are selected'); // checkAll method el.multiselect("checkAll"); data = form.serialize(); equals( el.multiselect("getChecked").length, 1, 'After checkAll, only one radio is selected'); equals( radios.filter(":checked").length, 1, 'One radio is selected'); // expose original el.multiselect("destroy"); data = form.serialize(); equals( data, 'test=foo&test=bar&test=baz', 'after destroying the widget and serializing the form, the correct key was serialized: ' + data); form.remove(); }); asyncTest("form reset, nothing pre-selected", function(){ expect(2); var form = $('
').appendTo(body), noneSelected = 'Please check something'; el = $('') .appendTo(form) .multiselect({ noneSelectedText: noneSelected }) .multiselect("checkAll"); // trigger reset form.trigger("reset"); setTimeout(function(){ equals( menu().find(":checked").length, 0, "no checked checkboxes" ); equals( button().text(), noneSelected, "none selected text"); el.multiselect('destroy'); form.remove(); start(); }, 10); }); asyncTest("form reset, pre-selected options", function(){ expect(2); var form = $('
').appendTo(body); el = $('') .appendTo(form) .multiselect({ selectedText: '# of # selected' }) .multiselect("uncheckAll"); // trigger reset form.trigger("reset"); setTimeout(function(){ equals( menu().find(":checked").length, 2, "two checked checkboxes" ); equals( button().text(), "2 of 2 selected", "selected text" ); el.multiselect('destroy'); form.remove(); start(); }, 10); }); })(jQuery);