. * */ namespace OCA\Contacts; use OCA\Contacts\Utils\Properties; use OCA\Contacts\Backend\LocalUsers; class LocalUsersAddressbookProvider implements \OCP\IAddressBook { /** * The table that holds the address books. * For every user there is *1* addressbook. * @var string */ private $addressBooksTableName = '*PREFIX*contacts_ocu_addressbooks'; /** * The table that holds the contacts. * @var string */ private $cardsTableName = '*PREFIX*contacts_ocu_cards'; /** * The table that holds the properties of the contacts. * This is used to provice a search function. * @var string */ private $indexTableName = '*PREFIX*contacts_ocu_cards_properties'; /** * @var LocalUsers */ private $backend; /** * Constructor * @param AddressBook $addressBook */ public function __construct(AddressBook $addressBook) { $this->addressBook = $addressBook; } /** * @param $pattern * @param $searchProperties * @param $options * @return array|false */ public function search($pattern, $searchProperties, $options) { // First make sure the database is updated $this->addressBook->getBackend()->updateDatabase(\OCP\User::getUser()); $ids = array(); $results = array(); $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT `contactid` FROM `' . $this->indexTableName . '` WHERE ('; $params = array(); foreach ($searchProperties as $property) { $params[] = $property; $params[] = '%' . $pattern . '%'; $query .= '(`name` = ? AND `value` LIKE ?) OR '; } $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 4); $query .= ')'; $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare($query); $result = $stmt->execute($params); if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR); return false; } while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $ids[] = $row['contactid']; } if (count($ids) > 0) { $query = 'SELECT `' . $this->cardsTableName . '`.`addressbookid`, `' . $this->indexTableName . '`.`contactid`, `' . $this->indexTableName . '`.`name`, `' . $this->indexTableName . '`.`value` FROM `' . $this->indexTableName . '`,`' . $this->cardsTableName . '` WHERE `' . $this->cardsTableName . '`.`addressbookid` = \'' . \OCP\User::getUser() . '\' AND `' . $this->indexTableName . '`.`contactid` = `' . $this->cardsTableName . '`.`id` AND `' . $this->indexTableName . '`.`contactid` IN (' . join(',', array_fill(0, count($ids), '?')) . ')'; $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare($query); $result = $stmt->execute($ids); } while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $this->getProperty($results, $row); } return $results; } public function getKey() { } /** * In comparison to getKey() this function returns a human readable (maybe translated) name * @return mixed */ public function getDisplayName() { } public function createOrUpdate($properties) { } /** * @return mixed */ public function getPermissions() { } /** * @param object $id the unique identifier to a contact * @return bool successful or not */ public function delete($id){ } private function getProperty(&$results, $row) { if(!$row['name'] || !$row['value']) { return false; } $value = null; switch($row['name']) { case 'PHOTO': $value = 'VALUE=uri:' . \OCP\Util::linkToAbsolute('contacts', 'photo.php') . '?id=' . $row['contactid']; break; case 'N': case 'ORG': case 'ADR': case 'GEO': case 'CATEGORIES': $property = \Sabre\VObject\Property::create($row['name'], $row['value']); $value = $property->getParts(); break; default: $value = $value = strtr($row['value'], array('\,' => ',', '\;' => ';')); break; } if (in_array($row['name'], Properties::$multiProperties)) { if (!isset($results[$row['contactid']])) { $results[$row['contactid']] = array('id' => $row['contactid'], $row['name'] => array($value)); } elseif (!isset($results[$row['contactid']][$row['name']])) { $results[$row['contactid']][$row['name']] = array($value); } else { $results[$row['contactid']][$row['name']][] = $value; } } else { if (!isset($results[$row['contactid']])) { $results[$row['contactid']] = array('id' => $row['contactid'], $row['name'] => $value); } elseif(!isset($results[$row['contactid']][$row['name']])) { $results[$row['contactid']][$row['name']] = $value; } } } }