OC.Contacts = OC.Contacts || {}; /** * TODO: Use $.Deferred. */ (function(window, $, OC) { 'use strict'; var JSONResponse = function(response, jqXHR) { this.getAllResponseHeaders = jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders; this.getResponseHeader = jqXHR.getResponseHeader; this.statusCode = jqXHR.status; if(!response) { console.log('jqXHR', jqXHR); this.error = true; this.message = jqXHR.statusText; } else { if(response.status === 'error') { this.error = true; this.message = response.data.message; } else { this.error = false; if(response.data) { this.data = response.data; } else { this.data = response; } } } } /** * An object for saving contact data to backends * * All methods returns a jQuery.Deferred object which resolves * to either the requested response or an error object: * { * error: true, * message: The error message * } * * @param string user The user to query for. Defaults to current user */ var Storage = function(user) { this.user = user ? user : OC.currentUser; } /** * Get all address books registered for this user. * * @return An array containing object of address book metadata e.g.: * { * backend:'local', * id:'1234' * permissions:31, * displayname:'Contacts' * } */ Storage.prototype.getAddressBooksForUser = function() { return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_address_books_for_user', 'GET', {} ); } /** * Add an address book to a specific backend * * @param string backend - currently defaults to 'local' * @param object params An object {displayname:"My contacts", description:""} * @return An array containing contact data e.g.: * { * metadata: * { * id:'1234' * permissions:31, * displayname:'My contacts', * lastmodified: (unix timestamp), * owner: 'joye', * } */ Storage.prototype.addAddressBook = function(backend, parameters) { console.log('Storage.addAddressBook', backend); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_address_book_add', 'POST', {backend: 'local'}, parameters ); } /** * Update an address book in a specific backend * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID * @param object params An object {displayname:"My contacts", description:""} * @return An array containing contact data e.g.: * { * metadata: * { * id:'1234' * permissions:31, * displayname:'My contacts', * lastmodified: (unix timestamp), * owner: 'joye', * } */ Storage.prototype.updateAddressBook = function(backend, addressbookid, properties) { console.log('Storage.updateAddressBook', backend); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_address_book_update', 'POST', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid}, properties ); } /** * Delete an address book from a specific backend * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID */ Storage.prototype.deleteAddressBook = function(backend, addressbookid) { console.log('Storage.deleteAddressBook', backend, addressbookid); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_address_book_delete', 'DELETE', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid} ); } /** * Get contacts from an address book from a specific backend * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID * @return Depending of the value of the 'request' property in params: * 'collection' * An array containing contact data e.g.: * { * metadata: * { * id:'1234' * permissions:31, * displayname:'John Q. Public', * lastmodified: (unix timestamp), * owner: 'joye', * parent: (id of the parent address book) * data: //array of VCard data * } * 'export' * A stream of vCards separated by "\r\n\r\n" */ Storage.prototype.getAddressBook = function(backend, addressbookid, params) { return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_address_book', 'GET', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid}, params ); } /** * Add a contact to an address book from a specific backend * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID * @return An array containing contact data e.g.: * { * metadata: * { * id:'1234' * permissions:31, * displayname:'John Q. Public', * lastmodified: (unix timestamp), * owner: 'joye', * parent: (id of the parent address book) * data: //array of VCard data * } */ Storage.prototype.addContact = function(backend, addressbookid) { console.log('Storage.addContact', backend, addressbookid); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_address_book_add_contact', 'POST', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid} ); } /** * Delete a contact from an address book from a specific backend * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID * @param string contactid Address book ID */ Storage.prototype.deleteContact = function(backend, addressbookid, contactid) { console.log('Storage.deleteContact', backend, addressbookid, contactid); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_address_book_delete_contact', 'DELETE', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid, contactid: contactid} ); } /** * Move a contact to an address book from a specific backend * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID * @param string contactid Address book ID */ Storage.prototype.moveContact = function(backend, addressbookid, contactid, target) { console.log('Storage.moveContact', backend, addressbookid, contactid, target); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_address_book_move_contact', 'POST', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid, contactid: contactid}, target ); } /** * Get Image instance for a contacts profile picture * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID * @param string contactid Address book ID * @return Image */ Storage.prototype.getContactPhoto = function(backend, addressbookid, contactid) { var photo = new Image(); var url = OC.Router.generate( 'contacts_contact_photo', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid, contactid: contactid} ); var defer = $.Deferred(); var self = this; $.when( $(photo).load(function() { defer.resolve(photo); }) .error(function() { console.log('Error loading contact photo') defer.reject(); }) .attr('src', url + '?refresh=' + Math.random()) ) .fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { defer.reject(); var err = textStatus + ', ' + error; console.log( "Request Failed: " + err); $(document).trigger('status.contact.error', { message: t('contacts', 'Failed loading photo: {error}', {error:err}) }); }); return defer.promise(); } /** * Get Image instance for default profile picture * * This method loads the default picture only once and caches it. * * @return Image */ Storage.prototype.getDefaultPhoto = function() { console.log('Storage.getDefaultPhoto'); if(!this.defaultPhoto) { var defer = $.Deferred(); var url = OC.imagePath('contacts', 'person_large.png'); this.defaultPhoto = new Image(); var self = this; $(this.defaultPhoto) .load(function() { defer.resolve(this); }).error(function(event) { defer.reject(); }).attr('src', url) return defer.promise(); } else { return this.defaultPhoto; } } /** * Delete a single property. * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID * @param string contactid Contact ID * @param object params An object with the following properties: * @param string name The name of the property e.g. EMAIL. * @param string checksum For non-singular properties such as email this must contain * an 8 character md5 checksum of the serialized \Sabre\Property */ Storage.prototype.deleteProperty = function(backend, addressbookid, contactid, params) { return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_contact_delete_property', 'POST', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid, contactid: contactid}, params ); } /** * Save a property. * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID * @param string contactid Contact ID * @param object params An object with the following properties: * @param string name The name of the property e.g. EMAIL. * @param string|array value The of the property * @param array parameters Optional parameters for the property * @param string checksum For non-singular properties such as email this must contain * an 8 character md5 checksum of the serialized \Sabre\Property */ Storage.prototype.saveProperty = function(backend, addressbookid, contactid, params) { return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_contact_save_property', 'POST', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid, contactid: contactid}, params ); } /** * Save all properties. Used when merging contacts. * * @param string backend * @param string addressbookid Address book ID * @param string contactid Contact ID * @param object params An object with the all properties: */ Storage.prototype.saveAllProperties = function(backend, addressbookid, contactid, params) { console.log('Storage.saveAllProperties', params); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_contact_save_all', 'POST', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid, contactid: contactid}, params ); } /** * Get all groups for this user. * * @return An array containing the groups, the favorites, any shared * address books, the last selected group and the sort order of the groups. * { * 'categories': [{'id':1',Family'}, {...}], * 'favorites': [123,456], * 'shared': [], * 'lastgroup':'1', * 'sortorder':'3,2,4' * } */ Storage.prototype.getGroupsForUser = function() { console.log('getGroupsForUser'); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_categories_list', 'GET', {} ); } /** * Add a group * * @param string name * @return A JSON object containing the (maybe sanitized) group name and its ID: * { * 'id':1234, * 'name':'My group' * } */ Storage.prototype.addGroup = function(name) { console.log('Storage.addGroup', name); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_categories_add', 'POST', {}, {name: name} ); } /** * Delete a group * * @param string name */ Storage.prototype.deleteGroup = function(name) { return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_categories_delete', 'POST', {}, {name: name} ); } /** * Rename a group * * @param string from * @param string to */ Storage.prototype.renameGroup = function(from, to) { return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_categories_rename', 'POST', {}, {from: from, to: to} ); } /** * Add contacts to a group * * @param array contactids */ Storage.prototype.addToGroup = function(contactids, categoryid, categoryname) { console.log('Storage.addToGroup', contactids, categoryid); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_categories_addto', 'POST', {categoryid: categoryid}, {contactids: contactids, name: categoryname} ); } /** * Remove contacts from a group * * @param array contactids */ Storage.prototype.removeFromGroup = function(contactids, categoryid, categoryname) { console.log('Storage.removeFromGroup', contactids, categoryid); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_categories_removefrom', 'POST', {categoryid: categoryid}, {contactids: contactids, name: categoryname} ); } /** * Set a user preference * * @param string key * @param string value */ Storage.prototype.setPreference = function(key, value) { return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_setpreference', 'POST', {}, {key: key, value:value} ); } Storage.prototype.startImport = function(backend, addressbookid, params) { console.log('Storage.startImport', backend, addressbookid); return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_import_start', 'POST', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid}, params ); } Storage.prototype.importStatus = function(backend, addressbookid, params) { return this.requestRoute( 'contacts_import_status', 'POST', {backend: backend, addressbookid: addressbookid}, params ); } Storage.prototype.requestRoute = function(route, type, routeParams, params) { var isJSON = (typeof params === 'string'); var contentType = isJSON ? 'application/json' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; var processData = !isJSON; contentType += '; charset=UTF-8'; var self = this; var url = OC.Router.generate(route, routeParams); var ajaxParams = { type: type, url: url, dataType: 'json', ifModified: true, contentType: contentType, processData: processData, data: params }; var defer = $.Deferred(); var jqxhr = $.ajax(ajaxParams) .done(function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) { defer.resolve(new JSONResponse(response, jqXHR)); }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, error) { console.log(jqXHR); var response = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText); console.log('response', response); defer.reject(new JSONResponse(response, jqXHR)); }); return defer.promise(); } OC.Contacts.Storage = Storage; })(window, jQuery, OC);