"kontak tidak ditemukan", "Cannot add empty property." => "tidak dapat menambahkan properti kosong", "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "setidaknya satu dari alamat wajib di isi", "Contacts" => "kontak", "Download" => "unduh", "Edit" => "ubah", "Delete" => "hapus", "Cancel" => "batal", "Contact could not be found." => "kontak tidak dapat ditemukan", "Work" => "pekerjaan", "Home" => "rumah", "Mobile" => "ponsel", "Text" => "teks", "Voice" => "suara", "Message" => "pesan", "Fax" => "fax", "Video" => "video", "Pager" => "pager", "Internet" => "internet", "Birthday" => "tanggal lahir", "{name}'s Birthday" => "hari ulang tahun {name}", "Contact" => "kontak", "Add Contact" => "tambah kontak", "Edit name details" => "ubah detail nama", "Organization" => "organisasi", "Nickname" => "nama panggilan", "Enter nickname" => "masukkan nama panggilan", "dd-mm-yyyy" => "dd-mm-yyyy", "Groups" => "grup", "Separate groups with commas" => "pisahkan grup dengan tanda koma", "Preferred" => "disarankan", "Phone" => "telefon", "Email" => "surel", "Address" => "alamat", "Download contact" => "unduk kontak", "Delete contact" => "hapus kontak", "Type" => "tipe", "PO Box" => "PO box", "City" => "kota", "Region" => "daerah", "Zipcode" => "kodepos", "Country" => "negara", "Addressbook" => "buku alamat", "Addressbooks" => "buku alamat", "Save" => "simpan" );