. * */ // Init owncloud require_once('../../../lib/base.php'); $aid = $_POST['id']; $l10n = new OC_L10N('contacts'); // Check if we are a user OC_JSON::checkLoggedIn(); OC_JSON::checkAppEnabled('contacts'); $addressbook = OC_Contacts_Addressbook::find( $aid ); if( $addressbook === false || $addressbook['userid'] != OC_USER::getUser()){ OC_JSON::error(array('data' => array( 'message' => $l10n->t('This is not your addressbook.')))); // Same here (as with the contact error). Could this error be improved? exit(); } $fn = $_POST['fn']; $values = $_POST['value']; $parameters = $_POST['parameters']; $vcard = new Sabre_VObject_Component('VCARD'); $vcard->add(new Sabre_VObject_Property('FN',$fn)); $vcard->add(new Sabre_VObject_Property('UID',OC_Contacts_VCard::createUID())); // Data to add ... $add = array('TEL', 'EMAIL', 'ORG'); $address = false; for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++){ if( isset($values['ADR'][$i] ) && $values['ADR'][$i]) $address = true; } if( $address ) $add[] = 'ADR'; // Add data foreach( $add as $propname){ if( !( isset( $values[$propname] ) && $values[$propname] )){ continue; } $value = $values[$propname]; if( isset( $parameters[$propname] ) && count( $parameters[$propname] )){ $prop_parameters = $parameters[$propname]; } else{ $prop_parameters = array(); } OC_Contacts_VCard::addVCardProperty($vcard, $propname, $value, $prop_parameters); } $id = OC_Contacts_VCard::add($aid,$vcard->serialize()); $details = OC_Contacts_VCard::structureContact($vcard); $name = $details['FN'][0]['value']; $tmpl = new OC_Template('contacts','part.details'); $tmpl->assign('details',$details); $tmpl->assign('id',$id); $page = $tmpl->fetchPage(); OC_JSON::success(array('data' => array( 'id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'page' => $page )));